regardless of costs

Chapter 20 Honeymoon 3

Chapter 20 Honeymoon 3 (2)
Chapter 19 Honeymoon 3 (2)
"After eating a plate of salad, I don't have much appetite for other dishes." Su Xiaomu replied honestly. The meals made by international famous chefs are naturally exquisite, but it's a pity that they don't suit her taste.

His eyes froze, and he said casually, "Well, I haven't eaten yet, so you can eat some more with me."

Su Xiaomu was stunned, but he actually asked to eat with him?
The afternoon sun fell on him through the tile eaves. The profile of his side face was deep and handsome, and even the fine lines at the corners of his eyes were so pleasing to the eye. She felt that another piece of the barrier in her heart had been knocked off, and it was in danger. This is too undesirable .

Perhaps because of his good mood, Su Xiaomu ate another plate of risotto and a bowl of miscellaneous mushroom soup with Jing Yan, making him look more energetic.Jing Yan looked into her eyes quietly and asked her, "Where do you want to go later?"

"I want to go snorkeling." Seeing that he frowned, she quickly added, "I know I'm not suitable for diving, but I heard that you can see beautiful corals and sea fish by diving only one or two meters. I I have encountered a bottleneck in painting recently, and I think it may not be possible to open my mind when I get to the bottom of the sea." Seeing that he looked at her coldly and didn't respond, she whispered, "Isn't even one meter enough? Just taking a few photos is fine... ..."

Jing Yan said solemnly: "Half a meter is not enough, you... just want a photo?" His voice was deep, "I can take it for you."

Su Xiaomu was stunned, and quickly said: "No, no, I'm joking, don't worry, I know what's going on with my body, I won't really go snorkeling, just do whatever you want, don't worry about me of."

Jing Yan didn't seem to hear, looked at her tensely clasped hands, and said slowly: "Smith asked me to go diving, and I can take pictures for you by the way."

By the way... Su Xiaomu looked at the past, staring at his perfect chin, yes, by the way, it's a way to invite her to the Maldives, it's a way to help her, what else does she need to be modest and polite?She looked at him with bright eyes and smiled: "Then I will trouble you."

Jing Yan took a sip of the white wine, smelling the aroma on the tip of his nose, and said lightly: "I told you, you don't have to be polite to me in the future."

The weather outside is fine, the sun is scorching hot, and the white clouds are slowly rising. Jing Yan and Smith made an appointment to go deep diving in the sea. Although Su Xiaomu was itchy, she could only stay on the boat and draw manuscripts. She watched Jing Yan not far away from the deck. Putting on the back of the diving suit, she gradually became dazed, and turned her head at the prospect of entering the water. Because she had already put on the diving mask, she couldn't see his expression clearly, but a pair of heart-wrenching black eyes stared at her, and she held the pen His hands trembled slightly, feeling heavy, as if each had their own concerns.

The "plopping" sound of diving was like Su Xiaomu's disturbed heart lake, rippling softly.

Although she already knew from Wang Hao that his diving skills had reached the professional level, she still couldn't help worrying, and always drew a few strokes, and then looked at the calm water surface.

When Jing Yan got on the boat and took off his heavy and wet diving suit, he went to Su Xiaomu with his upper body bare.The door of the cabin was ajar, and he bent slightly to look in. Su Xiaomu was biting the end of a pencil thoughtfully, wearing a cartoon T-shirt and suspenders, with long hair tied behind his head casually, looking like a girl just out of school without makeup. schoolgirl.

I don't know what she was thinking, she was already in a trance, and she didn't realize his approach at all.

He leaned lazily in front of her, and asked in a slightly lower voice, "What did you draw?"

This really startled Su Xiaomu, she hurriedly raised her head, and saw his muscular and masculine upper body, the sea water on his hair had not been wiped off, and the bronzed muscles slowly slipped from top to bottom... She couldn't help it in her throat Swallowing a bit, she hastily closed the hand-painted book, stammering and perfunctory: "No, I didn't draw anything, I have no inspiration..." In fact, she didn't draw anything, only a sketch of him, This cannot be seen by him.

Jing Yan glanced at her thoughtfully, but didn't ask any more questions. He put the camera in his hand on the table, then picked up the towel put aside to wipe his hair, and said while wiping: "Look at these Is it suitable? Maybe there will be inspiration soon."

"Oh, okay." Su Xiaomu was worried that he couldn't divert his attention. At this time, he was staring at the camera and flipping through the photos inside like an amnesty. At first, it was just to avoid embarrassment, but gradually it was because the photos were so wonderful. , The difference between deep diving and snorkeling is that you can go to deeper seas to see large sea creatures that cannot be seen in shallow seas.

Every photo was taken very vividly, and even Su Xiaomu, who hadn't gone into the sea, seemed to be there, and the admiration on his face was fully revealed.

She grabbed the camera and said excitedly: "It's a great shot, thank you very much." Her eyes haven't left the camera screen since just now.

Instead, Jing Yan frowned inexplicably, why is she so polite.

When the two of them returned to the villa, Xiao Yao had already returned from the children's center, but the child ran out with a smile in the morning, and now the little face looked so depressed, Su Xiaomu asked him twice, but he refused to say the reason. A person is sulking.

Jing Yan raised his eyebrows and asked the housekeeper in a cold voice what was going on.

The housekeeper explained that Xiao Yao had a good time at first and became friends with Mr. Smith's daughter Daisy, but he dared not go into the water when he was playing indoor surfing in the afternoon, but Daisy played very well. He might feel ashamed. He came back angrily.

Male compatriots, no matter adults or children, are all concerned about saving face.

Su Xiaomu sighed, and was about to go to the room to comfort her son, but was unexpectedly held by Jing Yan's arm. She was taken aback, only to see him say to herself: "I'll go and tell him." He walked towards his son and squatted in front of him Eye level with him: "A man can't be so stingy, and he can't be easily defeated by difficulties. Go with dad tomorrow. It's just surfing. It's easy to learn."

Xiao Yao suddenly raised his head, glanced at his father, and immediately lowered his head and said with a flat mouth: "I, I dare not."

Jing Yan patted his head and guided patiently: "Didn't you say you want to protect your mother? Such a small matter can stump you? How will you protect your mother in the future?"

"I..." Xiao Yao hesitated for a moment, then held his fingers and said, "Dad, is it really not difficult?"

"What? Don't you believe Dad? Don't worry, after you learn it, you will fall in love with this interesting sport." Jing Yan nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, now go to dinner quickly, early tonight Only sleep tomorrow to be refreshed."

"Yeah!" Xiao Yao regained his smile and cheerfully followed the butler to the restaurant.

"You still have a solution." Su Xiaomu breathed a sigh of relief, then remembered something, and worried, "Well, Xiao Yao is still so young, is surfing dangerous? Except for swimming, he hardly participates in this kind of water sports."

Jing Yan did not agree with her idea of ​​protecting the calf, but he still slowed down his tone and said: "He has to learn to overcome difficulties by himself. He is a boy, and he has to take on more responsibilities when he grows up. Blindly protecting him is actually right for him. He doesn't have any advantages, I didn't force him to learn it, but he should at least give it a try and know where his weaknesses are, and it would be best if he could overcome them."

Su Xiaomu was dumbfounded. Perhaps she should be thankful that although her son did not grow up with his father's company, he did not grow into an arrogant and cowardly character.It was the first time for Jing Yan to discuss the education of children with her calmly like this, and she looked at the problem from a completely different angle. This should be the difference between a father and a mother.

The next day was another sunny day.

Although the weather was fine, Jing Yan's complexion was very bad. Su Xiaomu was the first to notice that something was wrong with him, so she stroked his forehead without thinking about anything, and then murmured: "God, you have a fever! Did you dive yesterday?" Caught a cold?" One cold and one hot, always being taken advantage of by the flu virus, which made her feel that the culprit was herself.Seeing that he was fully dressed and was about to knock on her son's door, she stopped him and said, "You are sick, so stop going surfing. I can take Xiaoyao to play other things."

"It's okay." He brushed her hand away without any trace, and said lightly, "Be true to the child, if you miss this opportunity, maybe he won't dare to take that step."

Su Xiaomu knew that no one else could change what he had decided, and she was a little happy that he was indeed a competent and responsible father, so she didn't say anything more, but quietly asked Wang Hao to invite a doctor.

Water World at the Children's Center.

Jing Yan first demonstrated the essentials of surfing in front of his son. His movements were very standard. Not only Xiaoyao, but also the other children and the staff all watched her with admiration. The mouth opened into a big circle.

He then did the most basic and simple movements, and after repeating them a few times, he asked his son: "What? Do you understand everything? Can you do it yourself?"

With his father's encouragement, Xiao Yao lost the timidity of yesterday, and bravely responded: "Yes!"

Although it is an artificial wave, it is quite urgent. Xiaoyao is a beginner and a child. He was shot by the sea water to the next waterway when he didn't master it well for the first time. After several times, he wanted to give up in frustration, but he saw The look in his father's expectant eyes was still the mother who kept shouting for him to encourage him, and gritted his teeth to persevere. After many times of practice, he finally got a certain look, and he also became excited. His new friend Daisy also joined, he hehe Smiling straight, it seems that I have found the fun of this water sport.

Seeing the smile on his son's face, the last trace of worry in Su Xiaomu's heart faded away like the clouds in the sky. He couldn't help but glance at Jing Yan beside him, and it turned out that his decision was right.

After he changed his clothes, the doctor that Su Xiaomu asked Wang Hao to invite also arrived, and she didn't talk nonsense, and directly took him back to the villa: "I think it's better to ask the doctor to take a look, after all, being sick is a big deal. , not careless."

Her worried appearance is really like a little wife who is worried about her husband's body. Behind him, he slightly curled his lips and obediently let her hold his hand.

It seems that unconsciously, they have become used to caring about each other.

As expected by the doctor, the stamina of the fever came later. In the second half of the night, Jing Yan fell into a drowsy sleep under the effect of the medicine. Su Xiaomu was worried and stayed in his room to take care of him.

Seeing him lying on the bed with his eyes closed weakly, it seemed as if time had flown back to the past, to the beginning of their acquaintance, the scene was so familiar.He just walked into her world so quietly, and after falling into it, Su Xiaomu realized that it was really difficult to hold back her agitated heart because she was used to loving this man, even if he only had A little bit is good, even useless, if she is cute, she is in love, and she can't fool herself even if she deceives anyone.

She sighed, let's just get along so plainly, even though this is a marriage without love, but he has treated her well, and being able to stay quietly by his side, a family of three together, is hard-won Happiness.

As the night deepened, she fell asleep on the edge of the bed holding his hand.

In the middle of the night, he was sweating profusely, and kept talking half asleep and half awake. She was also sleepless, and couldn't hear what he was muttering clearly. Enduring the swelling headache, she leaned close to his face and asked softly: "Do you feel uncomfortable? Do you want to drink water?"

He didn't seem to feel her by his side, but kept shouting: "Zhenzhen, Zhenzhen..."

She froze for a moment, and dropped his hand in vain.

Hot tears fell on his handsome face and slid down quietly.

On this road leading to happiness, she thought it was the dawn at the corner, but she didn't know that the front was the end.

(End of this chapter)

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