The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 889: Chapter 1: Chapter [-]

Chapter 889

At the end of April in the first year of Tiansheng, Jinling City.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing had just returned from Penglai Island, and handed over Nangong Yu who had been with them for several months to Nangong Jin.With Nangong Yu in the past few months, Chu Limo and Nangong Yu have a good relationship, but they also hold Nangong Jin who is unreliable.As a result, when Nangong Jin took his son back, he was beaten up by Chu Limo.

The thing is like this, Nangong Jin said that he would go back to Jinling City to pick up his son years ago, but something happened when he returned to Jinling City, which caused Nangong Jin and Bai Yue not to come back to Jinling City during the Chinese New Year.When Nangong Jin and Bai Yue returned to Jinling City, Chu Limo and Yun Qing took Nangong Yu back to Penglai Island.As a result, the two of them rushed to nothing.

Of course Nangong Jin thought it was okay, but Bai Yue didn't agree.She hasn't seen her son for several months, but Bai Yue misses her son very much.In desperation, Nangong Jin had to take Bai Yue back to Penglai Island to pick up his son.

No, a few people stayed on Penglai Island for several months.During this period of time in Penglai Island, what Yun Qing was most happy about was that her mother, Prince Luo Yan, was waking up for longer and longer.Although it is not yet possible to be awake all day like a normal person, this also makes Yun Qing very happy.

Originally, Yun Qing also planned to bring her mother back to Nanchu, after all, grandpa must really want to see her mother.But the current situation does not allow it, Yun Qing can only give up.

So after leaving Penglai Island, Yun Qing and Chu Limo came to Jinling City.It was just because Chu Liyou was about to give birth.For such an important event as Chu Liyou's childbirth, Yun Qing naturally wanted to come and see it.Another most important thing is that Qi Rong is also in Jinling City.

At that time, they were more anxious to leave Jinling City, and the knot between the two brothers was not completely resolved.So Yun Qing wanted to come back and let the two brothers Chu Limo and Qi Rong live together.The so-called need to solve some things, always have to be solved in life.

Yun Qing thought that Qi Rong would at least be happy to see them coming?But now, Yun Qing clearly felt that she had only been gone for a few months, and Qi Rong seemed to be preoccupied.They have been here for several days, but Qi Rong still looks sullen.

On this day, Yun Qing finally couldn't help asking: "Brother Qi, don't you welcome us to disturb you?" Otherwise, why would he look sullen and embarrassed?
Qi Rong hadn't answered Yun Qing's words, but Chu Limo took the words first, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm afraid he was dumped by someone? So he looked like he was going to die." In the end, he didn't say anything. Okay, after Chu Limo finished speaking, Qi Rong's expression paused obviously.

Yun Qing also seemed to think of something?Frowning, it's not true that Qi Rong was dumped as Li Mo said, right?
Although Su Baiyi and Qi Rong hadn't developed any relationship before she left.The two also don't look like they're going to develop a relationship.But Qi Rong's appearance made Yun Qing suspicious.

Yun Qing still remembered that before she left Jinling City, she invited Su Baiyi to go to Penglai Island together.But Qi Rong didn't know what he was thinking at the time, and rejected the invitation for Su Baiyi, saying that Su Baiyi had suffered an internal injury and needed to recuperate properly and was not suitable for going to sea.And Su Baiyi didn't know what he was thinking at the time, but he didn't refute Qi Rong's words.So he stayed in the Qi Mansion in Jinling City to recuperate.When Yun Qing left, she made an agreement with Su Baiyi that she was only going to visit Penglai Island and would return to Jinling City in a few months.When she comes back, Yun Qing still wants to travel around the rivers and lakes with Su Baiyi.

But now, Yun Qing has been in Jinling City for a few days.There was no sign of Su Baiyi in the Qi Mansion.Since Su Baiyi had agreed to Yun Qing back then, he would definitely be waiting for her in Jinling City.But now there is no Su Baiyi man in Jinling City, Qi Rong is now worried again.Yun Qing is sure that something must have happened between Su Baiyi and Qi Rong while she was away.

"Brother Qi, where did Sister Bai Yi go?" Yun Qing asked tentatively.

Just after Yun Qing finished asking, Qi Rong's face changed even more.

Seeing this obvious change, Yun Qing would not believe that nothing happened to Qi Rong and Su Baiyi.

Chu Limo at the side glanced at Qi Rong and raised his eyebrows, "Qingqing, isn't that clear? You can tell by the expressions on some people's faces that they must have done something to offend the girl. So some people must be Dumped by a girl."

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, and he glared at Chu Limo.Was this guy trying to provoke Qi Rong on purpose?

But, will Qi Rong really do something to offend Su Baiyi as Li Mo said?
Yun Qing said that she was very curious and really wanted to know the whole story.

Of course, Qi Rong would not dare to explain this to Yun Qing.But if Qi Rong doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean that no one else won't.Just after Chu Limo finished speaking, Chu Liyou, who was nearly nine months pregnant, walked over accompanied by Nongyue, holding her swollen belly.

Seeing Chu Liyou appear, Yun Qing hurriedly got up and helped him to sit on the seat. "You are about to give birth, why are you still running around?"

"Didn't I know that you and your brother came to Jinling City? I miss you, but you don't go to the palace to see me, so I will come to see you. Besides, Nongyue is following you." Chu Liyou said with a worried face. With a mischievous smile, she looked like she wasn't going to be a mother at all.At the beginning, Nongyue obeyed her orders and stayed by her side to serve her.No matter where she goes, Nongyue will follow her.

"Yuhen is also worried about you going out of the palace?" Chu Limo looked at his sister's swollen belly, and was obviously dissatisfied that only Nongyue was with her sister.

Chu Liyou mischievously blinked and didn't speak.Yun Qing looked at her and smiled, "You left the palace secretly, didn't you?"

Seeing her like this, Yun Qing knew that she must have escaped secretly.Otherwise, with her big belly and Yuhen's temperament, how could she be allowed to leave the palace alone?
"Didn't I miss you? If I don't sneak out, Yuhen won't let me out of the palace at all. You don't go into the palace to see me." Chu Liyou looked at the absent-minded Qi Qi again. Rong, pouted, "Eldest brother too, he didn't even visit me in Jinling City. Now I'm here to visit you, and you still look absent-minded."

"What?" Qi Rong really looked absent-minded, completely treating the people in the flower hall as air.

Chu Liyou sighed softly, shook his head and pretended to be sad, "Oh, brother can't see my existence at all. Miss Su Su left, and brother's heart also left."

'Push! '

Yun Qing suppressed a laugh, especially Chu Liyou's "Miss Susu".When the girl Susu was mentioned just now, Qi Rong's face changed drastically.This made Yun Qing even more curious about what happened during the few months when she was not in Jinling City?

"You talk, I have something else to do." Qi Rong found a reason and left.

"Liyou, what happened in the past few months when I was not in Jinling City?" Yun Qing asked.

"I'm not very clear about the matter. I also heard from Yuhen. It seems that half a month ago, Xiyan came back. As a result, Xiyan got into a fight with Miss Su Su for some reason when she came back. Xiyan is You know what kind of temperament she is, she usually looks innocent and lively, and she looks like a foodie, but if she gets involved with the eldest brother, she will be very aggressive. I heard that Wu Chen also followed during the fight Appeared. Uncle Wuchen was always protecting his weaknesses, and seeing Miss Susu's martial arts skills, Xiyan was no match, so he made a move. And Xiyan accidentally let the poisonous snake she carried with her bite Miss Susu One bite, Miss Susu was poisoned on the spot."

"Brother Qi didn't stop you? Let them fight?" Yun Qing didn't believe that Qi Rong would let these two women fight, and finally let his master and younger sister bully Su Baiyi together.

"Don't stop me. Big brother can't stop these people alone. Martial uncle Wu Chen's martial arts are not easy to deal with, not to mention that Xiyan has got the true teaching of his uncle. Let alone Miss Su Su. At that time As soon as the fight started, the scene became chaotic." After a pause, Chu Liyou continued, "They stopped after Miss Susu was bitten by a poisonous snake. Later, Miss Susu got rid of the poison by Xiyan Jie, Miss Susu left Jinling City, and the eldest brother seemed to beat Xiyan because of this incident, but Xiyan also left Jinling City crying."

"Do you know why Xiyan and Sister Baiyi fought?" After listening to Liyou's words, Yun Qing always felt that something was wrong, otherwise Xiyan would not have fought Su Baiyi for no reason, and fought so fiercely Let the old man Wuchen get involved too.So much so that Su Baiyi was accidentally bitten by Xiyanyang's poisonous snake.What's more, Qi Rong, who never hits anyone, actually hit a woman, and this woman is his junior sister.

"I don't know about that. I also heard about this matter from Yuhen. As for the specific reason, only the elder brother knows." Chu Liyou shook his head.If Yuhen hadn't told her about it that day, she wouldn't have known that Su Baiyi had left Jinling City.I didn't even know that such a thing happened half a month ago.

"It's not that Qi Rong did something to be sorry for him." Before the person arrived, his voice came from afar.I saw Yuhen coming from the outside, walked up to Chu Liyou, looked at her swollen belly, and said warmly: "If you don't look at you for a while, you will run outside the palace. You don't know if you leave the palace." Take a few people with you."

Chu Liyou stuck out her tongue, and said with a mischievous smile: "Whoever told you to keep me from leaving the palace, then I have no choice but to leave the palace secretly. What's more, I will be fine with Nongyue by my side."

Looking at the two, Yun Qing curled her lips and said, "If you want to show your love, can you go back to Gong Zaixiu? I want to know what did Qi Rong do to offend others? Did he do something to offend Sister Baiyi? Or did he do something wrong? Sorry for Xiyan?"

"According to the information I got, Qi Rong put Su Baiyi to sleep."

'puff! '

This time it wasn't Yun Qing who spouted water in surprise, but Chu Limo who sat silently by the side.Chu Limo was too excited when he heard Yuhen's words, and just took a sip of water and just spit it out.

Yun Qing and Chu Liyou also opened their eyes wide in shock when they heard the news.

This news is too scary!
Ignoring the surprise of the three of them, Yuhen took a look at Chu Limo and continued: "Didn't you want Xiyan to find Nangong Jin? She searched for several months but couldn't find it. Recently she learned that Nangong Jin returned I left Penglai Island, so I came back to Jinling City. On the day I came back, I just happened to see Qi Rong put Su Baiyi to sleep. As a result, it turned into a war between two women."

"Brother Qi really gave Sister Baiyi to..." Sleep?Yun Qing said that the speed of this development is ah!
"I have to ask Qi Rong and Su Baiyi whether they have slept or not. But what Xiyan saw was that these two slept together. Xiyan has been clamoring to marry Qi Rong, I don't need to say how excited and angry I was when I saw this scene. Apart from Qi Rong and me, she is the most proud disciple of the master. Su Baiyi's martial arts are good, but against Xiyan and a shameless Wuchen But there was no benefit. As a result, Su Baiyi was bitten by a poisonous snake, and after he was cured of the poison, he left Jinling City without saying a word."

It was really shocking to hear this news from Yuhen's mouth that day.So Yun Qing and Chu Limo didn't care about Qi Rong's preoccupied look these days.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was May.And in this month, Chu Liyou gave birth to Tiansheng's future son.The child was named Murong Yichen.

One month after the child was born, Chu Liyou was confinement.Yuhen happily made a full moon wine.After Chu Limo and Yun Qing participated in the full moon wine, they stayed in Jinling City for a few days and left.

As for Qi Rong, when the two left Jinling City, although Yun Qing didn't ask Qi Rong what happened between him and Su Baiyi that day.But Yun Qing still left a sentence, Su Baiyi is actually a very lonely person.All these years she has been very lonely, no friends, no family, no lover.She longs for these, but Su Baiyi, who lives in the Feng clan, does not allow her to have these.

Yun Qing said: If you fall in love with her, then please spend the rest of your life giving her warmth and love.If you're just blaming yourself for what happened that day, then leave her alone.Because Su Baiyi doesn't need sympathy and pity.

Qi Rong didn't say anything that day, but was silent for a long, long time.

After Chu Limo and Yun Qing left Jinling City, they went to Southern Chu.Yun Qing said that he wanted to go to Nanchu to see those family members.After watching these families, they traveled around.See all the mountains and rivers in the world.When they are old, they will find a place like a paradise to live in seclusion.Live an ordinary life that an ordinary couple should live.

(End of this chapter)

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