The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 878 72. Who will you choose?

Chapter 878 72. Who will you choose?

Chu Jing.end of august.

On the Golden Palace.

It has been half a month since Wei Taifu's incident.The emperor has already made a decision on the new Taifu candidate.However, the new Taifu has not yet seen coming to court.

In fact, they don't care if the new Taifu doesn't come to court, they just care about who the new Taifu is?

Now the emperor has already decided on the candidate for the Taifu, but the Taifu has not appeared for a long time.The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were even more curious.The ministers in the Jinluan Hall discussed in low voices and waited for the emperor's arrival.

And at this very moment, in Qingyun Palace.

Chu Limo accepted the urgent letter sent in ruthlessly.After opening the letter and reading it, his eyes narrowed slightly.Su Baiyi, you really are doing well.

"What's wrong?" Yun Qing walked over and asked softly.

"Su Baiyi refuses the post of Tai Tuo." Chu Limo handed the urgently delivered letter to Yun Qing for reading.

Yun Qing took it, and there were a few big characters clearly written on it, I refuse the post of Taifu.

What a domineering answer!
"So what are you going to do now?"

"He refuses, Wang Zixuan will take over the position of Taifu together. Qingqing, get ready, I will take you to a place."

Forehead!Yun Qing didn't realize for a while, where is he going to take her at this time? "You should go to court at this time, where are you taking me?"

"Go to Baihu Village and find Nangong Jin."

"Are you looking for big brother?" Yun Qing was startled.

Chu Limo explained, "He lived too comfortably in Baihuzhai. If we don't go to find him in person, he will definitely take his wife and son and run away without a trace. Yuhen's army has already left Beiyuan. You guessed right, within a month. Yuhen's army will go straight to the border of Youcheng. Li You is also in the Xida army."

So, Southern Chu and Xiyue.Is the battle between Yuhen and Chu Limo about to start?
Yun Qing looked at him very seriously, "Is there really no way out for you and Yuhen?"

It's not that Yun Qing has softened his heart.It's the relationship between Yuhen and Liyou.If something happened to Yuhen, Li You would definitely not be able to survive.She also had to admit that Yuhen was a very special person to her.If it really came to the moment to draw the sword, she wondered if she could kill Yuhen with a ruthless hand?And she knew Yuhen's ability.When that day really comes, I'm afraid they will only lose to the point where both sides suffer.

"Qingqing, do you care about him?" Hearing Yun Qing mentioning Yuhen, there was a cool chill in Chu Limo's eyes.

"He has been with me in my most difficult days for 15 years. To me, he is not only a friend, but also a savior, but also a family member. I don't know if one day you and him will really arrive If you are at the point of death, can I hit him hard?"

This is Yun Qing's sincere words.To her, jade marks are always different.Although she is cruel and merciless in doing things.But for Yuhen, there is always such a feeling.


"Li Mo. You are a lover to me, he is a family member and a friend. I can't see you guys fighting to the death. But I also know that except for this road, none of you I will take a step back. I just want to tell you that no matter what decision you make and how you will do it, I will stand by your side and accompany you. If we say that this battle with Yuhen is doomed Live the next one. Then, you live, I live. You die, I die."

"Qingqing." There was no extra words, only to hold the woman tightly in her arms.

On the day after receiving the news, Chu Limo left Chu Jing with Yun Qing.As for the matters above the imperial court, an imperial decree was handed over to Wang Zixuan, the prime minister.As for the vacant post of Grand Tutor, Wang Zixuan is temporarily in charge.

When Wang Zixuan got the news at the Golden Luan Hall, the man had already left Chujing.Even if he wanted to refuse, he couldn't.If he had known that Chu Limo would leave everything to him, he shouldn't have promised him to come back to be the prime minister.It's all right now, the big and small affairs of the court have been entrusted to him, and he really puts his mind at ease and entrusted everything to him, isn't he afraid of his rebellion?
But it is estimated that if Wang Zixuan really wanted to rebel, Chu Limo would give him the throne directly without waiting for him to rebel.Then he can take Yun Qing to travel all over the world without having to worry about the affairs of the world.

Wang Zixuan is suffering now, so he got busy.Where is there still time to find her.He promised that woman that he would find the real Su Wanyan for her.


On the suburban road, a carriage was moving slowly.The person who drives the carriage is none other than Ruthless.It was also Chu Limo and Yun Qing who were sitting in the carriage.

"How long until we arrive at Baihu Village?" Yun Qing raised the curtain of the car and glanced outside.I also walked this road when I went to Xiyue with Li Mo.It's just that I walked too fast back then, and didn't take a good look at the scenery along the way.

"If you go back to Madam, Taohua Town is ahead. It will take two days to get to Baihu Village." Wu Qing said.Now that he is outside, his address has also changed.

Arrived in Peach Blossom Town.

Yun Qing still remembers, isn't the place where she and Chu Limo really started in Peach Blossom Town?

The passionate kiss here back then, and that gamble.Now, such a long time has passed.

"Tonight we will have a rest in Peach Blossom Town."

"Okay." In the carriage, Chu Limo said fondly.He knew that Qingqing wanted to stay and see the road they had traveled.Just right, he also wanted to see the road he and Qingqing walked together.

It was still the same inn, and it was still the same room.Nothing here has changed.

Yun Qing even remembered that when he first arrived in Peach Blossom Town, Li You said that he liked Peach Blossom very much.They also agreed to see peach blossom together.But I didn't expect that this agreement has passed two years and has not yet been realized.

"Qingqing. It's getting cold at night. Why don't you come out without putting on more clothes." He said and took a cloak and put it on Yun Qing.

"You forgot. I'm not afraid of the cold." Yun Qing smiled mischievously.

"I know that Qingqing is not afraid of the cold. But it is windy outside, and Qingqing is not afraid of the cold. But if I catch a cold, I will feel distressed."

Clothes on, Yun Qing leaned towards him, and said mischievously, "Isn't there still you? With you here, how can you let me catch a cold?"


"The night is so beautiful tonight." Yun Qing smiled and looked at the stars in the night sky.

"Qingqing wants to see it, let's find a place where no one is around. I'll watch it with Qingqing."

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded.

They haven't had a good look at the night for a long time.It has been a long time since I have seen such a beautiful night.

After Yun Qing finished speaking, Chu Limo put his arms around Yun Qing's waist, jumped lightly, and the two of them had already reached the roof.

"Now, no one bothers Qingqing and me."

Such a rare quiet time does not know when it will be broken.Yun Qing now cherishes this time very much.

The two sat on the roof. Although they didn't speak, they understood each other's meaning.But quietly watching the stars in the night.


At this moment, another place is staged a fiery passion.

"Well... I don't want it... I don't want it..."

"No what?" His sexy lips pressed against her ear.

Yuhen looked at her with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.She is really a seductive little fairy.

"Yuhen, I'm really tired. I don't want tonight, okay?"

Chu Liyou doesn't even know what's going on with Yuhen.Now she doesn't understand what she and Yuhen are?These days, the relationship between her and Yuhen is really strange, and strangely ambiguous.

He clearly said to keep a distance from him.But the result is that she can't escape the jade mark no matter what.

What's even more shameless is that he obviously wanted to reject him.But still can't refuse.In the past few nights, he has not let himself go.She didn't understand, didn't he suffer internal injuries?Why do you have such good physical strength?

What made her even want to find a hole in the ground to get in.Now everyone in the entire barracks will look at her with strange eyes.Seeing that, she felt guilty.And this matter is also Yuhen's fault, if he hadn't become beastly that day, what the two of them were doing in the tent would not have been heard by the soldiers outside.

"Honey, you're so charming..."

There is no room for her to refuse.Yuhen's frenzy in the past few days seems to want to make up for what she owed herself in the past two months.

"But Yuhen, we have to hurry tomorrow." They had already returned from Beiyuan, but Chu Liyou didn't know where Yuhen was going, and she didn't ask Yuhen where they were going.They also did not follow the Xida Army.Chu Liyou reckoned that the Xiyue army should have returned to Xiyue by this time.As for where they are now, Chu Liyou doesn't know where they are.

"Don't rush on the way." Yuhen said evilly.

While speaking, the two of them pressed tightly together.

I don't know how long it has passed, but at the end of the day, Chu Liyou had no strength left.

Yuhen wiped her body clean and looked at the woman who had fallen asleep.If she didn't come all the way from Xiyue, he might let her go.But now, he doesn't intend to let her go.

Compared with her indifference in Xiyue, she is now a little more obedient and cute.

"Liyou, your brother has already arrived." He looked at her and said softly, "Bengong and your brother must have a battle, if one of us is doomed to die, who will you choose?"

What answered him was Chu Liyou's shallow breathing.

"I think, when that day really comes, you will definitely choose your brother, right? I have hurt you like that before, so you must still hate me now?" Yuhen looked at her softly talking to herself. Muttering, warm and cool hands gently caressed her cheeks and stroked her hair. "Actually, you shouldn't have fallen in love with Bengong. If you hadn't met Bengong, you wouldn't have saved me in Lingyin Temple back then. You wouldn't have suffered as much as you are now. Bengong wouldn't have hurt you either. Li You , You suddenly appeared in Bengong's life like this. You know, at the beginning, Bengong really hated you. I hated you so much that I wanted to strangle you to death. But Bengong still lost to you in the end. "

He finally lost to this woman.

It's just that there will be no good results between them.

Now he doesn't know what to do with her at all?
He clearly knew about Chu Limo, her brother had already left Chu Jing and came towards him.Knowing that it won't be long before they will draw their swords and face each other.But for this woman who suddenly broke into his life, he didn't know what to do?
(End of this chapter)

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