The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 893 Fanwai The first person I see when I wake up is you!

Chapter 893 Fanwai ([-]) The first person I see when I wake up is you!

Lingyin Temple.

Perhaps as the old monk Lingyin said, Murong Xiyan's luck is not bad.After eating the mother Gu, she really had a slight reaction.But this slight reaction doesn't mean that Murong Xiyan can immediately get better.She is still in the stage of dying at any time.And Wang Zixuan didn't stay in Moon Lake for too long, and brought Murong Xiyan back to Lingyin Temple.

After bringing it back, the old monk Lingyin just chanted: Amitabha!
"She will be fine for the time being. But she will still be in danger of dying at any time. She has eaten the mother Gu, which means that there will be another woman's memory in her body from now on." Lingyin looked at Wang Zixuan and pointed Looking at the seat in his heart, he said: "And your existence, even if you didn't do anything, as long as you appear in front of her, you will kill her at any time. Because she has your memory in her heart. Once she If the mother's voodoo attacks, the other woman's memory will wake up, and she will die immediately."

"I've said so much, you can say something useful. How can I save her." Wang Zixuan's expression was heavy before he could speak, and Wuchen who was beside him interrupted Lingyin's words.

Wang Zixuan also nervously watched Lingyin's next words.

"Seal her memory completely. Perhaps, she still has a glimmer of life." Lingyin said lightly, but there seemed to be other things hidden in his plain tone.

"It's that simple?" Wuchen can be said to be the person who understands Lingyin best.Naturally, he also discovered the ambiguity in his tone.

After Wang Zixuan heard about it, he looked at Lingyin nervously.Lingyin glanced at Wuchen, raised her eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Of course it's not that simple. Once she uses this method, she will lose all her martial arts. From then on, there is no trace of martial arts. More importantly The most important point is that once this method is used, she will only have ten years to live. Once the ten years pass, it will be her final deadline."

"What? Ten years? Lingyin, what is your way of saving people?" Wu Chen cursed angrily.

Wang Zixuan's heart also seemed to sink after hearing this sentence.

"Keeping her alive for ten years is already the maximum deadline for a monk. Otherwise, because of the psychic poison in her body now, she should be a corpse now." Lingyin said.

It was a risky move to take this step.But whether it was a risky game or something, he took a gamble.Give her the mother's poison, otherwise, even the monk has nothing to do.

"Old god stick, old god stick. You are murdering people. If there is something wrong with my apprentice, I will kill you, old god stick." Wuchen was still yelling.

Lingyin didn't care about Wuchen's scolding, and continued after a pause: "Whether to save her or not? It's up to you, Junior Brother?" That means, to use this method, Wuchen needs to protect it together.

Wu Chen looked at the person lying on the bed who was still breathing very weakly. Although it was much better than the previous few days, the situation was still not optimistic.If I continue to delay, I'm afraid... I will lose my life.Don't say ten years by then. 10 minutes is a luxury.Wuchen gritted his teeth, "Save! Of course we have to!"

Lingyin knew that Wuchen would agree, and then looked at Wang Zixuan at the side and ordered: "You watch outside, we can't let anyone come in to disturb us before we come out. Also, after she woke up, she didn't say anything about the past. Will remember. From now on, she will forget and disappear all the memories about Su Wanyan and Murong Xiyan. All you have to do is, don't bring up the past in front of her. Including the names of Su Wanyan and Murong Xiyan. Once During this time, she remembered something about Su Wanyan and Murong Xiyan. Not to mention ten years of life, I can't guarantee a single day for a monk. In order for her to live well from now on, she needs a brand new identity. You understand right?"

Wang Zixuan nodded, and then left the room.

He understood what Lingyin meant, that is to say, when she woke up again, she could no longer be Su Wanyan, nor could she be Murong Xiyan anymore.

It has been almost a day since Lingyin and Wuchen sealed the memory for Murong Xiyan in the room.During this period, Chu Li, Mo Yunqing and Su Baiyi came once.After seeing that no one came out, he left again.And Wang Zixuan also told the three of Lingyin's words.After Su Baiyi finished listening, he left Lingyin Temple directly.Later, when they remembered Su Baiyi, Su Baiyi had already left Nanchu City and disappeared.And Chu Limo and Yun Qing also left Lingyin Temple. As for where they went, there is really no news in a short time.

Not to mention here.

As soon as Lingyin and Wuchen left the room, they said to Wang Zixuan in unison: "She wakes up and you take her down the mountain directly. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do." But you can tell by the looks of the two of them. , the two of them were exhausted.

Wu Chen looked at Wang Zixuan and said, "I will leave her to you. Take good care of her."


But this time, in order to seal the Illusory Heart Gu in Murong Xiyan's body and her memory together, Lingyin and Wuchen used the Xuantian Scripture and the Phoenix Scripture at the same time, and almost exhausted their entire body's skills to release it. The person was rescued.As for the two of them, within the next ten years, it is estimated that they will have a good retreat.

That's why Lingyin said to keep her alive for ten years.The two of them exhausted their internal energy to save Murong Xiyan's life.


Murong Xiyan woke up the next day.When she woke up, there was only Wang Zixuan besides Wang Zixuan.Lingyin, Haowuchen, and Wuchen have already gone to seclusion.

In the early morning, the warm sunlight came in and fell on the woman's face, and the woman lying on the bed opened her eyes slightly.The moment she opened her eyes, her mind went blank.She doesn't know where this is?Don't even know who you are?

As Lingyin said, she doesn't remember anything.Like a newborn baby, there are only memories of just waking up.

But the first thing she saw when she woke up was a man, a good-looking man.She saw him walking towards her slowly. There was a gentle smile on the man's face, which was as warm as the morning sun.That warm smile touched her heart so deeply.

"Who are you? Where am I?" The first time she woke up, she looked at him and asked, innocent as a baby.

"I'm Wang Zixuan. This is Lingyin Temple. We came to Lingyin Temple to worship the Buddha. You accidentally fell from the back mountain because you were playful. You have been asleep for several days." Wang Zixuan said.This was what Wang Zixuan had already thought about before she woke up.

"Wang Zixuan? Wang Zixuan?" Murong Xiyan repeated a few words.But after thinking about it for a long time, I don't have any memory.Murong Xiyan raised her head and looked at Wang Zixuan. Although she didn't remember him at all, she still felt very familiar looking at this face.It seems like I have seen it somewhere.But she tried hard to remember, but couldn't.She looked at him and said softly, "Why do I feel you are familiar? I seem to have seen you somewhere? But I don't remember anything."

After Murong Xiyan finished speaking, Wang Zixuan's body trembled violently when he heard the words, but it was only that moment.Wang Zixuan showed a gentle smile, and said lightly: "You fell and hurt your head. So you lost your memory. Fortunately, you are fine. If you can't remember it, don't think about it."

"You said that I accidentally fell because I was playful? Then I woke up and didn't remember anything?" Murong Xiyan didn't doubt Wang Zixuan's words, but just pouted, "Then why did I fall even myself? Who has forgotten? Who am I?"

"Your name is Su Xin'er." Wang Zixuan said.

"Su Xiner. You mean my name is Su Xiner?"

"En." Wang Zixuan nodded, "You are the daughter of Master Su Shaoyue of Nanchu. Ten days ago you came to Lingyin Temple to worship the Buddha, and then you ran to the back mountain for fun and fell down on the back mountain. I found your You were unconscious by then."

Before Murong Xiyan woke up, Wang Zixuan had already finished the matter.She is the real daughter of Lord Su Shaoyue, so she naturally wants to live anew as the daughter of the Su family.Wanyan back then also hoped that he could find the real Su Wanyan for her.Now this is the best opportunity.He has already taken care of everything in Nanchu City.From now on, she is not Murong Xiyan but Su Xin'er.

"Oh. So that's how it is." After a long time, the former Murong Xiyan and now Su Xin'er agreed, then looked at Wang Zixuan like a curious baby and said, "I don't remember anything now. You can tell me Are you talking about the past?"

For Su Xin'er today, having no memory is a terrifying thing.Because this world is strange and scary to her.

"Your injury has just healed, and now you need to rest well. I will tell you slowly when you recover from your rest." Wang Zixuan found an excuse and said softly.After finishing speaking, she left the room without waiting for Su Xin'er to speak.

"Alas... I haven't finished my words yet. I'm already well, and I don't need to rest." Su Xin'er shouted.But the figure of Wang Zixuan had already left.

In the end, when Su Xin'er had a good rest, Wang Zixuan didn't tell her about the past.

After recuperating for another day in Lingyin Temple, Wang Zixuan finally let her go back to Nanchu City after her body was completely fine.And the people from the Su Mansion, Master Su Shaoyue and Mrs. Su came to Lingyin Temple to pick up their daughter home.

At the gate of Lingyin Temple.

Seeing this battle, Su Xin'er felt nervous and scared for some reason, and hid behind Wang Zixuan.

Su Shaoyue and Mrs. Su were standing at the gate of the mountain. When they saw their own daughter, they couldn't stop the tears in their eyes.Seeing her, it seemed that she saw the polite words from that year.Sadness, sadness, self-blame, and joy.Rejoicing that after so many years, their daughter has returned to their side.

Wang Zixuan also noticed Su Xin'er's nervousness and fear, and said softly: "They are your parents. They came from Nanchu to pick you up after they knew you were injured."

"Xin'er, my child." Mrs. Su saw Su Xin'er coming out, so she couldn't help but walked up and hugged her in her arms.There are many words in my heart, but I don't know how to speak, so I can only hug her tightly.Su Shaoyue on the side also wept.

Su Xin'er was a little startled, and could only let Mrs. Su hold her.

This is her mother?
But why does she still feel a little strange?But there is a trace of warmth in these strangeness.Maybe this is the reason for the blood connection?
"Mother." Su Xin'er called softly.

Madam Su's heart was both sad and happy when she called mother. "Xin'er. Mother's baby, you have suffered."

"I'm sorry, it's my heart's fault. Xin'er shouldn't be playful. If Xin'er wasn't playful, she wouldn't have fallen and even lost her memory, and even forgot her parents." In his arms, she felt very warm.This feeling is never there.

"It's good that my heart is fine. It's good that it's fine."

"That's right. As long as you're fine, Xin'er." Su Shaoyue also responded from the side.

"Uncle Su, Aunt Su, it's getting late, shall we go down the mountain first?" Wang Zixuan said gently and politely from the side.Although he is now the King of Chu in Nanchu City, he is in charge of everything in Nanchu City.But he is still so polite in front of the elders.

Su Shaoyue glanced at his wife and his lost daughter and nodded, "Zixuan is right, let's go down the mountain first."

Only then did Mrs. Su come back to her senses, and let go of her daughter who had been holding her all along.With tears of joy in his eyes, he said, "Let's go home." That short sentence contained many meanings.

(End of this chapter)

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