The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 919 Fanwai Some people are first class is eternal, Zixuan chapter

Chapter 919 Fanwai ([-]) Some people are eternal, Zixuan

How much Xiyan wanted to answer him at this moment, yes!I'm not leaving.I'm not leaving either.Just stay by your side.However, Xiyan understood that she couldn't.She no longer had the courage to stay by his side.

"Don't leave, okay?" Wang Zixuan's voice contained a trace of pleading.He really couldn't bear the pain of losing her anymore.

With Wang Zixuan like this, Xiyan doesn't know what to do?

She had no way to answer his question right away, so she could only change the subject. "Your hand is seriously injured, it's time to see a doctor."

"Xiyan..." Seeing Xiyan's painful face, Wang Zixuan couldn't bear to force her to answer now.Too many things happened today.Xiyan must be in a mess right now.What's more, he will not allow her to leave him.After a pause, he said, "We still have a long time. Xiyan, you accompany me to see the doctor."

Xiyan originally wanted the servants in the mansion to accompany him to see the doctor.But seeing Wang Zixuan's face, he finally nodded in agreement. "Okay. I'll go with you."

Seeing that Xiyan compromised, Wang Zixuan didn't force her anymore.He just looked at her clothes and frowned, "It's hot, go and change this clothes." He didn't want to see her covered in clothes in such a hot weather, covering herself with prickly heat up.

Hearing him bring up the matter of changing clothes again, Xiyan blushed again. " need. I don't feel hot."

Wang Zixuan took her hand with his uninjured left hand, naturally he knew that she was already sweating from the heat, but he still said that he was not hot. "Look at you, you're sweating all over. You said it's not hot. Next time, I must be more careful and don't leave any traces there." While speaking, Wang Zixuan walked over to the room without waiting for Xiyan's tone of refusal. She gave her a set of soft clothes from the closet where she put her clothes. "Wear this suit."

Xiyan looked at the suit he was holding in his hand. Although it was cool and comfortable to wear, it couldn't cover the marks on his neck.Also, who wants to have a next time with him? "I really... don't need to change."

Xiyan doesn't have the courage to change this suit now, and then wear it out to show off.

Wang Zixuan did not allow her to refuse, and looked at her sweating in that suit after only a while, and the traces left by their lingering just now, although Xiyan wiped it just now, but He knew that she was definitely not feeling well right now.In fact, he should have wiped her body after all this, to make her feel better.But it was also an accident to be lingering with her this morning.Who knew that his brother would not be able to resist wanting her.So he didn't have time to prepare for these at all.

Wang Zixuan said, "Anyway, the wound on your hand has already been medicated, so don't rush to see a doctor. Take a good bath first. I'll fetch water for you."

After finishing speaking, Xi Yan didn't even realize that Wang Zixuan had already left the room to fetch water.

Xiyan thought of his injured right arm again, he couldn't use his right arm at all, let alone touch the water.Didn't asking him to fetch water made his own wounds infected again?Xiyan hurriedly chased after her, and said first: "Your hand is still injured, I will do it myself."

"I'm a man, how can I let a woman do this kind of thing. What's more, it's only an arm that hurts, so it's not a problem." Naturally, Wang Zixuan would not let Xiyan do such a trivial thing of fetching water.He is here, let Xiyan do this kind of trivial matter, then he is really not a man.

Although a certain person insisted on doing it, Xiyan couldn't stop her, so she watched him hold the water in his left hand.But fortunately, the right hand didn't use force, so there was nothing serious about it.

About half an hour later, Xiyan took a bath, and after dawdling for a long time, she changed into the suit that Wang Zixuan gave her, and then walked out from the screen.And Wang Zixuan sat in the room and waited for her for half an hour.

Xi Yan looked in the mirror, she had already washed the marks on her neck vigorously, but not only did not wash them off.On the contrary, it became more and more obvious.Now wearing this suit can't hide the marks on it.

Xiyan flinched again, glanced at Wang Zixuan, and said shyly and awkwardly, "How about letting Uncle Yan accompany you to see the doctor?" With her current state, she really couldn't go out.

Uncle Yan is the housekeeper of Yan Mansion, the person who follows Yan Chen, and has been taking care of Yan Chen's daily life.Later Yan Chen returned to Southern Chu, and Uncle Yan also returned to Southern Chu from Jiangnan.At that time, Yan Chen knew that he could not accompany Xiyan to grow old, but he specially instructed Uncle Yan, hoping that Uncle Yan could take care of Xiyan for him, and hope that Xiyan would be happy.In the entire Yan Mansion, Uncle Yan has been looking at Xiyan all these years, knowing what their young master is thinking, and also knowing what Wang Zixuan is thinking. Uncle Yan naturally hopes that their wife can marry Wang Zixuan, and that she is happy.In this way, he did not disappoint his young master's entrustment.

Wang Zixuan stared at her neck, it was the mark left by him.Knowing what Xiyan was worried about, of course, besides him, he didn't want the marks on her neck to be seen by other men.Wang Zixuan walked towards the dressing table, picked up a box of powder, "Put on some powder, it should be able to cover it up. I'll help you."

Xiyan was even more embarrassed.But Wang Zixuan has already acted.

His warm hands stroked her neck gently and vigorously, and he wiped it carefully and carefully.She opened her eyes and raised her head slightly to look at him.They were so close that they could almost hear his strong heartbeat.Xiyan could obviously feel her body shaking, and her heart seemed to be beating very fast.

Xiyan thought, it was not unreasonable for her to fall in love with this man back then, right?

But after applying powder, it is indeed much better than wearing thick clothes.Although a thick layer of powder was applied, it finally covered up those embarrassing marks.

It's just that someone didn't forget to say after wiping it off, "Well, don't worry, I won't leave marks on such an obvious place next time. The effect is not good."

Xi Yan suddenly felt that she wanted to vomit blood...



Wang Qingshan happily brought Nian Chen back to the palace, and as soon as he came back, he immediately called everyone in the mansion into the hall.Those who were not in the mansion immediately sent a message and ordered someone to call back.

"Father, what's the matter? I'm so anxious." Hearing the news, Wang Luoyang hurried home too.

Everyone has arrived, Wang Qingshan first glanced at the people in the hall, and then put his eyes on his son, and said in a tone of resentment: "The family rules of our Wang family are that no flirtatious and ungrateful people are allowed. A man of nature. Look at the good son you brought up. When did our Wang family have a man who played a rogue. He is good, not only playing a rogue and being absurd. Now that something like this has happened and he has become a member of our Wang family, we The Wang family can't do things that are sorry for other girls. You hurry up and order someone to prepare a generous gift, and the old man has to go to Su's mansion in person. Propose marriage."

Wang Luoyang and his wife Xu were a little confused.But when he heard that he went to the Su Mansion to propose a marriage, he didn't ask what he did to make him feel sorry for him.

On the other hand, Wang Ziqing just twitched his lips and looked at his grandfather with a slight twitch.He is so happy from ear to ear, right?But he deliberately pretended to hate iron but not steel.But listening to Grandpa's tone, this time the elder brother did something that surprised Grandpa and everyone.

"Grandpa, should I wait for my elder brother to go to the Su mansion to propose a marriage?" Wang Ziqing reminded from the side.Don't let them be happy here to propose marriage, but this matter requires the consent of the woman.Wang Ziqing knows very well that Xiyan has been rejecting his elder brother all these years.So the matter of getting married is probably still pending.

Wang Qingshan blew his beard, raised his eyebrows and said: "He has already done such a thing. Xiyan is his now. Does he still want to play tricks? With me, our Wang family will not allow men who betray their hearts .”

Wang Ziqing: "..." Well, Wang Ziqing thinks that his eldest brother probably wants to marry Xiyan back home in his dreams. As for whether Xiyan wants to marry his eldest brother, it's hard to say.So, grandpa, you did it on purpose, right?So that Xiyan is too embarrassed to even refuse your old man's kindness.

"Father, you mean Zixuan...he and Xiyan..." Wang Luoyang was not as thick-skinned as his father, and he dared to say anything.

"Not the good son you taught." Wang Qingshan blew on his beard.But Wang Qingshan was very happy in his heart, this brat finally did something serious.

Hearing this, Madam Wang Xu breathed a sigh of relief.His family, Zixuan and Xiyan, finally blossomed and bore fruit.

"Yes, yes, my son is going to prepare a generous gift." Wang Luoyang also immediately put on a smile.

This family was all worried about Wang Zixuan's marriage.Now there is finally hope.

(End of this chapter)

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