The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 914 Fanwai Some people are first class is eternal, Zixuan chapter

Chapter 914 Fanwai ([-]) Some people are eternal, Zixuan

Southern Chu, Wangfu.

"Daddy Xuan, Daddy Xuan..." Little Yan Nianchen really wanted to worry about his mother's happiness since he was a child.I haven't entered the door yet, but I have already shouted in a hurry.The guards at the gate of the palace saw Nian Chen and did not stop him.

"It's Nian Chen." Hearing the voice, Wang Qingshan was the first to come over with a smile.

Seeing Wang Qingshan, Nian Chen immediately shouted sweetly: "Grandpa is good."

Wang Qingshan also liked Nian Chen very much, his eyes were full of love, "Did Nian Chen come to see Grandpa? Grandpa also misses Nian Chen very much."

Little friend Nian Chen was a little embarrassed, "Grandpa, Nian Chen is here to find Daddy Xuan." He is now in a hurry to find Daddy Xuan, and now only Daddy Xuan may have a solution.Otherwise, they will go back to Jiangnan.He didn't want to go back to Jiangnan at all.

"Oh. Tell Grandpa, what's the matter with looking for him in such a hurry?"

"Grandpa, mother is going to take Nian Chen back to Jiangnan." When it was mentioned that he might not come back when he returned to Jiangnan, Nian Chen's voice changed, with a crying tone, "Nian Chen will miss Grandpa and Xuan very much when he arrives in Jiangnan. Daddy, I miss Brother Yu and the others very much. Nian Chen will miss all of you very much."

"Nian Chen is good." Wang Qingshan did not expect that Xi Yan would bring Nian Chen back to the south of the Yangtze River, so he planned to never come back.So, she really didn't intend to give Zixuan a chance.

"Grandpa, is Daddy Xuan there? Nian Chen wants to find Daddy Xuan."

The old housekeeper next to Wang Qingshan said, "Young master hasn't come back for two days. This old slave will ask someone to call you back now."

Since Mrs. Wang decided to hold an autumn feast in the mansion on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival, Wang Zixuan has not returned to the mansion for two days.Instead, he lived directly in the government office.As the King of Chu in Southern Chu, Wang Zixuan is in charge of the entire Southern Chu. Originally, the current emperor wanted to bestow the residence.But at that time Wang Zixuan refused.So Chu Wangfu is also the current Wangfu.After all, Nanchu is now changed to Nanchu City, so there are still offices.Wang Zixuan is currently living in the government office and has not been back for two days.

Wang Qingshan has been cultivating himself in recent years, and he has never asked about the affairs outside and in the house, but when he heard that Wang Zixuan would not go home for two days, he gritted his teeth angrily, "He has a temper. Tell him to hurry up." Get out, if you don't come back, don't come back in the future."

The old housekeeper who had been with Wang Qingshan all his life knew that he was angry.Quickly persuaded in a good voice: "My lord, please calm down. The young master may be busy, so he didn't go back to the house. You, don't be angry with yourself."

Even though Wang Zixuan is the King of Chu now, in the palace, the servants still call him the young master, and the prince is still the one who is angry. As for Wang Luoyang, the servants in the palace still call him the general.

"He's busy, he's so busy that he doesn't even go home. He's so busy that he doesn't even know Xiyan is going back to Jiangnan. He's really busy!" Wang Qingshan was really angry.It is said that Wang Qingshan has no objection to Wang Zixuan's blind date with other girls, but in Wang Qingshan's heart, the granddaughter-in-law he likes the most is Xiyan.Wang Qingshan really likes Xiyan, the granddaughter-in-law.So now that Nian Chen said that they were going back to the south of the Yangtze River, but that brat Wang Zixuan didn't go home for two days, his anger suddenly came up.

"Grandpa, don't be angry. My mother often said that being angry is not good for your health. Nian Chen hopes that grandpa will be healthy. Then Nian Chen will not worry when he is in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Good boy. Grandpa is not angry." Seeing such a well-behaved and sensible Nian Chen, Wang Qingshan was angry, and his anger disappeared a lot.Wang Qingshan saw that it was time for dinner again, "Nian Chen, go in with grandpa, grandpa will have someone cook something delicious for you. But Nian Chen will stay here today to accompany grandpa well."

"Okay." Nian Chen nodded obediently.

Wang Zixuan heard that Nian Chen had come, and the person sent by the old housekeeper specifically told Wang Zixuan about Nian Chen's visit to the mansion.Wang Zixuan has been drunk for the past two days, and he doesn't know how much he drank these two days.But after hearing the news, people became more sober.

Wang Zixuan didn't go back to Wangfu immediately, nor did he go to Yanfu to find Xiyan.Instead, he stood by the window and thought for a long time without knowing what to think, and then drank another cup of wine without knowing how much.


Wang Qingshan sent someone to report back to Xiyan, saying that Nian Chen was sleeping in the palace tonight.Xiyan respects Wang Qingshan very much.Xi Yan is also at ease when Nian Chen is in the palace.It's just that Xiyan is a little worried. The matter of going back to Jiangnan tomorrow is probably...

The night is getting dark, but tonight Xiyan can't sleep, sitting alone in the room and staring at the moonlight outside through the window in a daze.

Just watching and watching like this, I unconsciously remembered many things from the past.For a while, I couldn't help myself, and sadness came.

When Xiyan was in a sad trance, the door suddenly opened.And standing outside the door was Wang Zixuan reeking of alcohol.His appearance startled Xiyan.Xiyan quickly wiped off the traces of crying on her face, then she stood up and walked to the door, looking at Wang Zixuan who smelled of alcohol, he smelled very strong, Xiyan frowned when she smelled it , How much alcohol did he drink? "How did you come?"

Wang Zixuan didn't answer Xi Yan's words, but just looked at her.Looking at her with a very painful, painful look.Looking at Xi Yan with that kind of look, there is also an inexplicable pain in my heart.

It's just that Xiyan understands, no matter how much pain is in her heart.After all, it is impossible between them.She can't give him any hope and happiness.Sometimes, she has to be cruel. "It's getting late, this is not where you came from. You should go."

Wang Zixuan just looked at her.Watch her say unfeeling words.Thinking that she was about to leave, leave here, and return to Jiangnan.His heart hurts very much.Feeling hopeless as if my heart was empty.

Had he been wrong all these years?Shouldn't it be good to just look at him?Should he hold her tightly in his arms?

Yes, he shouldn't have been just looking at her all these years.

He didn't want to miss out on her.Over the years, they have missed more and more.He didn't want to make himself regret it.

Some feelings are suppressed in the heart for too long and will become very painful. When it explodes, it is impossible to control it.

Suddenly, Wang Zixuan kissed her.He kissed him hard.

He kissed domineeringly and violently, as if he wanted to put everything into this deep kiss.He thought he couldn't let her go.I can't anymore.

Xiyan was frightened by Wang Zixuan's sudden move.Xiyan struggled, but no matter how much she struggled, Wang Zixuan just didn't let her go.Instead, he pestered her fiercely.

Some things are like this. Once it breaks out, I probably won't think about the consequences.Wang Zixuan hugged Xiyan tightly, and kissed her lips deeply.Deep, deep, as if he wanted to integrate her into his body from now on.

There is a huge disparity in the power of men and women.So what if Xiyan's martial arts has recovered, Xiyan has not recovered to the peak of that year's severe injury.No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of a man who was already drunk.What's more, sometimes it is meaningless to break free.When this man kissed her deeply, she actually understood one thing very well.She has never forgotten this man.It's just that she has been suppressing it all these years.She suppressed and told herself suppressedly that she had never loved this man.But the fact is that this man was in her most beautiful youth.She had loved!

If she had never loved, how could she have left so stubbornly back then?

If she had loved, she wouldn't have suffered so much back then?

It's just that they were one step too late after all.

Now, he hugged her and kissed her.When she couldn't struggle, she stopped struggling.Now that you know you can't break free.Then indulge yourself once.Let this time make up for what she didn't get back then?

After tomorrow, she will still leave with a smile.Get out of here, get out of his place.

As for her sudden stop of struggling, and even letting go, Wang Zixuan had no reason to let her go.The kiss deepened even more, to the point where the scene began to get out of control.

Facing her, those feelings and desires seemed to be irrepressible no matter what.

He wanted her so badly.

want to be with her.

Want her to be his own woman.

If you ask, is he drunk?So this is the case with the strength of wine.Then, Wang Zixuan is extremely sober at this moment, never sober as he is now.He clearly knew what he was doing.He clearly knew that he wanted her.

"Xiyan, don't leave, okay? Don't leave, okay? We have missed each other for so many years, don't miss each other, okay? I love you, I love you. Xiyan, I know you have always hated me, You hate that I used you as a substitute back then. But, Xiyan, you were never someone's substitute. It was because I didn't understand my heart back then, and I missed you back then." He looked at her and said affectionately.

Maybe it was all too sudden, Xiyan just looked at him and shed tears.

Seeing her cry made his heart ache.He hugged her tightly once and kissed her.Gently kissed away the tears on her face, wanting to kiss away her sadness.

"Xiyan, don't go. Let me give you a home, okay?" He said, Xiyan just listened.

Xiyan didn't speak, neither did Wang Zixuan.Instead, kiss her, kiss her everything.

It's not that Xiyan doesn't speak, but that she already has nothing to say.She couldn't agree, but she couldn't refuse his tenderness at the moment.Over the years, all the suppressed emotions exploded.

Xiyan was originally a Jianghu girl, who dared to love and hate, but after going through so much, she was a little scared.Therefore, she was very conflicted.But when this man treated her tenderly, she didn't know what to do.She wanted to obey, but was afraid.She was afraid that she would not be able to love again.She was also afraid that everything she did would disappoint her love for Yan Chen.However, refuse.She doesn't have the courage now either.

But Wang Zixuan didn't give her time to think. The two who were standing at the door just now had already laid down on the bed.

His kisses fell down densely, and this sudden change also made Xiyan, who was trapped in the confusion of warmth, suddenly wake up.She can't do this, she can't do things that are sorry for Yan Chen.She can't have anything to happen with Wang Zixuan at this time.After all, she knew one thing very well, in two days Wang Zixuan would have a blind date with all the girls in Nanchu City.How could she ruin Wang Zixuan at this time.

"No." She pushed him away, "Zixuan, we can't do this."

(End of this chapter)

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