Chapter 910
Some sorrows will not fade or even be forgotten because of the passage of time.Sadness is just buried in the bottom of my heart.

Xiyan knows that she wants to live a good life and live happily, so she won't be sad for too long.

For Yan Chen's wish, she will not be sad for too long.


May is the hottest time of the year again.As soon as May came, Nanchu began to become extremely hot, and this scorching heat lasted for several months.

The Prince Li's Mansion back then has now been renamed the Chu Mansion.Chu Limo didn't bother with the title of Li Wang at all.Of course, he doesn't want to be, but the fact that he is a prince cannot be changed.And now that the world is unified, as an idle prince, Yuhen will give him money every month.If it wasn't for Xiyan's matter, Chu Limo would not have wanted to return to Southern Chu with Yun Qing.As soon as he returned to Nanchu, some people would leave things to him to do.Yuhen will also take the opportunity to find trouble for him.Think about it, in order to be a prince, wasting so much time with Qingqing is a disadvantage.

But after Yun Qing returned to Nanchu, he had no intention of leaving Nanchu to travel around for the time being.For this reason, Chu Limo has already told some people that he doesn't care about matters above the court, so it's best not to come to him.Don't come to him about Nan Chu's affairs, if you offend him, he will make trouble.So, he spoke like this.Yuhen would not ask for trouble and really provoke him.After all, if he was really provoked, although it would not be a rebellion, it would still be a big trouble.

And this summer has been extremely hot.

Since the beginning of summer, Yun Qing doesn't like to go out anymore.I hide in the pear garden every day.Fortunately, Chu Limo replanted a tree in the pear orchard, but now a few years have passed.The small tree back then has grown into a big tree, and Chu Limo of the Liyuan also specially transformed it.In addition to planting a tree, a pond was dug here, and some fish and flowers were raised in it. It is a good place to escape the heat in summer.

This summer, Chu Limo personally made a swing on the tree. When he is free, he can swing on the swing or lie on it to sleep.So in the past few days, Yun Qing has been lying on it to enjoy the coolness almost every day.

There is such a good place in the Liyuan, and the few people who live in the Nangong Mansion next door naturally come here to enjoy the shade every day.

Although, Nangong Jin also built such a similar place in the mansion.But that brat in his family likes to come here, so he even ran here with his wife.The daughter-in-law and son all ran to this side, and Nangong Jin naturally also ran to the Liyuan.

But the Liyuan was quiet today, and Nangong Yu didn't come.I heard that little friend Nangong Yu made an appointment with little girl Yan Nianchen, so today little girl Nangong Yu went to find little friend Yan Nianchen.

Yun Qing is sitting on the swing at the moment and seems to be thinking about something, but his eyes will look at Chu Limo from time to time.After reading it, I looked contemplative again.

Yun Qing has been thinking about the major issues in life these two days. Since returning to Nanchu, her grandfather, uncle and aunt have often talked to her about having a baby as soon as possible.Some time ago, Cousin Zixuan was also suffering because of Xiyan, but Cousin Zixuan could only suppress the pain in his heart, so even the people in the palace were worried about Cousin Zixuan.So some time ago, everyone didn't talk to her about having a baby.It has been a few months since Xiyan's incident, seeing that Xiyan's mood has calmed down a lot, and cousin Zixuan has also calmed down a lot, so everyone turned their attention to her.

Uncle and aunt had returned to Southern Chu a few years ago. Now that the world is unified, there is no need for uncle to guard the city of Jicheng.

But Yun Qing also began to get tangled in her heart, and even began to think about one thing seriously.That is, they have been together for so many years, and they have never used contraception. Why have they not been pregnant?Could it be that one of them has a physical problem?In other words, the reason why Chu Limo was poisoned when he was a child, and later took a lot of medicine, after all, the medicine is three-point poison.Could it be that something went wrong because of those who were poisoned and because of those medicines?Or is it her problem?
So who is the problem between the two of them?

So now Yun Qing is seriously thinking about how to tell Chu Limo about this matter. If one of them is not agreed, wouldn't it hurt Chu Limo's heart.Having been with Chu Limo for so many years, Yun Qing still understands this man, after all, this kind of thing hurts a man's self-esteem.

Yun Qing didn't know that Chu Limo had been secretly contraceptive for the past few years.So I really don't blame Yun Qing for thinking so.Thinking that they have been together for so many years, but they have never had children, it is really serious.

In the past few years, Yun Qing has never thought about having a baby. Yun Qing doesn't want to, and Chu Limo doesn't want to have a baby for the time being. They even deliberately use contraception.So Yun Qing never cared about it.Now the elders in the family have been talking about it, so Yun Qing began to think seriously.

Yun Qing has been very preoccupied for the past two days, and Chu Limo knows it too, but they have been married for so many years.Chu Limo would not ask, if Qingqing wanted to tell him, he would naturally tell him.

And Yun Qing was finally ready to have a good talk with Chu Limo about this important life event after struggling for a long time.

Yun Qing got off the swing, glanced at the man who was busy in the small kitchen, and then walked over...

 You can imagine Chu Limo's black face after Yun Qing opened his mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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