The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 903 Extra Story Big Wedding!

Chapter 903 Fanwai (Fifteen) Big Wedding!

"Luan'er, you are pregnant now, don't worry." Wang Ziqing said softly.

Wang Ziqing knew that his wife was worried, but at the same time blamed himself.In the past three months, she didn't say it in her heart, but as her closest person, he knew it.Luan'er is still blaming herself for losing Murong Xiyan back then.

"I'm going to see, I'm going to see if it's her." With the invitation in her hand, Feng Qingluan hurried out of the mansion regardless of her pregnancy.


Yan Fu.

As Yan Chen is the leader of the martial arts alliance, all the respectable people in Nanchu should give him a little face.In any case, such things as the wedding of the leader of the martial arts must come to participate.Although the time for the big wedding was a bit rushed, it turned out to be held at around three o'clock in the afternoon.But the situation is special, and some people may find it strange to discuss it.But he wouldn't win the face of the leader of the martial arts on a day like a big wedding.

"Master, Madam's guests have arrived." A servant outside the door reported.Yan Chen responded, and helped Xi Yan out of the room.

From the backyard to the hall, Xiyan looked at Yan Chen with a smile all the way, as if she wanted to keep his appearance firmly in her heart.

"The bride and groom have arrived!" In the hall, a servant shouted.All the guests in the hall looked in the direction of the two newcomers.

Yan Chen held Xi Yan's hand all the time, and walked slowly to the seat in the middle of the hall and stopped.

"Xin'er." There was a sudden soft call in the hall, which was filled with shock and undeniable joy.It was none other than the Su couple who came to the wedding.When the two saw the name on the invitation, they came to see if it was their daughter.Now I saw it and confirmed it.It was their daughter who disappeared for more than three months.

The Su couple could see Murong Xiyan's face only because Murong Xiyan was not wearing a hijab.So everyone in the hall can see the face of the bride very clearly.At the same time, many people were amazed, saying that the lord could marry such a beautiful wife.Seeing Xi Yan's face that can be said to be overwhelming, many people began to think in their hearts, it's no wonder that the leader of Yan is so anxious to get married.Such a beauty, no matter who doesn't want to rush to marry home.

Yan Chen could hear the heartfelt words of the Su couple very clearly.Xi Yan never told Yan Chen about her life experience or about her origin.Xiyan didn't want to, and Yan Chen never asked out of respect for her, and didn't even check.He believed that Xiyan would naturally speak when she was willing to speak.

Yan Chen looked at the Su couple, and his Xiyan eyes also looked at the Su couple with this heart.

"Xin'er, is it really you?" Mrs. Su couldn't remember what occasion it was, she was already so excited when she saw her daughter.If it wasn't for Yan Chen to protect Xi Yan in his arms, Madam Su probably rushed over just now.That Xiyan will also be injured, and she can't even bear the more serious consequences of the disease.

Seeing the Su's couple, especially Madam Su's excited appearance, Xiyan's face was always indifferent.It's not that she looks like this, but that she doesn't have a strong affection for the Su family.She was brought up by her master since she was a child, and since she lost her memory, she has always had very little affection for them.Wanting her to call them immediately is still impossible for Xiyan.

"My name is Murong Xiyan." Xiyan said lightly, but she was telling Mrs. Su that her name was Murong Xiyan, not Su Xin'er.

"It's really you. My poor child. You're finally back. Do you know that my mother's heart has been broken for the past few months when you haven't been seen. Mother has been worried about you, worried about you, worried about you? Worried about whether you were hurt? " Madam Su was too excited, she didn't care about Murong Xiyan or Su Xin'er.All she knew was that the one in front of her was her daughter.

Madam Su's words also shocked the guests present and the entire Yan family.Why did the day of a good wedding become a confession again?

Yan Chen should be the one who was even more surprised.Yan Chen probably didn't expect that this couple was actually Xiyan's parents, his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mrs. Su wanted to come forward to hug her daughter, but Yan Chen kept Xiyan aside, because Yan Chen was afraid that Mrs. Su would get too excited and hurt Xiyan.

Xiyan looked at Mrs. Su indifferently, and backed away when she saw her wanting to come forward.

It's not that she wasn't close to Mrs. Su, but she didn't raise her in this birth, and the mother she had no memory of was blank.

Yan Chen can naturally feel Xiyan's estrangement from the Su couple, although he doesn't know the reason.But they are Xiyan's parents after all, and they belong to him too.It is the elder he wants to respect.Of course, he still cares about his face in everything.

"It's really you?" When everyone was still immersed in Madam Su's sadness, a shocked and unbelievable voice rang out.The person who came was naturally Feng Qingluan.

(End of this chapter)

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