Chapter 902 Extra Story ([-])
If it is said that I cannot fall in love with you in this life, then I will never fall in love with others.

"Hehe." Wang Zixuan smiled.He finally smiled and watched the other men take the woman away.

When the woman who disappeared for several months appeared in front of him once, he wanted to ask where she had been these past few months?How are you doing?Are you hurt?But why does he feel distressed when he sees her leaving with another man?
Seeing her being gentle and tired with other men made him feel extremely glaring.Seeing her follow other men without hesitation, how much I want to chase after her.But the footsteps can't move anyway.

Wang Zixuan knew that after all, he didn't have any reason or excuse to say that he would take care of her and keep her safe for the rest of her life.It's just because there is another man by her side to take that seat.


Yan Fu.

In Moon Lake, Murong Xiyan suddenly fell ill again.Moreover, the onset of this attack was urgent and fast, and it was more serious than the ones in the past three months.Although Yan Chen gave her medicine after she came back, the illness came a little too soon this time.

"Xiyan, hold hold on..." Seeing that her illness was worse than before, Yan Chen panicked.He was afraid that he would not be able to catch this woman anymore.

"Yan Chen, I...I'm afraid I can't do it anymore." Xiyan looked at him and said weakly.She knew very well in her heart that since she broke through the seal set by her master and uncle, her disease would flare up at any time, and once it happened, any serious consequences would happen.

"Xi Yan, I don't allow you to say such things. You will be fine, you will be fine. You promised to marry me, but I haven't married you yet, and we are not married yet. You won't say nothing, right Isn't that right?" Yan Chen hugged her tightly.

Xiyan closed her eyes slightly, with tears in her eyes that she didn't know whether it was pain or unwillingness, but she had a smile on her face, "Yan Chen, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Yan Chen, a big man, looked at such Xi Yan with a look of pain on his face, tears in the corners of his eyes, and murmured, "Don't say sorry. You hold on, you hold on. Everything will pass. You must It will get better. I will not let you have trouble. Xiyan, you have survived these three months, and now you will definitely be able to survive. Xiyan, hold on, I will find Nangong Jin, with his With his medical skills, he will definitely be able to heal your wounds."

Another most important reason why Yan Chen would return to Nanchu at this time was because of Nangong Jin.

The only person in this world who can heal Xiyan's injuries is the genius doctor Nangong Jin.But Nangong Jin's whereabouts are uncertain, how difficult it is to find him.It would be even more difficult to know Nangong Jin's whereabouts if it wasn't for someone who had friendship with Nangong Jin.

Yan Chen and Nangong Jin had met once many years ago, so they had a little friendship.In recent years, I heard that Nangong Jin has been in Nanchu, Xiyue and other places.He sent people to Xiyue to look for them, but they couldn't find Nangong Jinren.He also heard that Nangong Jin married a wife, and his wife was from Nanchu.As for the relationship between Nangong Jin and Nan Chu, he had heard more or less about it.That's why she brought Xiyan back to Nanchu.But who would have thought that Xiyan, who hadn't had an illness for a long time, would suddenly develop an illness today.And it's getting worse.

Nangong Jin?
Xiyan was a little surprised, he always thought that Yan Chen's return to Nanchu was just because of certain things.But he didn't expect that it was because of her that Yan Chen took her all the way back to Nanchu.It's just that Nangong Jin is so hard to find. Didn't she look for Nangong Jin for a while back then?As a result, Nangong Jinren was not found after several months of searching.Now she was about to die, even if Nangong Jin appeared in front of her now, I'm afraid she would not be able to save her, right?

What's more, she heard that Nangong Jin and Bai Yue were currently on Penglai Island, an island thousands of miles away.It is impossible to appear in Nanchu at this time.

Yan Chen didn't know that Xiyan knew Nangong Jin, so he didn't know what Xiyan was thinking now.

"It's so hard to find the miracle doctor Nangong Jin. Besides, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for Nangong Jin's arrival." Yan Chen also knew that Xiyan's current body was extremely uncomfortable.Xi Yan kept a smile on her face, but there were tears in her smile, she said, "Yan Chen, I have always known my physical condition. It's just that I have been deceiving myself, I always thought that I could still live For a long time. I always thought I could live longer. Then I can marry you. We can have a long time to understand each other, and also give me a long time to fall in love with you, Falling in love with you. But I know, I can't do it now."

"Xi Yan, we still have a long time, a lifetime. We still have a lifetime to make you like me and fall in love with me." Yan Chen hugged her and said painfully.

"To be honest, I'm so unwilling. I haven't tried what love is like. I haven't loved someone seriously. I'm really unwilling to die like this. Yan Chen, the current me , are you willing to marry?" Xiyan looked at him, since she was doomed to die, she wanted to let herself be self-willed and love once.

Yan Chen nodded painfully, "No matter what you look like, I'm willing to marry you."

"Let's get married now, okay? Before I die, let's get married, okay? I want to tell everyone that I, Murong Xiyan, am your Yan Chen's wife." She thought, the only thing she regrets is that until now, she has not been married. Falling in love with this man named Yan Chen.But if she can give her some time, she will definitely fall in love with him.But while she was still alive, she wanted to marry him and be her most beautiful bride.

"Okay. Let's get married now."

"Yan Chen, are you kissing me?" Xiyan murmured while leaning against Yan Chen's arms.

Yan Chen nodded in pain, hugged her, lowered his face and put his lips on hers.

As his lips fell, his tears also fell on her face.

Feeling Yan Chen's pain and his love, Xiyan smiled and closed her eyes to respond to his kiss.

If it is not a scene of life and death, then everyone will think that the two people hugging and kissing each other are such a beautiful scene.This scene made all the servant girls in the Yan mansion unable to hold back their tears.Wept for this woman, and also for their young master.

"Ma'am, you will definitely get better." Xiaolan, the maid who has been taking care of Xiyan for the past three months, cried loudly when she saw this scene.

After a while, Yan Chen let her go.But at this moment, Yan Chen could no longer use pain to describe his current appearance. "Come here, let everyone in Nanchu come to the wedding."

"Yes." Immediately, a servant went down to prepare.

As early as when they returned to Nanchu, the things for the big wedding had already been prepared.And the day they were supposed to get married was only a few days away.Now it's just ahead of time.

"Yan Chen, help me change into the wedding gown." Since she was going to get married, she didn't want to have any regrets.

"Okay. I'll help you dress."

Xiyan smiled, she knew she couldn't last long.If Yan Chen hadn't given her the medicine just now, she thought she wouldn't be able to hold on for a moment.But now, she wanted to hold out until she was his beautiful bride.She wanted to see herself marrying him with her own eyes.

Yan Chen changed her wedding dress with extreme care, and combed her a simple but most beautiful hair.

Marry her, everything is the best.Yan Chen also said that he wanted to give this girl the best, so even the wedding dress was a custom-made Phoenix Brocade from Lanyue Pavilion.

Xiyan looked at herself in the mirror in a bright red wedding dress, and smiled slightly.He grabbed Yan Chen who was putting on makeup for himself, "If I'm not here, and you meet other women in the future, will you treat her as well as you do me?"

When Yan Chen heard her say that he was going to die, he was taken aback for a moment.He likes a person for a lifetime.Then no woman could fall into his eyes, and besides her, there would be no other woman in this world worthy of his sincere treatment. "I will only be nice to you. I will always be nice to you alone."

With him treating her like this, she should have no regrets in her life.Maybe the only regret is that I can't stay with him for a long time?Xiyan said softly: "If you really meet another woman, I will be happy for you too."

Since she couldn't stay with him for a long time, then she hoped that another woman could stay with him for the rest of his life.

"Xi Yan, today is our big wedding day. Since we can get married and become a husband and wife, then God will make you healthy and healthy. Let us join hands to grow old together." But in fact Yan Chen wants to tell her that if she is gone , he will follow life and death.



"What? Big wedding? Who are you talking about getting married today?" It was none other than Feng Qingluan, who was almost five months pregnant.At this moment, Feng Qingluan was holding that post in her hand.The post clearly stated the names of the two married couples.The most conspicuous among them is the word Murong Xiyan.Feng Qingluan said that she couldn't believe it anyway, why was she about to get married suddenly after disappearing for a few months?Feng Qingluan looked at the boy who came to send the post and asked once: "You said that the bride your young master married was Murong Xiyan?"

"Yes." Although the boy didn't understand why Feng Qingluan asked such a question.But he still replied respectfully.After answering, the boy left.

"How did this happen? Why did she suddenly get married? Why is she suddenly going to marry this martial arts leader Yan Chen?"

There is another reason why Feng Qingluan can't accept that things have changed so quickly.When Murong Xiyan was still Su Xin'er, she could tell that Murong Xiyan should have liked Wang Zixuan at that time.So no matter what happened in between, she should still like Wang Zixuan.Instead of disappearing for three months and then suddenly marrying someone else.

But Feng Qingluan didn't know it was true, Wang Zixuan had always regarded Murong Xiyan as Su Wanyan's stand-in.Murong Xiyan may have had a crush on Wang Zixuan after her memory was sealed, but it was just a crush.And behind the heartbeat is Su Wanyan's memory hidden in her body.And after all, she is Murong Xiyan, not Su Xin'er, nor Su Wanyan.It is even more impossible for her to be a substitute for other women.

Such a proud Murong Xiyan could not allow herself to be someone else's substitute no matter what.

The love she wanted belonged only to her.It's completely hers alone.Not a man with another woman in his heart.

What Wang Zixuan couldn't do, Yan Chen did.

As for why Murong Xiyan hasn't fallen in love with Yan Chen until now, it's also because she can't see her true heart clearly.There is still Su Wanyan's memory in her body, and Su Wanyan's memory is hindering her.For a while, she couldn't tell what she was doing to Wang Zixuan at all?So she didn't even know what was going on with Yan Chen?
(End of this chapter)

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