The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 870 62. Only marry one wife in this life!

Chapter 870 62. Marry only one wife in this life!
Time passed quickly, and it was early August.

There is still about a month to go until Nangong Jin refines the antidote to the unfeeling Gu poison.During this period of time, there was no news of Nangong Jin refining the antidote.For Chu Limo and Yun Qing, no news is good news.

At that time, Nangong Jin confidently said that he could refine the antidote to the Ruthless Gu poison within three months.Chu Limo believed him, and Yun Qing also believed him.

And Yuhen began to send troops to attack Beiyuan in early June, and now it has been more than a month, and it seems that Beiyuan is about to be captured.Suddenly, a person appeared out of nowhere.This human force turned the tide and made Beiyuan's army firmly defend Huadu City, the capital of Beiyuan.

If he attacked by force at this time, it would be no problem to take Beiyuan.But it is bound to suffer heavy losses for the Western Vietnam Army.

Yuhen was no stranger to this sudden appearance.This person had wounded him with an arrow during the battle of Fengcheng that year.Facing this mysterious person who suddenly appeared, Yuhen stopped and stormed Beiyuan Capital.Instead, the army was stationed outside Beiyuan City, encircling the capital of Beiyuan Kingdom.Even if he doesn't attack Beiyuan Capital by force, it won't be long before the people inside run out of food and grass, and they will open the city gate by themselves.

Yuhen is now just curious and wants to find out who this mysterious person who suddenly appeared is?To avenge that arrow.

And the person who suddenly appeared in Beiyuan Capital was Su Baiyi.It can be said that Beiyuan is the place Su Baiyi is most familiar with.But he also had to admit one thing.Yuhen is cruel and ruthless, with unparalleled resourcefulness.Now Yuhen has surrounded Beiyuan Kingdom, cutting off Beiyuan's food and grass and the way to retreat. In less than half a month, Beiyuan Kingdom will be destroyed and Beiyuan City will be destroyed.


Regardless of the war between Xiyue and Beiyuan.

At this moment, the new emperor of Southern Chu in the court of Southern Chu is being advised by a group of civil and military ministers to accept his concubine.

Chu Limo sat high on the dragon chair, looking at the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of His Highness Jin Luan with a gloomy face.Not long after he ascended the throne, these ministers began to advise him to accept his concubine.One by one, they wanted to send their own daughters to his harem.His gloomy eyes swept over the ministers of His Royal Highness Jin Luan, and Chu Limo said coldly: "When will I accept a concubine? Huh?"

Wrath of the Emperor.Could it be that these ministers can bear it.What's more, this young emperor has a fickle temper, and if he says something that doesn't suit him, he can kill you in minutes.

But the matter of accepting concubines is a major event in Southern Chu.Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, the harem is empty.It is reasonable to accept concubines to enrich the harem and continue the blood of the Southern Chu royal family.

But there were still a few ministers who were not afraid of death who came forward to speak out, and the leader among them was Tai Fu Wei who took the lead in kneeling at the gate of Liwang's mansion.

Wei Taifu stepped forward and said respectfully: "The emperor has ascended the throne, and now there is only the empress in the harem. For the sake of the Southern Chu country, I also ask the emperor to order the selection of concubines."

"The emperor please order the selection of concubines."

"The emperor please order the selection of concubines."


Followed by the second voice of a group of ministers.

The Prime Minister of Southern Chu, Wang Zixuan, stood aside and was unmoved by the sound.

Some ministers are still a little self-aware.At this time, the matter of drafting a concubine has aroused the emperor's anger.If the new emperor made him unhappy, it would be a trivial matter to lose his official position. If he died, he might not even know how he died.They will not rely on what Wei Taifu and others have said.Which of these ministers without postscripts is not a human being.They were watching the faces of the prime minister and the emperor.

What's more, from Wei Taifu's admonition to the emperor to accept the concubine, the prime minister did not say a word.And the emperor was furious.

Therefore, there is a stark contrast above the court.Most of the people who seconded the proposal to ask the emperor to accept the concubine belonged to the same party as Taifu Wei.And those who did not speak second were on the side of the prime minister.

Chu Limo stared at the group of ministers who were seconding with a gloomy face, and then coldly glanced at Mrs. Wei, the leader, with cold eyes, "Mr. Wei, are you confused? When did I say that I want to accept a concubine? Mrs. Wei has such a bad memory." Well, let’s go home and rest.”

Wei Taifu's face darkened, the emperor wants to... nothing more than his official?Just because he advised the emperor to accept his concubine, so the emperor wants to let go of his position as Taifu?

Immediately afterwards, the officials who had just seconded Wei Taifu and others felt the bone-chilling cold.I saw their emperor said coldly again, "Come here, take them down and beat each of them twenty times."

The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were all shocked.

The new emperor's temper was really not what they expected.

Chu Limo said solemnly again: "I only marry one wife in this life. I will never draft, and I will never accept a concubine. I am hearing someone mentioning drafting and accepting a concubine. You commit suicide, and don't let me do it myself."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole world was shocked.

As soon as this remark came out, I didn't know that the woman was hurt, and I didn't know how many women envied and hated the current empress.I don't know how many women hide in the boudoir and curse Empress Nanchu several times a day.The cursing is ugly, saying that the empress is the reincarnation of a vixen, who has fascinated the emperor.Some people even say that the current empress is a jealous woman, and it is because of her that the emperor refuses to accept concubines and so on.

Yun Qing said that she would not take the blame.

Soon some guards pulled the group of ministers out.All the ministers hadn't realized why the emperor suddenly wanted to beat them twenty times.Especially the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were shocked when they heard the emperor's last words.Those ministers who just added a postscript felt like they wanted to die.

The news from the Golden Luan Hall quickly spread to the harem.

Qingyun Palace.

"Mother, it's not's not good..." Xiaoxiao hurried in.

Looking at Xiaoxiao's hurried appearance, Yun Qing was suddenly in a daze.This scene seems to be that in the previous life, there was also a little maid who hurried over and said it was bad, it was bad.The result is really bad.That day, her grandfather's family was wiped out, and her eight-month pregnant child was born prematurely.And not long after, she was given to death, and the child died in the hands of Chu Feiyang and Mu Yunyi.Looking at all this, it is so familiar.

Pulling back her thoughts, Yun Qing looked at Xiao Xiao and joked, "What happened, look at you in a hurry. Why hasn't your frizzy temper changed?"

"Your Majesty, news came from Wuqing just now that the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs advised the emperor to choose a concubine in the Jinluan Palace. What can we do?" Xiaoxiao became anxious when she heard the news Wuqing said, and ran back in a hurry Tell the queen.

"Oh." Yun Qing nodded calmly.

"Your Majesty, why are you not worried at all?" Hearing this news, Xiaoxiao was about to die of anxiety.Fortunately, her mother is not in a hurry.

"There is nothing to worry about. After he became the emperor, the ministers advised that it would be a matter of time before the selection of concubines was selected. Besides, which king of a country is not three thousand beauties in the harem." Yun Qing smiled.

"Niang Niang." When Xiaoxiao heard that the emperor wanted three thousand beauties in the harem, Yun Qing became even more anxious.Xiaoxiao was even more anxious and didn't know what to say.When the emperor was still a prince, he said that he would only marry a young lady, but now he can't change his mind after becoming an emperor, right? "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Knowing that Xiaoxiao was in a hurry, Yun Qing was not teasing her, but said to Xiaoxiao very seriously, "Do you think the husband your lady married will be persecuted by these ministers? If he even I can't even handle it, why should I marry your lady? Of course, if he dares to marry another woman, I will break his leg."

Xiaoxiao was anxious again, but she couldn't help smiling when she heard what her mother said.

Immediately afterwards, another eunuch came in and told the story of the emperor beating up all the ministers in the Golden Luan Hall just now.

Yun Qing nodded after listening, "Understood, you can go down."

After the little eunuch finished his report, he retreated respectfully.

Yun Qing looked at Xiaoxiao, "Do you want to go out and play?"

Of course she wanted to go out and play.Since the prince became the emperor and the princess became the queen.She accompanied her into the harem from Nangong Mansion.I have been in this palace for more than a month now.Although the palace is good, she still likes the outside world.

"If you want to, find two ordinary clothes, and I will take you out of the palace to have fun. I will take you to meet the little handsome guy."

All the court ladies in Qingyun Palace clicked their tongues when they heard what the queen said.Xiaoxiao also twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, "Ma'am." That means, ma'am, aren't you afraid that the emperor will be jealous if you are going to meet the handsome guy?

Knowing that Xiaoxiao and these maids are thinking wrong.Yun Qing didn't explain, and continued to ask Xiaoxiao, "Do you still want to go out to play? If you want to go out to play, hurry up and get your clothes and change them. Otherwise, I won't take you to such a good thing as going out to play."

Xiaoxiao nodded quickly, "Ma'am, I'm going to get the clothes now."

Xiaoxiao quickly found two more ordinary clothes.Yun Qing took the clothes from Xiaoxiao's hand and changed them, and Xiaoxiao also changed them.Yun Qing took Xiaoxiao out of the palace.Before leaving, Yun Qing did not forget to tell the people in the palace that if the emperor came, they would directly tell the emperor that she had gone out of the palace to see the handsome young man.

It's just that now that she is a queen, the queen can't just leave the palace casually.Therefore, leaving the palace has to be done quietly.Yun Qing just didn't like to do things quietly, and directly used lightness kung fu to dangle around the palace.The Royal Forest Army in the palace, the imperial guards even saw it.But seeing that this person is the queen can only be regarded as not seeing.

Who in the world doesn't know that the emperor's doting on the empress is simply pampering the heavens.If you offend anyone, don't offend the emperor's beloved empress.Otherwise, it will kill you every minute.

This imperial palace can't trap Yun Qing, and Xiaoxiao has always had Yun Qing, Nong Hua, and Nong Yue teach her martial arts moves in the past few years.Xiaoxiao's lightness kung fu practiced well, and with Yun Qing leading her, she left the palace with ease.

When Chu Limo came down to Qingyun Hall, Yun Qing had already left the palace with Xiaoxiao.

Before the emperor asked, there was a court lady who told the truth about the queen's empress going out of the palace to see the handsome boy.After finishing speaking, the little maid was about to cry.

After Chu Limo finished listening, he just hooked his lips, his eyes flickered slightly, and he kept saying: "Little handsome guy! Qingqing, is the little handsome guy so attractive to you?"

He was thinking now, should he ask Nangong Jin to quickly refine the antidote to the unfeeling Gu poison.Eliminate the poison, and then quickly stuff a handsome guy into Qingqing's stomach?In this way, Qingqing doesn't have to worry about the little handsome guy from Nangong Jin's family going out of the palace all day long.

In the bustling streets of Southern Chu, Yun Qing took Xiaoxiao out of the palace alone.After leaving the palace, because the little girl Xiaoxiao has been bored in the palace for a long time.Some time ago, helping take care of Bai Yue's mother and son has been hard work.Yun Qing deliberately took her out for a delicious and fun meal before going to Nangong Mansion.

That's right, Yun Qing came out of the palace to find her eldest brother.The handsome guy I saw here is naturally Nangong Yu who has been around for more than three months.

I haven't seen you for a long time, and the children grow up very fast.A child who is only a few months old is completely different every day.Fair and tender, Yun Qing hugged him and couldn't help kissing his little face a few times.

"Don't tell me that you came out of the palace to kiss my son. Look at the drooling face of your father and son." Nangong Jin threw a very disgusted look at her sister.

Yun Qing pouted, having a son is amazing.You have a son, and your son ignores you.

"Why, why don't you just be your empress in the palace, why don't you run to the master every day or two. Don't you know that the bastard in your family didn't see you and came to ask the master again later? Why are you all living here now? I have gone to the palace, and I still can't get rid of you." Nangong Jin expressed his disgust.I really dislike Yun Qing coming here to disturb his married life.

Now he is finally waiting until his Yue'er gives birth to this brat, and he can hug his wife every day.As a result, my younger sister didn't worry at all, and ran to him whenever she had something to do.As soon as she came here, the current Emperor of Southern Chu would come out of the palace to come to him in less than half an hour. The two of them have seriously disturbed him to hold his wife.

Therefore, Nangong Jin dislikes her younger sister and her brother-in-law very much now.

"Brother, you despise my sister, I come to your house to disturb you every day. I won't come tomorrow, sister." Yun Qing smiled slyly, and winked at Bai Yue who was sitting beside her.

When Nangong Jin heard this, he was naturally happy. "It's best if you don't come. When you come, I will serve you like an ancestor."

"Yun Qing. Have I ever been to see what the palace looks like? It's boring to stay in the mansion every day."

"Bai Yue, I just wanted to tell you that living in the harem alone is boring. You brought Yu'er to live with me in the palace for a year or so."

"Okay." Bai Yue followed with a smile.

Yun Qing and Bai Yue sang together.

Nangong Jin was not happy. "Yue'er, you are not allowed to go. What will I do if you go to live in the palace for a year or so?" After finishing speaking, he gave his younger sister a hard look, "Hurry up and go back to your palace, don't you?" Go back, be careful not to refine the antidote. I am anxious to kill you."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, "Brother." It's just a joke, there's no need to be so ruthless, right?

(End of this chapter)

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