The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 900 Extra Story Fate by accident!

Chapter 900 Fanwai ([-]) Fate by mistake!
Lingyin Temple.

Since Lingyin and Wuchen retreated, the back mountain where Lingyin lives has been empty.

Su Xin'er, who ran away, came to Lingyin Temple, which is the place where she first met Wang Zixuan.After running out that day, she didn't know where she was going?Going back to Su Mansion, she would find it ironic, because she is not Su Xin'er, then Su Mansion will not be her home.She walked all the way, and somehow came to Lingyin Temple.Maybe it's because this is where her new life started?
Been here for two days now.During the two days here, she also imagined that Wang Zixuan would come to look for her because of herself.And not because of that so-called 'polite'.However, she was still disappointed after all.She didn't see Wang Zixuan coming to find her.

Maybe, Wang Zixuan didn't care about her leaving at all?
So: wherever she goes?Wang Zixuan would not care about any dangers encountered.

But does Wang Zixuan really not care?

Perhaps only Wang Zixuan knew the answer.Only he himself knows what kind of emotion he has for this woman.Is it because of guilt, or because she looks like another woman, so she was also moved.Or maybe Wang Zixuan once liked her just because Su Xin'er was Su Xin'er, very pure and clean.Even if only for a moment.

As for why Wang Zixuan hadn't found Su Xin'er after two days, it was because Wang Zixuan never thought that Su Xin'er would leave the city.He will also come to Lingyin Temple, which is so far away from Nanchu City.

Wang Zixuan just thought that Su Xin'er was hiding.Thought she didn't want them to find her.

In the past two days, Wang Zixuan was very worried about Su Xin'er's safety.Wang Zixuan blamed himself very much now, he was thinking, could it be that he was able to alienate her these days, which caused the whole thing to happen?
But it is undeniable, if not for his deliberate alienation.Su Xin'er would not think wildly, nor harbor so many doubts in her heart.It's not like she would lose control and run away when other women pointed at her and said she was Su Wanyan.

After all, it's his fault!

He was the one who created this situation.

Now that two days have passed, not only Wang Zixuan is anxious, Master Su and Madam Su are also anxious.Especially Mrs. Su, shed tears all day long seeing her lost and recovered daughter disappear.

But no matter how worried they were, there was still no whereabouts of Su Xin'er.

Su Xin'er has been missing for more than three months.

For more than three months, no one knew where Su Xin'er had gone?
Does anyone know where she is?
I don't even know if she is alive or dead?

In the second year of Tiansheng, early spring.

A gorgeous carriage slowly drove over from outside the city. Behind the gorgeous carriage were several carriages with several large boxes in them. Behind the carriage were a group of servants and maidservants.There are dozens of servants and servant girls.The sudden appearance of such a spectacular scene in Nanchu City attracted many people to watch.For a while, the people on the street were discussing which family's young lady this is.

And there are not many people in Nanchu City who can have such ostentation.The only possibility should be some prince or princess.But in the Southern Chu royal family, apart from His Royal Highness Li Wang and the eldest princess who married the Tiansheng Emperor, there is no other royal family in the Southern Chu royal family.

Could it be that some important person came from Nanchu City?

Thinking of this, the common people thought of a major event in Nanchu City.That is the new martial arts leader who is said to be coming to Nanchu City after the year.Could it be the one in the carriage?
As we all know, the previous martial arts leader was killed.The position of the martial arts leader has been vacant until a dance forest conference held half a year ago elected a new person with both ability and political integrity and martial arts to be the leader of the martial arts alliance.

It is said that this new martial arts leader is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also as tall as Zhilan Yushu.It is the object of admiration of many women.But it is also said that this new martial arts leader is very mysterious, and few people have seen his true face.As for why the new martial arts leader came to Nanchu City, there is only a legend: it is said that the martial arts leader is from Southern Chu.

So, the leader of the martial arts should live in Nanchu City for making such a big show.

People on the street are still talking about it.

in the carriage.

The man in white looked gently at the woman in purple who was also sitting in the carriage, reached out and held her hand, and said softly, "Don't be nervous."

"I don't." The woman was a little unaccustomed to the man's touch, and pulled her hand out. "I'm just a little tired."

The man just smiled gently. Ever since this woman met her, she has been indifferent, not allowing anyone to approach her, and never taking a step closer to others.But he could see from her eyebrows that there were many things hidden in this woman's heart.Many unspeakable things.Maybe it was a man who had hurt her?

The man smiled and joked: "We are about to get married, are you still afraid of me?"

When the woman heard the word marriage, she froze for a moment, then shook her head, "No, I'm just not used to it."

After speaking, she took a deep breath and looked up at him. If he hadn't saved her at that time, she thought, she would have died already?At that time, after he rescued herself, she just asked him, would she marry herself?What she didn't expect was that he would actually answer, yes!

Now that she has agreed to marry him, she will not regret it.She will also try to accept him.Try to like him.Try to forget some memories that shouldn't be there.Just like before.

"Xiyan." The man called softly.But looking at her cold face full of worries, the man swallowed the words when they reached his lips.

"What's wrong?" Xiyan looked at him and asked.

The woman called Xiyan was none other than Su Xin'er who had disappeared for more than three months, that is, Murong Xiyan.

It was a coincidence.She ran to Lingyin Temple at first, but she heard Lingyin and Wuchen's words in Lingyin Temple.At that time, Lingyin and Wuchen mentioned her matter.What's more coincidental is that at that time the two were re-cultivating the Xuantian Scripture and the Phoenix Scripture.As a result, she watched secretly from the sidelines, and unconsciously practiced those familiar moves with her hands.So much so that the seal that Lingyin and Wuchen put on her was forcibly broken.When she broke through, the memories of those seals flashed one by one.And the latter is that once the seal is released and her memory is restored, the consequences will be disastrous.

Finally, the most terrible thing happened.She managed not to let Lingyin and Wuchen find out, and went down to Lingyin Temple.As a result, he still suffered backlash after being sealed on the road.When she woke up, no one knew where she was.And the person she saw was the one in front of her.

She knew he had saved her.But he didn't know how he saved her.

But presumably, in order to save her, he must have spent a lot of energy.

When she regained her memory, she thought that the person she couldn't let go of most should be senior brother Qi Rong.But it was ironic that it would be another man who used her as a stand-in.Speaking of it, it is really a very ironic thing.

"Xiyan, ever since you knew you were coming to Nanchu City, you have been absent-minded. He is here, right?"

This 'he' refers to the him in her heart.In the past few months of knowing her, he has always known that there is a very important person hidden in this woman's heart.From the time he arrived in Nanchu City, he knew that this man hidden in her heart was here.

"Yan Chen, I..." Facing him like this, she didn't know how to answer.

Yan Chen patted her on the shoulder and said softly: "Don't say anything, I know. If you don't want to marry, I won't force you."

"No... Yan Chen, I..."

"My lord, we're here." Murong Xiyan was about to say something when a servant's voice came from outside the carriage.

"You're not in good health yet, so don't talk about it now. Go back to your residence first." Yan Chen lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage, stretched out his hand in a gentlemanly way, and gently said to the woman in the carriage: "Come down. "

Murong Xiyan could only swallow her words.After all, she came back to this place again.

There was already a maidservant holding a fox fur coat behind her, when Murong Xiyan got off the carriage, Yan Chen took the coat from the maidservant and put it on her body.Although it is already spring now, Murong Xiyan's health is very poor, it is not easy to catch a cold at this time. "It's windy outside, you are weak, let's go in first."

Murong Xiyan really wanted to pry her head open for such a man who took care of her carefully and thought carefully, why didn't she feel such a good man?
(End of this chapter)

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