Chapter 887 81. Finale ([-])

"Qingqing, shall we have a baby?"

This man is really shameless.But Yun Qing did not refute his words this time, but nodded shyly, "Yes."

"Qingqing." A certain person became a little excited when he heard that, regardless of the occasion, regardless of the fact that Yunqing was still holding a child in his hand, he directly put his arms around Yunqing's waist, and kissed Yunqing's lips domineeringly.

"Don't make trouble. The children are still watching."

Chu Limo also knew how to measure, he just let go of Yun Qing after a kiss and did not continue.

"Qingqing, our baby will be cuter than this little guy." A certain person began to fantasize about what a cuter baby with Qingqing would look like, and then his cool hand poked at him on purpose. He poked Nangong Yu's white and tender face.

Yun Qing: "..." But there was an embarrassing face on the side.Seeing his current appearance, she clearly had the urge to pull her to have a baby right now.

And Yun Qing is also quite depressed now.

Originally, today I wanted to use this banquet to let Chu Limo and Qi Rong untie their knots.The result was good, Yuhen played cards out of common sense and seriously injured Su Baiyi as soon as he made a move. Yun Qing knew about Su Baiyi's injury, but she gave up this opportunity to Qi Rong.And Su Baiyi accidentally turned into a woman again, and Qi Rong offended this fierce woman in front of all of them.It is precisely because of this 'embarrassing' offense that Yun Qing entrusts Qi Rong with healing.

What now?Unraveling the heart knot has not been done, but it would be good if a marriage can be fulfilled.

Only now, Yun Qing wanted to scold her unreliable elder brother.

She thought her elder brother just abducted Bai Yue into the room.Fortunately, her eldest brother disappeared with his wife and left his son to her.How does she know how to take care of children?
Yun Qing felt like she was going crazy.

Not only Yun Qing felt that he was going crazy, but Chu Limo was also almost driven crazy by the crying of your little guy.Everyone in Qi Rong is going crazy.

"Little ancestor, don't cry, okay? Be good...don't cry..." Yun Qing gently coaxed patiently.

As a result, the child couldn't listen to anything and kept crying.The child Nangong Yu cried from hunger.

"Hurry up and see if the cooking in the kitchen is ready." Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo who was standing aside and urged.

Where does Chu Limo still have the high-cold prisoner now, seeing the child crying so sadly, Qingqing couldn't coax him well all the time, so he hurried to the kitchen to see if the food was cooked.

The child is still young and has no teeth, so he can't eat at all.Only drink milk or something.And there is no nanny in Qi's mansion, and Bai Yue has been taking care of the child herself.The child is also breastfed all the time.But now, in the middle of the night, there was no way to find him a nanny.The child's mother was taken away by the child's father again?It is estimated that the child's mother has already been taken away from Jinling City by the child's father.

Yun Qing really doesn't know what to say about her big brother?Is this really my father?Abandoning such a small child?He even eloped with the child?Doesn't he know how to feel sorry for the child?
"Yu'er, don't cry... Be darling..." If she wasn't the child's aunt, Yun Qing would probably have gotten angry a long time ago.She really has nothing to do with this child. This child smiles at everyone when he is not hungry, but he can't be coaxed when he is hungry.But now Yun Qing wants to tear her big brother into pieces.

The child kept crying, and the whole Qi Mansion was woken up.Who still wants to sleep at this time.

There was a mess in Qi Rong's flower hall.Originally, Chu Limo came to the kitchen to bring the cooked porridge. The child has no teeth, but he is already half a year old, and the porridge is still drinkable.Who knows if this little guy is also throwing a temper tantrum and doesn't drink porridge, but cries even more.

Now, Qi Rong, including the injured Su Baiyi, took turns coaxing this little ancestor.

Yun Qing was so tired that she collapsed and sat aside, she didn't even have the strength to speak.But when he saw the child crying so hard, he gritted his teeth, "Where did Nangong Jin take Bai Yue? He didn't even care about his own son? When my sister saw him, she had to chop him up. The bastard..."

"Qingqing, don't be angry, I have already sent someone to find that bastard Nangong Jin." Chu Limo also coaxed the child for a long time, and he was half dead from exhaustion.But it is estimated that if Nangong Jin does not want anyone to find him, it is estimated that no one will be found in a while.

"This bastard. I must kill him." Yun Qing cursed angrily.

"Based on what I know about Nangong Jin during this time, he must have taken Bai Yue and left Jinling City to play." Murong Xiyan had just finished coaxing this little ancestor, and now she was sitting on the sidelines answering the conversation without any image.

Murong Xiyan was originally quite playful, but after meeting her little ancestor Nangong Yu, she was completely helpless.Now Murong Xiyan is throwing the child to Su Baiyi to coax.But Su Baiyi was originally a very cold person, and he usually acted like a stranger not to enter.As soon as the child was in Su Baiyi's hands, he burst into tears without coaxing him.

Seeing this, Qi Rong could only take over the weeping little ancestor from Su Baiyi's hands.One is that Su Baiyi still has injuries on his body, and the other is that this ancestor cried too much.While crying, the roof of Qi Mansion is about to fall off.

Xu Shi cried for too long and was too hungry, and cried too sadly.Nangong Yu only drank a little porridge, and now she was lying in Qi Rong's arms with her small mouth curled up, looking like she was going to cry at any time.

After tossing and tossing for half a night, the child finally stopped crying in Qi Rong's arms.But judging by his appearance, it is estimated that he will have to cry soon.This child tormented his mother when he was in his mother's womb, but now it's good to torment them.

"Brother Qi, take a look first. Change me later." This is the first time Yun Qing found out that taking care of children is so tiring.It is estimated that they will take turns looking at this little ancestor tonight.

"Well, I should help find the child's parents, shall we?" Murong Xiyan stopped crying when she saw that the child was in his elder brother's arms, and hurried away.Rather than taking care of the child, she would rather find the child's parents.

"If that's the case, then you should bring back that bastard Nangong Jin. If he can't be found, you don't have to come back either." Chu Limo said coolly.

As soon as Chu Limo spoke, Murong Xiyan was afraid of this senior brother again.How dare she refuse to follow suit!I can only swallow this 'bitter tears' back into my stomach! "I will definitely get the child's parents back. I'll go first." If you don't slip away now, when will you slip away.Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to get Nangong Jin Baiyue back tonight.As for finding someone, take your time.

After Murong Xiyan left, only Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Qi Rong, Su Baiyi and Nangong Yu who was already crying were left in the flower hall.

It was destined not to be able to sleep peacefully that night.Everyone can only sleep for one night in the flower hall.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing have been taking care of the little ancestor Nangong Yu for several hours, and now they are exhausted.The two sat on the chaise longue beside them to rest.

Qi Rong walked up and down holding the little guy who was already tired from crying.If Qi Rong stops and doesn't leave.The little guy will immediately purse his mouth and look like he's about to cry.Seeing this appearance, how dare Qi Rong stop.

So, the painting style is very weird.

In the flower hall, the gentle and handsome man walked up and down with the little child in his arms, with a helpless and soft look on his face.

Su Baiyi was a little taken aback, this kind of picture looked a little dreamy.

Holding such a small child, I didn't dare to exert too much force, and I didn't dare to relax.It's been so long to walk around in the flower hall with him in my arms.Even though his martial arts are high, his arms will always be sore.

Seeing him wanting to move but not daring to move.Su Baiyi said softly, "Why don't you take a break, I'll hug him."

"I'm fine. You're still injured, go and rest." Qi Rong always treated everyone with a gentle, courteous and modest attitude.But for some reason, hearing Su Baiyi's words tonight, there was an inexplicable softness in his tone and inexplicable flustered blush.Maybe it's because Qi Rong accidentally 'offended' Su Baiyi during the day, right?So in front of Su Baiyi, Qi Rong's mood was disturbed.

Seeing that Qi Rong didn't need help at all, Su Baiyi would not go forward eagerly.Nodding with a polite smile, "Okay then. But if you need help, please call."

This night was finally over.But in the second half of the night, it was Qi Rong who held Nangong Yu all the time, not daring to blink for fear that the little guy would wake up suddenly and cry loudly.

The butler of the Qi Mansion also went to look for the nanny last night.Now that the child's mother is not here, he can't keep the child hungry.But the result was that among the nurses who were found, the child just refused to drink the nurse's milk.

This time, everyone in Qi Rong didn't go crazy.

Is what happened last night going to happen again?
It is estimated that if this little guy is going to cry again, the whole Qi family will really go crazy.

The child is too young to eat or drink the milk of the nanny he found. This is completely torturing adults like them.Now, his mother is not here, where can they find milk for him?

So early in the morning, the Qi mansion could hear the loud cry of the child Nangong Yu.Murong Xiyan is probably the smartest here, but luckily she slipped away quickly last night.Otherwise, just this crying sound would probably drive people crazy.

"Yu'er, my aunt is going to spank you for being so unbecoming." Yun Qing threatened with a sullen face, but the child couldn't speak. Seeing his aunt's somber face, he could only cry with aggrieved lips.

As a result, when he cried, Yun Qing wanted to slap herself.

"This child doesn't drink the nanny's milk, and he can't feed him. His temper is even worse than his father's, and he is even worse. What should I do?" After all, it is my own nephew, and such a cute child.When he cried, Yun Qing wanted to cry too.

"He refuses to drink the nurse's milk, can I give him other milk?" Su Baiyi was still a little shy when talking about this.Not Bi Yunqing is not shy at all.

"Others?" Yun Qing raised an eyebrow.She hooked her lips and smiled, "Why didn't I think of that? This kid won't drink from the nanny, so we can find something else for him. Is there any milk in the house? Or goat's milk is also fine."

Before Qi Rong opened his mouth, Chu Limo seemed to be very familiar with the situation in the mansion, and said indifferently: "Let's not talk about milk here, you can't even find a cow. If you want milk, you can find it in Yuhen's mansion."

"That's not in a hurry. I'll take Yu'er to find Yuhen." Yun Qing hugged the crying and wronged little guy and went straight to Yuhen's mansion with lightness kung fu.

The child was also courageous, giggling in Yun Qing's arms.It was probably taught by Nangong Jin, an unreliable father. Otherwise, how could a half-year-old child be so courageous and have such a bad temper?
Seeing Yunqing carrying the child and leaving with lightness kung fu, Chu Limo naturally wanted to follow.

As for Qi Rong and Su Baiyi?
Qi Rong took care of Nangong Yu in the middle of the night last night and Su Baiyi didn't sleep much at all.Naturally, these two people would not follow to Yuhen's residence.Moreover, Su Baiyi's injury still needs a good rest.As a result, he didn't sleep all night, and the injury got worse.

"Miss Su Su, your complexion is not good, is your injury worse?" When those people left, they were the only two in the flower hall and Qi Rong asked.

"It's fine. I'll go back and sleep." But after Su Baiyi finished speaking, Su Baiyi suddenly coughed.

"You still said it's okay. You are injured, and you didn't rest all night. The injury must have worsened. I will help you go back to your room." Qi Rong probably didn't realize that he cared about Su Baiyi differently.

"No need." Su Baiyi took a step back to avoid Qi Rong's hand indiscriminately.The cold face said lightly: "You took care of the child last night and didn't sleep all night, so you should go back and rest quickly. Don't worry about me."

The atmosphere in the flower hall was a little stagnant and awkward.

After a pause, Su Baiyi spoke lightly again, with an obvious indifference in his voice, "I'm going back to my room first, so I won't bother you."

Qi Rong looked at Su Baiyi's white men's attire, and her coldly leaving back, feeling an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart.The gentle and handsome face pulled his lips into a smile, and laughed at himself: "Qi Rong, what's wrong with you?"

 PS: Nangong Jin, just wait for your son to dislike you when he grows up.

  Nangong Jin: ...

  Yun Duo: I'll just watch and don't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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