The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 876 70. This girl has been beaten, what do you think?

Chapter 876 70. This girl has been beaten, what do you think?

"Why don't you die?" Chu Liyou was really in pain, and his words were extremely indifferent.She was really blind in both eyes and heart, so she ran all the way to see if he was dead?

"I'm so looking forward to my death. Why? Do you really want to die with me?"

"I think you should find a doctor to come and take a look." Chu Liyou sneered, and shook off his hand that was holding her, but Yuhen held her tightly, how could Chu Liyou break free .Regarding this domineering man, Chu Liyou's tone was very bad. "I see that you are not seriously ill. Let me go quickly."

For her sarcasm, Yuhen was not angry.Instead, he pulled his lips and gave a chuckle, and still didn't let go of the hand holding her, but pulled her lightly, Chu Liyou fell on Yuhen's chest.Yuhen looked at her condescendingly and said evilly, "You are right, I am indeed seriously ill. It's just right, you, just, yes, medicine."

The sudden ambiguity made Chu Liyou's whole face flush, and her heart was beating even more.

His warm and sexy voice fell on his ears, and he said slowly, "Your heart beats really fast. Are you guilty?"

Chu Liyou didn't know how to deal with him like this for a while, she just let him hug her in a daze, and let herself close to his chest.

She should hate him and stay away from him, but this embrace made her so greedy and made her feel an unprecedented sense of security.

He clearly warned himself not to get close to Chao Yuhen.But as soon as she got close to him, all her disguises would instantly disintegrate in front of him.There was really nothing she could do about this man.He could only let his heart sink little by little in front of him.Even though she was bruised and bruised all over, she still didn't give up.

She really didn't know how much she loved this man, so she had no ability to resist in front of him.Even though he hurt her so badly, she still rushed forward without hesitation.

"Yu... Yuhen." She shouted a little at a loss.But when she raised her head and saw the smile hidden in his eyes, she suddenly understood.He said these words in her ear on purpose just now.How could this man leave a trace of warmth for himself?Is she really stupid?At that moment, she used a sneer to cover up her loss just now. "Guilty? Oh, I think you are too self-righteous, Your Highness the Crown Prince? Your Highness is seriously ill, so why don't you find a doctor to see it? To avoid delaying the illness."

After finishing speaking, she used all her strength to shake his hand away without hesitation.Then Yuhen couldn't see her face and ran out of the tent holding back tears.

When he ran out of the tent, tears flowed out like a bank bursting.She was afraid that her crying would be discovered by the people in the barracks, so she could only cover her mouth and sob softly.Fortunately, no one was guarding Yuhen's tent today.Otherwise, they will definitely find her crying appearance.Thinking about it, it was Yuhen's order yesterday, that's why there was no one outside his tent today.But ten meters away from Yuhen's tent, there were several soldiers standing guard.

Chu Liyou didn't know if the people standing guard not far away noticed that she was crying, even if they did.But few people would dare to come forward and ask what was going on.

Chu Liyou stood outside the tent like that, covering his mouth and sobbing in a low voice.She tried her best to tell herself that she couldn't be sad for Yuhen.Can't cry for him.But tears just don't listen to their own words.I want to wipe away the tears, but the tears will still flow out.

Not long after she ran out of Yuhen's tent, a woman came out from the dark and blocked her.

Chu Liyou would never forget this face, nor this woman.The woman who was waiting for her outside Yuhen's camp was the woman she saw being intimate with Yuhen yesterday. She still remembered that she broke in just now, and Yuhen drove her out.

It's just that this woman walked towards her here, as if she was waiting for her?It's just that what is she waiting for?
Immediately seeing her approaching footsteps, Chu Liyou wiped away the tears on his face, making himself appear calm.

Seeing Chu Liyou's beautiful face, the woman couldn't hide her jealousy.What made her even more jealous was that that noble man seemed to treat her very unusually.This made her very unbalanced.

She was originally a high-ranking princess who enjoyed the glory and wealth without any worries.But now, her country was ruined and her family was destroyed, and she became a princess of subjugation.In order to survive, she took the opportunity to escape.By coincidence, she assumed the identity of a woman among the accompanying military doctors of Xiyue.She thought that her identity would be discovered, but who knew that even God helped her and no one discovered her false identity.Only later did she realize that it wasn't that no one saw through her identity, but that the woman she pretended to be was not known to many in the West Vietnamese Army.Everyone I knew was dead.

She has been reduced from a beloved princess to a lowly slave.How could she be content?

She knew that Prince Xiyue was handsome and he was the object of admiration of all women.She had caught a glimpse of Prince Xiyue many years ago.It's just that the man never paid attention to her.Now, he is the aloof prince, and she has been reduced from a princess to a slave.How could she be content with such an identity and such a life.So she used this false identity to approach him.

Yesterday was the first time she approached him in this capacity.It was she who looked at him closely and helped him change his medicine.During the dressing change, he kept his eyes closed and seemed to fall asleep.And she was also fascinated by it.At that moment, she wanted to kiss him gently.But who would have thought that it was suddenly interrupted by this woman who broke in.And she was also driven out by him ruthlessly and indifferently.

As a lofty princess, she thinks her beauty is second to none in Beiyuan.But when he saw this woman, even she was amazed.Looking at her, she felt a great threat.With her around, it would be difficult for her to get close to him.

She doesn't want to be a subjugated princess.I don't want to become a lowly slave.

Although this man destroyed her country and her family.But she also knew that she had no ability to resist.The only thing I can do is to approach him and make myself his woman.

"Who are you?" The woman asked with a jealous, vicious and arrogant attitude.In front of Chu Liyou, she showed her lofty and invincible princess posture.But she didn't know that she was no longer a princess.

Chu Liyou really saw the vicious gaze cast by this woman.

Dare to feel that she is here to provoke him.However, Yuhen said that he didn't know who she was at all.

He snorted coldly, looked at her like a clown, and said coldly: "Who am I, you have no right to know." Yuhen can bully her, but it doesn't mean that she will be bullied by other women. The bullying went.If she was really bullied by other women, she would not be Chu Liyou.

"You... hum." The woman also snorted coldly.Looking at Chu Liyou with a haughty attitude.In her eyes, she was a high-ranking princess, and this woman who appeared suddenly might be a wild girl who came out of nowhere, trying to seduce that man with vicious means. "Hmph, don't think that you can seduce His Highness just because you have the face of a vixen."

Ah!seduce?Chu Li smiled arrogantly, but also with arrogance, "Do you think that Yuhen has such charm that I need to seduce her? It's your Crown Prince who tried every means to seduce me."

When Chu Liyou said this, she didn't notice that someone was looking at her not far away with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You are talking nonsense. Your Highness is so likely to seduce a woman like you."

"I'm talking nonsense?" She looked at her coldly, raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Didn't you see it yesterday? Your highness the crown prince couldn't wait to chase me after seeing me. In this way, you don't need me to say more Should you understand?"

" and Your Highness" She saw what happened yesterday, and she saw that after His Highness chased him out, he carried the woman back to the camp, and the woman did not come out for a whole night.She said it so clearly, the two stayed together for so long.What else can be discovered, no need to think about it.

Looking at her unbelievable and jealous face, Chu Liyou suddenly felt very happy after bullying this woman.Don't mind bullying her once.So, imitating what Yuhen said before, he raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly. This smile was a peerless smile. "Of course we spent the whole night together last night. With a beautiful woman in his arms, if your highness the crown prince is not moved by the beauty, wouldn't it appear that your highness is incompetent? Of course, it has been proved that he Stay with this girl all night. Even if I tell you clearly about this kind of thing, you can't understand it. "

"You..." The woman's expression changed after what Chu Liyou said.This shameless woman was obviously the one who seduced His Highness.He also said that His Highness seduced her. "You are shameless. How could His Highness be seduced by beauty, it must be something you did..."

"Oh." Chu Liyou interrupted her, smiling, and her voice was moderate, but Chu Liyou didn't notice that not only Yuhen who was standing not far away could hear her words clearly Yes, even the soldiers standing guard not far away heard it.The main reason is that the voices of these two women are too loud.Chu Liyou said, "What do you mean? Your highness is not seduced by beauty? Are you trying to say that your highness is incompetent?"

After Yuhen heard it, his face immediately turned dark.This damned woman repeatedly said that she was incompetent.He is still yelling in front of outsiders.

After the group of soldiers on guard had finished listening, they wished they could plug their ears quickly.

"You are shameless, I will tear your mouth to pieces." The woman stretched out her hand angrily and grabbed it.She thought she was Beiyuan's princess.

How could Chu Liyou be bullied by this woman? Seeing her reach out to grab herself, she took a step back, but the other hand quickly grabbed the hand she grabbed, and the other hand He slapped the woman's face hard.She has even beaten Yuhen, there is nothing she dare not beat this mere woman.

A crisp sound of 'pop'.

One can imagine how hard this slap was.

The woman was immediately taken aback.Since she was a child, no one has dared to beat herself.When has she ever been insulted like this.

This crisp sound also startled the soldiers all over the place.Suddenly, I realized that this woman is so cruel!And what they said next did not even drop their jaws in shock.

I only heard Chu Liyou say coldly again: "If you want to teach others, you have to see if you have the ability. Let me tell you, this girl is not easy to mess with. You pissed me off, and this girl threw you in the Go to the brothel."

Don't look at Chu Liyou's gentle appearance, she is really not someone to mess with.Yuhen can bully her because she is willing to be bullied by Yuhen.If she is unwilling, how can Yuhen bully her.What's more, Chu Liyou was born in the royal family, but grew up in Lingyin Temple, and followed Chu Limo and Nangong Jin from childhood to places like brothels.I have seen a lot of beatings and killings.Therefore, if she pissed off Chu Liyou, she could really throw her to the brothel.

The woman was frightened by Chu Liyou's aura, covered her beaten face, and dared not say a word.But those vicious eyes looked at Chu Liyou fiercely.Seems to poke holes in her.

"Don't stare at this girl like you want to eat people, today is a little lesson for you. Next time you meet you, you dare to chop off your hand when you are gesticulating at this girl. Throw it to the brothel. Now get out of here immediately."

Although the woman hated it in her heart, she could only leave with her face covered in the slap.

Yuhen stood aside and watched, seeing her beat the man away.Then came over. "I didn't see it, but you still have such a tough time?"

Chu Liyou was startled, turned around and saw Yuhen standing behind her.

Then, she was silly.

Did you see all the jade marks just now?So now he came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime? "My girl has been beaten, so does His Royal Highness still want to seek justice for her?"

(End of this chapter)

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