The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 913 Fanwai Some people are first class is eternal, Zixuan chapter

Chapter 913 Fanwai ([-]) Some people are eternal, Zixuan chapter

There is always such a person in the world who is worth your whole life to wait for her without complaint or regret!
Even if you clearly know that this is an answer that will never come to fruition, you still have no hesitation!


Spring goes and spring comes again, year after year.

He actually regretted seeing her marry someone else.At that time, he actually understood that this woman had already been integrated into his life.It wasn't about fitting in politely, but for real, fitting into his life in her own right.Maybe he himself didn't know when this woman integrated into his life.But it was so caught off guard.So true.

But he knew that if she married someone else, he would have no chance here.

In fact, he was also thinking at the time, it would be nice to see her happy.Just look at her happy.

He thought he could just watch her be happy forever.Who ever thought that her happiness would be so short-lived.It was so short that he didn't let go, the man finally left her.He left her forever in the cruelest way.

The man begged him, begged him to take care of her for the rest of his life.Beg him never to hurt her again.Only then did he know that the former him had hurt that woman so severely.

The man named Yan Chen still left her.leave her forever.But she was never happy.He knew that this woman loved Yan Chen deeply, and maybe no matter what he did, he couldn't get into this woman's heart.But he is very clear that no matter what the future is between them, he just wants to stay by her side.If you didn't do it before, then use this life to repay it.

However, he was still a little unwilling after all.Not reconciled to seeing her alone like this.Unwilling to just look at her forever.

Love is selfish, and he is also selfish.Selfishly wanting to have her.

If you want to ask him, Wang Zixuan, do you still love that woman named Su Wanyan?Then his answer is, he loves, he loves Su Wanyan.Up to now, he still loves the woman who has left without changing his original intention.But at the same time, he also clearly understood his heart, and he also fell in love with a woman named Xiyan.Maybe a person's life will not only love one person.But as long as it is love, it is a lifetime.No complaints, no regrets, persistent love.

But if you ask him, since you can fall in love with Su Wanyan and Xiyan at the same time.So why can't you let go of Xiyan and love other women again?After all, there are many women in this world.

Then he can tell you very seriously that there are only Su Wanyan and Xiyan who are unique in this world.Loving someone is already in such heart-piercing pain, since the pain of love is so severe.Then he just wanted to hurt these two women forever.It's better than him hurting other women.Because Wang Zixuan clearly understands that a person may fall in love with two different women in this life, but it is impossible to give this love to a third woman.

It's just that she told him so clearly on Qixi Festival.

She said, "Zixuan, don't waste your time on me. Don't wait for me. No matter how long you spend, I won't be with you."

She is so cruel, so decisive.At the same time, she is also so stubborn, stubbornly guarding the dead Yan Chen, unwilling to love anymore.

No matter how time passed, he never changed his original intention towards her.



Presumably, Mrs. Wang was the one who broke Wang Zixuan's heart the most, right?Since Qixi Festival, Xiyan rejected her son.Mrs. Wang is not forcing their relationship.But seeing that his son is already in his 30s, the desire to find a wife for him and stay with him is getting stronger and stronger.

No, Mrs. Wang was busy choosing a suitable girl in Nanchu City for Wang Zixuan.As soon as this news came out, all the girls in Nanchu City were in a state of excitement.It would really be their honor if they could marry the king of Chu and become the mansion of the king of Chu.Now who knows that the King of Chu in Southern Chu is very valued by the current emperor among the younger generation of princes with other surnames.

Among them, there are many unmarried girls who once loved Wang Zixuan.It's just that Wang Zixuan and Su Wanyan had a marriage contract back then, so even if they admired Wang Zixuan, they could only think about marrying him.Among those girls, there are still a few unmarried.And the reason why she didn't get married was because she was waiting for Wang Zixuan.Now, their chance has finally come.

After Qixi Festival is August Mid-Autumn Festival.Mrs. Wang naturally hopes that the sooner the better.So they planned to hold a banquet in the back garden of the palace on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, and all the unmarried women of the right age in Nanchu City received invitations.If the child Xiyan is willing to accept her son, she doesn't want to do this either.Because there is no mother who does not want her son to be happy.But she can't watch her son die alone all his life.

Naturally, Wang Zixuan didn't like doing these things, let alone going on a blind date.But Mrs. Wang insisted on it this time, even his grandfather and father agreed, and Wang Zixuan didn't even have the right to refuse.

This banquet is actually a blind date banquet to put it bluntly.For such an important banquet, Mrs. Wang also invited Yun Qing over.Yun Qing was already more than four months pregnant in August, and after such a month of rest, she is also healthy and healthy.For such an important matter as big cousin, Yun Qing did not refuse, so naturally he wanted to attend.Xiyan is unwilling to give herself and her eldest cousin a chance, Yun Qing naturally hopes that her eldest cousin can be with Xiyan, but Yunqing also knows that there are some things that cannot be forced.I just hope they both are safe.

Yan Fu.

Xiyan was busy packing her things, as if she was about to go on a long trip.Nian Chen, who was already four years old, followed Xiyan and watched his mother's busy movements. His mouth was so high that he yelled, with a hint of crying in his voice, "Mother ..."

Xi Yan who was busy turned around, looked at her son and said softly, "What's wrong with Nian Chen?"

"Mother, are we going on a long trip?" Nian Chen looked at his mother, and remembered that Father Xuan was going on a blind date with a group of women two days ago, and said sadly: "Mother, Father Xuan is so good, Nian Chen doesn't want to Father Xuan was snatched away by others."

Although Nian Chen is only four years old, he is much more sensible than ordinary children.It must be because of Daddy Xuan that Mother packed up her things and wanted to leave at this time.Although he is young, he has always known all these years that Daddy Xuan likes mother very much.In fact, he has always had a wish, that is, that his mother can be with Xuan's father.Dad has already left his mother, he doesn't want to watch his mother sad every night alone.He hoped that his mother could be with Daddy Xuan.

As for Nian Chen, he liked Wang Zixuan very much since he was a child.Wang Zixuan was also very good to Nian Chen since he was a child, taking care of Nian Chen like a father. Among so many uncles when he was young, he would call uncle when he saw others, but only Wang Zixuan and Nian Chen would call him Daddy.Later, it was Xi Yan who kept correcting Nian Chen that he should call him uncle.But Nian Chen never changed his words, but called Xuan Daddy instead.Maybe in Nian Chen's heart, he has always longed for his father?
"Nian Chen. How many times has Mother told you that you can't call Zixuan uncle and daddy anymore. Also, Uncle Zixuan is getting married, we want to bless Uncle Zixuan. Do you know?" Hearing his son mentioning Wang Zixuan, The fact that Wang Zixuan is about to marry another woman makes Xiyan somewhat uncomfortable, but she also clearly understands that it is a good thing for Wang Zixuan to get married and marry a wife, and she should bless him.

"But... Mom, Nian Chen doesn't like to be called Uncle Xuan. Nian Chen has always liked to be called Daddy Xuan. Nian Chen also doesn't like Daddy Xuan marrying other women." Thinking that Daddy Xuan might not want him, and read it later Chen started to feel sad, and stepped forward to take Xiyan's hand, "Mother, let's not leave here, okay? Nian Chen doesn't want Father Xuan to marry someone else. Nian Chen has no father to love since he was a child, only Father Xuan loves Nian Chen. Father doesn't want Nian Chen and mother have kissed each other, and Daddy Xuan doesn't want Nian Chen and mother anymore. Nian Chen is so pitiful. Woooooooo, Nianchen is so pitiful."

"Nian Chen..." Seeing her son crying so sad, Xi Yan was not willing to scold him.It was all her fault, it was she who made Nian Chen lose his father's love since he was a child.However, she cannot choose to be with Wang Zixuan just because of this.She couldn't do it, and there seemed to be a hurdle in her heart that she couldn't do it no matter what. "Nian Chen, good boy. Listen to what mother said. Mother will take you back to Jiangnan, and we will return to Jiangnan. Although Daddy left us so early, Daddy loves us. Daddy will always watch us from the sky. Jiangnan is Daddy's home , is also our home. When we go back to Jiangnan, Dad will also go back to Jiangnan with us. Our family will live happily in Jiangnan, okay? Nian Chen."

Xiyan is the most painful, but as a mother, she must be strong and live strong.Then he kept smiling and blessed the man who had been guarding their mother and child.

There was nothing to pack, Xi Yan quickly packed up the things to take away.The carriage has already been prepared, just waiting for their mother and son to come out.

Although Nian Chen was crying sadly, he also knew that his mother was determined to leave.No matter what mother wants, father has already left him and mother, and he cannot leave mother.

It's just that there are still many things and people he remembers here.

"Mother, let's go tomorrow, okay? I want to say goodbye to Brother Yu and the others."

"Nian Chen." Xiyan didn't know what Nian Chen was thinking.

"Mother, if we leave here, won't we come back? Brother Yu and the others are so kind to Nian Chen, they take Nian Chen to play together, take Nian Chen to eat delicious food, and teach Nian Chen martial arts. Brother Yu They are Nian Chen's best friends here. If Nian Chen doesn't want to go back to Jiangnan, don't tell Brother Yu and them." Nian Chen's eyes were full of pleading, but Xiyan couldn't bear to refuse her son's request and nodded in agreement.

"Then Nian Chen will go to Brother Yu and the others now." After speaking, Nian Chen ran towards the palace.

Now that Nangong Yu was thrown by Nangong Jin in the palace, Nangong Yu didn't care at all that his parents left him behind, but it was a joy to stay in the palace.After all, there are two children in the palace.Although Wang Ziqing and Feng Qingluan's children are young, they have inherited his father's black belly and shrewd energy since they were young. Although they are two young, they have been ghostly and spirited since they were young.

Xi Yan watched her son running out, and her eyes followed in the direction of the palace.She is cowardly after all, if she stays here, she really doesn't know if she has the courage to face that man.She didn't know if she had the courage to watch that man fall in love with another woman.

(End of this chapter)

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