The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 875 67. Qingqing, don't stop me, I'm going to kill that bastard Nangong Jin

Chapter 875 67. Qingqing, don't stop me, I'm going to kill that bastard Nangong Jin

Tai Chi Temple.

Chu Limo had just finished discussing things with Nangong Jin, after Nangong Jin left.A woman suddenly appeared in the Tai Chi Hall.

Chu Limo's indifferent eyes stared at the gorgeously dressed woman who suddenly appeared in the Tai Chi Hall, and stared at her with puzzled eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Your majesty, I..." the woman said coquettishly.His eyes stared straight at Chu Limo.In his eyes, he looked at this noble man with obsession.

Who would have thought that the rumored man who would not live to be 21 would suddenly become emperor.Who would have thought that that rumor was nothing but a false rumor.This noble man not only lived past the age of 21.He also ascended to the throne of emperor.

Although the women in Chujing heard that there was such a noble prince as Li Wang.But no one wants to marry.They even sympathized with this sick prince very much.

And at the Qionghua Banquet that year, after she saw this man, her whole heart was left on him.She never thought that there are such noble and god-like men in the world.This man has a face that all women will be obsessed with, just one glance, there is no woman in the world who will not fall in love with him.

At the Qionghua Banquet that year, she fell in love with him madly.She doesn't care if he's unwell?Can't live past the age of 21?She is willing to marry him and to protect him with her whole life.

However, they never expected that at the Qionghua Banquet that year, the late emperor bestowed a marriage on Li Wang.At that time, she knew that she had no chance to take a step closer to him.

But what he didn't expect was that when a fire broke out that year, Princess Li, who was bestowed a marriage by the late emperor, was buried in the sea of ​​flames.She was secretly happy about it for a long time.But who would have thought that a year later, the woman who should have been buried in the sea of ​​flames would not have died.And His Royal Highness Li Wang actually married her.

Back then, when she found out about Li Wang's wedding, her heart was broken.

What broke her heart even more was after His Royal Highness Li Wang ascended the throne.To actually swear in front of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs that he will only marry one wife in this life, and that he will never be drafted or accept a concubine in this life.

Just because of this sentence, the hearts of countless women in Chu Jingzhong were broken.

After all, at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.They can attend palace banquets.She knew that this was their only chance, and also the only chance for her to see him and meet him.Therefore, instead of staying in the imperial garden, she came here.

She didn't know why she was able to easily go from the imperial garden to the Tai Chi Hall but no one stopped her.At that time, she was so excited that she couldn't speak, and there was only one thought in her heart, that she could see this man she had been studying for several years here.

Seeing this man she had been obsessed with for several years, she was nervous, excited and shy.Thinking about the purpose of her coming here, whether it is as a concubine or a court lady, she is willing, she just wants to stay by his side.She spoke again, "My daughter-in-law Wei..."

But at this moment Chu Limo suddenly felt something was wrong in his body.

A wave of dryness and heat surged all over his body, and Chu Limo's face suddenly became ugly.

Damn Nangong Jin!

Now, he finally knew why Nangong Jin smiled strangely when he left.Damn Nangong Jin actually drugged him.

It is said that Nangong Jin's skill in prescribing medicine to people is superb, and the person who is drugged is unconscious.This damn Nangong Jin, drug him at this time.But at this time, a woman appeared.If it was a coincidence that this woman suddenly appeared here, he would not believe it if he was killed.Damn Nangong Jin, dare to plot against him.

But this time Chu Limo really didn't wrong Nangong Jin, so if Nangong Jin gets beaten up in the future, he deserves it.

Nangong Jin did drug him, but he did not arrange this woman.It's just that Nangong Jin saw this woman coming from the imperial garden but didn't stop her.Nangong Jin clearly knew how powerful the medicine was, and when he saw a woman coming, he didn't stop her, and even deliberately led the guards of the Tai Chi Hall away.This crime is even worse.With Chu Limo's vengeful temperament, Nangong Jin would probably be very miserable.

"Get out!" He scolded coldly.

"Your Majesty." The woman was taken aback.Seeing such a cold-faced man was so frightened that tears were about to come out.But when she saw that there was something wrong with him, she thought that this noble man was someone she had been infatuated with for several years, and finally she was able to see him at such a close distance, she would never want to miss it.She walked up boldly, "Your Majesty, are you feeling unwell?"

"Touch!" Before the woman approached, Chu Limo's palm had already issued.The woman received a slap, and she also flew out, spitting out blood.

But the heat in Chu Limo's body made him feel more and more uncomfortable.

When Yun Qing came over, there were no guards around the Tai Chi Hall, presumably her good brother lured him away on purpose.

Pushing open the door of the main hall, Yun Qing quickly walked in.There was a strong smell of blood in the hall.Yun Qing suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.Is something wrong?
Did Li Mo force the love potion out?Or did he kill the young lady who broke into the Tai Chi Hall?Or maybe Li Mo took the lady who broke in as an antidote.Is that blood their blood?

At this moment, Yun Qing scolded Nangong Jin countless times in her heart.He walked quickly into the hall.

But fortunately, when he walked inside, Yun Qing didn't see that Chu Limo used other women as antidote.

Yun Qing just saw the woman who broke in, lying on the ground vomiting blood.But she wasn't dead yet. It seemed that the woman broke in just as the love potion on Chu Limo's body took effect.So Chu Limo hurt her, but didn't kill her.The woman didn't seem to have been beaten to death yet, but after receiving Chu Limo's palm, she would die if she didn't die.

"Your Majesty, I..." The woman lying on the ground did not realize that the current empress had entered.The woman vomited blood and yelled weakly. The voice was really pitiful and a little bit unwilling, but because of the serious injury, she slowly closed her eyes.She probably didn't understand how she died at the hands of this man she had been obsessed with for several years until she died.

Before Yun Qing entered the hall, Chu Limo had already noticed that Yun Qing had come.Before Yun Qing came in, Chu Limo had seriously injured the woman.Knowing that it was Yun Qing who came, Chu Limo did not leave the Tai Chi Hall immediately.At this time, he had already taken effect of the medicine.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo shouted.The whole voice was hoarse.

Yun Qing hurried over, ignoring the seriously injured woman lying in the Tai Chi Hall.Instead, he looked at Chu Limo and asked, "How are you doing?"

"Qingqing, I... want you." His voice was so impatient.

Before Yun Qing could reply, his lips were already pressed together, and his whole body was covered to press Yun Qing down.


Inside the Royal Garden.

A group of civil and military ministers and ladies were already sitting in the imperial garden waiting, but at this time the current emperor and empress had not yet appeared.

The palace banquet started at noon.But from noon until the sun went down, these two people did not appear.Without the emperor's order, all the ministers could only sit in the imperial garden and wait at this time.

However, this waited directly from noon to night.After waiting for a day, the emperor and queen did not appear.And the palace has regulations that ministers are not allowed to stay in the palace at night.Helpless, the ministers and the ladies had to wait for a day and then go back in embarrassment.

The palace banquet just ended like this.

The dose of medicine given by Nangong Jin was very heavy, compared to the amount Chu Limo gave Nangong Jin back then.This time Nangong Jin paid three times as much.

Therefore, not only Yun Qing was miserable.This time Chu Limo was also miserable.

After Chu Limo took the medicine, Yun Qing was too tired to say anything.She could only secretly scold her wicked elder brother countless times in her heart.

Because the effect of the medicine was too overbearing, Chu Limo also collapsed after the effect of the medicine was cured, so he slept with Yun Qing in the Tai Chi Hall.It can be seen that Nangong brocade is too heavy medicine.It was already the afternoon of the next day when Chu Limo and Yun Qing woke up again.

"Hiss..." Yun Qing moved, his whole body ached.

This time her elder brother went too far.

To take such a heavy dose of medicine, if Li Mo hadn't taken the Resurrection Pill, the effect of the Resurrection Pill was still in his body, and Li Mo had deep internal energy.Even if his elder brother took such a heavy dose of medicine, he still had to die from exhaustion.

If she hadn't had spiritual power to protect her body, she would probably have been tossed to death this time.

"Qingqing, does it still hurt?" Chu Limo felt distressed when he woke up.A cold chill flashed in his eyes, and Nangong Jin, who had already left Chujing with his wife and son, sneezed.

Everything from yesterday is still in my head.Although he was very gentle at the time.But the effect of the medicine was too overbearing, and he couldn't control it at all later.

If it wasn't for him, he would still know who the woman lying under him was.It is estimated that this time he will really be tortured to death by the bastard Nangong Jin who will take too much medicine.

"It hurts." It really hurts.But Yun Qing also knew that he was not to blame for this incident.If you want to blame it, blame her big brother who doesn't do anything important.

"I'm going to kill that bastard Nangong Jin." Chu Limo gritted his teeth and said fiercely.The chill emanating from his eyes was the chill that really wanted to kill Nangong Jin.Yun Qing knew that at this moment he was not lying.This time, Li Mo was really angry.She also really wanted to kill her big brother.

"Li Mo..." Although her elder brother's work is not serious, she can't really let Li Mo kill her elder brother.

At this time, he was full of anger, and it was definitely not serious to strike or something.When the time comes, don't beat her elder brother to death.Although she was also very angry and annoyed about what happened to her elder brother this time.But it had to wait until Chu Limo calmed down.At that time, even her father didn't know her and wouldn't stop her big brother who beat her up.

"Qingqing, don't stop me. I have to kill that bastard Nangong Jin today."

"I feel uncomfortable all over. But I don't have any strength right now. Can you take me back to Qingyun Palace and let me take a bath?" Seeing that he still wanted to find his eldest brother, Yun Qing could only hold his hand and act coquettishly. Use a beauty trap.

For her big brother, Yun Qing is really going to break her heart.

It's just that after being tossed all night, Yun Qing still has some short circuits in her head and hasn't recovered. She doesn't remember that her elder brother said yesterday that she will take Bai Yue to Baihuzhai today.But when Yun Qing remembered, Nangong Jin had already disappeared with his wife and son.

"Okay. Let's go back to Qingyun Palace first. The bastard Nangong Jin will deal with him later."

The distance between Tai Chi Hall and Qingyun Hall is a bit far.But Chu Limo held Yun Qingleng and came back without anyone noticing.

In the palace, the emperor and queen did not go to the banquet yesterday.The emperor didn't use the morning court again this morning, and no one dared to ask where the emperor went?

It's not that no one in the palace dared to ask, but Nangong Jin made a special confession when he left the palace.If the emperor doesn't give orders, don't go to the Tai Chi Hall to bother you, otherwise you may lose your life, so don't blame him for not reminding everyone.

The guards, eunuchs, and ladies in the palace also know the cold and stern temperament of the current emperor. Last time, a few ministers said a few words that the emperor didn't like to hear. Taifu Wei is still recuperating at home.

Nangong Jin's status is different. Although Nangong Jin doesn't have any official position now.But Nangong Jin can freely enter and leave the palace at any time.The guards, eunuchs, and maids in the palace dare not disobey what this Young Master Nangong said.And no one dared to go to the Tai Chi Hall to disturb him casually.

After Yun Qing came out of the bath, Chu Limo ordered someone to prepare a meal and came over.

Toss for so long.He and Qingqing haven't eaten for a day.

When Yun Qing came out, he looked at the delicious food on the table and let out a growl in his stomach.Fortunately, Chu Limo was the only one in Qingyun Palace, otherwise, if people saw her appearance, she would definitely be laughed at and talked about for a long time.

After taking a bath, Yun Qing also remembered what her elder brother said about leaving for Baihuzhai today.With her elder brother's temperament, he must have slipped away long ago for making Chu Limo so miserable this time.However, she was curious about one thing, she knew who Chu Limo was, why did she fall into the hands of her elder brother this time?Why was she drugged by her elder brother?Yun Qing asked a little reservedly, "What did you and your elder brother say in the Tai Chi Hall yesterday?"

When mentioning what happened yesterday in the Tai Chi Hall, Chu Limo's eyes darkened, looking like he was going to eat people.In this life, it was the first time that he fell so badly.But facing Shang Yunqing's face, his eyes softened again. "Come to report from the border of Youcheng, Wang Ziqing and Su Baiyi took down ten cities in Youcheng near Beiyuan. Nangong Jin came to report this matter yesterday."

Take down ten cities in Beiyuan?
She remembered that Beiyuan captured Beiyuan early in the morning.In other words, Su Baiyi and his second cousin took advantage of Yuhen's hands to rob them?The two faced Yuhen, no wonder Yuhen lost ten cities that he had just conquered.

However, Yun Qing also knew that if he didn't capture the ten cities near Beiyuan in Youcheng before Yuhen took over completely.After Yuhen has completely taken over, it will be difficult to capture it.

However, Yun Qing was a little puzzled, why did her elder brother drug Li Mo after he came to report the matter?Could it be that there was some conflict between the two of them yesterday?So the elder brother took the medicine as soon as his head twitched? "Did you have any conflict with your elder brother yesterday?"

Chu Limo felt that he was really wronged in this matter, who had a conflict with him yesterday.Chu Limo gritted his teeth fiercely, "Who knows what kind of wind Nangong Jin was smoking yesterday. This bastard just deserves a beating."

That said, the two didn't have any conflicts yesterday.But her elder brother took the medicine.So, it was her elder brother who had his head twitched.

Of course, Nangong Jin wouldn't tell them that he was very vengeful, and that he took the drug to avenge Chu Limo for drugging him in the first place.By the way, let's verify how powerful this Resurrection Pill is.So he took a lot of medicine yesterday.

"Elder brother probably took Bai Yue and Yu'er to Baihu Village yesterday. When elder brother comes back, you can teach him how you want, as long as you don't beat him to death." Anyway, Yun Qing now feels that she This big brother deserves a beating.How could anyone cheat his own sister like this.Now she is starting to wonder if she is Nangong Jin's real sister?Otherwise, how could he be so ruthless.

"He thought he would be fine if he ran away. I won't let him go about this matter."

Yun Qing didn't speak anymore, no matter how much he tried to persuade him at this time, he couldn't persuade his anger.Anyway, her elder brother also ran away, so it is impossible for him to chase him and beat him up now.Yun Qing ate the delicious food in front of him with big mouthfuls.Now the most important thing is to fill the stomach.

"Qingqing, eat slowly." Seeing her eating so fast.Thinking that Qingqing was hungry, Chu Limo scolded Nangong Jin countless times in his heart.

After eating and drinking enough, Yun Qing remembered one more thing, "By the way, yesterday's palace banquet... which lady is that woman who broke into the Taiji Palace?" Yesterday's palace banquet was held by her elder brother. If you mix it, there will be no more mixing.And the young lady who broke in, but died in his hands with one palm.

If Nangong Jin didn't know the seriousness of what he did yesterday, but he also helped them a great favor invisibly.At least you don't have to go to this palace banquet, and you don't have to pay attention to those Yingyingyanyans who want to jump upside down at the palace banquet.

"It's just a palace banquet." Chu Limo said indifferently.

If it wasn't for them staying in the palace now, Yun Qing would really have to wonder, who is the emperor in Nanchu?

After a while, Chu Limo spoke again, but with a cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes, "The one who broke in yesterday was a lady from Mrs. Wei's family. You underestimated Mrs. Wei."

"How are you going to handle this?"

Chu Limo said coldly: "Teacher Wei instigated his granddaughter to commit murder in the palace. Such a serious crime. The nine clans should be punished."

Seeing that Yun Qing didn't speak, Chu Limo continued: "Teacher Wei is a member of the Emperor Chu. At that time, Taifu Wei led a group of ministers to kneel at the gate of the Li Palace, and he was the first one to stand up in the Jinluan Hall and speak out for the selection of concubines. He was doing it for Emperor Chu is doing things. He wants to force me to accept a concubine. Emperor Chu wants me to take on Qingqing. He knows that if I accept a concubine, Qingqing will definitely leave me. He wants me to experience the pain of losing my beloved. Chu The emperor thought that he would leave a Wei Taifu to deal with me, and I would really be able to capture him without a fight. He would never have thought that the emperor's throne and Qingqing, I only want to be Qingqing."

Yun Qing put down her chopsticks, got up and walked to his side gently to stop, then sat on his lap, leaned into his arms and murmured softly: "It's great to meet you."

"I should be the one who said, it's good to meet Halal."

So from the very beginning, Emperor Chu was doomed to lose.

Because he doesn't understand love.All he knew was the supreme imperial power.He thought that everyone was the same as him, as long as he had the high imperial power.For the sake of the high imperial power, he can sacrifice everything and abandon everything.

On the second day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, a decree came down.All the serious crimes clearly show that Wei Taifu ordered his granddaughter to commit murder in the palace.The emperor was furious, and immediately ordered the Wei family to be exterminated.As soon as this happened, the Southern Chu court was shocked.Only then did the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs understand why the emperor and queen did not show up at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.

As for Wei Taifu's party, everyone is in danger.I was afraid that if I did something wrong, I would let the emperor kill me.

And this is also the first time that the Southern Chu court saw blood, but this bloody bloody scene without gunpowder is still going on.

Taking advantage of Wei Taifu's affairs, the current emperor eliminated the former emperor's people.After cleaning up these former emperors, the Southern Chu court was replaced with a batch of fresh blood.A new atmosphere has begun above the Southern Chu court.

These years, Chu Limo seems to be recuperating in Liwang's mansion, staying at home.But as early as a long time ago, the Southern Chu court was already in his hands.It's just that he wasn't interested or in the mood to be emperor at the time.Although he is still not happy with the throne, now that he has done it.When he is sitting on this dragon chair, he should do some things that he should do.

Many people in the court of Southern Chu did not seem to be very important people, and they were not people with particularly high official positions.These people seem to be unknown, but no one knows.These people are actually the people of the current emperor.Now that some people left behind by the late emperor have been cleaned up, these people will naturally fill the vacant positions.

The vacated position of Taifu, no one thought that the emperor would let someone who they had never thought of do it.

And this person is Su Baiyi who is far away from Beiyuan and Wang Ziqing who are dealing with the ten cities of Beiyuan.

When Su Baiyi received the news, he only said one sentence, "This person definitely did it on purpose. He was deliberately taking revenge on him, so he left this hot seat to him."

(End of this chapter)

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