The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 912: Qingqing’s Childbirth The End of Yunqing’s Happiness

Chapter 912: Qingqing's Birth ([-]) The End of Yunqing's Happiness
"Don't cry, it hurts there, right? I'll help you with the medicine." Chu Limo coaxed gently.

"It doesn't hurt. Li Mo, hold me. Don't let go."


She just hoped that he could hold her as gently as he is now, and never let go.

"Qingqing, as long as I hold you, I won't let go no matter if it's heaven or hell." Chu Limo stroked her face lightly, and said softly when he touched her hair.He didn't ask for anything else in his life, he just wanted to hold her, hold her hand and never leave her.


Several days have passed since Yun Qing cried that day, but after what Chu Limo said that day.Yun Qing suddenly didn't dare to go and see her elder brother.She was even a little afraid of hearing something she didn't want to hear.

But Yun Qing clearly understood that this matter cannot be dragged on forever.She had to go and see her elder brother, she wanted to know what was going on.But now, she can't find her elder brother alone.

After she cried that day, Chu Limo stayed by her side never leaving her.It must be because she cried so sad that day because he spent less time with her, so don't waste every minute in the future.So she is also miserable, and she has hardly been able to get out of bed these days.

After hearing Chu Limo's words, Yun Qing felt like going crazy.

Why is there less time to be with you? Are they together every day?This man was clearly looking for an excuse to excuse his bestial behavior these past few days.So much so that she was really tired recently and didn't want to move.

She finally got out of the clutches of Chu Limo, and her elder brother was not in Nanchu. I heard that Nangong Jin was researching some medicine recently, and there was no medicine near Nanchu City, so Nangong Jin left her son at Grandpa’s house. I took my daughter-in-law out to find medicinal materials.Her elder brother is not here, so Yun Qing can only temporarily shelve the matter of finding her elder brother.

Time passed like this, and Yun Qing could only wait for her elder brother to come back and make plans.In a blink of an eye, it is the annual Qixi Festival again.Although Nanchu City is extremely hot this year, it is still very lively on this day. On this day, men and women are praying for a good marriage and happiness.

This year in Nanchu City, Yun Qing also had to take to the streets to have a look.She wanted to see what Qixi Festival in Nanchu looked like.Originally, Yun Qing planned to go to the street with Chu Limo, but a few days ago, Feng Qingluan specially came to the mansion, saying that there are many interesting things on the street at night, so she specially invited her to go together have a look.Don't look at Feng Qingluan is now the mother of two children, but in Wang Ziqing's eyes, she is still a big child who has not grown up, and her playful nature has not changed at all.

Feng Qingluan came to make an appointment, and Yun Qing agreed after thinking about it for a long time without going out to the streets with her to have a look.Seeing that Yun Qing agreed, Feng Qingluan went to make an appointment with Xiyan again.

Ever since Yan Chen passed away, Xiyan has never gotten over Yan Chen's grief.During those days, it was also thanks to Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan who often visited her.And during those days, Wang Zixuan was almost guarding Xiyan's side day and night.But after such a long time, Xiyan always acted as if she refused Wang Zixuan thousands of miles away.I don't want to accept any man anymore.

Mrs. Wang saw that her son was very anxious not to marry Xiyan. For Mrs. Wang, she naturally liked Xiyan. If Xiyan was willing to marry Zixuan of their family and become their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wang Nature is what one could wish for.But with Xiyan's current attitude, Mrs. Wang also knew that it would be impossible for her son to embrace a beauty.Mrs. Wang is also very distressed about Xiyan's experience.But as a mother, she also hopes that her son can be happy.So the only way is for the second daughter-in-law to come forward to connect Xiyan and her son on Qixi Festival.If the two of them are destined to be able to promote a marriage on this day, she is also happy.But if her son and Xi Yan are not destined, she will not force it.She just hoped that her son could let go of his pity, start over, and start a new life.

At this time, there are still two days before Qixi Festival, but Yun Qing passed out two days before Qixi Festival.

The thing is like this, when Feng Qingluan came to talk to Yun Qing about it that day, he specifically explained it.Yun Qing still hopes in her heart that her eldest cousin can be with Xi Yan.Nature is happy to help.Immediately, Feng Qingluan and Feng Qingluan went to the Yan Mansion to make an appointment with Xiyan.As a friend, Xi Yan would naturally not refuse the invitation of these two people.After the agreement was made that day, Yun Qing and Feng Qingluan came out of Yan Mansion.Yun Qing thought that she hadn't visited her grandfather's family in the palace for many days, so she followed Feng Qingluan back to the palace, but Yun Qing suddenly fainted at the gate of the palace on the way back.

Yun Qing's health has always been good, but she suddenly passed out like this, which frightened Feng Qingluan.But fortunately, the place where Yun Qing fainted was at the gate of Wangfu.This scene happened to be seen by the people in the palace.

As soon as something happened to Yun Qing, Chu Limo who was in the mansion also knew the news immediately, and hurried to the palace.

Seeing the unconscious woman lying on the bed suddenly, Chu Limo blamed herself.He shouldn't let Qingqing go out alone.He should be by Qingqing's side all the time.

"Doctor Yan, how is girl Qing?" A group of people surrounded the room, Wang Qingshan frowned seeing Yunqing's current state and asked the doctor who was taking Yunqing's pulse.

The doctor first looked at Yun Qing and frowned, then stared at Chu Limo who had been standing beside him, and said in an extremely bad tone, "How do you behave as a husband? Your wife is three months pregnant and you still pay a little I don’t know how to be more restrained, and let her run around in the sun. She’s gasping now. It’s a good thing your wife is in good health, otherwise your child would have been gone.” After scolding, the doctor went on Said: "The first three months are the most important. Now that she has moved her fetus, it is even more important to take good care of her. In the past few months, she can't do strenuous exercise."

The doctor who came to take Yun Qing's pulse was a well-known and respected old doctor in this area, and his temper was a little weird and violent.Especially those men who don't know how to take good care of their wives.This doctor is even more distasteful, so he doesn't care what your status is, he will still swear.Now Yun Qing is pregnant, but as a husband, he didn't know it at all, and almost caused his wife to have a miscarriage because of his ignorance and intemperance in sexual affairs. The doctor was naturally angry.

Being pointed at and scolded like this, Chu Limo didn't get angry this time, but just looked at the woman on the bed, and held Yun Qing's hand tightly without saying a word.At this moment, Chu Limo's heart must be the most excited.But at the same time, because of the doctor's words, I feel the most self-blame in my heart.

The doctor's words also surprised other people in the room, so Yun Qing is pregnant?

"Doctor Yan, is girl Qing alright?" Wang Qingshan was overjoyed when he heard that Yun Qing was pregnant.But seeing that Yun Qing was lying here because of fetal gas, she was also a little worried and asked.

Dr. Yan and Wang Qingshan had known each other before, and they had a deep friendship, they cupped their hands and said, "Prescribe a few anti-fetal medicines, and if you take care of them, you'll be fine."

Hearing what Dr. Yan said, everyone finally felt relieved.


After that day, Chu Limo took Yun Qing back to his house to take good care of her. Yun Qing was excited for a long time when she found out that she was pregnant.She thought that it was the fault of the two of them that they hadn't been pregnant for so many years, but she didn't expect that she got pregnant so soon.

After Yun Qing knew that she was pregnant, Yun Qing was a little surprised and told Chu Limo about her doubts at the time.Have you ever wondered if you are really pregnant?

When Chu Limo knew that Yun Qing had suspected something wrong with him and wanted to see a doctor, he couldn't laugh or cry, so he told Yun Qing about the contraception in the past few years.As for the sudden pregnancy, it was because he hadn't used contraception a few months ago.

But Chu Limo also blamed himself for being careless, and he didn't notice such a big thing at all.He and Qingqing are so close that she didn't even realize that Qingqing was three months pregnant.And during that period of time, I was still lingering every day.I don't know if I hurt the little guy in Qingqing's stomach.

The original Qixi Festival was to find opportunities for Wang Zixuan and Xiyan to promote their marriage.But Chu Limo forbade Yun Qing to go out that day.Although Yun Qing didn't go out, Feng Qingluan still followed the original plan, and Xiyan came to see Yun Qing when she knew that Yun Qing was pregnant.On Qixi Festival, although Yun Qing was not able to go, Feng Qingluan went, and so did Xiyan.Only that day, Xi Yan went.But after all, there is no fate with Wang Zixuan.

There is always a distance between Xiyan and Wang Zixuan, a distance that will never reach the lover.

As for how long Wang Zixuan has to wait for Xiyan, no one knows how long it will take.

Maybe one year, maybe ten years, maybe 20 years, maybe 30 years, maybe longer.Maybe I can't wait for her all my life.

But no matter how long it is, maybe Wang Zixuan will wait like this without any results?

Time passed quickly, and ten months passed in a blink of an eye.And Yunqing was pregnant in October, and finally gave birth.

Undoubtedly, Yun Qing is happy. She has two children in her life.A man and a woman.The boy looks very much like Chu Limo, while the girl has inherited Yun Qing's appearance.Seeing the baby born, all the suffering in the past ten months was worth it.

After the children were born, Chu Limo chose names for the two children. The boy was named Chu Jingchen, and the girl was named Chu Qingyin.

I don't know if Chu Limo has a special preference for his daughter, and even the name has clear characters.In Chu Limo's future life, the most important people for him are Qingqing, Qingyin, and Jingchen.

And in Yun Qing's future life, her most important people are also them.It's just that Yun Qing loves Chu Limo the most.This man will accompany her to the end of her life, no matter how many years have passed, he is her favorite person.And she is also his favorite person.

Until many years later, they recalled the days they had passed through together.They were all lucky to have met each other.Let them be each other's most important person.


Yun Qing——All I want is to have someone who can accompany me to hold my son's hand and grow old together.And that person is the unique Chu Limo in the world.

Chu Limo——All I want is to be alone, what does the world have to do with me?Those so-called supreme powers and noble identities are not as important as the truth and coming from a smile.If he was given another chance to choose, he would still choose to give up the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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