The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 909: Qingqing gave birth to a son outside the episode He died a long time ago

Chapter 909: Qingqing gave birth to a son outside the episode ([-]) He died a long time ago

"Xiyan, you should let it go." Nangong Jin would never have persuaded Xiyan if she hadn't agreed to Zixuan and watched Zixuan refuse to marry because of her.

just let go?

How should she let go?
How should I let go of this man?How could she let go of this man who fell asleep because of her?How could she let go of the man she loved so much?
He didn't wake up, what would Nian Chen do?What should she do?
How would they survive without him?

Xiyan cried. In the past few years, no matter what she encountered, she never cried, but she cried in front of this man named Yan Chen.Xiyan cried and shook her head, and said stubbornly: "I can't let go. I can't let go either. He is the courage to support me to live. Without him, I can't live. Without him, I can't last a day."

yes!Once upon a time, this man named Yan Chen had penetrated deep into her bone marrow.After waiting for so many years, how could she let it go, how could she let it go?
Nian Chen, who was with Nangong Yu, suddenly saw his mother crying and ran over sadly, hugged Xiyan's thigh and comforted him: "Mother, don't cry. Nian Chen will be good, and Nian Chen will accompany mother." Honey."

Perhaps there was too much suffering, but after crying at this moment, it all vented out. Xiyan cried even more sadly, and knelt down and cried bitterly with her son.

Women are easily moved, Yun Qing and Bai Yue stood aside and looked at their mother and son with tears in their eyes.Although Chu Limo and Nangong Jin were cold-tempered, they were inevitably moved when they saw this scene.

Nan Gongyu, who was only six years old, didn't know why the aunt and Nian Chen's younger brother were crying, but seeing them crying sadly, Nan Gongyu also ran over and patted Nian Chen on the shoulder, comforting like a big brother: "Brother Nianchen, don't be afraid, brother Yu is still here."

After Xiyan cried for a long time, she vented the pain in her heart and calmed down a little.He patted his son's head, "Nian Chen, be good."

Nangong Jin glanced at the sad Xiyan who was crying, and didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she spoke to her son, but her tone was very gentle, "Yu'er, take brother Nianchen back first."

"Brother Nian Chen, come with me."

Nian Chen was also very obedient, wiping his mother's tears with his fleshy little hands.Nian Chen didn't ask anything, and after wiping away the tears, he just calmed down his mother, "Mother doesn't cry, and Nian Chen doesn't cry either."

Xiyan's eyes were full of pain and self-blame, "Mother don't cry, and Nian Chen shouldn't cry either. Nian Chen is good, go back with brother Yu'er first."

Nian Chen nodded obediently, then went to hold Nangong Yu's hand, "Brother Yu."

All the people present felt distressed for Nian Chen's sensible and well-behaved.

When she saw the two children walking away, Nangong Jin said at once, "Nian Chen is very sensible. Yan Chen left the best in this world to you, and he asked Nian Chen to stay by your side instead of him. Xi Yan , In fact, I should have told you a few years ago. Yan Chen is dead. He died after saving you."

Nangong Jin finished speaking, not to mention that Xiyan felt that something was about to collapse in her heart.Even Chu Limo, Yun Qing and Bai Yue who were present were a little unbelievable.

"No, no, it's not true. How could he die? No way." Xiyan shook her head in denial, but the tears in her eyes couldn't be stopped, "He's still breathing, listen, He's still breathing, he's just asleep. How could he be dead?"

"He died." Nangong Jin said: "He died four years ago. He was afraid that you would be sad when you woke up and saw him dead. Before he died, he begged me to let me take medicine to make him look like he was dead." It's like dying. His so-called breathing is just an illusion. That's the effect of medicine. Xi Yan, if he is really just asleep, will I not wake him up? In my Nangong Jin's hands , as long as he still has breath, I can rescue him from the gate of hell. But Yan Chen, he is already dead."

A blow, a heavy and fatal blow.All this was really too cruel for Xiyan.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe he just died like this." Xi Yan was unwilling to believe it.How could she believe that this man was dead?Obviously he is still breathing, obviously he is not dead yet?

And Nangong Jin wanted his son to take Nian Chen away because he didn't want Nian Chen to see this scene, how cruel this scene was.Little did they know, little Nian Chen and Nan Gong Yu were hiding behind a tree and watching.

Nangong Jin walked towards Yan Chen, then moved towards Yan Chen's chest, a blue bead-like object fell out of Yan Chen's mouth.And after the bead-like thing fell out, Yan Chen, who had just looked like a normal person, immediately turned into a bone.

Nangong Jin explained, "This is Zhuyanzhu. There is a medicine in it. Zhuyanzhu can keep Yan Chen's face unchanged, and the medicine inside creates the illusion that he is still breathing."

Seeing this scene, Xi Yan collapsed.

"Do not…"

"Daddy..." Nian Chen saw with his own eyes that his father suddenly turned into a bone and ran out.This was a blow to Xi Yan and Nian Chen.

Nangong Jin didn't want to be so cruel, but it was true.Rather than let Xi Yan keep guarding Yan Chen and wait for a lifetime of pain, it is better to know the truth now.And now that Xiyan came to the island and insisted on asking him to save Xing Yanchen, then Xiyan would know the truth sooner or later.

"Daddy..." Nian Chen always thought that Daddy would wake up one day, but he never thought it would turn out like this.After all, he was still a three-year-old child, so he couldn't accept seeing his father turned into a bone.

For Nian Chen running out suddenly, everyone was frightened.The child is still so young, is it acceptable?

"Mother, what's the matter with Daddy? What's the matter with Daddy? Let Daddy wake up, okay? Let's go home? I want to go home with Daddy." After all, the child is a child, no matter how sensible he is, he is still a three-year-old child.

Xi Yan hugged Nian Chen and cried, she didn't know what to do?I don't know how this happened?Don't know how to live in the future?
Now, she seems to have lost her strength all of a sudden.

"Xiyan, this is what Yanchen asked me to give to you." After a while, Nangong Jin took out a letter and handed it to Xiyan, "I thought you would never come to Penglai Island, forever. You won't come to me. But I know that one day you will still come. You want Yan Chen to live so much in your heart, and you will definitely do everything possible to come. "

It's just that she didn't expect that Xi Yanhui and Yun Qing would meet in Jiangnan four years later.And they came to Penglai from Jiangnan together.Xi Yan wanted to give up the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance at the beginning, but she had already made a plan in her heart. She planned to take Yan Chen to find Nangong Jin.Find Nangong Jin to save him.

After receiving the letter, Xiyan opened the letter with some difficulty.

I saw the content of the letter read: Xiyan, when you opened this letter, you must have seen me dead.But how I wish you never opened this letter.In this way, I will always be by your side.Even with a dead body by your side.Don't blame Nangong Jin, I begged him to do this myself.When I got married, I promised to take care of you and accompany you for the rest of my life.But after all, I broke my promise. Since I can't take care of you for the rest of my life, I also want to be with you for the rest of my life, in any form.

Xi Yan cried while watching.Cry heart-piercingly.Xiyan didn't have any energy to read it anymore, but this letter was the last thing he left for her, she was in pain and wanted to read it.

Xiyan, don't be sad because of my departure.You have to believe that I love you so much.Regardless of whether we are separated by life or death, my soul will accompany you.You have to live well.Live bravely.For our children, you should live well and live happily.Meeting you in this life is the happiest thing in my life.In fact, I have always known that there is another man in your heart.But I never regret loving you.Never regretted marrying you.I just regret why I didn't meet you sooner.Why didn't I be with you sooner.Xiyan, don't keep suffering yourself just because of my death.I know that you married me not because you love me.But it doesn't matter why you married me.I say Chen loves you.I have always loved you deeply.Xiyan, don't give up the person you love so much for me.Be brave to pursue your happiness.You have to remember, no matter when, I just want to see you happy.Only when you are happy can I feel at ease.

Seeing this, Xiyan cried so painfully that she looked at Yan Chen's bones and cried, "No, I love you. I love you. I marry you because I love you. Yan Chen, I love you. Love you, that's why I married you. You know, I love you. I've always loved you."

When you married Yan Chen, did you say she loved Yan Chen?

She thought it was love.As early as when she got along with Yan Chen, she fell in love with Yan Chen.It's just that there was another man in her heart at the time.She never knew that a woman could love two men in her heart at the same time.At that time, she loved Yan Chen, but she still had Wang Zixuan in her heart.But she never told Yan Chen that she loves him.

Maybe Yan Chen also knew that Xiyan loved him in the end, if he didn't love him, how could a woman be willing to have a child with a man she didn't love.It's just that Yan Chen knows that he can't grow old with Xiyan, he hopes to have another man who can grow old with Xiyan.


A few days later, Xiyan left Penglai Island and returned to Nanchu with Yan Chen's ashes.Yun Qing was worried about Xiyan, and personally sent Xiyan back.So after returning to Penglai for a few days, Chu Limo and Yun Qing returned to Southern Chu.And Nangong Jin didn't want to stay in Penglai, so she brought her daughter-in-law and son back to Nanchu.

Xiyan was still in pain a few days ago.But so many days have passed.All the pain, she will bury in her heart.

If so, would Xiyan seek death?Four years ago, Xi Yan would have followed Yan Chen, but not now.Now she still has Nian Chen and their children.She cannot leave the child behind.

It's just what Yan Chen said that she wanted her to pursue her own happiness, Xiyan knew that apart from him in her life, she probably wouldn't be able to love anymore.

A month later, several people returned to Nanchu.And now it's the New Year's Eve.But Yanfu was plunged into grief.After returning from Penglai, Xiyan stayed in Yan Mansion almost every day and did not go out.If it wasn't for Nian Chen, Xi Yan would really be like a dead person.

No one can rest assured of such a pity.Yun Qing, Bai Yue, Feng Qingluan often run to Yan Mansion.Mrs. Su was also anxious when she saw her daughter become what she is now.

And the man who has been guarding Xiyan for many years also sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart.

How much he wanted to transfer all the pain from her to him, and let him bear the pain.All the pain in this woman's body was caused by her.If it weren't for him, this woman would have lived a good life.This woman shouldn't have to bear this.After all, he ruined the happiness of this woman's life.

(End of this chapter)

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