The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 896 Fanwai Who is the euphemism?

Chapter 896 Fanwai ([-]) Who is the euphemism?

In the palace, the night is getting dark.

"Where are you going?" A woman's aggrieved cry came from the silent backyard, "Didn't you say you would not leave me behind? Your words don't count, you lie. You lie. I forbid you Walk."

The person who is wronged in the backyard at this moment is Su Xin'er who was brought back by Wang Zixuan.She is currently holding Wang Zixuan's hand, trying to prevent him from leaving the room.Wang Zixuan looked at her helplessly, thinking that she would be better after bringing her back to the house.How could he have imagined that she would still look terrified as soon as he left him.Now it is even more pitiful to cry.

"I'm not going to abandon you. I'm not going to leave either. I live next door to you." Wang Zixuan explained patiently.

Su Xin'er couldn't listen to anything.She is afraid now, leaving him, without him by her side, she is afraid. "No, I don't want to live here. Don't leave me alone. I don't want to live alone." Su Xin'er cried aggrievedly.

"Xin'er..." Wang Zixuan was helpless.At this time, even if you go to tell her that men and women are different, she probably doesn't understand what it means to be different.Instead, she is letting her cry now, and everyone in the palace is probably going to wake up.It is estimated that he did not bully her by then, and it is estimated that he will bully her.Wang Zixuan sighed helplessly, "Don't cry. I just don't leave."

"Really?" Su Xin'er asked tearfully when he heard that he was not leaving.

"Yes. Really." Wang Zixuan nodded.In front of her, he really has nothing to do with her.

"Zixuan, I'm really scared. From the moment I opened my eyes, I only knew you. Zixuan, you can't leave me. No matter when, you can't leave me." Su Xin He took Wang Zixuan's hand and said softly.

There was a trace of helplessness and a trace of fear in her tone.It seems that in her consciousness, she only knows Wang Zixuan.Only by catching him can she not be helpless or afraid.

Seeing her who had the same face as Wanyan holding her so carefully, Wang Zixuan's heart was suddenly stabbed by something.He felt a little distressed.The sight of her in front of him almost gave Wang Zixuan an illusion.The illusion made him think that the woman in front of him was his Su Wanyan.Let him think that the woman he loves so much is still by his side and has never left.

The look in his eyes that looked at her suddenly became very gentle, and he murmured: "I won't leave you. You can't leave me either. You can never leave me."

Su Xin'er also felt the sudden change in Wang Zixuan. Although she didn't understand why Wang Zixuan suddenly became like this, she knew that there was infinite warmth hidden in his eyes.She could see that there was a woman hidden in Wang Zixuan's eyes.She stared into his eyes, stared blankly, but followed his words and nodded lightly in response: "Zixuan, I will not leave you."

Zixuan, I will not leave you.

Zixuan, I will not leave you.

This sentence 'Zixuan, I will not leave you' was like a curse, which made Wang Zixuan sink even further.At this moment, in Wang Zixuan's mind, there was neither Murong Xiyan nor Su Xin'er.Su Wanyan was in front of him at the moment.It was Su Wanyan, the woman he loved the most in his life.At this moment, he firmly believed that the woman standing in front of him and answering him was the woman he was thinking of.

Wang Zixuan hugged the woman who had missed countless nights tightly in his arms and whispered: "I knew it, I knew you wouldn't leave me. I knew you couldn't bear to leave me. I know, I know, I know you've always been by my side and never left..."

This woman, in countless nights, he could only dream that he was holding her in his arms.Now, he really put his arms around her.Feel the temperature on her body.At this moment, he hid a lot of things he wanted to say to her, but he couldn't say anything at this moment.Only holding her tightly is the most real.


Su Xin'er didn't understand why Wang Zixuan seemed to be a different person.She had never seen Wang Zixuan like this.But it was undeniable that she did not resist his embrace, and even felt a little familiar.However, she clearly felt a very familiar look, but no matter how she thought, she couldn't remember when Wang Zixuan hugged her so tightly.

She couldn't remember when such a picture appeared, and Su Xin'er didn't force herself to think about it.She believed that her amnesia was temporary, and one day she would remember it.As for herself, she will definitely get back those lost memories.

Because she didn't want to keep herself in a blank memory.She wanted to know, what happened between her and the man in front of her?
She wondered if she ever loved him?
When the word 'love' suddenly flashed in Su Xin'er's heart, there was a sudden throbbing in her heart.It seems that a long time ago, this man was very important to her.It seems that there was an earth-shattering past between them.

but don't want to...

Some things are past.It may not be a good thing if you have to remember it.

It's just that she doesn't understand this now.Blindly chasing the memories of the past, what left her was a fatal blow.

If it is said that she only has ten years to live, then during these ten years, anything will happen.

On the day when all the memories were restored, what everyone didn't expect was that everything would happen so quickly.It was so fast that everyone was caught off guard.So fast that Wang Zixuan never thought that the loss was only a moment.He had tasted that feeling of loss before.It is so unforgettable.It is so thorough.


Time passed bit by bit, he just hugged her like this and never let go, but he hugged her tighter and tighter.It seemed that he wanted to integrate her into his own body.

After a long time, Su Xin'er felt that she was going to be out of breath.She had a feeling that if Wang Zixuan kept hugging her, she would probably suffocate to death.She was thinking, if she died like this.That would really be an unjust death. " hugged me."

However, Wang Zixuan didn't seem to hear it, and now the only thought in his head is Su Wanyan.This thought has been stimulating his whole body, his whole body.



Not knowing how many times he shouted, Wang Zixuan recovered from the woman's soft call.At this moment, Su Xin'er was blushing from being held back for a long time.As soon as Wang Zixuan let go of her, she coughed violently.

"Wanyan, what's wrong with you?" Wang Zixuan asked eagerly.Suddenly blurted out the word 'politely' and then shouted out.Wang Zixuan didn't seem to realize it yet, and said hurriedly: "Wanyan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I was too excited."

Su Xin'er, who was coughing, thought she had heard wrong.But when Wang Zixuan called out another woman's name for the second time, Su Xin'er heard it clearly and clearly.She heard right.Wang Zixuan was really calling another woman's name.

——Be polite!

Who is this woman?

Why did Wang Zixuan call her Wanyan?

Although Su Xin'er's memory was sealed, she didn't remember anything.But that doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.She is still as smart as ever.As long as it is a little thing, a title will make her suspicious.

So: Wang Zixuan's gentle eyes when he looked at her just now, and what he said when he hugged her were all said to another woman?
So: Was she just used as a substitute by Wang Zixuan?A substitute for another woman?

This kind of thought flashed through her head, and she suddenly felt very painful and uncomfortable.It was as painful as being pricked by thousands of needles.She was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe.

The heartache was severe, but Su Xin'er still stubbornly raised her head and looked up at him, trying hard not to let herself cry.Asked softly: "Zixuan, tell me, who is Wanyan? Who are you calling Wanyan?"

(End of this chapter)

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