The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 908: Chapter 4: No Hope

Chapter 908: No Hope

The servants on Penglai Island were still helping Xiyan to get Yan Chen off the boat, but when they heard the young master's cold voice, they were so frightened that their legs went limp.If the young master finds out that they didn't keep an eye on the young master, let the young master come out of the black forest.The young master will definitely punish them severely.But this can't be blamed on them, it's really that the young master is very clever, and he has obtained the true biography of several masters, so it's impossible for their servants to watch.

"Nangong Yu, have you finished what I told you? Huh?"

He said he wasn't afraid of the bad guy daddy, but when he really saw him coming, the kid Nangong Yu was still very scared.He still knows that if he fights against his father now, he must be the one who suffers.Hmph, he doesn't care about him now, when he grows up, can this villain still bully him?
The little girl Nangong Yu stood up bravely, and shouted in a Nuo Nuo voice, "Daddy, Yu'er is hungry, and Yu'er knows it's wrong. Yu'er shouldn't be hungry and run out, shouldn't he not listen to Daddy's words?" After finishing what my father told me, I left the Black Forest. Yu’er will go back to the Black Forest now, and if I don’t finish what my father told me, Yu’er will starve to death and won’t come out.” After finishing speaking, the child Nangong Yu turned his head and went to the Black Forest direction.

"Nangong Jin, is there such a father as you? If Yu'er has something to do, I will never end with you." Bai Yue who came over afterward said harshly.

Little Nangong Yu had only taken two steps when his lovely, motherly voice came.There was a triumphant smile on the corner of Nangong Yu's mouth, and he knew that with his mother around, his bad dad wouldn't dare to bully him anymore.Seeing her mother coming, Nangong Yu rushed forward, "Mother, Yu'er is very hungry. I promise that Yu'er will be obedient."

When little friend Nangong Yu said this, Bai Yue felt even more distressed. "Go back to dinner with mother." After finishing speaking, he glared fiercely at Nangong Jin, who probably wanted to tear that bastard Nangong Jin into pieces.

When Nangong Jin received his daughter-in-law's eyes, where there was no majesty just now, she immediately became a bit doggy, "Daughter-in-law is right. Wife is right." In front of his daughter-in-law, Nangong Jin swept his eyes He glanced at his own son, this stinky brat actually did this with him.Little Nangong Yu didn't pay attention to his father's eyes. Anyway, with his mother around, he was not afraid of his father's smell.Having said that, now that his aunt and uncle are back, he is no longer afraid of his stinky father.

Yun Qing who was standing aside was a little funny, this family is really real.But Yu'er is getting smarter and smarter when he fights with his father.

Nian Chen, who was standing beside Xiyan, looked at this scene with envy.Although Uncle Nangong looks fierce, it can be seen that Uncle Nangong still loves him very much.Unlike him, his father never said a word to him since he was a child, and his father never opened his eyes to look at him.The little Nianchen couldn't hold back watching this scene, grabbed Xiyan's sleeve and shouted, "Mother..."

After shouting this, there is no more sentence.

Xiyan knows what her child thinks. She has been both a father and a mother these years, but in her child's heart she still longs for a father to love her, to have a father who can act like a baby.But these are all she can't give her children.

Nian Chen's "mother" also calmed down the little trouble just now.

Chu Limo still stood there indifferently without saying a word, Yun Qing looked at Nangong Jin's family with a faint smile on his face, and Xi Yan held Nian Chen's hand.Nian Chen was very envious but also obediently stood beside Xi Yan.

"Why are you willing to come back to Penglai Island from Jiangnan? I thought you two would stay in Jiangnan and never return." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and glanced at Chu Limo and Yun Qing.

"You've already returned to Penglai. If Qingqing and I don't come back, you're going to get moldy on the island." Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin.

"Yo, that's why you came here on purpose to get moldy with Grandpa."


"You didn't come here with my grandfather to get moldy, why did you come back to Penglai Island?" Nangong Jin said that he didn't like to see Chu Limo.

Yun Qing was a little amused by these two people. After so many years, these two people still looked like enemies when they met, and now they started bickering.Unlike previous years, the two started fighting as soon as they met.But Yun Qing was really worried that the two of them would start fighting after a disagreement, and hurriedly interrupted: "After traveling for so many days and sitting on the boat for half a month, I'm really tired. Let's go back and talk about something."

Sure enough, Yun Qing's words came into effect immediately.

Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin coldly, expressing that he doesn't bother to argue with you. "Qingqing, let's go back."

Yun Qing nodded, turned to Xi Yan and said, "Are you tired too? Let's go to the island first and have a good rest."

Now that she has arrived at Penglai Island, Xi Yan will not be in a hurry for a while, she nodded to Yun Qing, "Yeah." After coming, she looked at Nangong Jin and Bai Yue and said with a smile: "I'm sorry to bother you. .”

"What's the trouble, it's been more than a year since we left. Time flies so fast." Bai Yue looked at Xi Yan and said.Bai Yue also witnessed what happened to Xiyan back then, so she sympathized with this infatuated woman for Xiyan, and at the same time admired her strength and bravery with her children to guard her husband who might never wake up .Bai Yue looked at Nian Chen again, her eyes were full of tenderness, "Nian Chen has grown taller."

"Hello, Uncle Nangong, and hello, Aunt Bai." Nian Chen knew Nangong Jin and Bai Yue, so he naturally yelled sweetly when he saw acquaintances.

"Hello Nian Chen." Bai Yue greeted her son to get to know Nian Chen together. Nangong Yu stayed on Penglai Island after he was two years old, or stayed with Chu Limo and Yun Qing, so Nan Gongyu The children don't know Nian Chen. "Yu'er, this is Nian Chen's younger brother."

Although the two children were a few years apart in age, they quickly became a ball.Friendships between young children are easily formed.

Looking at the children who quickly played together, several adults present also smiled.Nangong Jin glanced at Yan Chen who was lying on the soft chair, and finally looked at Xiyan with a heavy expression, but this strange expression was only fleeting.Although it was only a flash, it was still seen by Chu Limo and Yun Qing who were standing aside.It's just that Xiyan only had Yan Chen in her eyes, and she didn't see Nangong Jin's strange expression.I saw Nangong Jin speak meaningfully, but the tone seemed to have been known for a long time, and said: "I hope you will never come to Penglai, but you still came after all. After so many years, you still can't let him go. ,Is it?"

Xiyan is an extremely intelligent woman, she looked at Nangong Jin in a daze, "You...have a way to save him, right?" If not, why would he say such words?
Nangong Jin didn't answer Xiyan's question, but she didn't know what she was thinking. She looked at the other end of the sea, thoughtfully, and said, "I promised him that he would never die and stay by your side forever. But I still broke my promise after all." After a pause, Nangong Jin said again: "Xi Yan, it has been so many years. You should see that there are other people around you."

Nangong Jin has never been a person who cares about other people's emotional affairs.But that person was his brother, and that person once begged him desperately.Begging him to save that man, just for a woman, that man didn't even want face, no dignity and almost knelt down to beg him.It's just that he still didn't save the man's life after all.Over the years, he has also watched helplessly as his brother has been waiting for a woman, waiting for a woman who will never look back at him.

After all, he couldn't bear to see it.He also hoped that Xiyan could see that there was another man beside him, and that there was another man like her who had been silently waiting by her side.As a brother, I naturally hope that my brother can be happy.

Xiyan looked at Nangong Jin, she knew that the 'he' Nangong Jin was talking about was another man.But she also knew that no matter what the man did, she would have no way to respond in the end. "Nangong, I have nothing else to ask for, I just hope that you can let Yan Chen wake up."

"Xi Yan, I'm sorry that I'm powerless in this matter. When Yan Chen made his own decision, he knew that such a day would come. There is no medicine in this world that can revive him." As a miracle doctor, he cannot save people.Nangong Jin also felt uncomfortable.He also watched Yan Chen fall asleep in front of him.Because of a woman, she paid the price in blood.Among Yan Chen, Zixuan and Xiyan, there is no one right or wrong, they just love Xiyan too deeply.So I am willing to die for the sake of Xiyan, and the other silently waits.

"Brother, is there really nothing we can do?" Yun Qing naturally had hope.She couldn't bear to see Xi Yan waiting in pain for Yan Chen to wait like this.Back then when Xi Yan was brought back to Penglai Island, he naturally hoped that Yan Chen could be rescued and that their husband and wife could be reunited. "Where's father?"

"Father knew that you would come, so he left Penglai early in the morning."

Nangong Jue left Penglai with his wife, on the one hand, he wanted to go sightseeing, and on the other hand, he knew that Xiyan and the others would come.Nangong Jue knew about Yan Chen a long time ago, and knew that there was no way for him to wake him up.He couldn't bear to see this person die in front of him, so he could only choose to leave Penglai.

Hearing Nangong Jin's words, Xiyan even lost her last hope.

And Yun Qing also blamed herself, she was the one who gave Xi Yan hope, and let Xi Yan suffer disappointment once again. "Xiyan, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay." Xi Yan said with a smile, but that smile was uglier than crying. "I've actually prepared myself for it. After so many years, I'm used to it."

(End of this chapter)

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