The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 918 Fanwai Some people are first class is eternal, Zixuan chapter

Chapter 918 Fanwai ([-]) Some people are eternal, Zixuan

Of course, Xiyan didn't want others to see her embarrassing side, "No need. This outfit is fine." Then she took out the men's clothing she had prepared and handed it to Wang Zixuan, "I see your clothes are dirty. Yes, this is worn by Yan Chen. If you don't mind, you can change it."

Xiyan originally didn't intend to change clothes for him, but seeing that his clothes were stained with blood and that this man was too rough, his coat had already been torn by himself.So it must not be worn out to meet people.

Wang Zixuan didn't mind wearing Yan Chen's clothes.He also took a look at his current state, and it was indeed not suitable for him to go out and show off in this suit.What's more, compared to minding Yan Chen's things.Rather, he should hate himself for losing Xiyan back then.Rather, it was his own fault that pushed Xi Yan to Yan Chen's side.In fact, he has no right to mind, not even to blame Xi Yan.

"You change it for me."

He wants her to change it for him?

After hearing this, Xi Yan froze in place.

She has never changed clothes for any grown man.Of course, her son was not included.Even for Yan Chen back then, she never changed his clothes.Back then, Yan Chen took care of her a little more.Now Wang Zixuan wants her to change his clothes, to be honest, she is a little timid.

"My hand is injured, please help me." Wang Zixuan continued.

But now that his hand is injured is a good excuse, not even for Xiyan to refute. "okay then."

After it was over, Xiyan walked up to Wang Zixuan as if she was looking down on death, and took off his bloody clothes first.Wang Zixuan looked at her movements with a smile, and felt that the injury was really worth it.

Wang Zixuan was a head taller than her, and it was very laborious for her to dress him standing like this.But Xi Yan also had to admit one thing, this man's figure is really good.So good that she didn't dare to look directly at it.

She never thought that such a good man would be with her...

I don't know what happened, but the images of being with him just now popped up in my mind.And those pictures seem to be impossible to drive away.

Rather than saying that Xi Yan was thinking about those scenes just now, it would be better to say that she became a nympho after seeing his figure.So those pictures just came out.

"Can you sit down?" Xi Yan blushed slightly, a little shy and inexplicably embarrassed.

"Okay." Wang Zixuan just looked at her with a smile.

He hadn't seen her so shy for a long time.He still remembered that the last time he saw her shy was when she lived with him when she lost her memory.At that time, she was innocent and innocent, and she would blushed from time to time with embarrassment.But he remembered more clearly that many years ago, there was always a little girl chasing him by his side, telling him shyly, "Brother Zixuan, when I grow up, I want to be your bride. You should also remember that when you grow up, you must marry me."

He still clearly remembered that Xiyan was still polite at that time, and she was only eight years old at that time.At that time, she still bluntly said that she never changed her identity with that woman.

Or she didn't know that when she chased after her to marry him as his wife, he had already taken it seriously.So in the following years, he has been deeply in love with a woman named Su Wanyan.It's just that he didn't expect that the woman who had grown up was no longer her back then.

If it is said that Wang Zixuan fell in love with that woman first in his life.Then the result is the one in front of you.This woman named Su Xiyan was just called Su Wanyan many years ago.

But by chance, when they were eight years old, their identities were changed.Since then the real politeness has left him.

If you have to say, in the relationship between Wang Zixuan, Su Xiyan and Feng Youxue, who is the stand-in.Then it must be Feng Youxue who was the first to act as a stand-in.Because she became Su Wanyan, Wang Zixuan liked the eight-year-old Su Wanyan who was by his side and said he wanted to marry him, so in the end he regarded her as her.

Wang Zixuan thought, the Feng Youxue he loved in those years was just the shadow of the real Su Wanyan.It's just that after so many years, his love for Feng Youxue has become unforgettable.He once loved a woman named Feng Youxue deeply.But what he really loves in his heart is Su Wanyan back then, and Su Xiyan now.

Wang Zixuan looked at Xiyan and recalled.He and she actually missed so many years.For so many years, he has always loved the real Su Wanyan in his heart, and he has always loved her.But I missed her for so many years.

Xi Yan was dressing Wang Zixuan, so naturally she didn't know what Wang Zixuan was thinking, and she didn't know that he would think of things from his childhood.

Suddenly Wang Zixuan tightly grasped Xiyan's hand with his left hand, "Xiyan, you said when you were eight years old that you would marry me when you grow up. Now that I have been waiting for you for so many years, you must keep your old promise promise."

Xi Yan was taken aback for a moment, but she was concerned about everything Wang Zixuan said.For her, her memory before the age of eight was blank.Ever since she was eight years old, she fell into the phantasmagoria gu, and wandered in the rivers and lakes again.She went through a lot of things back then.So she doesn't want to remember the things before the age of eight, so that the memory of the age before the age of eight is blank in her mind.If Master hadn't saved her back then, she might not have survived, right?
Talking about the past, Xi Yan's tone was a bit lonely and sad, "I don't remember anything before the age of eight. What's more, what I said when I was a child can't be true. I'm already married, I'm Yan Chen's wife, I can't marry For you." After a pause, Xiyan said again: "I'll let someone accompany you to see the doctor."

It's also ironic and funny.She clearly knew that she was married to someone else, and she clearly knew that she would not have any results with him.But something happened that shouldn't have happened.

"But I'm serious." Wang Zixuan grabbed Xiyan's hand and said very seriously: "I've been serious since you said you were going to marry me when you grow up. I've been waiting for you all these years. I've been I am waiting for you to grow up, and I will marry you when you grow up. But I never thought that such a thing would happen. I never thought that you would be living outside, that you would change from polite words back then to pity. I never thought that You and You Xue will change identities. All these years, I always thought she was you. It wasn’t until You Xue died that I realized that the woman I liked in those years was not you. What I was waiting to grow up to marry was The person who is my wife is not you. Xiyan, you said that I used you as a substitute for Wanyan. But why don’t you understand that that Wanyan is yourself. It has always been you. You have never been anyone’s substitute. No matter you were the To put it bluntly, it's still Xiyan now, the person in my heart has always been you. It's just you."

Xi Yan cried.This was the first time she heard Wang Zixuan's innermost feelings.But why did it come so late?

If it is true that he has always loved himself all these years, what about Feng Youxue?How much place does Feng Youxue have in his heart?Did he know who he and Feng Youxue really liked? "You said that you have always loved Wanyan in your heart. What about Sister Youxue? She has been Wanyan for so many years, and you have been with her for so many years. Are you sure you don't love Sister Youxue? You say you love me, are you sure? Isn't it because sister Youxue and I have the same face? After all, what you love is only the eight-year-old Su Wanyan, not the current Su Xiyan."

Faced with Xiyan's questioning, Wang Zixuan was powerless to refute.Because for Su Wanyan, Su Xiyan, and Feng Youxue, he has loved them all.

One is the woman whom childhood sweethearts liked when they were young, and the other is the woman whom they have been together and loved for many years.But now this is the woman who loved him so much back then.

"Xi Yan, I don't want to lie to you. For You Xue, she is my former lover. For you, you are the person I have loved and buried for many years. I love you not because you and You Xue have the same face I like you when you were only eight years old, but now I love you because you quietly walked into my life and lit a lamp in my life. I will never forget The way you looked at me when you woke up in Lingyin Temple. I will never forget the time I spent with you. It’s just that I was too stupid back then, and I couldn’t see my heart clearly, which hurt you.”

Wang Zixuan held Xiyan's hand tightly, telling about the past and those regrets. "After you left back then, I frantically looked for you. I searched many places, but I couldn't find you anywhere. I never thought that you would be in the south of the Yangtze River, and you would be rescued by Yan Chen. Not even I thought that you would fall in love with Yan Chen. Later, I heard what you said to Yan Chen in Yuehu Lake. You said, if you cannot fall in love with Yan Chen in this life, then you will not fall in love with others. At that time I Just know that I have no chance to get you back. I know you have fallen in love with him. At the beginning, I thought that as long as I saw you happy. I would like to fulfill you and Yan Chen. Bless you forever Happiness. I really regretted it when I saw you getting married. But I knew that I had no chance. Later, Yan Chen left, and your heart followed. I thought I just need to guard by your side That's good. For the past five years, I have been silently by your side. But whenever I am alone, I regret it. I regret to ask myself why I let go of your hand?"

"Xiyan, it's been five years. In the past five years, I have been regretting. Regretting why Yan Chen took you away from me. Now, the past has passed. I don't want to regret in the future. I I don’t want to regret losing you in the next five years, ten years, 20 years or even my whole life. Xiyan, let’s forget everything from the past and start over, okay?”

(End of this chapter)

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