The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 888 82. Thousands of miles are not as good as you final chapter

Chapter 888 82. Thousands of miles of land is not as good as you (finale eight) final chapter
Jinling City, Prince's Mansion.

Yun Qing came to Yuhen's mansion soon after performing lightness kung fu.

Now that the genius is just dimly lit, at this time Chu Liyou is probably still lying in Yuhen's arms and has not woken up.

Yun Qing didn't come to find Yuhen and Chu Liyou, she came to find milk.The people in Yuhen's house also knew her, but they didn't stop her.As soon as Yun Qing arrived with the child in his arms, he quickly ordered, "Hurry up and get milk for this child."

On the way to perform lightness kung fu, the child was quite obedient and didn't cry.So this time I haven't pursed my mouth and started crying.Yun Qing couldn't bear him crying, he was probably crying, Yun Qing must go crazy.

Yuhen's mansion also has prepared milk as Chu Limo said.As for why there is milk in Yuhen's mansion?One is that the jade mark is naturally there in the mansion of the prince who is about to become emperor.The second is that Chu Liyou is pregnant, so she naturally needs to supplement nutrition or something.So Yuhen got these cows.

Now Chu Liyou hasn't had the milk yet, so let Nan Gongyu drink it first.

Compared with the milk of the nannies he found, Nangong Yu should like drinking milk.This time, the little guy Nangong Yu didn't refuse the milk at all, but gulped it all down.

After eating and drinking enough, a bad kid danced with his hands and feet, and he didn't look as wronged as he was crying last night.

It seems that the kid Nangong Yu really has a bad temper since he was a child.You have to make a fuss before giving up.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing brought Nangong Yu to the mansion suddenly, and Yuhen and Chu Liyou also received the news.

Seeing Yun Qing hugging Nangong Yu and still appearing here, Chu Liyou felt a little strange, "Yun Qing, why are you taking Yu'er? Where are Brother Jin and Bai Yue?"

Yun Qing recounted the matter of Nangong Jin leaving Jinling City, and then recounted the events of last night, and finally said bitterly: "Where did that bastard Nangong Jin take Bai Yue with him?" Mentioned his elder brother , Yun Qing gritted his teeth.

The corner of Chu Liyou's mouth twitched, and Yuhen beside him frowned slightly.Chu Limo, on the other hand, heard the scolding clearly many times yesterday, and is used to it now.

"So, Brother Jin eloped with Bai Yue? Did you hand over Yu'er to you?"

"He dared to elope. If my sister finds him, she must kill him." Yun Qing gritted his teeth fiercely.The child Nangong Yu who was in Yunqing's arms laughed happily when he heard their conversation, completely unaware of how much his aunt wanted to kill his father now.

And someone who was about to elope with his wife somewhere sneezed hard.

Everyone can see that Yun Qing is on fire now and cannot be provoked.But the problem now is that the child's parents are not here, and the child has to take care of it.

"Doing this kind of thing is in line with Nangong Jin's style." Yuhen didn't know whether he was praising Nangong Jin for his good temper, or saying that Nangong Jin had a bad temper.But there was always some schadenfreude in that tone.

"Yunqing, what about Yu'er?" Chu Liyou asked again.It's not easy to bring such a small child.

Yun Qing looked at this white and tender little guy, although his father was unreliable.But this child is very precious to her. "I'll be staying here with you for a few days."

"Are you going to bring him to live here?" Yuhen frowned when he heard this, and looked very disgusted with these three people.Just now he heard Yun Qing say that this little guy had been making a fuss all night, and there was nothing the entire Qi family could do about it.What if this little guy spends the night with him, and Li You is still pregnant with the child?How can I bear the child crying all night in the mansion?
As a result, the current situation is that when Yuhen wanted Yunqing to live in, Yunqing was unwilling.Now that Yunqing is going to live in, Yuhen is disgusted by all kinds of things.Life is full of surprises and surprises.

"Don't you have cows here? The little guy likes to drink the milk from your house."

As a result, as soon as Yun Qing's words fell, Yuhen said: "How many cows do you need, and how many cows do you need? You take them to Qi Rong's mansion."

Yun Qing: "..." So they were rejected by Huali?

"Okay." Yun Qing glanced at Chu Liyou who was at the side, and probably knew what was going on.If the child were to cry, it would be earth-shattering. Li You was still pregnant with the child for only two months, and it was the time when she couldn't bear to be disturbed.She also understands that Yuhen has this concern.Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, who was unoccupied, and said, "I'll leave the cow to you. Remember to bring the cow back to Qi Mansion. I'll take Yu'er back first."

Yun Qing came and went quickly.

Chu Limo stood there in a daze for a long time.I still think of Yun Qing's sentence in my mind: I will leave that cow to you!

Qingqing is asking him to lead a cow back?
Why does this picture feel weird and scary just thinking about it?
Yuhen stood there and looked at Chu Limo raising his eyebrows, "I think brother knows where the cow is, so I don't need Ben Gong to lead the way. Brother, please do what you want." After finishing speaking, he pulled Chu Liyou who was also stunned gone.

After that, Chu Limo was not only abandoned by his own wife.He was also left behind by Yuhen and his own sister.

Finally, for the milk of the little guy Nangong Yu.Chu Limo did the most humiliating thing ever.From the prince's mansion, he led a cow back to the Qi mansion.As a result, it caused a sensation in Jinling City, and many people came to see the excitement for a while.

Just imagine, what kind of weird picture would it be like a noble and god-like enchanting man walking down the street leading a cow?

When I think about that scene, I feel horrified, funny, and unbelievable.

Years later, whenever this matter was brought up, the little girl Nangong Yu would throw herself on Chu Limo's body and act coquettishly, saying that her uncle was the best for her.Because my uncle treats me so well, the little girl Nangong Yu regards this uncle as his own father.Treating your own father as an enemy.But these are for later.


Nangong Jin and Bai Yue disappeared, and no one was found after leaving for a few days.Nangong Jin was not found, but Nangong Jin came to news that he would come back to Jinling City during the Chinese New Year.His son will be taken care of by you.

Leaving such a cool and unrestrained message, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue played a game of evaporation for everyone.

Fortunately, with this cow here, it won't be hungry, kid Nangong Yu.But Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Qi Rong, Su Baiyi Wang Ziqing, and Feng Qingluan are miserable. They took turns taking this little ancestor every day and coaxing him to be happy.

Although it is hard for several people to take care of a child these days, it is not as violent as it was on the first night.Most importantly, Yun Qing found a subtle change between Chu Limo and Qi Rong while taking care of the children.Compared with the past, the relationship between these two people is a little bit better now.Sometimes it will be an eye contact, sometimes it will be because of a certain sentence.

Yun Qing believes that these two people will untie this knot sooner or later.In fact, these two people are just struggling in their hearts and don't know how to express it.Now, it's just a matter of time.And what they have most now is time.

As for Chu Limo and Yun Qing's talk about having a baby, it was temporarily delayed.So much so that when Yun Qing said that he was going to have a baby, Chu Limo had no plans to have a baby for the time being as long as he remembered to take care of Nan Gongyu's child during that time.So, after Chu Liyou's child was born, Yun Qing's stomach still didn't see any movement.As a result, the children of these two people were several years younger than their children.

These are all things to talk about later.

Seeing it, the time was getting closer and closer to the day when Yuhen and Chu Liyou got married.

But looking at the wedding of these two people, it is estimated that Nangong Jin will not show up.Nangong Jin finally seized the opportunity to be alone with his daughter-in-law for a while, so naturally he didn't want to bring that little guy as an eyesore.But if Nangong Jin didn't show up in Jinling City before the Chinese New Year, some people probably wouldn't let him go.

And where did Nangong Jin and Bai Yue go?Still a mystery.

Even if Bai Yue is extremely unwilling, she is worried about the child, is she okay?But with Nangong Jin around, even if Bai Yue was worried, she couldn't show up in Jinling City right away.

Time passed quickly, and it was the eighth day of November in a blink of an eye.It was also the day when Yuhen and Chu Liyou got married.

On this day, the entire Jinling City was hung with red lights, which was extremely festive, and the streets of the entire Jinling City were covered with red silk.

As Chu Liyou's eldest brother, Qi Rong, on the day she got married, Chu Liyou naturally married into the Prince's Mansion from the Qi Mansion.

Before dawn, the Qi Mansion and the Prince's Mansion were busy.

Qi Mansion.

Chu Liyou was very nervous at this moment.The day has really come.Instead, she tensed up.

"Congratulations." Looking at Chu Liyou who was wearing a red wedding dress, Feng Qingluan smiled.

Feng Qingluan doesn't know everything about the matter between Chu Liyou and Yuhen, but she also knows about it.So seeing her getting married now, I am really happy for her.

Su Baiyi also said lightly, "Congratulations."

For their sincere blessings, Chu Liyou nodded with a smile on his face and said thank you.

"Liyou, congratulations. Do you want to be happy in the future?" Yun Qing may be the happiest person here except Chu Liyou.Seeing Li You marrying Yuhen, Yun Qing was really happy for her.

"Yunqing, the person I should say thank you to is you. If you hadn't encouraged me back then, if you hadn't spoken nice words for me in front of my brother. I don't think I would have left Chujing or met Yuhen. I It is also impossible to marry him. Yun Qing, thank you very much." The woman in front of him, Chu Liyou used to be very jealous of her, so jealous of her made Yuhen never forget.But at the same time she was jealous, she was grateful to her.If it weren't for her, she would never have met Yuhen in her life.

"You are a bride today, so you should be happy. Look, your makeup is going to tear up." Yun Qing joked as she watched her tearfully and happily.

"En." Chu Liyou nodded.

Yun Qing stepped forward to touch up her makeup in person.

"Liyou, you are so beautiful today." Yun Qing looked at her, it was undeniable that Chu Liyou was really beautiful.The beauty is thrilling.

"That's right. I'm dazzled by the beauty. Especially the phoenix brocade wedding dress on you, it's so pretty. Tonight's wedding night in the bridal chamber will definitely fascinate the groom." Feng Qingluan took the words and joked .When she and Wang Ziqing got married, she also wore Phoenix Brocade, but at that time, she and Wang Ziqing got married too suddenly, and she never had a good appreciation of what her bridal makeup looked like.

"Just make fun of me hard." Chu Liyou let out a coquettish snort.The shy look is even more glamorous when paired with this dazzling Phoenix Brocade.

"I didn't make fun of you. You can ask sister Qing to see if what I said is true?"

"Sister Feng is right." Yun Qing also laughed.

Su Baiyi on the side didn't talk much, but he also had a slight smile on his face.But after talking with them for a while, Chu Liyou's tension eased a lot.

The time for the wedding ceremony was in the morning, and it was only about nine o'clock when Yuhen's wedding reception team arrived.And the whole Qi Mansion also became lively.

Yun Qing, as Li You's best friend, and as her sister-in-law personally put on the Phoenix brocade hijab for Li You.The moment the hijab was put on, Yun Qing looked at her with a slight smile, and said sincerely: "Li You, in the future life, I want to be happy with Yu Hen forever. Your brother and I will look at you and wish you a happy life .”

"Thank you."

After bidding farewell to the family, Yuhen personally took Chu Liyou's hand and helped the woman onto the sedan chair.In his life, he only needs to be responsible for this woman.

This wedding attracted the attention of the world.Both sides of Qifu Street were already full of people from Jinling City who came to see the excitement.They all wanted to see what the bride looked like.They actually let their unfeminine Crown Prince marry back and become the Crown Princess.What makes the people even more curious and excited is the dowry of the crown princess.Who in the world doesn't know now that the dowry of the crown princess is the entire ten thousand miles of mountains and rivers.

This day was undoubtedly the busiest day in Jinling City.

Chu Limo Yunqing Qi Rong and others stood at the gate of the Qi Mansion, looking at the procession of welcoming the bride, at the jade marks in the red dress and the woman sitting in the sedan chair.Yun Qing sighed softly, "She finally waited for him."

Hearing the sigh of the woman beside her, Chu Limo held her hand tightly, and said softly, "I will never let go of Qingqing's hand in this life."

Yun Qing looked at him and smiled softly, "We also saw with our own eyes that Li You got married, where shall we go next?"

"Where Qingqing goes, I will go there."

Yun Qing looked at Nangong Yu who was being held by Qi Rong, thought for a while, and said with a naughty smile: "Yu'er hasn't seen what Grandpa looks like yet? Why don't we take Yu'er to Penglai?"

"it is good."

Since then, no matter the ends of the earth, he will never be separated from her.


In February of the following year, Emperor Xiyue abdicated and was crowned by Prince Yuhen.From then on, the Three Kingdoms of the World were unified and changed to Tiansheng.

In May of the first year of Tiansheng, Chu Liyou gave birth to a son, named Murong Yichen.After the child was born, he was registered as the crown prince.In the fifth year of Tiansheng, Chu Liyou gave birth to another princess.

According to historical records, the founding emperor of Tiansheng only married one wife.According to records, the Emperor Tiansheng and the empress had a deep love for each other, and they slept in the same coffin a hundred years later.It has been achieved that life after life will never be separated.

In the postscript, in the history, the Southern Chu emperor Chu Limo, since he gave the country to his sister as a dowry, took his wife away into the rivers and lakes.No one knows, where did the emperor take his wife?

But in the rivers and lakes, there are often traces of them.It's just that no one knows.

Many years later, Yun Qing also asked, "Have you ever regretted giving up this thousand miles of country?"

The man replied, "Thousands of miles are not as good as your every frown and smile. You are my whole world."

 The text ends here.

  There will be some extras later.

(End of this chapter)

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