The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 904 Another kind of life after life!guard!

Chapter 904 Another kind of life after life!guard! (End of Xiyan episode)
"It's me." Xiyan looked at Feng Qingluan and smiled faintly, "I, Murong Xiyan, are back."

"Xin'er..." Sister.The latter two sisters were swallowed back by Feng Qingluan.Although she didn't know how she suddenly recovered her memory, even she herself had emphasized that she was Murong Xiyan.Her sister Xin'er couldn't cry anymore. "Pity Yan..."

What's more, Feng Qingluan didn't know what to say to this woman other than this pity.In just a few months, after meeting her, she was already going to get married?Feng Qingluan didn't understand one thing, why everything changed in just a few months?If she is not mistaken, when Xi Yan lived with Wang Zixuan under the same roof, Xi Yan used to like Wang Zixuan.If she hadn't liked it, how could Xiyan have been quietly waiting for Wang Zixuan's return during those helpless and hesitant days.Since I liked it, why did I suddenly want to marry someone else?
"I'm so happy to see you all come to my wedding." Xiyan smiled and looked at Feng Qingluan and the others as well as the excited Su couple. "Let me introduce to you, this is my husband Yanchen."

Following Xi Yan's voice, Feng Qingluan, Su's couple and others looked at Yan Chen again.Yan Chen responded with a faint smile to their gazes.Xi Yan looked at Yan Chen, then at the Su couple and introduced to him: "This is the parents who gave me life."

This kind of introduction is extremely embarrassing, how can I know that this is my father-in-law's mother-in-law's on the wedding day.The Su couple felt even more uncomfortable hearing their daughter's introduction.They knew that their daughter hadn't accepted them yet, and even blamed them.

Yan Chen respectfully said: "Father-in-law and mother-in-law, please rest assured that I will love her well and love her for the rest of my life. I will never let Xiyan suffer any grievances."

Mrs. Su felt uncomfortable, so she just covered her face and cried. Although Su Shaoyue was sad, but after all, he was still the head of the family and couldn't cry in front of a woman, so he just nodded in relief.For him, nothing is the most important, as long as his daughter is happy now.

Xi Yan stood beside Yan Chen and watched, smiling.Today is her wedding day, the most important day in her life, on this day.All the most important people in her life have arrived, and she has no regrets for her.

Afterwards, Xiyan turned her gaze to Feng Qingluan and Wang Ziqing, only to hear Xiyan say: "Yan Chen, these two are my friends, Feng Qingluan and Wang Ziqing."

Yan Chen looked indifferently at Wang Ziqing who had been standing aside and hadn't spoken, and laughed, "I haven't seen you for many years, how is Junior Brother?"

"Fortunately, I haven't seen you for many years. It's a happy day for senior brother. Congratulations senior brother." Wang Ziqing said.

"Are you... senior brothers?" The people present were still shocked by the words of these two people.Feng Qingluan looked at her husband and frowned and asked.

"En." Prince Qing nodded.

It's a coincidence that when Yan Chen's parents had an accident, the young Yan Chen was alone and helpless in Southern Chu. When he was a child, Yan Chen was often bullied, but one day he was rescued by a passing expert.That is, from that time on, the relationship between them as brothers and sisters began.The master rescued Yan Chen, and later accepted him as his disciple.Later, the master brought Yan Chen back to Jiangnan.And he, because of his identity as the young master of the palace, was often out of town. They stayed in Jiangnan together for a long time.

"Ahem..." Xiyan, who was already sick, had been holding out for too long.If it wasn't for Yan Chen's medicine, how could she have survived their conversation for so long.Now coughing, coughing so hard, even coughed up blood.

"Pity Yan..."

"Pity Yan."

"Pity Yan."

Several voices shouted at the same time.

Yan Chen couldn't care less about the wedding, he picked her up by the waist and was about to leave, but at this moment, Xiyan tightly grasped Yan Chen's hand, smiled and shook her head, "Our wedding is not over yet."

"Xiyan, nothing is more important than you." In his heart, she was already his wife no matter whether there was this wedding ceremony or not.

"No." Xi Yan grabbed his hand to prevent him from leaving, she shook her head and said, "Yan Chen, I don't want to leave any regrets."

"Xi Yan." Feng Qingluan didn't know what happened, but when she saw her complexion was bad and she vomited blood, she probably knew that something was wrong with her body.

"My child, my child." Mrs. Su cried until she couldn't make a sound.

"Yan Chen, I don't want to leave any regrets. I can still hold on. I said I would marry you, and I must marry you." Xiyan looked at him and murmured: "Don't you want to marry me anymore?" Is it?"

miss you!
How could he not want to marry her?

However, the current situation obviously does not allow her to hold on.But he also knew this woman's stubbornness.Once she decides something, she can't change it.

"Okay, I promise you. We get married, and we continue the unfinished wedding. You also promise me, don't give up on yourself. Give yourself hope, and give me some hope, okay?"

"Okay, I promise you. I promise you. I'll be fine. I said I want to die hand in hand with you. How could I be willing to die. I won't, I won't go like this. I won't leave You are alone, let you die alone." Yes!She was not reconciled, she was not at all reconciled to die like this.She hasn't had time to cherish and enjoy the most beautiful things in life, so why is she willing to die like this?How could he be so selfish and leave Yan Chen alone like this?How could he be willing to leave him alone for the rest of his life?

Those present were all moved to tears by this scene.

The most beautiful thing in the world is true love, isn't it?

At this moment, this woman may not realize one thing, perhaps in the past few months of getting along, she has actually unknowingly liked this man named Yan Chen.This man named Yan Chen has already infiltrated her life unknowingly.It's just that she hasn't felt it yet.

"We will marry you off." A powerful voice sounded from outside the hall.Following the sound, the person who came was not Wang Zixuan?

Everyone looked at Wang Zixuan who appeared suddenly, and Xiyan also watched him appear suddenly.

Perhaps Wang Zixuan had come a long time ago, but he never came in.Until he heard Xi Yan's words, he couldn't help but come in.

He himself didn't understand what kind of feelings he had for this woman.Was it used as a substitute?Or have you ever been moved?But he clearly understands that no matter what happened in the past, he has no fate with this woman.

Some people are like this, when you like me, I just don't like you.And when I don't like you anymore, you find yourself in love with her.And things often turn out to be irrelevant.

Wang Zixuan walked in slowly and walked up to Xiyan, "I promised Uncle Su, Aunt Su and Senior Wuchen would take good care of you. Now you have another man who can take better care of you. I I am happy for you. I also wish you well and wish you happiness. Girl Xiyan, let me do one last thing for you and send you off to get married."

Yes, no matter who is this woman in front of her?He shouldn't have let her keep her by his side with polite excuses.After all, politeness is politeness, and she is her.

Wang Zixuan took Xi Yan's hand and put it in Yan Chen's hand, saying seriously: "I'm handing her over to you now. I didn't take good care of her before, and made her suffer a lot that she shouldn't have to bear. I hope you You can take good care of her in the future, don't let her be wronged, don't hurt her. Don't lose her. I lost her once, but I can't find her back. I wish you happiness."

Perhaps Wang Zixuan understood it when he saw this woman for the first time, maybe in some inadvertent process, he also fell in love with this woman.But it was too late for him to understand.

Yan Chen looked at Wang Zixuan and said with a smile: "I will never let her be wronged, I will never hurt her, and I will never lose her. I will love her forever. I will always be by her side and never leave her." .”

As the wedding continued, the Su couple sat in the upper seat as elders.A group of relatives and friends witnessed their wedding.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

Wang Zixuan stood aside and watched the woman finally become someone else's bride.There was a faint smile on his face.Perhaps this is the best ending between them.


Tiansheng has been three years, and another year has passed.

Although the illusion Gu on Murong Xiyan's body has not been completely dispelled, the serious injuries in her body have completely healed after several months of recuperation.Under Nangong Jin's treatment, although she may not have the same longevity as normal people, she will not die soon.And under Nangong Jin's treatment, Murong Xiyan's martial arts are slowly recovering.As long as she has re-cultivated the Phoenix Mantra well, she can still use the Phoenix Mantra to suppress the Illusory Heart Gu in her body.You can stop letting it happen.

However, there was a price behind this incident.

After all, Yan Chen was hurt because of her, and he fell into a deep sleep and never woke up.

It wasn't until Yan Chen's accident that Xiyan understood why she could survive until now, and also why she didn't die.

When she had an accident in Lingyin Temple, she fell into the river below Lingyin Temple. She floated in the river for an unknown amount of time, and just like that, she floated to the south of the Yangtze River, to Yan Chen's side.Yan Chen saved her, but he saved her at the price of his own blood.

Yan Chen was in poor health when he was a child. In order to recuperate his body, his master soaked him in various medicinal materials since he was a child.So Yan Chen's blood also has miraculous effects, it can heal internal injuries.But doing so would also hurt his own vitality.Back then when Yan Chen saved her, he only let out a little blood at a time, not much.

But after getting married, her health became worse and worse, and her illness took longer and longer, even when Yan Chen's blood could not be controlled.For this matter, Yan Chen asked Wang Ziqing to find Nangong Jin as soon as possible.It was already a month later when Nangong Jin received the news and came back from Penglai.At that time, Xiyan's body had reached the edge of its limit.

When Nangong Jin came back and saw Xi Yan's appearance, she also knew what method Yan Chen used to save her.The time was too short, and Nangong Jin was not given much time to prepare.He said that Xiyan was already pregnant at that time, if he was not careful, it would only result in one dead body and two lives.

So they chose another method, a method at the price of blood.

When Xiyan woke up, Yan Chen was already lying there in a deep sleep.Although he didn't die, he didn't wake up once.Nangong Jin said that Yan Chen had exhausted all his vitality for her, and it was Yan Chen's fate to fall into a deep sleep.But, no one knows when Yan Chen will wake up, or in other words, Yan Chen will never wake up.He may fall into a deep sleep like this forever.

Yan Chen chose to let her have children with her, and chose to let this way guard them forever.

However, Yan Chen couldn't see his child was born.

The reason why Xiyan's body became more and more serious every time was because of the arrival of this child. If it wasn't for this child, she would not have developed the disease so quickly.Yan Chen might not have chosen such a way for her and the child.

If you want to ask Xi Yan if she has fallen in love with Yan Chen, this child has already given the best answer.

If it wasn't for love, she wouldn't have had this child with him.The child was conceived three months after the wedding.In the few months after the big wedding, Yan Chen has been holding back and never touching her because of her body.And in those few months, she also saw this man's forbearing love.And all the things he paid.Seeing him use his own blood as medicine to lead her to rescue.But never told her, just to keep her from worrying.

How could she not love such a man?
She had said long ago that if it was impossible for her to fall in love with him, then she would never fall in love with anyone else.But after all, she still fell in love with him, right?Because of the little things in life.Because of his affectionate dedication.

She didn't want to leave regrets for herself, nor for Yan Chen.Taking advantage of her health during that time, she wanted to be his real wife.

Everything is so natural, the tenderness he gave her is all in that strong heart.

It's just that good things won't be too long in front of her after all.Soon she was pregnant.Knowing that she had a child, Yan Chen was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear every day.Knowing that she has a child, everyone is happy for her.But at the same time, the breath of death is getting closer.

In the end, she still couldn't bear too much. After having a child, the severe injuries to her body became more and more serious.The doctor also advised her not to have this child, but this is their first child, how could she be willing?
But things still came too fast.It was so fast that no one expected it.

She only knew that she fell into a coma later, and when she woke up for the first time, Yan Chen would not look at her tenderly and smile, nor would he remind herself that it was time to take medicine and rest as before. .What was waiting for her was alone.

Later, the child was born.She named the child Nian Chen!

I miss Yan Chen!

Time flies still so fast.In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

After three years, Yan Chen still didn't wake up.And their child is three years old.Her family and friends also began to slowly persuade her not to dwell on the past.You should look at what is in front of you and accept what is in front of you.But she knew that she would never forget this man named Yan Chen in her whole life.There is no way to accept other people.

All she can do is to take the child and accompany him for the rest of her life with this longing for him.She believed that one day, Yan Chen would wake up.Because she understands that this man will not abandon her or their child.Even more reluctant to watch her alone waiting for him to grow old alone.

There may be another person in this world besides the infatuated Xiyan.That is Wang Zixuan, Wang Zixuan is not married, it is not that there are no good women.But he knew that there would never be such a woman who could enter his heart.

In fact, everyone understands very well that Xiyan is not so much waiting for Yan Chen to wake up.Rather, Wang Zixuan has been silently guarding this woman.Maybe one day, he can see that she has happiness once again, and he will also look for his happiness.But maybe, he won't be looking for it in his life.

"Nian Chen, Nian Chen, run carefully." Looking at the happy grandson playing in the yard, Mrs. Su's face was full of love.And the grandson is very much like a son-in-law, and Mrs. Su actually loves her daughter even more.

In a few years, Xi Yan would also bring Nian Chen to visit Su's parents who were also in Southern Chu.Perhaps because of Yan Chen's sudden deep sleep, Xiyan learned to cherish those who are still around.She never really blamed her parents.Over the past few years, all they can do is actually make up for what was lost in the past.

"Xiyan, it's been so many years. Nian Chen has grown up too. You alone have to take charge of the Yan Mansion and maintain the peace of the entire Wulin. You are a woman, Xiyan, you..."

"Mother, he will wake up." Today's Murong Xiyan should be called Su Xiyan. In the past few years, Xiyan has lost her innocent and lively temperament, and has become more mature and steady.After Yan Chen fell into a deep sleep, she maintained the peace of the entire martial arts world for Yan Chen as the wife of the martial arts leader, and also took charge of the entire Yan family.Now her only thought is to wait for him to wake up with Nian Chen. "No matter how many years, I will wait for him."

Madam Su could only sigh helplessly, "That's all. You just don't want to hurt yourself."

Is it bitter?

She never feels bitter?
If she didn't even have this thought, she thought, she would really be unable to hold on.Really bitter!
Xi Yan smiled and looked at herself and his child, Nian Chen looked more and more like him.She knew that no matter how many years to wait, he was always by her side and never left.

——Postscript of Xiyan!
When the young girl sprouted, she thought that her feelings for the elder brother were love.But she has always understood that the cold and arrogant temperament of the senior brother is not what she likes at all, nor is she able to control it.Later, after the incident between the elder brother and Su Baiyi happened, she understood even more that she might have secretly fallen in love with this outstanding elder brother when she was a child, but it was definitely not love.Later, this should also be corrected.

She met Wang Zixuan, a very important man in her life.When she met him, she felt a very familiar feeling.That's why it was time to save him.Later, in this man's unconscious state, she knew that this man had a deeply loved woman in his heart.A woman named Su Wanyan.She never thought that this Su Wanyan would be the catastrophe of their lives.

During the time when her memory was sealed, she also fell in love with this man Wang Zixuan.But this man has been looking at another woman through her.How could she allow herself to be someone else's substitute for someone she was so proud of?
So they were doomed to have nothing to do with each other.

Later, she met the love of her life.

This man loved himself at the cost of his life, and paid the price in blood for her.He took her heart with him.After so many years in the past, when she finally realized that she fell in love with this man, there was no chance for her to tell him personally.He hears, he can't even see.

She knew that in this life, she would never love someone the way she loved him.After all, once you love deeply, it is a lifetime.So no matter how many years it takes, she will always wait.When he wakes up, tell him personally that she loves him!Loved it for many years!Waited for him for many years!

 It's not a tragedy, it's an open ending.For Xiyan, there are some things that are worth giving and receiving, and what she gains is bound to be lost.But God still favored her.After all, it doesn't matter whether or not she bears all of Su Wanyan's memories.In her life, there was another person who loved her deeply and loved her at the cost of his life.And in the later years, she also got silent protection from another man.

  Maybe it's not about love, but it's about love.That man has been silently guarding her side like that.

  This is the end of Xiyan's episode.It is better to leave a little regret for some things, because with regret, people will know that the things they once had should be cherished.Otherwise, it will be too late to regret everything after the loss.

  The following episode is about Chu Limo and Yun Qing, after all, they still owe them a child.As well as those of Qi Rong and Su Baiyi.These two people are destined!

(End of this chapter)

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