Chapter 906

The breeze blows, and a face that is all over the country and the city is revealed in the fluttering veil.Yun Qing calmly stood behind the veil, when she heard a familiar voice, Yun Qing pushed aside the veil and walked out.Yun Qing showed a faint smile when he saw the people on the boat.The people on the boat also showed shock when they saw the person behind Qingsha, but they quickly recovered and smiled back, "So it's a friend I haven't seen for many years. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Yun Qing looked at Xi Yan and replied: "I didn't expect to meet you here." When the two Xi Yan, mother and son went up to the pavilion, Yun Qing looked at the child standing next to Xi Yan and smiled slightly Said: "Is this your child?"

Xi Yan has only been in Jiangnan for a few days, and it is normal for Yun Qing not to know about her arrival.After all, Yun Qing doesn't care what the outside looks like now.If it wasn't for meeting him in Jiangnan.Who would have thought that Xi Yan would come to Jiangnan.And he took his son to play in the middle of the lake, and came to visit her neighbor by the way.

"Yeah." Xiyan nodded.He patted his son's head and said softly, "Nian Chen, this is the Aunt Yun Qing that Mother mentioned to you."

Nian Chen always liked to listen to stories when she was a child, and Xi Yan always told about things that happened to her in the past and the friends she met in the past.Nian Chen has a deep memory of Aunt Yunqing and some of her mother's friends.

Nian Chen looked at Yun Qing and called obediently, "Hello, Auntie."

Yun Qing smiled and nodded, looking at Xi Yan now.More and more I found that Xiyan is much more mature than before.Xiyan, who was innocent and lively back then, has long since disappeared.What Xiyan sees on her face today is the warmth of a loving mother and a tough and strong heart.Come to think of it, it's the events of these years that have changed Xi Yan back then, right?

Yun Qing also sighed in her heart, it's really a pity that the eldest cousin missed Xi Yan.Such a good woman has nothing to do with her big cousin.

The arrival of Xiyan's mother and son made Yunqing very happy, after all, they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.Especially when Yun Qing saw such a sensible Nian Chen, her desire to have a child became more and more determined.She and Li Mo have been married for so many years, and it's time for them to have a child.

Xiyan came to Jiangnan because of the martial arts conference. Originally, Xiyan was not a person greedy for power.It was because of Yan Chen that she maintained peace in the martial arts world as the wife of the martial arts leader.Now that I can let go, Xiyan is naturally easy.In this way, she can spend more time with Yan Chen, waiting for him to wake up.In the past few days in Jiangnan, Yun Qing and Chu Limo also came to see Yan Chen's current situation.Yun Qing is Xi Yan's friend, even though Xi Yan has no relationship with her big cousin, seeing Xi Yan so infatuatedly and unrepentantly waiting for a man who may never wake up, Yun Qing is also shocked for Xi Yan.As a friend, Yun Qing felt that she should help her.

Although Yun Qing has no way to wake Yan Chen up, it doesn't mean that other people have no way.Yun Qing could also understand that her elder brother must have used methods at the beginning, but Yan Chen still couldn't wake up.Now, she can only go to Penglai, East China Sea to find her father.

When her mother became a living dead, it was her father who went to the depths of the East China Sea to find a special medicine, which made her mother slowly wake up.Although it may take a long time to wake up, it is still effective after all.And Yun Qing believes that no matter how many years it takes, Xi Yan will definitely wait for Yan Chen to wake up.

The only thing now is that we still need to go to the depths of the East China Sea to find Huangquanbiluohua.What her father found back then was only enough for her mother alone.When Yun Qing told Xiyan about this matter, Xiyan was very excited.Crying and saying, no matter how many years, she is willing to wait.

Yes, no matter how many years, she will wait.

For this reason, Yun Qing decided to take Xi Yan and Yan Chen to Penglai Island to find her father as soon as the martial arts conference in Jiangnan was over.Yun Qing and the others have not returned to Penglai Island for several years.Now that Yun Qing thinks about it, she still misses her father and mother very much.


More than a month later, Yun Qing and the others appeared in the small town of Donghai.And after more than a month, it has already entered winter, and the winter in Donghai Town is very cold.

It's been almost a month since we traveled all the way from Jiangnan to Donghai Town, and everyone was exhausted after eating and sleeping in the open, not to mention there was a sleeping Yan Chen on the carriage.As for Xiyan, taking care of Yan Chen and Nian Chen, who was only three years old, was even more exhausting along the way.I have already arrived at the small town of Donghai, and I won't be in a hurry for a day or two.

In the room in the inn, apart from the two big men Yan Chen and Chu Limo, there is only one Nian Chen who is only three years old. Yan Chen can't wake up, but he is still a heavy big man after all.The physical work of moving him from the carriage to the bed in the room was left to Chu Limo, a noble man.Of course, he did this kind of thing for the sake of clarity.

After putting Yan Chen in place, Yun Qing looked at Xi Yan and asked, "Xi Yan, is your body okay?" Yun Qing knew it, and naturally Xi Yan's body has not been as good as before after it was damaged.Even her martial arts have recovered now, but compared to back then, Xiyan's martial arts are not as good as before.Along the way, Xiyan took care of Yan Chen and the children everywhere, but Yun Qing had always watched her, the longer they got along, the more Yun Qing could find that Xiyan had really changed a lot. "Do you want to rest for a few days and hurry?"

"I'm in good health, Yun Qing, you don't have to worry about me." What she wants to do most now is to go to Penglai Island as soon as possible, so that Li Yanchen can wake up earlier.She has been guarding him every day for four years now.She really wanted to see him wake up, wanted him to wake up and hold her, and talk to her.You can give her a warm shoulder to lean on.

Yun Qing glanced at Xi Yan and Nian Chen who was only three years old with some distress.Along the way, Yun Qing discovered that Nian Chen was really sensible, but Ke Nianchen, who lived with them every day, never cried or made trouble, and was even sensible enough to take care of his parents.In the past few years, Xi Yan has taken Nian Chen very well and taught him very well.

"Okay then. Let's rest in the inn tonight, and leave for Penglai Island early tomorrow morning. You take Nian Chen to have a good rest first, and I will call you when the food is ready." Yun Qing knows that Xiyan is now I was in a hurry to go to Penglai Island. Although I was worried that Xiyan's body might not be able to bear it, I was helpless.

"Master and wife, I'm with you." Nian Chen, who was a big kid, pulled Yun Qing's clothes and shouted obediently.

Nian Chen liked Yun Qing and Chu Limo very much during the time they got along.Although Chu Limo has always been indifferent, and can only watch from a distance but not up close, Nian Chen gets along very well with Chu Limo, and even coaxes Chu Limo into smiling every day.So much so that Chu Limo liked this child very much, and took Nian Chen, who was only three years old, as his apprentice, saying that he wanted to teach him his own martial arts.

Xiyan is naturally happy that her child can be taught by this senior brother.After all, she understands this senior's ability.

"Okay then. Mistress will take you to see what's delicious." Yun Qing smiled, "Xiyan, then rest first, and call you when the food is ready."

Xi Yan nodded, and Chu Limo and Yun Qing walked out with Nian Chen.

After walking out of the room, and when the people in the room could no longer hear their words, Nian Chen pulled Yun Qing and said sadly: "Master, will Daddy wake up?"

Yun Qing loves this child very much. This child has always pretended to be well-behaved and sensible in front of his mother, but he is still a three-year-old child after all.A child who needs parental care.

"You and your mother love daddy so much, and your father loves you and your mother so much, he will wake up."

"Master..." Nian Chen, who was a little sad, looked up at Chu Limo and shouted again.

Seeing this well-behaved child on Chu Limo's indifferent face was also full of emotion and distress, "Your father will wake up one day."

 Xiyan and the others just came out to make soy sauce.But here I will also specifically explain the relationship between Yan Chen and Xi Yan.Especially whether Yan Chen will wake up or not.Of course, the most important thing is that Chu Limo and Yun Qing should work hard to make babies.And what happens in the process of making a baby.

(End of this chapter)

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