The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 886 80. Qingqing, let's have a baby too

Chapter 886 80. Qingqing, let's have a baby too (finale [-])
Not long after Yun Qing left, Qi Rong thought about it and finally came over and knocked on the door.

'Boom dong dong'

Even after knocking three times, there was no sound in the room.Qi Rong was thinking, could it be that she knew he was here and didn't want to see him?

After thinking this way, Qi Rong wanted to leave, but felt something was wrong and reached out and knocked three times.

'Boom dong dong'

After stopping, there was still no sound coming from the room, Qi Rong suddenly felt something was wrong.Knocking on the door a few more times, she shouted, "Miss Su..." Before he finished speaking, Qi Rong had already pushed the door open.

In the room, after Yun Qing left.Su Baiyi realized that something was wrong with him.She couldn't suppress the breath in her body at all.

In the process of competing with Yuhen, Yuhen's moves were fierce, and in the end Yuhen's sword was injected with extremely strong internal force.And that sword, although she avoided the vital point, it still affected.

No wonder Yuhen would attack fiercely, who made her count Yuhen twice?Seriously injured Yuhen twice?

With Yuhen's character, after seeing her today, she could easily let her go, she felt that she must have stepped on shit luck.Now Yuhen only hurt her once, not to mention that Yuhen's injury to her would not be fatal.It will only make her unable to exercise for a short time.

"Miss Su..."

As soon as Qi Rong came in, he saw Su Baiyi supporting the edge of the table, her face was abnormally pale as if she was holding back something?Judging by her appearance, it was obvious that she had suffered internal injuries.

"Miss Su."

"Shut up!" Su Baiyi's face was pale, and he raised his head to look at Qi Rong with difficulty and said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and get out." Su Baiyi's tone completely forgot that the place she is now is still Qi Rong territory.

"Are you injured?" Qi Rong stared at Su Baiyi, not knowing what he was thinking.Before Su Baiyi could refuse, Qi Rong had already come to her and helped her to the bedside, and said softly, "Stop talking, I'll heal your wounds."

If Su Baiyi hadn't suffered internal injuries, Qi Rong wouldn't even think about getting close to her.Still holding her so close.In this world, except for the year when her master took her back when she was a child, no one has ever been within two meters of her in the following days.Even since she met Yun Qing and the others, she has kept a distance of two meters.

Qi Rong originally wanted to apologize and explain to Su Baiyi seriously.In the end, the apology and explanation were not said yet, but Su Baiyi was healed first.

After Qi Rong withdrew his internal strength, it was already half an hour later.Su Baiyi's face is much better than before.But this injury needs to be taken care of.Who would have thought that Yuhen would be merciless in his actions?

"Thank you." Su Baiyi still thanked Qi Rong for helping him heal his injuries.

"Miss" She was fine when she was just recovering.But when Qi Rong looked at Su Baiyi's pale face, and remembered how he offended her today.Qi Rong's always gentle and handsome face was very embarrassed and guilty, even he hesitated when he spoke, he didn't know what to say.

"You should call me Su Baiyi." She was not used to hearing her being called Miss Su at all.Moreover, Su Baiyi himself felt a little strange and couldn't adapt to it for a while.But what made Su Baiyi even more strange was that Qi Rong was always gentle and polite, and they had known each other in Nanchu Chujing for a few days.Why is Qi Rong hesitating now?

"Su Baiyi." Qi Rong muttered softly.I don't think this title sounds very smooth at all.After a pause, he said, "Su... If you don't mind, how about I call you Susu?"

Qi Rong felt that calling her Susu was better than calling her Su Baiyi.

'cough cough cough cough...'

When Su Baiyi heard the sound of 'Susu', he suddenly felt terrified, and even felt goosebumps all over his body, and coughed violently a few times.

Who said she didn't mind coming?

" don't..." Do you like this title?Before Qi Rong could ask what she said, the hand that was originally going to help her smoothly stopped in mid-air in embarrassment because of a sudden thought of something.

"Then can you pour me a glass of water?" Su Baiyi was really coughed to death by Qi Rong's Susu.

Just imagine, what kind of weird picture does a man call himself 'Susu'?
"Okay." Qi Rong didn't refuse, and quickly poured a glass of water and handed it over.

After drinking the water, Su Baiyi's coughing sound also stopped.Su Baiyi looked at Qi Rong, and said that she just thanked him for taking the initiative to heal her injuries.But the two of them were not familiar enough to share a room with him. "That Mr. Qi...I'm fine. Thank you. You can go." Su Baiyi originally wanted to call him Qi Rong, but thinking that he didn't seem to know him well enough, so he quickly changed his name. .

"Miss Susu, I have something to say to you." Qi Rong originally wanted to call her Susu, but thinking about her appearance just now, she felt that it would be safer to add the word "girl" after Susu.Sure enough, Su Baiyi's expression was still a little weird when he heard this address, but he wasn't as excited as before.Qi Rong spoke again, but there was a hint of shyness in his voice.Yes, just being shy. "Miss Susu, I didn't intend to offend you on purpose. At that time, I...was in a hurry...Miss Susu...Qi Rong knows the importance of a girl's family name, what happened today is Qi Rong's fault , Qi Rong is willing to be responsible for Miss Susu." After finishing speaking, Qi Rong's ears turned red.

'puff! '

Su Baiyi thought he heard it wrong, he was too excited and accidentally sprayed out the water that he hadn't swallowed just now.As a result, Qi Rong was sprayed all over the face.

Su Baiyi opened his eyes wide in shock and looked at Qi Rong. How dare this man come to take responsibility?
But she doesn't need him to be responsible at all, okay?
But seeing that he sprayed water all over his face, Su Baiyi felt a little embarrassed.Quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It's yours..."

Qi Rong reached out to wipe off the water stains on his face, not intending to blame.Instead, he said seriously: "I know what I said scared you. But I'm not joking, I'm serious."

In Qi Rong's view, how important a woman's reputation is.Although it was an accident.But this accident made so many people see it.I'm afraid it will be difficult for Miss Su to be a human being in the future.Since the matter was caused by him, then he must be responsible.

"That... Mr. Qi. I know what happened today was an accident. Really. I should actually thank you for saving me. If you hadn't helped me, I would have broken my bones. As for the responsibility, Mr. Qi There is no need for this." Su Baiyi laughed awkwardly and foolishly, this smile rarely revealed a bit of his daughter's shy posture.

Qi Rong didn't expect that she would refuse.He didn't expect to see her smiling all of a sudden.At this moment, Qi Rong, who has never been close to women, was suddenly fascinated by the smile on her face.

Being stared at like this, Su Baiyi thought about what this man said to be responsible.Immediately, he turned his face away in embarrassment.It's just that by accident, he caught sight of the slap print on Qi Rong's face that hadn't been erased, and felt even more embarrassed.

It happened so suddenly.It was a natural reaction of hers to hit him.

It was already embarrassing enough.As a result, Qi Rong still didn't leave, and Su Baiyi didn't dare to stare at him all the time, she was afraid that what she said, Qi Rong would immediately say that he wanted to marry her immediately.


In another courtyard of Qi Mansion.

Because of rushing for several days, the banquet ended in a hurry.Yuhen took Chu Liyou back to the Prince's Mansion.Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan went back to their room to rest.Murong Xiyan also seemed to know that she had done a stupid thing, so she went back to her room and faced the wall thinking about it.There were only Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Nangong Jin, and Bai Yue in the yard.

Nangong Jin was holding his son in his hands, but with a teasing smile on his face, "It seems that Qi Rong's spring is coming. I really didn't expect that Su Baiyi would be a woman. Tsk tsk! It's really the world It's a great anecdote. The two collided together, and there will be a good show in the future."

"You seem to be in a turbulent mood? Huh?" Bai Yue gave Nangong Jin a hard look and hugged her son from his arms. She was afraid that Nangong Jin would spoil her son with his turbulent look. .

"No way. I'm only turbulent towards you." Nangong Jin smiled flatteringly, "Master, this is watching Qi Rong's good show."

Bai Yue snorted, ignored Nangong Jin's fawning, but hugged her son and laughed.

Seeing that my daughter-in-law only sees her son but not herself.Nangong Jin got angry in a hurry.He took his son from Bai Yue's hand, and then threw it in the direction of Chu Limo and Yun Qing, "I'll leave this kid to you to take care of."

Nangong Jin's blow didn't scare Bai Yue to death. "Nangong Jin. Yu'er is still so young, what should you do if you just dropped him and hurt him?"

Of course, Yun Qing was shocked by Nangong Jin's action just now.Is this person still his father?But fortunately, Chu Limo caught the child steadily, and the child was not afraid at all, he was still laughing at that action just now.

Nangong Jin was jealous of her own son, ever since she had this little guy.The daughter-in-law seemed to give him all her eyes and love.So Nangong Jin was very unhappy. "Yue'er, I think we should have a good chat." Then, before Bai Yue could resist, she hugged her and left.When I left, I didn't forget to remind: "My son will be taken care of by you. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

Yun Qing held back a laugh.

Looking at the giggling child, the corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched violently. Meeting such a father is really not easy for this child!

So much so that when Nangong Yu grew up, he and his father were simply incompatible.The father and son often fight when they disagree.But Nangong Yu had a good relationship with his uncle since he was a child, just like his own father and son.This didn't make Nangong Jin angry.Of course, that's a later story.

"It seems that Yu'er likes you quite a bit." Yun Qing saw that the child was happier in Chu Limo's hands than in her elder brother's.

"Qingqing." Holding the little guy in his hand, Chu Limo called out in a low voice, "Qingqing, shall we have a baby too?"

"You're not ashamed in front of the child." Yun Qing scolded him.His face was inexplicably red.

In fact, they have been married for so long.Now the unfeeling Gu poison on his body has been detoxified, and the remaining poison in his body has also been cleaned up.The body has also recuperated, and it is appropriate to have a child at this time.

What's more, she also likes children.She also wanted to bear him a child.

It's just that Yun Qing didn't expect that this guy would actually bring it up at this time.Still in front of a child, I don't know how to be ashamed.

"Then Qingqing agreed?"

Yun Qing blushed and said nothing.

Chu Limo approached and said in a shameless low voice: "Qingqing, can we go back and have a baby now?"

When Yun Qing heard what this hooligan said, he immediately became violent. "Smelly rascal. Are you saying this in front of the children? Are you trying to teach the children bad?"

As a result, Chu Limo said indifferently, "He will also marry a wife when he grows up."

Yun Qing: "..."

Looking at Yun Qing's angry face, Chu Limo suddenly felt that Qing Qing was extremely cute.The smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

"Hmph. Who is going to have a baby with you, a stinky rascal." Yun Qing snorted and turned her face away.By the way, she hugged Nangong Yu from his hand. "Yu'er, my aunt took you to eat delicious food, we ignore him. Yu'er, you can't be a hooligan like him when you grow up. You can't marry a wife if you are a hooligan. You can't go around like your father Incur romantic debts, be careful that aunt will spank your little ass."

Chu Limo: "..." He felt that he needed to have a good talk with Qingqing.

The child naturally couldn't understand what Yun Qing was saying now, but he still danced happily.

It's just that when this child grows up, compared to his father, he is better than blue.Not only is he merciful everywhere, but he also provokes girls to be heartbroken everywhere.That medical skill is unrivaled, and the poison technique is even more unsurpassed.Hou Nangong Yu is a well-known son in the Heavenly Sacred Kingdom—the poisonous and charming son!
The poisonous and charming young master and the other young masters are called heavenly saints.As a result, these children have hurt the hearts of many girls when they grow up.Of course, these are things to come.

"Qingqing, how do I look like a hooligan?" Someone looked at Yun Qing with resentful eyes and complained.

Of course, Chu Limo will never admit it, he is a rascal.How can you catch up with Qingqing if you are not a rogue?When he chased Qingqing back then, didn't he rely on stalking and playing hooligans?
But if he didn't play hooligans and followed Qingqing all the time, how could he hug Qingqing now?

Yun Qing glanced at him and smiled lightly, "You have written all over your body: You are a hooligan!"

Chu Limo was quite upset at first, but when he heard Yun Qing's sudden words, he smiled with satisfaction.With an ambiguous tone, she said, "That's right, Qingqing can see 'Hooligan' written all over my body, so is Qingqing a little more hooligan than me?"

How could Yun Qing not understand the meaning of his words.

"Qingqing, shall we have a baby?" He asked again.And this time it was very serious.

(End of this chapter)

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