Hear the heartache

Chapter 20 Li Meiguo Chapter 3

Chapter 20: Li Meiguo Chapter 3
I replied to him, "I won't like you, give up and stop pestering me."

"Why?" He insisted.

I was in a very bad mood because of Lu Diu's incident, and I didn't bother to bother with him, so I dropped the phone on the ground, and the battery board was thrown out.Now, there is no need to accept his harassing messages.

"Oh, Meiguo, what's wrong with you?" Beibei came back to the dormitory from the outside, holding the lunch she brought for me in her hand.My face was beaten up by Lu Diu, so I naturally had no face to go out to meet people, so I had to hide in the dormitory, and Tuo Beibei and the others helped me bring things.

Beibei is not pretty, she is of average beauty.We met when we were in junior high school, and I don't know why she approached me.When I want to buy something, she pays for it for me. After a long time, I get used to it and know that she is trying to curry favor with me.

I don't mind if she doesn't treat me sincerely, just please please.The world is so hypocritical, why should I worry about it.

"What about the two of them?" I asked.Leng Ling and Luo Dan are also two people who please me.I understand this very well in my heart, but I don't want to say anything, and I don't really regard them as friends.

Beibei brought me lunch and said, "The two of them are playing badminton on the playground."


She picked up the phone I dropped on the ground, reinstalled the battery board, and handed it to me, "Meiguo, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as the phone was turned on, it rang. It was Chi Yulin calling, and I didn't want to answer it.

"Meiguo, it's the boy chasing you." Beibei knew about the matter between me and Chi Yulin, and she also met Chi Yulin several times when she was in junior high school.I think she likes Chi Yulin a little bit, and it's not bad to match the development of the two of them.However, Beibei is not worthy of Chi Yulin in terms of appearance.

"Go ahead." I said to her.

"Me?" She pointed to herself, and I could see the nervous excitement in her eyes.

"Well, take it quickly."

She showed an excited smile, look, I knew she liked Chi Yulin.

"Hello." She picked up the phone and moved away from me, unable to hear their conversation clearly.Forget it, don't care about me, as long as Chi Yulin doesn't bother me, it's better to like Beibei.

I just took a bite of lunch when Beibei returned the phone to me with a mournful face.

"What's wrong?" I took the phone and threw it on the bed and asked her.

She shook her head, and only said, "I went to the playground to play badminton with Leng Ling and the others."

"Oh." I continued to eat my meal.

The school will have a weekend every month, and those girls have been looking forward to this day for a long time.All three of them took leave of absence, didn't come to class in the afternoon, and hurried home.They are all homesick children.

I don't miss home very much. There is nothing but numb furnishings in the house.Dad is having a good time outside, and mother is playing mahjong at someone's house.But staying in this school is more boring, I'd better go back.

I spent these two weekends boringly, but fortunately, Chi Yulin didn't call to harass me.It's boring, but it's better than being teased.

Back this weekend, I saw Chi Yulin in class, he is much more handsome than before.Although I think so, I still feel a little disgusted with him.He even transferred without my consent.I didn't find it funny at all when he introduced himself jokingly, but the other girls thought he was humorous, tall and handsome.

Chi Yulin's handsomeness made many girls fall in love with him at first sight. At that time, I didn't realize that Lu Diudiu also fell in love with him.

He didn't sit in the seat the teacher arranged for him, but he chose to be next to me, so Beibei had no choice but to abdicate.

He held out his hand to me, but I didn't take it, and turned my head away as if he didn't exist.He obviously didn't know that I didn't want to see him, and didn't even want to answer his phone calls, yet he turned around to make me angry.

"I'm sorry, I know you're angry, but I really want to see you every day, so I turned around." He whispered to me.

I still ignored him.

Chi Yulin has liked me since the first day of junior high school. At that time, he was mediocre and I couldn't see him.He confessed to me several times and I refused.Although he has become handsome now, his temperament is that of a sunny boy, not the mature and stable type I like.

He sat next to me and tried to talk to me, but I ignored him until something happened that made me feel that he was of great use to me.I just took the initiative to talk to him.

Lu Diudiu confessed to Chi Yulin with a large bouquet of roses in front of the whole class.This thing really surprised me.She actually liked Chi Yulin to such an extent.

But what I got was Chi Yulin's refusal answer, "I'm sorry, Lu Diudu, I have a girl I like." The girl I like is me.

When Lu Diudu heard this, he was very sad.Seeing her expression made me very happy.Chi Yulin, you will be my best tool to deal with them.An Tian, ​​Lu Diu, I want to tear the friendship between the two of you into pieces!

After school, I asked Beibei and the others to go first. I still have something to do.Chi Yulin was packing his books on his seat, and when he heard me talking to him, he immediately turned his head to look at me.

"I have something to ask you, can I talk to you?" The words carried my gentleness.

He seemed a little flattered, and nodded fiercely, "Okay, okay."

We had our conversation in a remote part of the school.Now that the students in the school are all going to have dinner, no one should accidentally overhear this matter.

"I need your help with something." I told him clearly.

"Tell me. I promise you everything." He replied firmly and earnestly.Chi Yulin, how much you like me.

"I want you to date Lu Diu."

"What? Lu Diudu? That girl who gave me flowers today? Meiguo, don't get me wrong, okay? I even..."

"I know." I interrupted his needless explanation, "Listen to me, I don't want you to date Lu Diudiu sincerely, I want you to destroy her friendship with An Tian. You should be her boyfriend for a while Time, after you cultivate her inseparable feelings for you, you can confess to her good friend An Tian and let An Tian like you. I can see that Lu Diu Diu likes you very much. You are dating An Tian Now, she will definitely be at odds with An Tian."

"But Meiguo...would it be..."

I knew what he was going to say, "It's too much, isn't it? Chi Yulin, you don't know how they treated me, you go ask Beibei. Last time I was beaten by them so I was ashamed to see people!"

"The two of them beat you?" He still didn't believe it.

I didn't bother to tell him that I didn't want to talk to him in the first place. If I didn't know that Lu Diudu liked him, I wouldn't come to talk to him. "It's fine if you don't help me." I turned to leave.

He immediately grabbed my hand, "Okay, I'll help you, don't be angry, I will stand by your side no matter what."

I laughed, "Then go find Lu Diudu quickly."

He looked a little sad, and his feet were moving with difficulty.I stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek, "Can you help me?"

Sure enough, he couldn't stand the temptation, so he immediately went to find Lu Diu.

I believe that Chi Yulin will not let me down, and it is true.He really didn't disappoint me.

(End of this chapter)

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