The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 894 Extra Story I'm Scared Alone!Don't leave me, okay?

Chapter 894 Extra Story ([-]) I'm Scared Alone!Don't leave me, okay?
South Chu City, Su Mansion.

This was Su Xin'er's first time going home, and it was also her first time going home after being a newborn.The entire Su family has already prepared everything to welcome this young lady.As for the matter of Miss Su Wanyan in the Su Mansion, the people in the mansion have also been ordered not to mention a word in front of the current lady.

Arriving at the Su Mansion, Su Xin'er looked at this strange place.This is the place where she lived for many years?However, since she has lived here for many years, why does she have no memory or impression at all?Could it be that after a fall and amnesia, will he forget the home he has lived in for more than ten years?

Su Mansion gave her a very strange feeling, and the strangeness made her feel a deep sense of fear.Every time she took a step into the Su residence, the fear in her heart would increase.The hand even more unconsciously tightened towards Wang Zixuan who came in together.Su Xin'er hid behind Wang Zixuan, weakly said: "Wang Zixuan, I suddenly feel very scared." She was too scared to go inside.

She was afraid, and always felt that there was a sense of fear from the heart.

"Don't be afraid. I'll go in with you." Wang Zixuan comforted softly.

As for her current appearance, Lingyin said it when she was in retreat.She is like a newborn baby now, always full of fear for strange places.It will take her a while to get used to it.And during this period of time, you can't stimulate her, she still needs to take good care of her now, and she can't be careless.Once something goes wrong, her memory may suddenly remember something along with it, then everything they have done will be in vain.

"Xin'er, don't be afraid." Mrs. Su said softly as she stood aside and wiped away her tears.

As long as she thinks that her daughter has only ten years to live, Mrs. Su feels uncomfortable.Seeing her daughter being so full of fear towards her family now, Mrs. Su felt uncomfortable and heartbroken.

Su Xin'er held Wang Zixuan's hand, looking inside cautiously.Although she tried her best to appear calm now, the fear on her face betrayed her appearance at the moment.

"Don't be afraid. I will be by your side." Wang Zixuan looked at Su Xin'er and said softly.This sentence is more like a promise.

It seems that this sentence has magical power, Su Xin'er felt a lot more at ease because of this sentence.It seemed that as long as he was around, she would really feel at ease.

She still held Wang Zixuan tightly by her hand, "You must not lie to me. You will always be by my side."

Wang Zixuan was a little startled, he didn't expect that he would make such a promise, and what he didn't expect was that she would actually say such a thing.For a moment, Wang Zixuan was a little stunned, not knowing how to answer Su Xiner's words.

Su Shaoyue and Mrs. Su on the side looked at Wang Zixuan who was stunned, and at Su Xiner who was waiting for an answer.Madam Su felt sorry for her daughter even more. Thinking of the suffering she had suffered all these years and her life expectancy of only ten years, Madam Su burst into tears.For the sake of her daughter, let her have nothing.She only wants her daughter to live well and let her live happily and healthily.

Mrs. Su's eyes were a little wet, she fought back her tears and said to Su Xin'er: "Of course Zixuan will always be by your side. He will be by your side forever." After finishing speaking, Mrs. Su looked at Wang Zixuan again, " Zixuan, you and Xin'er are not too young. Shouldn't your marriage be arranged sooner?"

After hearing this, Wang Zixuan was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to say.It is wrong to say anything now.

Su Xin'er, however, kept the sentence: He will be by your side for the rest of his life in his heart.As for getting married or something, since she just woke up, she doesn't understand at all.So he just raised his head slightly and looked at Wang Zixuan.

It's not that Mrs. Su is selfish and insists that Wang Zixuan marry Su Xin'er, but that now her Xin'er only smiles sincerely at Wang Zixuan.In front of Wang Zixuan, her heart will feel at ease.

Su Shaoyue naturally agreed with his wife's words.But he also understood that Wang Zixuan didn't answer because he was embarrassing.He knew that Wang Zixuan only had euphemisms in his heart, and asking him to marry Xin'er at this moment was to embarrass him.Su Shaoyue glanced at his wife and said: "My heart is just right, what are you talking about now."

After listening to her husband's words, Mrs. Su opened her mouth to say something.But she also thought of something, Madam Su hesitated to speak.He could only hide his face sadly, hiding the sadness on his face.

Wang Zixuan paused for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.But at this moment, he suddenly said: "Take advantage of this opportunity, Zixuan just wants to discuss with Uncle Su and Aunt Su about his marriage with Xin'er."



Master Su and Mrs. Su were stunned at the same time, they didn't expect Wang Zixuan to speak suddenly.

"Zixuan, is what you said true? Do you really want to marry Xin'er?" After a while, Mrs. Su looked at Wang Zixuan excitedly and asked with certainty.

As a mother, she hopes that her heart can live happily.There can be a reliable man to take care of her for the rest of her life.And Wang Zixuan is the man her heart can rely on for the rest of her life.

"Yes." Wang Zixuan said lightly.

Although there is only one word, it already represents Wang Zixuan's determination to marry Su Xin'er.

There may be no love in this, but more responsibility.But Master Su and Mrs. Su are still very relieved to give their hearts to Wang Zixuan for the rest of their lives.

"Okay, okay, okay," Mr. Su replied excitedly after listening.

Only Su Xin'er didn't understand why her parents were so happy all of a sudden, but seeing her parents smiling so happily, she also laughed.When laughing, she still didn't forget to look at Wang Zixuan, at the man she saw first when she woke up.

Maybe there will never be love between them?
Maybe Wang Zixuan will always have Su Wanyan in his heart?
Maybe Wang Zixuan is just a responsibility to Su Xin'er, a promise to another woman.But regardless of whether there will be love between them, at this very moment, Su Xin'er has already engraved the man Wang Zixuan deeply in her heart.And it is hard to remember in my heart.

For some people, just one glance is already engraved in their hearts.


Because Wang Zixuan mentioned that he wanted to marry Su Xin'er, Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su were overjoyed.After eating in the Su residence, Wang Zixuan sat and chatted with Mr. Su for a while before getting up to leave.It was fine at first, but when Su Xin'er saw that Wang Zixuan was leaving the Su Mansion and left herself alone, she suddenly stepped forward and held Wang Zixuan's hand, "Where are you going?"

"You are tired after rushing back today. Take a good rest tonight. I will come to see you tomorrow."

"No." Su Xin'er held Wang Zixuan's hand, and Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su were a little helpless.Wang Zixuan was also about to comfort her, Su Xin'er continued: "I'm afraid, don't leave me here alone, okay?"

Maybe it was because he was the first person he saw when he woke up, so he already had a preconceived idea in his heart.Only when you see him can you feel at ease by his side.

 After returning to the mountain nest, there has been no Internet access, and I originally wanted to finish the episode.The result is tragic!

  But rest assured, there will be more episodes.

(End of this chapter)

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