The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 901 Extraordinary Story The Meeting Has Already Been Different

Chapter 901 Fanwai ([-]) We have already met each other
South Chu City, Yan Mansion.

After returning, Yan Chen arranged Murong Xiyan to live in the best courtyard in Yan Mansion.But since he came back, he rarely saw her smile.Even, after coming back for so long, he has never seen her go out.I have never heard her say that she wants to go out for a stroll.She sits in the yard every day, admiring the flowers and reading books.The whole day passed like this.

Yan Chen was really afraid that she would make him sick from boredom.Originally, her body was seriously injured and had not recovered. When he met her, she was seriously injured and almost died.If he hadn't met him, he probably would have disappeared long ago.

"Xi Yan, the weather outside is very good. If you stay in the mansion all day, you will get sick from boredom. Go out for a walk while the weather is good."

"Yan Chen, I don't want to go out." This is her sincere words, she doesn't want to go out.Once out.Surely she would run into people she didn't want to meet.

Yan Chen seemed to have seen through her thoughts long ago, and continued: "The scenery in the suburbs is very good this season. Don't you want to go and see it?"

"Outskirts?" Murong Xiyan raised her head and asked.

Yan Chen nodded, "Yes. Let's go for a walk in the suburbs. Seeing the beautiful scenery in the suburbs will also be good for your health."

When it comes to the body, Murong Xiyan feels very sorry.Her memory recovered, but her martial arts were also lost.And her body, which may never get better.In fact, she knew very well that she didn't have many days left.If it wasn't for Yan Chen's medicine, she would have died long ago.

"Yan Chen, I'm sorry. You spent so much energy on healing my injury, but I..." But he still failed his good intentions.

"Xiyan, don't say such things. I am willing to save you. If you believe in me, I will definitely heal your injury." Although the words comforted her so much.But Yan Chen also knew that it would be easier said than done to completely heal her injuries!

"But I... I know I won't live long." The current Murong Xiyan doesn't have the confidence she had back then.For more than three months, the torment of serious injuries has worn away all her self-confidence and all her pride.If it weren't for the little bit of unwillingness in her heart, she might not be able to hold on long ago.

"Xi Yan, you trust me. I will definitely heal your wounds."

Xi Yan looked up at him and smiled slightly, "Yan Chen, thank you."

Seeing Xi Yan's smiling face, Yan Chen's ears blushed inexplicably.He always knew that this woman was beautiful, but she was even more beautiful when she smiled.From the past few months of getting along, he has always known that he has already fallen in love with this strong and stubborn woman.I like her not because of her beautiful face, but because of her strong heart.

The word love has never had any signs, and there is no need for any reason.

'Love' is the most beautiful and poisonous poison in this world, but no one can escape it.Even when they encounter it, they will drink the cup of the most poisonous poison without hesitation.Those who drink it never regret it!

Moon Lake.

Su Wanyan is buried here, and this place carries many, many memories about them.But now, Su Wanyan has turned into a pile of bones lying on the ground alone.

The elegant man in green clothes stood in front of the tomb, looked at Su Wanyan's tomb quietly, and said softly, "Wanyan, I failed you. After all, I still lost her. Wanyan, if you are in heaven There is a spirit, can you tell me where she is?"

For several months, he had no news about the woman.For several months, he has been looking for her, and his whole body has lost a lot of weight.

But in the past few months, the figure of that woman has become more and more clear in his heart. In the past few months, in many sleeps, he can even see the woman named Murong Xiyan in a certain street. The shadow of a woman.Her frowns and smiles were originally so vague, but as time passed, they became more and more clear.

He would even often think of how he looked when he met her for the first time, and how he got along with her during that time, even though she was always wearing a veil back then, her shadow was so clear.What's more, he will also see the Phoenix Mantra that she used to save himself.At the beginning, it was because of saving him, but the woman didn't care about herself.So much so that later, because of the suppression of the lack of the Phoenix Scripture, it became like that.

Su Wanyan and Murong Xiyan have completely different personalities.Su Wanyan is gentle and generous, she has a hot heart, but at the same time she hardens this heart.She has been disguising herself.She has been longing for the most ordinary love in the world.For these, she even gave her own life.

Murong Xiyan is innocent and lively, even a little flamboyant, but sometimes she can become ruthless, because Murong Xiyan always knows what she wants, so Murong Xiyan has always lived wantonly and unrestrainedly.

But Murong Xiyan's unrestrained nature was ruined by him in the end.

These two women with different personalities are all because of him, one paid the price with his life, and the whereabouts of the other is unknown.

Wang Zixuan just stood quietly in front of Su Wanyan's tomb, staying for several hours.


A carriage slowly came towards Moon Lake, and the people sitting in the carriage were Yan Chen and Murong Xiyan.In the end, Murong Xiyan still couldn't refuse Yan Chen's kindness.

After getting off the carriage, Murong Xiyan's mood improved a lot after seeing such beautiful scenery in the suburbs.

Not only did she suffer from serious internal injuries, but she also had many sad things hidden in her heart.That's why her condition is very serious.If you want to heal her wounds, you must first heal the wounds in her heart, then her internal wounds can be healed.Seeing that she finally had a smile on her face, Yan Chen felt much happier and laughed along with her.It is a good choice to take her out for a walk in the countryside.

"Yan Chen, this place is so beautiful." Seeing the beautiful scenery and breathing the free air, Xi Yan also temporarily forgot all the pain, and she enjoyed it well.There was also a lively smile on his face, "Yan Chen, how did you know there is such a beautiful place in the suburbs?"

She remembered that Yan Chen told her that he lived with his master since he was a child, if he hadn't been elected as the leader of the martial arts because he won the martial arts conference half a year ago.And he just returned to Nanchu City recently.So she was curious how Yan Chen knew there was such a place in the suburbs?

"I came to this place once when I was a child." Yan Chen said lightly as if he remembered something.

Ever come here as a child? "Are you from Nanchu?"

A bitterness flashed on Yan Chen's face, after all, this woman didn't take herself seriously.Even if she said that she wanted to marry herself, she never really smiled because she wanted to marry her.Although he felt very bitter, Yan Chen quickly hid the bitterness and said lightly, "Have you forgotten? I told you that I am from Southern Chu. It was just that some accidents happened when I was young, so I followed Master has left Nanchu."

Murong Xiyan felt that she was a bit incompetent as Yan Chen's fiancée, and she had known him for three months, yet she didn't take Yan Chen's matter to heart at all.She doesn't even remember what Yan Chen told her.

"I'm sorry. I..." There are some explanations, the more they explain, the more powerless they seem.

"You don't need to say I'm sorry, as long as you take me to heart in the future, it will be fine. Xiyan, we still have a lifetime to get to know each other." Yan Chen looked at her and said softly.

Xiyan raised her head and stared at him, how could she be so lucky to meet such a gentle man?She thought, if she couldn't fall in love with him in this life, then she would never fall in love with other men, right? "You are so nice, I think if I can't fall in love with you in this life, I will never fall in love with anyone else."

"Xi Yan..." Yan Chen called her softly.It seemed that all the tenderness and tiredness were melted into this soft call.With her words, he thought, even if it was a lifetime, he would still be willing to wait for her.Wait until she forgets the man who hurt her.

Xi Yan stared at him, and Yan Chen also stared at her affectionately.The wind seemed to have stopped.

Yan Chen suddenly lowered his head and tapped her lips lightly.Like a superficial touch, he quickly left her lips.

During the whole process, Xi Yan was taken aback.She didn't expect Yan Chen to kiss her suddenly.She was so stunned that she even forgot to push him away.She could still feel the taste of his lips on hers even now.

After Yan Chen finished all this, the roots of his ears turned ashamed as red as a girl's.

All of a sudden, Yan Chen found himself shy and didn't know what to say to break the calm.He thought that Xiyan would push him away, or even give him a slap.But nothing happened.At that time, he didn't think much about it and kissed him like that.

Don't say that it's the first time Yan Chen has done such a thing because of his shyness.It was also the first time Xiyan experienced this situation.She naturally didn't know what to say at this time.

After a while, it was Yan Chen who spoke first: "The scenery over there is more beautiful, let's go there and have a look?"

Yan Chen broke the embarrassing situation first, Xiyan took a deep breath, then nodded, "Yeah."

The moment I turned around, I really answered that sentence, the meeting has already changed!
Xiyan never expected to meet Wang Zixuan here, maybe Wang Zixuan himself did not expect such a scene when meeting her, right?

Who would have thought that the woman who had been in the news for several months would be tender and tired with another man when they met?

Xiyan was stunned when she saw Wang Zixuan, and many things flooded into her mind at that moment.Some belong to her, and some don't belong to her.

At this moment, how much she wanted to ask: Why are you here?

But she couldn't wait for Xiyan to ask this question, she saw that the place where Wang Zixuan was standing was a tomb.And engraved on the tomb is "Tomb of Beloved Wife Su Wanyan".At that moment, what is there not to understand?

So he appeared here because his wife Su Wanyan was buried here?

At that moment, Su Wanyan's tombstone had already answered all the questions instead.

Just seeing him, her heart still hurts.It will be excruciatingly painful.Xiyan knew that it was not her heartache, but another woman.A woman hiding in her body is aching.

"Xi Yan, what's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable?" Yan Chen also quickly discovered that something was wrong with Xi Yan.

"Yan Chen, take me back... take me back..."

"Okay, I'll take you away, I'll take you away." According to Yan Chen's cleverness, he may have discovered something, so Xiyan suddenly fell ill again at this time.But no matter what happened, he wanted this woman to live in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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