Chapter 905: Chapter [-]

After leaving Lingyin Temple, no one knew where Chu Limo and Yun Qing had gone.Even their best friends don't know.When the two of them left Lingyin Temple to travel around the rivers and lakes, even Wuqing Wuxin and Nonghua Xiaoxiao who were by their side were not by their side.The two only want to think about the world of two people, and of course they don't like these people disturbing their sweet days.

In fact, the two did not go far.Now the world is unified, and under the governance of Yuhen, you can see a prosperous and prosperous Heavenly Holy Kingdom.The two of them watched the mountains and the water along the way.Had a very comfortable and comfortable life.

It's just that the two left Nanchu, and there was no news for several years.Even Wang Qingshan misses Yunqing so much, Yunqing has never come back, but every month he will write a letter to his family, telling them the world they see outside, if they meet Yun Qing would also buy anything unusual and interesting and send it back to his grandfather in Southern Chu with a letter from his family.

In the late autumn of the sixth year of Tiansheng, Jiangnan Town.

There has been no martial arts leader in Jianghu for several years. There are so many sects in such a huge Jianghu.How could it be possible to listen to a woman willingly?Fortunately, in the past few years, the leader of the martial arts alliance, Yan Chen, was naturally convinced in front of them.But naturally, after Yan Chen, the leader of the martial arts alliance, had an accident four years ago, his wife has been in charge of the Jianghu affairs for the past four years, and many people have already refused to accept it.

Once someone dissatisfied and made a fuss, the whole rivers and lakes suddenly surged undercurrents.

Xiyan is the wife of the leader of the martial arts, and now she maintains peace in the martial arts.But when something happens, it always needs to be resolved.So everyone decided to re-elect a capable person with both ability and political integrity to be the leader of the martial arts alliance.

The martial arts conference was held in Jiangnan Town, and the time was set in half a month.

Back then Yan Chen was brought to Jiangnan by his master, so Yan Chen had a house in Jiangnan.Yan Chen also saved himself in Jiangnan back then.For Xi Yan, there are many memories with Yan Chen.Four years later, when I came back here, even though Yan Chen would not be tenderly caring for her in his arms like before, everything here has not changed, it is still the same as before.

Yanfu was built in the middle of the lake.In the south of the Yangtze River, houses can only be built in the middle of the lake if they have a sense of sentimentality, and those with status and money will build them here.In the entire Jiangnan Town, there are not many houses built in the middle of the lake.But back then, she drifted along the river and came to Yan Chen.It can be seen how much fate they accumulated back then.

Xiyan looked at the sleeping man lying on the bed and at the lake outside Qingsha, and softly said: "Chen, we are going home. We have returned to the south of the Yangtze River. Do you remember this place? This is the place we knew, You saved me in this place back then. Chen, you have been sleeping for four years, do you want to keep sleeping?"

"Mother, don't cry. Daddy knows we miss him, Daddy will wake up." Nian Chen, who was only three years old, gently wiped away the tears on his mother's face with his fleshy hands and comforted him. Nian Chen has always been very sensible.He would see his mother talking to his father every day, but his father would never answer what his mother and his words said.Mother told him that Daddy was too tired.So fell asleep.One day Daddy will wake up.

"Yes. Daddy, he will wake up. Daddy knows that we miss him, and he won't sleep forever." Xiyan patted her son's head.

The little Nian Chen was very curious about this place in the south of the Yangtze River, and he had never seen a house built in the lake.The curious Nian Chen is full of curiosity about everything here.Since the little Nian Chen came to Jiangnan, he would look at the place opposite their house in the middle of the lake every day.He could smell the fragrance from the house opposite the lake every day.

Xi Yan also saw her son's curious and greedy appearance.But Xiyan is indeed a little curious, who lives across the lake?
I still remember that four years ago, there was no such house across the lake.In other words, this house should have just been built in the past few years.As for who lives there, Xiyan is even more unclear.But being able to live on the opposite side and become a neighbor is also considered fate.Taking advantage of the fact that the day of the martial arts conference has not yet arrived, Xi Yan is also planning to take Nian Chen to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River and visit this neighbor.


The owners of the house opposite the lake center are none other than Chu Limo and Yun Qing, who have not been seen for several years.A year ago, the two came to Jiangnan, and Yun Qing immediately liked this place, so he built a house here and lived here.

And the scent wafting from the house was that Chu Limo was studying food.In a few days, it will be Qingqing's 24th birthday.Chu Limo wanted to cook a table of delicious and different food for Qingqing on Qingqing's birthday.

However, Chu Limo might not have thought that the scent would attract Xiyan's mother and son here.

But time flies by so fast.He and Qingqing have been together for nearly ten years.Sighing how fast the days go by, the only regret they may have now is that they haven't had a child yet, right?

It's not that Yun Qing doesn't want to give birth, it's that Chu Limo doesn't want Yun Qing to give birth.Chu Limo still had a lot of shadows in his heart for the child Nangong Yu who had been with him for a while when he was in Xiyue.She felt that if she gave birth to a child, it would be to torture Qingqing.Not to mention that with a child, the two-person world between him and Qingqing will be even less.He has been very comfortable with Qingqing in the past few years.Of course, I won't let a brat spoil myself and Qingqing.So in the past few years, Chu Limo has always done a good job in Yunqing's pregnancy.So far, Yunqing has never been pregnant.

Yun Qing also had doubts about this matter, thinking that the toxins in Chu Limo's body had not been cleaned up because of the poisoning in the past, so Chu Limo was unwilling to let her become pregnant in recent years.For this matter, Yun Qing specially wrote a letter to ask her elder brother a few years ago, but the result was that Nangong Jin did not reply to the letter even after sending it for several months.Of course Yun Qing would not know that it was actually Chu Limo who secretly hijacked her letter.Of course Nangong Jin would not receive her letter.

This matter has been dragged on like this, until she is now almost past her 24th birthday.In a few months, she will be 25 years old.As the stage of childbirth, Yun Qing feels that she has fallen behind many people.

Take Liyou as an example, she has already given birth to two.However, Bai Yue only gave birth to Nangong Yu, because her elder brother didn't want Bai Yue to suffer from childbirth.Bai Yue was born prematurely back then, and Nangong Jin didn't want Bai Yue to risk her life to give birth to her, so she gave birth to Nangong Yu.And Feng Qingluan has now given birth to two, a daughter and a son.According to the second cousin's letter, he and Qingluan's daughter is almost five years old.My son is almost two years old.It's just the big cousin, and it is said that he is still single.

Regarding the relationship between big cousin and Xiyan, Yun Qing was also clear in the correspondence in the letter.Yun Qing also felt sorry for her eldest cousin and Xi Yan, and at the same time felt sorry for Xi Yan.The husband has been in a deep sleep since then, and she wants to take the child alone.

"Hello!" Through the light veil and the boat, a woman's soft and pleasant voice came.

 Chu Limo: In a few months, son, I will be turning thirty, and it is time to have a baby with Qingqing.

  Yun Qing: (covering his face)...

  Yun Duo: Don't worry, the child will have it.Everything will be there.

(End of this chapter)

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