The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 879 73. My mother died because of him!

Chapter 879 73. My mother died because of him!

Two days later, Chu Li, Mo Yunqing and the others arrived in Huiyang County.Baihu Village is located on the hill outside Huiyang County.

The two did not go directly to Baihuzhai to find Nangong Jin.It is estimated that if he went directly, with Nangong Jin's temper, he would definitely run away immediately.But they were in Huiyang County, and this news let Nangong Jin know.Nangong Jinhui will obediently come to them.

Chu Limo just let Wuqing send a letter to Wuxin.

Both Wuxin and Nonghua were brought to Baihu Village by Nangong Jin.As the name suggests, it is to protect the safety of Nangong Yu.

Sure enough, when Nangong Jin received the letter, he was taken aback for a while, and then thought about it for a long time.

Nangong Jin thought, should he run away with his wife and son immediately?After all, he had taken a heavy dose of medicine that day, and Chu Limo, who held a grudge, would definitely not let it go so easily.However, Chu Limo only stayed in Huiyang County and did not come to Baihuzhai to look for him. What was his plan?

Could it be that Chu Limo had thought of some wicked idea and was ready to deal with him?
Thinking of this, Nangong Jin felt that it was necessary to go to Huiyang County to find out the news in person.

Because he knew Chu Limo, since he had come to Huiyang county without anyone noticing, he must be found if he wanted to run away.It's better to find out the news yourself.What's more, it's impossible for Chu Limo to really do anything to himself?

He was drugged that day.But at any rate, he didn't poison him with poison, but a love potion.So Nangong Jin felt that Chu Limo should thank him.

After thinking of this, it didn't take long for Nangong Jin to come down the mountain to Huiyang County.

Huiyang County Inn.

"Li Mo, are you sure that big brother won't run away with Bai Yue and Yu'er after reading your letter?" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled.It's not that Yun Qing doesn't believe in Li Mo, but that her elder brother must be avoiding Chu Limo this time.How could her eldest brother, who was so shrewd, personally deliver him to beat him up.Yun Qing also genuinely felt that these two were like a pair of living treasures.One was afraid of being beaten to death, and the other wanted to beat him to death.

"Qingqing, I have known Nangong Jin for more than 20 years. I know what he will say, when he will fart, and his temperament better than my father-in-law."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, "Those who don't know think you two have a romantic relationship? No wonder everyone in the world has been spreading rumors that our Master Yechen has a habit of breaking sleeves. Nangong Jin belongs to Master Yechen..."

"Qingqing." Chu Limo looked at Yunqing quietly and interrupted Yunqing's words.Now he felt that some bastard was spreading the rumor that he had an affair with Nangong Jin.He knew that he must be destroyed. "Qingqing, Qingqing doesn't know if I have a habit of breaking sleeves?"

Yun Qing swallowed, and grinned, "Of course I know. I know you like me the most, you love me the most. I'm just talking casually. Don't get excited."

Yun Qing didn't want this person to get too excited after a while, and then she would be miserable.

Sure enough, not long after, Nangong Jin appeared.And it still appeared in a fart.And it still appeared in that kind of chance encounter.It is estimated that Nangong Jin was also afraid that Chu Limo's anger would not be exhausted, so he appeared in the way of a chance encounter as if to please.Among them, Bai Yue and the little Nan Gongyu came with them.

In the lobby of the inn, it was time for dinner.

"What a coincidence. Why are you here?" As soon as she appeared, Nangong Jin stepped forward to say hello.

"Hmm. It's quite a coincidence." Chu Limo said with a light smile.

Yun Qing wanted to laugh when she saw it, she really wanted to say, what about your IQ, big brother?
He obviously received the letter from Li Mo, but he insisted on saying it was a coincidence?

However, Yun Qing didn't expose her elder brother's words. Looking at Bai Yue who was holding the child, she quickly got up and said, "Bai Yue, sit down."

Bai Yue was a little surprised to meet Chu Limo and Yun Qing here.Bai Yue thought it was Nangong Jin who said she was going to take her and Yu'er to the county town for dinner, but seeing these two people appearing here, Bai Yue seemed to understand.Eating is a pretense, this is to play the emotional card with their mother and son.Yun Qing is here, seeing her and Yu'er, Yun Qing will more or less persuade Chu Limo not to do anything.

So, Nangong Jin's move was a good one.Well, even Chu Limo wanted to applaud Nangong Jin.

However, Bai Yue was also a little puzzled.Why did the two of them suddenly come to Huiyang County?You didn't come here to settle accounts with Nangong Jin, did you? "Yunqing, what happened to Chu Jing? Why did you come to Huiyang County?"

Yun Qing smiled and said, "We're passing through Huiyang County, and we stopped by to see you and Yu'er."

"Passing by Huiyang County? Yunqing, are you going to Jicheng?"

"It's not that we're going to Jicheng, it's that you're going to Jicheng." At this moment, Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin and then answered Bai Yue's words.

"What?" Nangong Jin exclaimed when he heard that, "You came here to find me, and you want me to go to Jicheng?"

Chu Limo calmly said, "If you don't want to go to Jicheng, you can go back to Chujing. It just so happens that the position of Taifu is still vacant."

threaten!What a blatant threat!

"Of course, returning to Penglai, East China Sea is also a good choice." Chu Limo said again.

"Okay, okay. I know. Tell me, what do you want me to do in Jicheng? I just do it for you." Who made him owe this guy?
"Go to Jinling City to find Qi Rong." Chu Limo said lightly.




This time, not only Nangong Jin was stunned, Bai Yue was stunned, Yun Qing was also stunned.

Nangong Jin yelled again: "You asked me to go to Jinling City to find Qi Rong? Thanks to your idea. Chu Limo, are you deliberately messing with me? Don't you know where Jinling City is now? Do you think Yuhen Can that guy make it easy for Master to go to Jinling City?"

"I don't care what method you use to get into Jinling City. I just want the result." Chu Limo stared at Nangong Jin with a smile, "Besides, with your Nangong Jin's ability, what can the little Jinling City do to you? Or are you afraid of the people in Jinling City? Someone knew you were coming to pester you?"

The person Chu Limo was referring to was Murong Yuwan of the Xiyue royal family, the daughter of the Emperor Xiyue, sister of Yuhen, and Princess Yuwan.This princess has always wanted to marry Nangong Jin.Even now, she is still waiting for Nangong Jin without giving up.Therefore, Nangong Jin avoided Xiyue as far as possible.

"What do you want Master to do with Qi Rong?" Nangong Jin glared at Chu Limo displeasedly, but Nangong Jin's words were regarded as agreeing.But he also knew that if Chu Limo asked him to find Qi Rong, things would definitely not be that simple.

"Make him pay back."

"Pfft." The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched and he laughed.

Nangong Jin was not happy, "Did you ask me to collect the bill? But then again, when did Qi Rong owe you money? Why didn't I know about this?"

"He owes me a lot." When Chu Limo said this, there was a cold chill in his eyes.There seems to be hatred, but there seems to be no hatred.It was a very strange feeling.This made Yun Qing inevitably look at Chu Limo more.

Yun Qing suddenly discovered one thing, the relationship between Chu Limo and Qi Rong would never be as simple as that of the same family.

"Give this to him, and he will understand." After a while, the chill on Chu Limo's face dissipated.

Chu Limo took out a delicate jade flute from his pocket and handed it to Nangong Jin.Looking at the material of the jade flute, one can tell that it is a high-quality jade flute.And there was a line of words engraved on the jade flute, Nangong Jin didn't read the words seriously.But when Chu Limo took out the jade flute, Nangong Jin's expression darkened as well, unlike the laughing and joking just now.Yun Qing suddenly felt that there was some secret between Li Mo and her elder brother that she hadn't told her.The secret is still about Qi Rong.

"It's been so many years, can't you let it go? He is also..." At this point, Nangong Jin paused and didn't know how to speak.He really didn't know how to persuade Chu Limo about this matter.

They were the most innocent of what happened back then.But it's also their worst.

"Get ready and leave for Jinling City as soon as possible tomorrow." Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin, and finally left the hall without eating.

"Brother, what's going on?" Yun Qing asked.She looked even more at the jade flute in her elder brother's hand, but she had never seen this jade flute in Li Wangfu and Zai Limo.Today is also the first time I see you.But Li Mo's expression is really too strange?

"You should ask him about this yourself." Nangong Jin said, "But I can't guarantee that he will tell you."

Yun Qing knew that there was nothing she could ask from her elder brother.He didn't ask any more questions, and left the hall after glancing at the two of them.

Seeing that both of them had left, Bai Yue, who had been silent for a long time, was also very curious about what was going on, and looked at Nangong Jin curiously, "Why do you have such strange expressions when Qi Rong is mentioned? Didn't you all have such strange expressions when you were in Xiyue?" Do you know me?"

"Little fool, don't ask about this matter. Let's have dinner. Tomorrow, my master will take you to Jinling City for a walk."

Nangong Jin didn't mention it, and Bai Yue didn't ask.

Chu Limo went back to the room directly.Yun Qing also came back.

When he came back, Yun Qing saw him standing in front of the window watching quietly.At that moment, his body exuded a strong sadness.This was the first time Yun Qing saw him like this, and suddenly felt very distressed.She walked over gently and hugged him gently from behind.

"If you want to talk, I am willing to listen to you. If you don't want to talk, I will stand quietly with you. When you want to talk, I will listen to you." Yun Qing knew that he would suddenly Becoming like this must have a very tragic past behind it.This past is related to Qi Rong.

Yun Qing suddenly understood one thing, why Qi Rong seemed to try every means to be nice to Chu Limo when he was in Xiyue, but Chu Limo's attitude towards Qi Rong was always very cold.Even a little strange.

"Qingqing, I was only five years old when my mother died. An accident happened to my mother just after I returned to the palace. Liyou was only less than two years old. But when I came back from Penglai, my mother died. You also almost died. Does Qingqing know why the so-called father wanted his mother to be buried with him? It was not because of love, but because of hatred. It was because of a child. An eight-year-old child. It was because of him that his mother died. Qingqing , my mother died because of him, because of him."

This him, Yun Qing clearly felt.He was referring to - Qi Rong!
What entanglement was there back then, and why did he get involved with Qi Rong?

Who is Qi Rong?
Why was Concubine Li buried with Qi Rong because of Qi Rong?

(End of this chapter)

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