The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 907: Chapter 3: Arriving in Penglai

Chapter 907 Chapter [-]: Chapter [-]: Back to Penglai

Nian Chen nodded resolutely on his immature face, "Daddy will definitely wake up."

He and his mother missed Dad so much, and Dad would definitely wake up.But he was afraid that his father would never wake up again.In that case, wouldn't mother want to be alone and sad for the rest of her life?
Yun Qing rubbed Nian Chen's head with some distress, the child is still so young, but at this moment Nian Chen is not as innocent as a child should be.Instead, he was full of worries, worried about his mother, worried that his father would not wake up.The child learned to be strong from an early age.


It is very cold at sea in winter, and it is not suitable to go to sea at this time.It's a pity that Yan is in a hurry to go to Penglai Island.But after all, there is someone to lead the way to Penglai Island, otherwise, you will never find where Penglai Island is.Although the weather was cold, there was no strong wind or heavy rain, so it was not bad weather.It can even be said that the weather these days is still good, the closer to Penglai Island, the better the weather.Speaking of which, the weather on Penglai Island is also quite strange. It is as warm as spring all year round and as pleasant as the south of the Yangtze River.But at sea it is bleak and cold as hell.It's just that Yun Qing and the others are lucky, and they have encountered sunny and good days these days.

During the days at sea, Yun Qing also had nothing to do, only blowing the sea breeze, basking in the sun and teasing the little doll Nian Chen.

Half a month later, their boat stopped on Penglai Island.Just after getting off the boat, Yun Qing was hugged by a poor kid.A certain child was very aggrieved and said with a grievance: "Auntie, you and uncle are finally back. If you don't come back, you won't be able to see Yu'er. Yu'er is so pitiful. Huh..."

Yun Qing looked at little friend Nangong Yu amusedly, every time this little friend saw them, he would rush over to act like a spoiled child and sue them by the way.I don't know how her elder brother got along with Nangong Yu's child. The two are not like father and son, but more like enemies. "Who bullied you again?"

"Auntie, it's that stinky old man who bullies Yu'er. Yu'er is so young, he's willing to bully Yu'er. He leaves Yu'er alone in the dark woods every day and doesn't allow Yu'er to come out. He doesn't allow Yu'er to see his mother." The old man in the mouth of Nangong Yu's children is Nangong Jin.

Yun Qing frowned, "Your parents are back?"

A few months ago, Yun Qing sent a letter to her elder brother, who was still in Nanchu at that time.Yun Qing did not expect her elder brother to be willing to go back to Penglai.Since Yu'er was two years old, Nangong Jin left the child on Penglai Island to be looked after by two old people.What else to say, children are to be cultivated from an early age.In fact, to put it bluntly, Nangong Jin didn't want her son to disturb their couple's world.

"Yeah." A certain doll nodded aggrievedly, "Grandpa and grandma don't want Yu'er anymore, they left Yu'er alone on the island and went out to play by themselves. The smelly parents came back."

After listening to the child's words, Yun Qing frowned even deeper.

So, her unreliable father took his mother out to play in the mountains and rivers, leaving the six-year-old child alone on Penglai Island.Did her elder brother and Bai Yue return to Penglai Island after receiving the letter from those two?Unfortunately, her unreliable father is really big-hearted.Although Yu'er was trained as the future young master of Penglai Island since she was a child, her martial arts and medical skills have not fallen behind.But after all, Yu'er is also a child who is only six years old.Penglai Island is full of dangers everywhere.Are they relieved too?

"Nangong Yu, who told you to come out of the black forest." Before the person arrived, the voice had already arrived.

Hearing the sound, Nangong Yu hid directly behind Chu Limo and Yun Qing.With his uncle and aunt around, he is not afraid of this villain.

(End of this chapter)

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