The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 917 Fanwai Some people are first class is eternal, Zixuan chapter

Chapter 917 Fanwai ([-]) Some people are eternal, Zixuan

"Xiao Nianchen, what did you just say? Who's in there?" Wang Qingshan thought he was deaf and misheard.

"Mother and Daddy Xuan are inside. They seem to have fought. Mother was bullied so badly."

If Yun Qing were here at this moment, he would definitely say, are you really only four years old?Are you really a four year old?Who made you so dirty?It's just spoiling the kids.

Wang Qingshan laughed haha. "Nian Chen is right, let's not disturb them. Oh, this brat has finally improved a bit." The smile on Wang Qingshan's face deepened, "Nian Chen and Grandpa go back to live for a few days, okay?"

Nian Chen raised his head slightly, "Nian Chen also wants to go back to live with grandpa for a few days, but mother wants to take Nian Chen back to the south of the Yangtze River. Nian Chen is reluctant to part with grandpa."

Wang Qingshan just smiled.Even if Xiyan wanted to go back to Jiangnan under the current situation, his old man would not agree.Since he is already a member of his Wang family, how could he let the Wang family's daughter-in-law live outside? "Your mother won't go back to Jiangnan, and Nian Chen doesn't have to go back to Jiangnan. From now on, Nian Chen will live with grandpa. Your mother will live with your father Xuan. We are a family. Does Nian Chen know?"

"Okay. Nian Chen doesn't need to go back to Jiangnan. Nian Chen likes grandpa, and Nian Chen also likes Daddy Xuan, and Nian Chen wants Daddy Xuan to be Nianchen's daddy." The kid Nian Chen was really happy, so he just followed Wang Qingshan away .By the way, he sold his own mother.

Wang Qingshan and Nian Chen had already walked away.But the two people in the room heard clearly what the two people outside just said.The corner of Wang Zixuan's mouth twitched into a slight smile, it really didn't hurt Nian Chen in vain all these years.

Xiyan felt a little embarrassed when she heard what Wang Qingshan and her son said.But at the same time, I was thinking about what Nian Chen said just now. Does Nian Chen really like Zixuan?He is so eager for his father's love.And these are what her mother can't give.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly made Xiyan very uncomfortable.She didn't understand that what this man should do had already been done.Why don't you go?

Could it be that he still wants to stay here?
And Wang Zixuan was indeed staying here and not leaving.At this moment, he is looking at her like this, every part of her is full of infinite charm, which is a kind of seductive temptation to him.

Wang Zixuan couldn't help but think of how many years ago, when he was poisoned, but she exhausted her years of skills to save him.He thought, maybe it was that glimpse back then that she just fell into his heart.

Wang Zixuan looked at Xiyan recalling their past.

It's a pity that Yan is not feeling well.He kept staring at himself like this, wondering what he would do if he couldn't be sure.It was even possible that she would hit someone because she couldn't bear Wang Zixuan's ambiguous eyes.

Don't look at her who has changed a lot in the past few years. She has become more mature and stable, and even her temperament has become much gentler.But no matter how many years he has experienced, how his temper has become mature and stable.The temperament of that year has always been hidden in my heart.

Xiyan finally couldn't bear the way Wang Zixuan stared at her so directly, and couldn't help but said loudly, "Have you seen enough?"

Sure enough, Xiyan's words also pulled Wang Zixuan back.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zixuan replied with a charming smile, "I can't see enough."

"Get out!" Looking at the charming look in Wang Zixuan's eyes, Xi Yan was suddenly a little annoyed.

Does this stinky man think that the two of them just did it together, so they can bully her?

Thinking of this, Xiyan was even more annoyed.Without even thinking about it, he kicked Wang Zixuan down.Xiyan's kick came so suddenly, Wang Zixuan was really kicked down just like that.That picture is simply unbearable to look at directly!

And Wang Zixuan didn't even make a sound for half a day after being kicked off.He just kept the action he was just kicked off by Xiyan.

At first, Xiyan didn't pay attention to it, but after waiting for a few minutes, there was still no movement from that smelly man.Xiyan was a little nervous.Could it be that I kicked too hard just now?Did it knock people out?Or was she kicking too hard and kicking people to death?

The more she thought about it, the more afraid Xiyan became.

She was afraid that she would kick Wang Zixuan to death.

Regardless of whether she looked disheveled or not, Xiyan got from the bed to Wang Zixuan's side at the fastest speed.Shaking his body, he shouted anxiously: "Hey, Wang Zixuan, wake up. Don't scare me..."

But no matter how Xiyan called him, Wang Zixuan remained motionless.Xiyan was really terrified, her voice was already crying. "Wang Zixuan, don't die. I didn't mean to."

Originally, Wang Zixuan just wanted to tease her, but who knew that this tease was good, it scared her.Wang Zixuan didn't have any thoughts, and immediately opened his eyes, "I won't die."

"Wow..." This time, Xiyan cried even harder.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I was wrong." Wang Zixuan quickly got up from the ground to coax people.

"Liar." Xiyan looked at him fiercely, thinking that he had just lied to herself, she became angry again, and now she really pushed Wang Zixuan away fiercely, "Get out! I don't want to see you anymore .You don't appear in front of me."


With Xiyan's push, Wang Zixuan hissed in pain.If he was really pretending to be dead just now to tease her, he actually wanted to see if she would care about him if he really died.But he was indeed injured.He was unprepared for the kick she kicked just now, and he hurt his arm after kicking it off.If he didn't guess wrong, it is estimated that his right arm must be broken.

"You're still pretending."

Xiyan doesn't trust this man at all now.

"I didn't lie to you, my hand hurts. It must be broken." Said, Wang Zixuan raised his hand and found that it was really painful.And there is a scratch on the right arm just left, presumably it was touched when he was just kicked off.

Xiyan also glanced at Wang Zixuan's right arm, and saw the marks on his hand.It was only then that Xiyan found out that Wang Zixuan hadn't lied, and the injury on his hand was more serious, bleeding from his right arm.Must have just come across it.

Now Xiyan has a lot of anger in her heart, but seeing that his injured hand and his arm may be broken as he said, Xiyan can't express the anger in her heart.But she will never easily forgive him for deceiving her just now, let alone because his injury is caused by herself, she will not have any other thoughts about him.

Seeing that she was injured, Wang Zixuan was still indifferent and didn't know what she was thinking there.Not only does my arm hurt, but my heart hurts too.

" hurts..." Wang Zixuan screamed miserably on purpose.

After all, Xiyan is not such a cruel person, it is impossible to turn a blind eye when seeing him hurt like this. "How are you doing?"

"hand pain."

Xi Yan walked over and looked at his hand, his hand was seriously injured, if he didn't get treated quickly, the wound might get worse, and his arm didn't know if there was any other injury besides this scar?Xiyan couldn't help but frowned, "Let me help you clean up the wound first and apply some medicine. If your hand is really broken...a fracture. I can't help it. You need to go to the doctor to see if there is a fracture."

Xiyan quickly brought the medicine over, first cleaned up the blood from the scrape on his arm, and then applied the medicine to prevent the wound from getting worse.

"If my hand is really broken, will you despise me?" Wang Zixuan asked with a smile as he watched her rubbing the medicine on himself.

Xiyan didn't give a positive answer to Wang Zixuan's words, but said calmly: "If your hand is really broken, don't worry, I will pay your medical expenses."

Sure enough, Wang Zixuan's face darkened instantly after Xiyan's words.

But Xiyan had already prescribed the medicine for him at this time, and said in a cold tone, "You can go."

"You let me go to the doctor by myself? I'm so hurt, you let me go to the doctor alone? It hurts, my hands hurt. Except for my hands, my whole body hurts. I don't know if I was injured just now. Where." Wang Zixuan said, "Aren't you afraid that something will happen to me walking alone on the road?"

Seeing him like this, it's not that Xiyan is worried that something will happen to him on the road alone.But what Wang Zixuan said just now was right, that is, apart from his arm, he didn't know if there were other injuries.In case something else was injured, if he was allowed to leave alone, in case something happened to her, she would not feel at ease.

"Then I'll accompany you to see the doctor."

Wang Zixuan nodded in satisfaction.

Xiyan looked at her disheveled appearance and the traces he left on her body, and then glanced at Wang Zixuan, who was still disheveled, "Wait for me, I'll change clothes first."

Although the two had been lingering just now, Xi Yan was still a little embarrassed when he was here.She took the clothes and walked behind the screen, and she didn't like the smell on her body after exercising for so long.But I also know that Wang Zixuan is in a hurry to see a doctor, so he just wiped his body casually with warm water, and Xiyan specially chose a piece of clothing that can cover the neck and above.When she accidentally looked in the mirror just now, she saw the marks on her neck.This is all due to the man Wang Zixuan. It is already autumn, but the weather in Southern Chu this year is extremely hot, even now it is still very hot.Although this era is conservative, it is not too conservative, so it is a bit strange for Xiyan to choose such a dress.

When Xi Yan came out from the screen, Wang Zixuan noticed her attire.She still likes to wear purple clothes, but I have to say that she looks beautiful and stunning in purple.It also has a charming temperament.Just cover herself tightly with the clothes she's wearing now, isn't she afraid of showing prickly heat all over her body?She doesn't feel sorry for herself, but he does.

Of course, Wang Zixuan also knew why she chose such a suit.But he still didn't want her to wear uncomfortable clothes on such a hot day.

"Go and change this suit. I'll wait for you."

(End of this chapter)

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