Chapter 890 Extra Story ([-])

Nanchu City, August.

They stopped and walked along the way, and the two arrived in Nanchu City in August.

Li Wang's Mansion is still Li Wang's Mansion. Although the owner of Li Wang's Mansion is not here, there are always people taking care of Li Wang's Mansion.Although it has been a year since the two left here, Li Wangfu is still the same as before.The pear blossoms in the pear orchard are also blooming vigorously.

When the two left, they brought Wu Qing back to Li Wang's Mansion, and Xiao Xiao, who had been staying in Li Wang's Mansion, rushed forward when she saw Yun Qing.Happy and worried, "Miss, you are finally back. The servant thought that the lady didn't want a servant." Now that there is no Nanchu Kingdom, Yun Qing is naturally no longer the queen of Nanchu. In terms of address, Xiaoxiao still thinks that Miss The most appropriate.

"How could it be? If I leave this Miss World, no one will leave you behind." Yun Qing smiled.

If we say that apart from Chu Limo in this world, the last person she will not leave behind should be Xiaoxiao, the little girl who has been with her for more than ten years.Xiaoxiao's sincerity, she will never forget.

"Stop crying. Miss, you should be happy that I'm back now." Yun Qing comforted her with a smile, and wiped away the tears on her face. "Okay, don't cry. I'm still thinking about the dim sum you made."

"My maidservant is going to make snacks for the little...princess right now." Xiaoxiao originally wanted to call Miss, but just halfway through speaking, she saw the male master of Li Wangfu coming from behind. Thinking of the master's words, Xiaoxiao was in a hurry Changed his words, and then went down to make some snacks.

"Will Qingqing throw me away because of Xiaoxiao?" A certain person turned his face when he heard Yunqing and Xiaoxiao's words.

"You're jealous." Yun Qing was amused, "You seem to be hopelessly jealous."

"I think it's time to marry this girl. In this way, I can put my pure heart on me alone." Chu Limo still felt that his idea was good, and then followed somewhere The guard who came said: "Wuqing, don't you like her? Hurry up and marry her back."

Wu Qing, who was following behind, was so excited that he almost slipped when he heard this sentence.However, how did the prince know that he liked Xiaoxiao?

The corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched violently after hearing his words.But it is undeniable that Yun Qing agrees with Chu Limo's words this time.In the previous life, Xiaoxiao followed her to a fate of not marrying and dying tragically. In this life, she naturally cannot let Xiaoxiao stay with her and never marry.It's not that she can't see that Wuqing and Xiaoxiao are interested in each other.Of course she wants to be perfect.

On the second day after returning to Southern Chu, Chu Limo and Yun Qing went to the palace to see Wang Qingshan.It's just that Yun Qing didn't expect to see Su Baiyi in the palace.

After knowing that Su Baiyi had left Jinling City, Yun Qing thought that Su Baiyi had gone far away.At least it will not appear in Nanchu.But what he didn't expect was that Su Baiyi was actually in Nanchu, and at her grandfather's residence.

Not only did Yun Qing see Su Baiyi here, but what surprised Yun Qing even more was that he saw another person.A person that Yun Qing didn't even think of.

In any case, Yun Qing never thought that Su Baiyi would be fine if he was here.Even Murong Xiyan is here.And looking at the appearance of Murong Xiyan's house, it seems that she intends to curry favor with Su Baiyi.

Looking at her appearance, Yun Qing could roughly guess something.It should be that Murong Xiyan accidentally let her own poisonous snake hurt Su Baiyi, and it is said that because of this, Qi Rong even beat Murong Xiyan.Perhaps Murong Xiyan wanted to ask Su Baiyi for forgiveness?That's why I came to Nanchu together.

When several women sit together, it is inevitable to gossip, and Yun Qing is no exception.

Yun Qing is particularly curious about one thing now, that is, what happened to Qi Rong and Su Baiyi that night?Why did they sleep together?
But Yun Qing hadn't opened his mouth to ask about it, Murong Xiyan came up to please Yun Qing as soon as she saw Yun Qing coming, and took Yun Qing's hand with a pitiful look, "Yun Qing, it's very kind of you to come Please help me quickly."

Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and glanced at Murong Xiyan, and really felt embarrassed for Murong Xiyan.The veil has been worn on the face for a long time and has never been taken off.Now that Murong Xiyan has come to Southern Chu, and even ran to the palace, Murong Xiyan runs to the palace every day, I'm afraid that one day the eldest cousin will discover Murong Xiyan's true appearance sooner or later.When the time comes, I'm afraid that Murong Xiyan doesn't want to have any entanglements with her eldest cousin.But with the big cousin's infatuation with Su Wanyan, I'm afraid what will happen when he sees Murong Xiyan's face?
Although Yun Qing also wanted his eldest cousin to come out of the sadness of Su Wanyan's death.But she couldn't let her big cousin treat Murong Xiyan as just a substitute, because that would be unfair to Murong Xiyan.And at the beginning Murong Xiyan obviously didn't want anyone to see her true appearance.She and Feng Qingluan also promised her to keep this secret for her.Naturally, he wanted to keep this secret for her.As for whether there is a relationship between her and her eldest cousin, it depends on the two of them.

"Is there anything that you need my help with?" Yun Qing deliberately asked as if he didn't know anything.

Murong Xiyan glanced at Su Baiyi, who was as cold as ice, then looked at Yun Qing and said, "I accidentally let the poisonous snake I raised bite her. I really didn't mean it. Yun Qing, please help me say something nice." , let her forgive me, okay? I promise, this will never happen again in the future. "

Yun Qing laughed, raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure you just want to apologize to her? Just need her to forgive you?" If it was really such a simple matter, Su Baiyi would definitely not hold grudges against Murong Xiyan of.And Murong Xiyan would not stay in Nanchu all the time just to apologize.So, there must be other things behind this.

After Murong Xiyan nodded, she stopped talking.

Feng Qingluan on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and took over the words: "Sister Baiyi doesn't blame her for the poisonous snake bite. She wants Sister Baiyi to go back to Jinling City with her." Speaking of this, Feng Qing Luan paused for a moment, looked at the two of them strangely, and then said softly to Yunqing: "I don't know what happened to these two people. Xiyan wanted Sister Baiyi to return to Jinling City. But Sister Baiyi directly refused. No matter what Xiyan said later, sister Baiyi just ignored Xiyan. In the past few days, Xiyan has been anxious to get angry because of this matter."

"Oh." Yun Qing responded lightly.

Is this strange?

At the beginning, Yuhen said that Qi Rong had put Su Baiyi to sleep.And Murong Xiyan would only attack Su Baiyi after seeing it, so that she accidentally hurt Su Baiyi.With Xiyan liking Qi Rong's temperament, how could she let Su Baiyi go back to Jinling City?

Yun Qing felt that there must be a story behind this.And it's still a great story.

Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi and Murong Xiyan, and finally put his eyes on Su Baiyi who had been silent all this time. Yun Qing spoke softly as if he didn't know what happened in Jinling City at all. "Sister Baiyi, didn't you agree to meet in Jinling City at the beginning? Why did you mention it and leave? Could it be that Brother Qi didn't treat you well?"

Hearing this, Su Baiyi's body was visibly startled.Although it was only for a while and Su Baiyi hid it well, Yun Qing still found out.Not only was Su Baiyi obviously stunned for a moment, even Murong Xiyan's expression changed when she heard this sentence.So, what really happened between her and Qi Rong when they were in Jinling City?It is even possible to say that Yuhen's claim that Qi Rong slept with Su Baiyi is genuine.Did that relationship really happen between the two?
I don't know if this sentence has stimulated Murong Xiyan, Murong Xiyan's expression has obviously changed from the hippie smile just now to a little lonely. "Well, I remembered that I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first. Yun Qing, I'll be looking for you in two days." After speaking, Murong Xiyan hurriedly left here as if fleeing.

After Murong Xiyan left, Yun Qing looked at Su Baiyi. "Sister Baiyi, is your injury healed?"

Yun Qing's concern was sincere, and the poisonous snake that Murong Xiyan raised was extremely poisonous.After being bitten, Su Baiyi is still alive and sitting here is really lucky.

"There is the antidote given by Xiyan. It is already cured." Su Baiyi looked at Yun Qing and said softly, "I thought you would ask me why I left Jinling City."

"If you want to tell me, you will naturally tell me." Yun Qing smiled.Regarding what happened to Su Baiyi and Qi Rong in Jinling City, Yun Qing would not ask, if Su Baiyi wanted to tell her, he would naturally tell her.If she didn't want to say it, she wouldn't force Su Baiyi to say it.

"Actually, it's okay to tell you." Su Baiyi said softly, "This matter was originally a mistake. Since it was a mistake, we can't let the mistake continue, so I can't go back to Jinling City with Xiyan."

Yun Qing sat aside and listened quietly without making a sound.Feng Qingluan also sat aside and listened silently.

Su Baiyi continued: "You must have heard about the incident when you came back from Jinling City, Yunqing, right? We drank too much that night, and when we woke up, the incident had already happened. Unexpectedly, Xiyan would suddenly I saw it when I came back and broke in. It was also that day that I found out that Xiyan liked him very much. I liked him for many years. I don’t blame her for being so angry about what happened that day. After all, no one can accept a person who likes him. The man who had been with me for many years was with another woman. Xiyan shot after seeing it, and I was accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake raised by her. For this matter, Qi... Qi Rong beat Xiyan. I know If it wasn't for me, Qi Rong wouldn't have hit Xiyan either. We shouldn't have been drinking that night, and we shouldn't have been so drunk. Not to mention..." Su Baiyi said softly, "So I can't let this mistake continue. I can't destroy the relationship between Qi Rong and Xi Yan. Qi Rong asked Xi Yan to follow me. I think he wants to be responsible, but I don't need him to be responsible. Jinling City, I can't go back. "

Yun Qing probably understood.They slept together that night entirely because they were drunk.In the end, Xi Yan saw it.Behind the two women fought.In the end it was Qi Rong who beat Xi Yan.Su Baiyi finally ran away, but Qi Rong didn't chase after him, but let Murong Xiyan follow instead.

Yun Qing said after listening, are they really going to become an ethical love triangle?

"I just came to see Grandpa. I knew you would come back to Nanchu. So I waited for you to come back in Nanchu. Now that you are back, I have seen you too. I think I should leave Nanchu soon."

"You want to leave?" Yun Qing looked at her: "I just came back, you are leaving? Where are you going?"

"Yeah. If I didn't have to wait for you to come back. I want to see you, I should have left Nanchu long ago."

"Is it because of Big Brother Qi? That's why you want to leave?" Yun Qing really couldn't bear to leave so soon. In this world, Su Baiyi is the only family left for her.She is leaving now, in the vast rivers and lakes, is she going to be alone again?
"It's not because of him. I've always wanted to travel all over the world these years. But I never had the chance, and now I'm taking this opportunity to fulfill my wish." Su Baiyi spoke softly, looking at the sincerity on Yun Qing's face. Abandon.But with a slight smile on his face, "Yun Qing, I don't know when I will be back after I leave. Maybe three years, maybe ten years. Maybe I won't come back. But maybe I will come back someday So, don't say goodbye, don't say goodbye. We will cherish each other. If there is a destiny, see you in Jianghu."

(End of this chapter)

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