The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 895 Fanwai Bringing Chapter Prince's Mansion

Chapter 895 Fan Wai ([-]) Bringing Back to the Palace

"Xin'er, Zixuan didn't mean to abandon you. He is going home and will come to see you tomorrow." Mrs. Su felt distressed and helpless when she saw the fear in her daughter's eyes.

"I don't want it." Su Xin'er held Wang Zixuan's hand tightly and looked at Wang Zixuan with big watery eyes, "Don't leave me behind. I won't allow you to leave me behind." She said pitifully She looked like she was about to cry.

Looking at the current appearance of their daughter, Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su have nothing to do with Su Xin'er.Madam Su looked at Wang Zixuan and said, "Zixuan, why don't you let Xin'er go back home with you? Xin'er can't leave you now."

Mrs. Su's words fell, Mr. Su did not refute his wife's words, but just looked at Wang Zixuan.But Wang Zixuan was silent for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Zixuan..." Mrs. Su called out again.

Wang Zixuan came back to his senses, took a look at Su Xin'er who was wronged and pitiful, and finally said calmly: "Okay."

When Su Xin'er heard that Wang Zixuan would not abandon her, she showed a smile, her hands held tightly on Wang Zixuan's arm and said coquettishly like a little girl: "You said that you will not abandon me Yes, I knew you would never leave me."

"Let's go." Wang Zixuan let Su Xin'er hold his hand, looked at her and said softly.After finishing speaking, Wang Zixuan looked at Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su again, "I will take good care of Xin'er."

The Su couple naturally believed in Wang Zixuan's character.I also believe that Wang Zixuan will take good care of Xin'er.The two looked at the person who had gone away, Master Su sighed softly.Madam Su looked at her husband sighing softly, and understood what was going on in her heart.She also knew that Wang Zixuan's behavior tonight was a bit embarrassing.But as a mother, for the sake of her daughter, she had to be selfish.



Wang Zixuan took Su Xin'er back to the palace so late, but it surprised the people in the palace.And for Su Xin'er, these people in the palace are also unfamiliar to her.Seeing so many people in the palace looking at her, Su Xin'er hid behind Wang Zixuan timidly.

Everyone knows about Su Xin'er's situation.Wang Qingshan saw that his grandson brought another girl back. Although it was a bit unreasonable, Wang Qingshan was not that kind of pedantic person.It's just that for Su Xin'er, he also loves this girl.At the same time, she felt apologetic, if it wasn't for her grandson, how could she have become what she is now?
"When you come to the house, treat it as your own home, don't be restrained." Wang Qingshan said lovingly, "If Zixuan dares to bully you, you can tell grandpa, grandpa will help you teach him a lesson."

Su Xin'er was still a little timid for a while, but everyone looked at her with gentle eyes and a smile on her face, especially this person who called himself grandpa.She could feel his kindness and loving eyes.Although she was still a little scared, she still relaxed a lot.

"Have you eaten yet?" Seeing that Su Xin'er was still hiding behind his grandson, Wang Qingshan asked again.

Su Xin'er responded softly, "I've eaten. Thank you, grandpa, for your concern." After speaking, she tugged at Wang Zixuan's sleeve.

"Grandpa, it's getting late tonight. Xin'er has had a hard time traveling. I'll take her down to rest first." Wang Zixuan said at the right time.

"Okay, okay, okay." Wang Qingshan responded with a smile. "Have a good rest. Zixuan, you are not allowed to bully Xin'er."

The phrase 'bullying' has something to say.Su Xin'er didn't understand the meaning of these words, but Wang Zixuan did.

Wang Zixuan glanced at his grandpa who didn't know when he became a bit unruly, "Grandpa is still not sleepy at this late hour, grandson can go and ask for a medicine for grandpa to cure this insomnia symptom."

The corner of Wang Qingshan's mouth twitched, everyone said that the second grandson was extremely poisonous.No matter how it looks now, the eldest grandson's mouth is also extremely poisonous.He can't even joke about it. "Okay, okay, okay, grandpa will stop talking, grandpa is resting now. You should also rest earlier."

Wang Qingshan was also afraid that the eldest grandson would really go get him a dose of medicine, so he hurried back to his room after speaking.

Regarding Wang Qingshan's appearance, Su Xin'er thought it was a little funny and interesting.Looking at Wang Zixuan with her head slightly raised, she smiled softly: "The way you get along with grandpa is very interesting. Grandpa said you would bully me. Why did grandpa say you would bully me?" Su Xin'er asked innocently.

Wang Zixuan was stunned, not knowing how to explain this 'bullying' to her.I thought she would always be obsessed with this question, but Su Xin'er just asked it once and forgot about it, and then said, "Grandpa seems to be afraid of the medicine you mentioned. But grandpa also cares about you. Zixuan , I really envy the relationship between you and grandpa."

For her who has no memory, this kind of way of getting along with relatives.She is really envious.Although she knew that she was the daughter of the Su family.She knows who her parents are, but she is still very unfamiliar with them.She always has a very strange feeling that the family relationship between her and her parents is blank.If it wasn't blank, why would she not feel any affection when facing them?

A person is considered amnesia.Nor will she forget her feelings for her loved ones.

Wang Zixuan could also clearly feel the sense of loss in Su Xin'er's tone, and said softly, "Don't think about it, everything will be fine. Let's go, I'll take you back to your room."

 How do you want to bully a little girl with amnesia?
(End of this chapter)

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