Chapter 891 Extra Story ([-])

South Chu City, Wangfu.


A scream resounded throughout the backyard of the palace.

"It's Xiyan's voice." From far away, Yun Qing heard Xiyan's scream.

Yun Qing suddenly had a bad premonition, Xi Yan's voice was so tragic, she must have met her big cousin.Otherwise, Xiyan wouldn't scream.

"Let's go over quickly and have a look." Feng Qingluan got up and walked over from the place where the screams came from.Yun Qing and Su Baiyi also got up and walked towards the place where the screams came from.

This scream not only aroused Yun Qing and the others.It also attracted everyone from the entire palace.

Just as Yun Qing expected, Murong Xiyan had indeed bumped into Wang Zixuan head-on.Unfortunately, I don't know if Murong Xiyan left too hastily just now, and then collided with Wang Zixuan, and the result was that she knocked off the veil on her face.Now, Murong Xiyan is facing Wang Zixuan with her true appearance.

The reason why Murong Xiyan screamed was because Wang Zixuan was too excited.He squeezed Murong Xiyan's hand tightly, but in the end it was too hard and hurt Murong Xiyan.Murong Xiyan herself was also frightened by this sudden accident.So there was a scream.

"Let go of me quickly. Let me go, I'm not the person you said." Murong Xiyan struggled, but Wang Zixuan's grip was so tight that it hurt her hand.

What made Murong Xiyan feel even more unlucky was that she just left in a hurry.Who knew it hit him?To make matters worse, the veil she had been wearing on her face was also knocked off.As a result, he saw his true face.Now he identified himself as another woman.A woman he loved dearly.

She doesn't know why?Why does her heart hurt so much every time Wang Zixuan calls Su Wanyan's name in front of her, it hurts so much that it feels like her heart is going to explode.

But if someone else called herself Su Wanyan, she hardly felt anything.She has always been suspicious, that's why she asked Yun Qing and the others to keep it a secret for her at that time.She didn't understand what was going on with her.But she knew very well that she couldn't hear this man calling herself Su Wanyan.As soon as she heard her calling herself Su Wanyan, her heart would ache, and it would become more and more severe.

"Let go of me." Murong Xiyan tried her best to shake off Wang Zixuan's hand, but he held it too tightly.

When Wang Zixuan saw her now, he was obviously too excited and couldn't hear anything at all.There was only one thought in his head, and that was the return of the woman he had been thinking about.Now she was standing in front of him, standing in front of him alive. "Wanyan... Wanyan, I knew you wouldn't leave me. I knew you couldn't bear to leave me. You're finally back, you're finally back. Wanyan... Wanyan... Wanyan..."

Every time he called Su Wanyan's name, Murong Xiyan's heart ached more and more, and something seemed to explode in her aching heart.

"I'm not Su Wanyan, let me go." She shouted, with unbearable pain in her voice.

But when Wang Zixuan saw her and Su Wanyan who was thinking about him, he was already out of control.Regardless of her struggle, he held her hand tightly, held her tightly in his arms, and called Su Wanyan's name affectionately over and over again.

When the people in the palace rushed to the back garden, they saw such a scene.Wang Zixuan hugged Murong Xiyan emotionally and kept calling Su Wanyan's name.But Murong Xiyan has been struggling.

"Let go of me, let go of me. I'm not Su Wanyan. You let me go." If it wasn't all too sudden, Wang Zixuan calling himself Su Wanyan made her heart hurt so badly, she would never be held by Wang Zixuan Not even the strength to fight back.But now, my heart hurts more and more.It hurts even more than when I met Wang Zixuan last time.After allowing Wang Zixuan to hug herself and call Su Wanyan, Murong Xiyan had a feeling that she would die here today.Because the pain in the heart cannot be suppressed, the painful seat in the heart will burst, and finally die.

"Wanyan, you are Wanyan. You are my Wanyan." Seeing her, how could he let go all at once.Back then when he watched her die in his arms, he couldn't bear the heartache.

"What should I do? Big brother now recognizes Xiyan as sister Wanyan." Feng Qingluan and Yunqing Su Baiyi stood aside, seeing this scene, they didn't know what to do.

Yun Qing looked at the emotionally agitated person who lost his mind and sighed softly, "Big Cousin has too much affection for Sister Su. Xi Yan looks exactly the same as Sister Su, I'm afraid it's..."

Su Baiyi at the side remained silent, but stared at the two people in the garden with a pair of clear eyes, and a strange look flashed across his face.Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Su Baiyi exclaimed, "Ms. Murong's expression is not right."

Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan looked at Su Baiyi tiredly, then looked at Murong Xiyan.

I saw that just as Su Baiyi's words fell, things really happened so unexpectedly.Murong Xiyan suddenly turned pale, and her breathing became short of breath, as if she was holding back something, but that appearance was obviously about to erupt.In the next second, Murong Xiyan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, she didn't even have the strength to struggle, and fell into Wang Zixuan's arms, looking lifeless.

This scene happened too suddenly.It also scared everyone.

The first person to react was Wang Zixuan.Murong Xiyan's blood vomited on Wang Zixuan's body.The smell of blood is so strong and so dazzling.Wang Zixuan will never forget that Su Wanyan was also lying in his arms vomiting blood.Never forget it.Seeing that the woman in his arms was in the same condition as before, Wang Zixuan's heart sank.Shouted, "Gently...Don't scare me politely. You can't have anything to do. You can't leave me anymore."

"Like I said, I'm not Su Wanyan. My name is Murong Xiyan." After weakly speaking, Murong Xiyan fainted.

The accident happened too fast.Everyone who was so fast didn't react.

Because Murong Xiyan suddenly vomited blood and passed out, the palace invited the best doctor in Nanchu City, but they couldn't figure out what kind of illness she was suffering from.

And the results of all the doctors' diagnoses were that Murong Xiyan was not sick, injured or poisoned.This situation is really rare now, and they don't know what happened to Murong Xiyan.

Wang Zixuan has been guarding Murong Xiyan's bedside.Wang Zixuan still can't believe that there are people who look exactly the same in the world.But he had to believe one more thing, that is, this woman was really not what he said.

As for the similarity between Murong Xiyan and Su Wanyan, apart from those who knew about it earlier, Wang Qingshan was also shocked.

Yun Qing also knew that this matter could not be concealed, so he could only explain the matter of Murong Xiyan detoxifying Wang Zixuan and the matter of asking them to keep it a secret.After finishing speaking, Yun Qing glanced at the woman lying on the bed who suddenly became unconscious and said softly: "She is Master Su's real daughter, and also the real Su Wanyan. She is the one that Sister Su wants you to find."

She is also Wang Zixuan's real fiancee.It's just that an accident happened that year, and the real Su Wanyan and Feng Youxue changed their identities.But Wang Zixuan fell in love with Feng Youxue.

It's just that Yun Qing has never understood one thing?That's why Su Wanyan and Feng Youxue, who are not related by blood, look exactly the same?Why did Murong Xiyan become like this when the eldest cousin called Su Wanyan's name in front of Murong Xiyan?Yun Qing had noticed when she was in Youcheng back then, when the eldest cousin called this name in front of her, Murong Xiyan would cover her heart and seem to hold back something?But when she saw it at the beginning, she just didn't pay attention to it.But today, Yun Qing can be sure that Murong Xiyan vomited blood and passed out must have something to do with her eldest cousin calling Su Wanyan's name.

All the best doctors in Nanchu City came to see it, but none of them found out what was going on.And from what happened to now, Su Baiyi has been frowning and seems to be thinking about something?But it seemed to be uncertain.

Although other people didn't notice Su Baiyi's abnormality, Yun Qing did notice it.At that time, before Murong Xiyan vomited blood, Su Baiyi also said something: Miss Murong's expression is not right.In other words, Su Baiyi noticed Murong Xiyan's strangeness, but when he wanted to say it, it was still a step too late.

"Sister Baiyi, do you know what is going on with Xiyan?" Yun Qing called Sister Baiyi, and Wang Qingshan thought he had heard it wrong.Looking at Su Baiyi, who was clearly dressed in white, he said, "Qing girl, what did you just say?"

Although Su Baiyi is wearing men's clothes now, since he accidentally revealed his female identity in Jinling City, Su Baiyi took off the thing that symbolizes a man's Adam's apple.Although she is still dressed in white men's clothes, as long as outsiders don't pay attention, she is still a man now.But Yun Qing's "sister" made Wang Qingshan startled.

"Grandpa, I'll explain this to you later." Yun Qing said, looking at Su Baiyi, "Do you know what happened to Xiyan?"

"She looks like she has been poisoned by a secret poison of the Feng clan. But I'm not sure." Su Baiyi said: "This poison has long been lost. I just saw her appearance and the Feng clan. The handbook recorded by the family is very similar. So I am not sure if she has been poisoned by this kind of poison."

"It's the Feng Clan again." Yun Qing couldn't stop hating at the mention of this name.Even if the Feng clan has been wiped out now.

"Her heart is 'Phantom Heart Gu'." Before Su Baiyi could say anything, another person came in from the outside.And the person who walked in was Murong Xiyan's master Wuchen.Wuchen snorted, "So it was the Feng clan who poisoned it. The Feng clan is really vicious, and they poisoned a little girl so viciously. If it weren't for my old man, this little girl might have died sooner or later." die."

"Is it really Illusory Heart Gu? But as far as I know, Illusory Heart Gu has long been lost. Illusory Heart Gu is even listed as a banned drug of the Feng clan." Su Baiyi was still a little skeptical at first, but he heard no words. Dust is so sure.And Murong Xiyan's symptoms are very similar to the Illusory Heart Gu.

"What is the Illusory Heart Gu?" Yun Qing asked, "Senior Wu Chen has a way to save Yan Yan?"

"There is a way." Wuchen glanced at the person lying on the bed, then at Wang Zixuan, "But this girl saved an irrelevant person with the Phoenix Scripture. The Phoenix Scripture was originally used to It suppresses the illusion Gu in her body. She is good, she is not afraid of death and uses it to save people. Saving people is fine. The internal strength of the Phoenix Scripture can only be restored after three years." After saying this, Wuchen stared fiercely at Wang Zixuan, "Do you want her to die? She is Murong Xiyan, not Su Wanyan. You keep calling her Su Wanyan, do you want her to die in front of you right now?"

"I..." Wang Zixuan never imagined that when she saved herself, she actually did so with her own life.

Not to mention Wang Zixuan, even the other people present were shocked.

Wuchen said angrily again: "Do you know why she looks exactly like Su Wanyan? It's because of the illusion. She and Su Wanyan took the illusion at the same time. Her body is the child Gu, and Su Wanyan's body is the mother. Gu. The two of them took the illusory heart at the same time. Over time, their faces will naturally look more and more similar because of the illusory heart. Their hearts will also resonate. After a long time, the illusory heart Gu has become their mutual heart." Wu Chen looked at Wang Zixuan, and said in a deep voice: "Su Wanyan has deep affection for you, which has already penetrated into the bone marrow. Her deep affection for you is that heart. Xiyan and her The heart can resonate. Every time you call Su Wanyan's name, her heart will ache. She has never seen you, let alone fell in love with you. You are a stranger to Xiyan. But her The heart and Su Wanyan's heart resonate. Every time you say Su Wanyan, you are killing her. Now Xiyan is not suppressed by the internal force of the Phoenix Scripture, but you make her heart attack by the phantom heart gu Now, she is doomed."

When he rescued this apprentice back then, he discovered that someone had poisoned her body.That's why she keeps wearing a veil so that no one can see her face.That unlucky flower back then was not a lie.Originally, she thought that no one would ever see her face, but how could she have thought that everything had already been arranged in the dark.

"Old man, you really have no way to save her? She is your apprentice." Chu Limo, who had been silent all this time, looked at Wu Chen and said, he didn't believe that this old man would appear here for no reason.

"It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, I'm your uncle." Wuchen snorted.With a sullen face, "It's not impossible. It's just..." There is no possibility at all.

"Just what? Senior, please save her. Even if it costs my life, please save her." Wang Zixuan never thought that he would kill this woman who looks exactly like Wan Yan.

"You still have a conscience. She didn't waste your life by using the Phoenix Scripture." Wu Chen snorted.Looking at the person lying on the bed again, she sighed, "Phantom Heart Gu has already become one with her heart more than ten years ago in her body. Her heart carries the affection of another woman. She wants to live , she can only rely on herself. No one in this world can save her."

After finishing speaking, Wu Chen looked at Wang Zixuan again, and said in a deep voice: "If she comes back to life, don't treat her as Su Wanyan in the future. Unless you really want her to die. Also, forget about her existence."

"Is there really no way to save her?" Wang Zixuan couldn't believe it, a person who was still fine just now suddenly disappeared.He wanted to watch her leave helplessly.

"Take her to Lingyin Temple." Wu Chen looked at Chu Limo, Yun Qing, and Su Baiyi and said, "You guys will follow, I need your help."

"I'll go with you."

"If you want her to die, you come with me." Wu Chen glared at Wang Zixuan. "Don't forget my words, she is Murong Xiyan, not Su Wanyan. Her heart is not only her own. You will only kill her if you appear in front of her."

(End of this chapter)

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