Chapter 892 Extra Story ([-])

Lingyin Temple.

"Senior brother, you won't be so unfeeling, right? Thanks to you being an eminent monk, what about your compassion? Have you been eaten by a dog?" Wuchen roared.If it wasn't for this apprentice, Wuchen really wanted to yell and beat him up, even though his tone is not so good now.

"You clearly know that she is poisoned by the Illusory Heart Gu, and you have nothing to do. Monk, what can I do?"

"If you have no choice, will I come to you?" Wu Chen sat down with a snort.That posture is, if you don't save people, I won't leave.

"Believe it or not, Monk, I have no way to save her. If Junior Brother likes to stay here, Junior Brother will stay here, and Monk, I will not accompany her."

"Lingyin." Wuchen gritted his teeth. "She is also your nephew after all. Do you have the heart to see her die at a young age?"

"Monk, what can I do? She is poisoned by the Illusory Heart Gu instead of the usual poison. Do you think I am a fairy? I can be saved if I say it."

"As your junior brother, don't I know how capable you are? If you can't save her, I will bring her to you. Lingyin, just give me a quick word, do you want to save her or not?"

"It can't be saved." Monk Lingyin said flatly.Where is the compassionate heart of a monk?

"Okay, okay, okay, you can't save her, you can't save her. Lingyin, if you refuse to save her, I...we won't leave. I will take her to live with you. If you don't save her, just watch She will die with you."

Chu Li, Mo Yun, Qing Su Baiyi and the other three did not talk to each other, they just looked at the two quietly.That means, when did the two of you stop arguing and when did you start saving people.

And these two people, if one doesn't save them, the other won't leave if they don't save them.This stalemate lasted for three whole days, and Murong Xiyan didn't wake up even once during these three days.If it wasn't for the faint sound of breathing, Yun Qing would have felt that she was already a dead person.

For the past three days, Lingyin and Wuchen have also been at a stalemate.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing lived in the wooden house at the foot of Lingyin Temple.Su Baiyi originally planned to leave Nanchu City, but seeing Murong Xiyan's appearance, Su Baiyi temporarily stayed in Lingyin Temple.

As for Wang Zixuan, he has been staying at Lingyin Temple for the past three days.Although Wuchen forbade him to follow that day, Wang Zixuan was worried and followed him anyway.It's just that she never showed her face in front of Wuchen and Murong Xiyan.

Wang Zixuan is now worried and remorseful.If it wasn't for him, this innocent woman wouldn't be what she is now because of him.If it wasn't for saving him, this woman wouldn't have lost the Phoenix Mantra.Now, without the suppression of the Phoenix Scripture, he would die at any time.

He let his favorite woman die because of him.Now, let another innocent woman die because of him.

"You don't need to worry too much. Miss Murong will be fine. What's more, there is Senior Wuchen around, and Senior Wuchen will not let Miss Murong have anything to do." Su Baiyi never tried to comfort others, But seeing Wang Zixuan's worried and remorseful look these days, Su Baiyi still comforted him.

"It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't...wouldn't have become like this." In the past three days, Wang Zixuan hadn't had a good rest and was always worried about Murong Xiyan, and now his voice became a little hoarse up.

"Don't blame yourself for this matter. It's not your fault." Who would have thought that there was a phantom heart gu in her body?Even Murong Xiyan herself didn't know that she had been hit by the Illusory Heart Gu, so Wang Zixuan really couldn't be blamed for this matter.

Suddenly, Wang Zixuan raised his head and looked at Su Baiyi, "Phantom Heart Gu is a banned drug of the Feng clan, you must have a solution, right?"

Su Baiyi also looked a little sad, and said softly, "I'm sorry. I can't do anything."

She really didn't know any way to save Murong Xiyan.Illusory Heart Gu, Unfeeling Gu Poison and Seizing Soul are listed as the three major banned drugs of the Feng clan.And the phantom heart Gu has been lost for many years.She also saw it in the manuscripts recorded by the Feng clan.But there is no record of the way to undo the illusion of the mind.Even, the records of the illusion Gu that she saw were incomplete.

This kind of Gu is very domineering, once it occurs, there is no cure.

It is really a miracle that Murong Xiyan can still survive now.She thought, it must be because Murong Xiyan has practiced the Phoenix Mantra in the past ten years.Because of the suppression of the Phoenix Scripture in her body, she did not die immediately this time due to her sudden attack.But as for whether there is any way to save her, she doesn't know.She was not sure if Murong Xiyan could wake up?

A few more days passed like this, and Murong Xiyan still didn't wake up.In the next few days, Murong Xiyan's aura became weaker and weaker.

"Lingyin, are you really going to die?" Wuchen was anxious to get angry these days.Seeing the apprentice he had trained for many years lying there looking like he was going to die at any moment, Wuchen was so angry that he wanted to beat the old monk Lingyin to death.

Lingyin has also seen it in the past few days, and she also has a cold expression on Murong Xiyan's weaker and weaker breath.It seemed that whether she died or not had nothing to do with him. "You'd better take her down the mountain quickly. Prepare a coffin for her, she won't be able to hold on."

"Lingyin." Wuchen gritted his teeth.

"It's useless for me to get angry at the monk. What can I do about her is the magic heart gu monk?" Lingyin said: "Unless, you can find another mother gu to swallow her, maybe things will go wrong." A slight turning point."

"What did you say? Are you sure?" There was light in Wuchen's eyes.

Lingyin gave Wuchen a blank look, and snorted, "I don't know. But if you don't want her to die, you can try it. As for the result, I can't guarantee it."

Upon hearing the news, Wuchen's eyes moved, and he had an idea in his heart.The other mother Gu of the Illusory Heart Gu is in Su Wanyan's body, and Su Wanyan is already dead.If you want to find another mother Gu from Su Wanyan's body, you must first know where she is buried.And now the only person who knows about it here is Wang Zixuan.Immediately, Wuchen walked towards the guest room where Wang Zixuan lived.

"Where is Su Wanyan buried?" Wu Chen kicked open the door of Wang Zixuan and asked directly without explaining anything.

Wang Zixuan didn't react to the sudden kick and asked Wang Zixuan, but just looked at Wuchen in a daze.Wu Chen was anxious to save his apprentice's life, grabbed Wang Zixuan's clothes and asked, "Where is Su Wanyan buried?"


"Tell me, where is Su Wanyan buried?"

"Junior brother." Lingyin followed anxiously, and when he came over, he saw the man grabbing Wang Zixuan, and sighed helplessly, "Junior brother, this is just my guess. What if it doesn't work?" , but it will directly kill your female apprentice. Do you understand?"

"Since the left and right are just one death, let's take a gamble. If you win the bet, it will be my apprentice's life." Wu Chen let go of Wang Zixuan's hand, looked at Wang Zixuan and said, "Boy, Xiyan has changed now." You were responsible for this, if she dies, I will definitely ask you to be buried with her. Now, tell me, where is Su Wanyan buried?"

"Amitabha." The old monk Lingyin recited.Then he explained to Wang Zixuan and told the matter.After finishing speaking, he opened his mouth again: "Everything has a cause and effect, it depends on her good fortune."

After Wang Zixuan finished listening, his expression became silent.

If you want to follow the method of senior Lingyin, you will have to dig Wanyan's grave.But if you don't do that, Miss Murong will definitely die here.

What should he do now?
or not?

"Stop talking about it. Tell me where Su Wanyan is buried?" Wu Chen was really anxious.

Now there is not so much time for Wang Zixuan to think more.Time is the most precious thing for Xiyan.If it continues to delay, Xiyan will die at any time.

"If you want to use the mother Gu to save, there is another necessary condition, that is, you must take it immediately without delay. Once the mother Gu has been away from the mother's body for a long time, I am afraid it will not be of much use." At this time Ling Hidden came that sentence again. "Take this girl and go with her. Be sure to hurry up. You don't need to save her if you delay. Just prepare a coffin for her and bury her."

Perhaps the last sentence played a role, Wang Zixuan didn't even have time to think about it.The decision was made right away. "I'll take Miss Murong there."

"Okay." Lingyin said: "You take her there alone. Junior brother doesn't have to go with her."

Wuchen was about to say something, Lingyin glanced at Wuchen. "It's useless for you to follow. If this method is useless, wouldn't you want to see your apprentice die with your own eyes? Wouldn't you be even more sad then?"

Wuchen gave Lingyin a hard look, but this time he didn't say anything but acquiesced to Lingyin's words.And Lingyin gave Wang Zixuan some instructions on what to do.After finishing speaking, Lingyin finally spoke. "If this girl is unlucky, you can just bury her. If she is lucky, you bring her back." As for what to bring back, Lingyin didn't say anything at the end.

And Wang Zixuan took the unconscious Murong Xiyan to the Moon Lake where Su Wanyan was buried.


Moon Lake.

Wang Zixuan has often come to this place since Su Wanyan was buried here, and every time he comes, he carries deep thoughts.But this time, Wang Zixuan's mood was very complicated.

Putting Murong Xiyan away, Wang Zixuan walked to Su Wanyan's tombstone.The eyes are still so gentle, full of endless nostalgia and at the same time a little bit of sadness. "Wanyan, I came to see you. Are you okay there? Wanyan, I brought her. However, I did something unforgivable. I hurt her. "

"Wanyan, I'm sorry. I know you are very kind, and you want me to find her so much. Now I have found her, but she is dying now, and she needs the mother Gu in your body to save her life. You won't blame me, right? ?”

Wang Zixuan spoke indifferently, but the only answer he got was silence.

Although he was extremely reluctant, Wang Zixuan still had no choice.He had no choice but to watch Murong Xiyan die because of him.If she died, he would never forgive himself in his life.

When the coffin was opened, Su Wanyan's body had turned into bones.Seeing the bone, Wang Zixuan's eyes turned red.

And there is a black worm on the seat at the heart of the bones.Just as Lingyin said, this worm should be the mother Gu.Although the person is dead, the Gu worm is not dead.

Without hesitation, Wang Zixuan picked up the mother Gu and gave it to Murong Xiyan to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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