The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 880 74. Qi Rong's True Identity

Chapter 880 74. Qi Rong's True Identity

"I never told Qingqing that I have a half-brother."

"It's Qi Rong."

Yun Qing didn't expect that it would be like this?Could Qi Rong be his eldest brother?Or the half-brother?
"It's Qi Rong." Chu Limo looked out the window and said, "I was still on Penglai Island that year, and I didn't have time to go back to Chujing. When I came back, my mother had been ordered to be buried with her. At that time, Li You almost gave the order They were buried together. It was Qi Rong who took Li You away, and he saved Li You's life. I only found out later that the reason why my mother was buried with her was because of Qi Rong's appearance."

Yun Qing listened quietly, while Chu Limo spoke slowly.

"I told Qingqing that my mother had a childhood sweetheart before she entered the royal family. That person was Qi Rong's biological father. We grew up, we practiced together, and finally got together. Back then, my mother accidentally rescued Chu Sheng, and later Chu Sheng forced her to marry. My mother refused, and Chu Sheng used tricks to kill my mother’s family. My grandfather’s family paid a heavy price for it. It also hurt my mother's childhood sweetheart. My mother had no choice but to agree for the sake of my grandfather's family. But, who knew that the late emperor fell in love with his mother again. In order to please his father, Chu Sheng dedicated his mother to his father. But what they didn't expect was that their mother and her childhood sweetheart, senior brother, had been together for a long time, and they had a child. That child was Qi Rong. Qi Rong was only over one year old at the time. But Chu Sheng killed Qi Rong's father, Mother has no choice but to hide Qi Rong."

"Later, my mother doted on the harem and gave birth to me soon after. But in less than a month, I was poisoned. I left Chujing and lived on Penglai Island for five years. After a few years, my mother gave birth again. After leaving the worry. My mother has loved the harem all these years, and she has always missed the child back then. My mother has always been worried about his life. She missed him so much, and ordered someone to find him quietly. She took Qi Rong to the palace and raised him quietly. By my side. It’s been a long time like this, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world. The matter of Qi Rong was discovered by someone with a heart in the palace. This matter was known by the late emperor, who found out that the mother had another child. Because In this matter, he thought that his mother betrayed him. At that time, he wanted to kill his mother and Qi Rong. But his mother begged hard. Maybe the first emperor was obsessed with ghosts, so he didn't have the heart to kill Qi Rong in the end. After passing the mother. But after a while, the mother was left in the cold in the harem. Not long after, the first emperor became ill, and he knew that he was going to die. However, the mother was still so young. The mother should not die. Obviously he took it by force Mother, what qualifications does he have to let mother and Liyou be buried with him." The more he said, Chu Limo's tone became a little out of control.

"It's all about Qi Rong, why did Qi Rong show up back then. If he didn't show up, he should stay where he should be and not be discovered by that beast. Mother wouldn't die. Mother wouldn't be buried with her alive in the imperial mausoleum gone."

"Li Mo." Yun Qing didn't know what to say to comfort him, so he could only hug him tightly, "It's all over. It's all over."

"Later, my mother knew that she couldn't escape, and she also knew that that beast would not let Qi Rong go. She handed Qi Rong to her junior sister, who was also Qingqing's mother. When Qi Rong was eight years old, Qingqing's mother gave Qi Rong Rong was sent to Xiyue Qi Mansion. She used her identity as the young master of Qi Mansion to live again. Later, Qingqing's mother saved Qi Rong's life in the hands of Qi Mingyang. Back then, Qi Mingyang didn't like the children in the mansion and almost killed him. He was killed. At the beginning, my mother-in-law couldn't bear Qi Rong being beaten to death by Qi Mingyang at such a young age, and she also promised my mother, so she found Wu Chen in Xiyue and asked Wu Chen to accept Qi Rong. Afterwards, Qingqing knows it all."

Yun Qing just hugged him quietly.

She suddenly understood why he and Qi Rong got along in a weird way when they were in Xiyue.He hated Qi Rong, but he couldn't hate Qi Rong.Because Qi Rong is his elder brother, because Qi Rong was protected by his mother who sacrificed her life.

Qi Rong was so young back then, Qi Rong was not to blame for the death of Concubine Li.But Li Mo couldn't pass the test in his heart.

If Concubine Li hadn't met Chu Sheng back then, she hadn't saved Chu Sheng.All this will not happen.Maybe he, Qi Rong and Li You will be a very happy family.He would not have suffered so much since he was a child.

"Li Mo, everything is in the past. Now those damned enemies are dead. My mother's spirit in heaven doesn't want to see you torture yourself for the things of the past, and continue to suffer."

"Qingqing." After telling the secret that had been hidden in his heart for many years, Chu Limo found that his heart seemed not so uncomfortable.

Yun Qing just hugged him.Holding this man who looks strong but is actually very fragile.

In fact, he still cares about big brother Qi Rong, right?Otherwise, Qi Rong would not have given the brothel in Jinling City to Qi Rong.At the beginning, she would not have entrusted Li You to Qi Rong to take care of her at ease.

But now, Qi Rong suddenly stood on Yuhen's side.This is too cruel for them brothers to kill each other.

Yun Qing finally understood why he wanted his elder brother to go to Jinling City to find Qi Rong.

The so-called paying back the money is just a cover, the real purpose is not to fight with Qi Rong.

"Does Li You know Qi Rong's identity?" Yun Qing asked after a long time.

"She doesn't know. The only people in this world who know Qi Rong's identity are Wuchen, me, Qingqing, my mother-in-law and Nangong Jin." Chu Limo said, "Things back then were too tragic, and Liyou almost followed her back then. I was buried with you. It's best that Liyou doesn't know about this matter."

"It's okay, it's all over. It's all over."

But now, Yun Qing never thought that Qi Rong and Yuhen would stand together.Doesn't this make them two brothers kill each other?
Chu Limo seemed to know what Yun Qing was thinking, and explained lightly: "Yuhen and Qi Rong have been brothers for more than ten years, and their relationship cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. What's more, Yuhen saved Qi Rong back then. One life."

After listening to his explanation, Yun Qing could understand the complex relationship behind it.What I didn't expect was that this relationship was a little too complicated.

But, doesn't Yuhen know anything about the relationship between Qi Rong and Li Mo? "Yuhen doesn't know anything about the relationship between you and Qi Rong?"

"Wuchen seems to have a weird temper, but he won't reveal Qi Rong's identity." As for Qi Rong, maybe he didn't want to admit his identity in the past at all?


'咚咚咚' Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside the room, and then I heard Nangong Jin's voice, "You called the master here, but what's the matter with you hiding yourself? What's the matter?" Things, come out first and talk after dinner."

Yun Qing: "..."

Yun Qing pursed her lips and smiled. The way her big brother cares about people is really... inexplicably touching!
Seeing that there was no sound coming from inside, Nangong Jin knocked on the door again, and shouted loudly: "Chu Limo, you are a big man and you are still so dawdling? What's the big deal? If you don't eat, my sister will eat too." ? You want to watch her starve with you?"

The door was suddenly opened from the inside, Nangong Jin was caught off guard and almost fell in front of the two of them.Nangong Jin scolded angrily: "Chu Limo, didn't you see Master outside? Did you do it on purpose?"

Chu Limo looked at Nangong Jin with a cold face, "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Nangong Jin: "..." She looked at Chu Limo with proud eyes, which meant that the master didn't care about you.

If Yun Qing had tea in his mouth now, he would definitely spray the two of them in the face.The way these two get along is really... not flattering!

"Qingqing, let's go eat." Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing with soft eyes and said.

He left just now because of that jade flute, which was the first gift his mother gave Qi Rong back then.Later, the jade flute came into his hands.But after taking out the jade flute just now, it triggered the memory that he was least willing to trigger in his heart.For so many years, he has always regarded Qi Rong as a non-existent existence.But he also clearly understood that Qi Rong really existed.

Most of the time, he doesn't want to think about Qi Rong's identity.

If it wasn't for the upcoming battle between Xiyue and Nanchu, perhaps he would have deceived himself forever.It will make me and Qi Rong never meet each other forever.Let Qi Rong stay in his Xiyue forever, just be his Qi Rong properly.They do not disturb each other, do not contact each other.Let there be no relationship between them.

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded.Don't think about Qi Rong anymore.She knew that this man had already made up his mind, otherwise he wouldn't have come here to find his elder brother.

After re-preparing a table of dishes, Nangong Jin also sat down.

"My lord hasn't asked you yet? What exactly are you looking for with Qi Rong?" Nangong Jin expressed his puzzlement.He didn't believe that this guy was worried about Qi Rong and let him go to Jinling City.There must be something else going on.So he is very curious.

Chu Limo glanced sideways at Nangong Jin, "You talk too much."

"If you don't say it, don't say it, I don't want to hear it yet." Nangong Jin snorted proudly. "Yue'er, let's go."

Nangong Jin really left the inn with Bai Yue and his son.Seeing them leave, Yun Qing also guessed the reason, and then said: "Are you worried about Li You? That's why you asked elder brother to go to Jinling City to find Qi Rong?"

Apart from her in this world, only Li You can make him worry.Now that Li You and Yuhen are staying together, I don't know how Yuhen will treat Li You.And Qi Rong, as Liyou's elder brother, no matter what happened, Qi Rong is there.At least it won't let Yuhen hurt Liyou.

"Qingqing, eat the vegetables." Chu Limo didn't answer the question directly, but gave Yun Qing some vegetables.But things are already clear.

(End of this chapter)

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