The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 874 66. Nangong Jin

Chapter 874 66. Nangong Jin

Chu Jing.

Time is so imperceptible all of a sudden to the middle of August.

The day after Chu Limo woke up was the Mid-Autumn Festival.This Mid-Autumn Festival is of great significance to Chu Limo and Yun Qing.

This year, Chu Limo ascended the throne as emperor.This year, the poison on Chu Limo's body was also cured.

On a day like the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is inevitable to celebrate.This is the first Mid-Autumn Festival in Southern Chu, and palace banquets are inevitable.

The so-called palace banquet?
It's just that the ministers of various families bring their daughters of marriageable age to participate. At the palace banquet, if they can win the emperor's favor, they can be named concubines in one fell swoop, which will be a glory for the family.

Now there is only the empress in the harem.Even though the current emperor swore in the Golden Luan Hall that day that he would only marry one wife in this life, he would not choose a talent or accept a concubine.But there are still many ministers thinking about the position of imperial concubine.In their worldview, there are no men who have three wives and four concubines.What's more, what about the emperor who is still aloof?

So, like Nanchu's first palace banquet, the boudoir girls who had the opportunity to attend put all their efforts into dressing themselves up one by one.Want to be amazing in one fell swoop at the palace banquet.

The best ready-to-wear shop and jewelry shop in Chujing can be said to be booming in business.If these ladies knew, no matter how they dressed themselves, the current emperor would not even look at them.But all the money they spent on their bodies went into the pockets of the current emperor and empress.I don't know if it will vomit blood?
Like this special day this year, Yun Qing had no choice but to celebrate with Chu Limo and his family.But today, identities are different.Some things have to be done because of status.

The palace banquet is held in the imperial garden.Now the autumn wind is cool, and the imperial garden is so beautiful.

A group of Yingying and Yanyan boudoir ladies have already been waiting in the imperial garden.Compared with the flowers in the royal garden, these ladies in the boudoir are really charming and charming, each with its own merits.

Qingyun Palace.

The palace banquet hadn't started yet, and Yun Qing was not in a hurry to go to the imperial garden.Instead, entertain Bai Yue in the palace.In today's Chu capital, Feng Qingluan is not there, and neither is Chu Liyou.The only friend who can talk is Bai Yue.

This is Bai Yue's second visit to the palace, but this time is different from the last time. Last time, the emperor of this palace was still Emperor Chu.When she came to the palace at that time, she felt the incomparable majesty of the royal family, as well as the deep killing spirit of Emperor Chu.At that time, she was in a state of restraint.Unlike now, you can freely come and go in Qingyun Palace or even in the palace.You can say what you want to say, and you don't need to think about what to say and what not to say before speaking.Now I don't have to worry that I will be killed if I accidentally say the wrong thing.

"Bai Yue, where did big brother go?" Yun Qing asked casually while teasing the child.

Entering the palace today, only Bai Yue came first with her child, but her eldest brother was unprecedented, and he didn't know where he went.

"He's been acting mysteriously for the past few days. I don't know what the hell he's up to." Bai Yue pursed her lips and looked at the child in her arms with a smile.

"Brother is doing mystery?"

"Yes." Bai Yue nodded.Thinking about how mysterious Nangong Jin was doing these days, she didn't know what the hell he was doing, even she didn't know what he was doing. "Yunqing, do you think that bastard Nangong Jin has someone outside?"

It's not that Bai Yue wants to say that, but Nangong Jin's whereabouts these days are indeed too mysterious and weird.As his pillow, she didn't even know what he was doing?Moreover, Nangong Jin's reputation was not good in the past, and Bai Yue once saw him go in and out of the fireworks field.At the beginning, the two almost parted ways because of Nangong Jin's entry into the place of fireworks.Although Nangong Jin explained that he had never touched those women.But with Nangong Jin's flirtatious temperament, Bai Yue still has to wonder if he has been mysteriously out there these days.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, and she mourned for her elder brother in silence.My daughter-in-law suspected that there was someone outside.It is estimated that her elder brother will suffer again.She has experienced Bai Yue's temperament before. If her elder brother really did something wrong to her, Bai Yue would probably take the child back to Baihu Village immediately and become her young village master.

"Bai Yue, although my elder brother was merciful in the past, he is sincere to you. Maybe he is trying to surprise you with his mystery these days?" So, you can't doubt him.It's not that Yun Qing wants to say good things for her elder brother, but that Bai Yue is such a good daughter-in-law, she can't be angered by his elder brother and run away.

"Surprise?" Speaking of which, Nangong Jin hasn't given her any surprises yet?Hearing that Nangong Jin might be going to surprise her these days, Bai Yue couldn't help but smile, but she murmured, "If Nangong Jin really dares to have someone outside, I'll take Yu'er with her." Go back to Lord Baizhai."

Sure enough, this temper.After giving birth to a child, her temper is still so unrestrained and unrestrained, with a personality like a child of the world who wants to leave.

"Yue'er, where are you taking Yu'er?" The voice arrived before the person arrived.

Sure enough, you can't speak ill of people behind their backs.

Nangong Jin walked into the hall, first glanced at Bai Yue, and then at her own sister, "What did you and Yue'er say? She wants to take Yu'er away?"

Yun Qing pursed her lips, wanting to cry but no tears.How much she wanted to say, brother, I was wronged.I didn't say anything!And I just said good things for you, you can't wrong my sister!

"I didn't say anything. Bai Yue just said that she would take Yu'er back to Baihu Village to have a look. It's been a long time since your child was born, and Bai Yue said that she wanted to take her to Baihu Village to see the owner of Baihu Village." Let me go, Yun Qing felt that no matter whether it was good or bad, she must not talk about her elder brother behind his back in the future.

"You want to go back to Baihuzhai to see your father-in-law? Why didn't you tell me earlier." The face that was calm when facing his sister just now became gentle after facing his daughter-in-law.

Yun Qing really wanted to scold him, brother, you can change your face so quickly!Sure enough, if you have a daughter-in-law, you don't want a younger sister.

Bai Yue really wants to go back and have a look. She hasn't seen her father for a long time since her wedding.I don't know if Dad is doing well in Baihuzhai now?Come to think of it, dad would be happy and want to see the child when he knew she had given birth.

Bai Yue was still very loyal, and took the words, "Well, I was just talking to Yun Qing about going back to Baihu Village. Thinking of you being so busy, I want to take Yu'er back to have a look."

"Tomorrow we will set off for Baihu Village," Nangong Jin said.

"Wh...really?" When Bai Yue heard this, she was a little excited just now, but she changed her words immediately.

"Really. We're leaving tomorrow." Nangong Jin explained again, "I've been busy for the past few days, and being busy is not as important as you. Fortunately, things are over, and we can stay in Baihuzhai for a while then. "

"But..." Of course Bai Yue wanted to go back to Baihu Village to have a look.But is it not good to leave Chu Jing at this time?Although she didn't quite understand the current situation, she knew more or less that Yun Qing and the others still needed Nangong Jin.

"Don't you want to go to Baihuzhai to see your father-in-law?" Nangong Jin spent every day in Chujing working hard for Chu Limo, and worked hard to refine the antidote for him, but he was exhausted .Now that I have found a good opportunity, I must have a good rest. By the way, I will take their mother and son for a good tour of the mountains and rivers. "I don't need to do anything about Chu Jing anymore. The poison on Chu Limo's body has been cured, so let him do the rest. Leave the matter of you and Yu'er to me now. Let's go to Baihu first. Zhai looked at his father-in-law, and then went out for a walk."

When saying this, Nangong Jin completely ignored that there was still Yun Qing standing there in Qingyun Palace, and the matter was decided so happily by Nangong Jin.

"Sister, lend me that stinky fox for a while." Nangong Jin changed the subject, looked at Yun Qing and spoke again.

"What do you want Xiaobai for?"

"Isn't Master going to Baihu Village now? It's a long way from Chu Jing to Baihu Village. Let the stinky fox be a pet for Master's son to play with along the way."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, brother, is that Huo Linghu?You let Huo Linghu play as a pet for your son who is only a few months old, brother, aren't you afraid that Huo Linghu's claws will accidentally scratch your son? "Brother, the Huolinghu is poisonous. You asked Xiaobai to play with Yu'er as a pet. Yu'er is still so young and ignorant. Although Huolinghu will not hurt Yu'er, if Yu'er is accidentally killed by the little What should I do if Bai gets hurt?" Fortunately, her elder brother thought of it and gave Yu'er Xiao Bai as a pet.

"The child must be raised. He is the future master of our Nangong clan. Poison and medicine skills must be cultivated from an early age. I was tortured by that old man of our family when I was a child. Isn't my grandfather standing here well?"

The corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched even more.Has anyone ever abused a child like this?Is there any way to raise children like this?How many months is the child?
But Bai Yue on the other side is not calm anymore. "Nangong Jin, the child is still so young..."

"Yue'er, he is still young and we have to protect him. But we can't protect him forever. This world is dangerous, and only the strong and capable will not be bullied. You love him now, but what about the future? The future He was walking on the rivers and lakes and encountered a powerful enemy, how should he deal with it?"

Bai Yue was very distressed, but she was speechless.There is no parent who is not for the good of the child and does not feel sorry for the child.However, what Nangong Jin said was right.In this world, people's hearts are sinister.If you are not self-improvement, you will only be bullied.

"Yue'er, with me here, we won't let Huo Linghu hurt our son. If that stinky fox really dares to hurt our child, I will kill it and make soup."

"Then let Xiaobai go with you." Yun Qing naturally understood Nangong Jin's worries.

As the young master of the Nangong clan, Yu'er's future is destined to be extraordinary.

At this time, Nangong Jin looked at Yun Qing again and said, "Oh, right. I forgot to tell you. You should go to the Taiji Hall to have a look. I just came from the Taiji Hall and saw a beautifully dressed girl approaching Taiji I’m going to the palace. If something happens if I go late, it’s none of my business.”

Listening to Nangong Jin's words, Yun Qing intuitively felt a little bad.Gritting his teeth, "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." Nangong Jin smiled like a spring breeze, "I just added a little bit of fun to you, sister 'Meiqing' should be familiar with it?"

"Did you give Li Mo a love potion?" Yun Qing gritted his teeth angrily, but he no longer wanted to trouble Nangong Jin, and walked towards Tai Chi Hall.Just before leaving, he said viciously: "Brother, you wait, I will never finish this matter with you."

Nangong Jin's smile deepened, looking at her sister's leaving back, "Then you can find the master and talk about it."

This revenge was finally avenged on Chu Limo.He still remembered that Chu Limo gave himself a love potion when Yue'er was pregnant.Now, he finally found a chance.

"You. Aren't you afraid to offend Yun Qing and the others? How can you show 'love' to Chu Limo?" Bai Yue rolled her eyes at her man. "You just said that you saw a woman walking towards the Tai Chi Hall. Don't tell me that this woman was arranged by you."

"How is it possible? How could I arrange other women for him." It's just that he saw a woman passing by, but he didn't stop him.He wanted to see if this guy could hold on after falling in love with him?Could it be messing with other women?After all, Yun Qing was his only sister, so of course he had to think about his only sister.After finishing speaking, Nangong Jin said again: "Yue'er, you can't wrong me anymore, how could I have someone outside."

So, Nangong Jin actually heard everything he said just now?

"Then what have you been doing so mysteriously these days?"

"Isn't Wang Ziqing in Beiyuan? Ten days ago after the battle between Xiyue and Beiyuan, Wang Ziqing and Su Baiyi seriously injured Yuhen in a surprise attack. The two men took advantage of Yuhen's serious injury, and by the way, they also took Youcheng The ten cities on the border with Beiyuan were beaten down. Chu Limo slept in front of him for seven days and didn't wake up. Aren't I busy with this these days?" Nangong Jin explained.

So, Wang Ziqing and Su Baiyi robbed Yuhen's way?
Yuhen wiped out Beiyuan, but the two took advantage of the fire to loot and snatched ten cities near Youcheng.

"You also know that he slept for seven days, and you gave him medicine? Are you not afraid that after this incident, he and Yun Qing will deal with you together?" Bai Yue really didn't know what to say to this childish man.

"So, let's not wait for tomorrow. Let's go to Baihuzhai now. When the medicine is over, I'll find him and talk about it." Nangong Jin didn't wait for Bai Yue to speak, and he didn't participate in the palace banquet up.They immediately picked up the big one and the young one, and brought Huolinghu Xiaobai with them, and the three of them plus a fox left the palace like this.

But Bai Yue has a feeling, why does she feel like she is running for her life?
(End of this chapter)

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