Chapter 21
Chapter 20 Inappropriate
Su Xiaomu desperately opened her eyes wide, trying to see the man in front of her clearly, but her eyes became more and more blurred and more uncomfortable. The unconcealable sadness was like a handful of salt sprinkled on her heart, burning her so hard that she could barely breathe. .Her expression was already numb, and she raised her hand to touch her cheek, did she actually cry again?
She smiled wryly, knowing that he hadn't woken up yet, but she still asked herself: "Are you thirsty? I'll get you a glass of water." Then she fled away from the existence that suffocated her.

The moonlight in the swimming pool was reflected in the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sparkling light with a faint sea blue made Su Xiaomu's back look as lonely as water.The huge living room was very quiet, and the orange wall lamps cast soft light, but Su Xiaomu felt very cold, and there was no blood on her cheeks.There is no sound in her world, she just pours water unconsciously, gradually, the boiling water overflows the cup and spreads on the sink, trickling down onto the wooden floor.

She didn't wake up until the slightly scalding temperature spread over her bare instep. She put down the kettle in embarrassment, turned on the faucet and washed her face, and cried again. She was afraid that she would lose control and show her humble cowardice. .She told herself, what's the point of crying?He just taught her again: in front of people who don't care about her, no matter how much you love her, the value is nothing more than zero.

She supported the counter to calm down for a while, then tidied up the kitchen and walked slowly to Xiaoyao's bedroom.

Whenever she felt that she was going to lose it, Su Xiaomu would habitually go to her son for comfort.As long as she looked at him quietly, seeing how good-looking, well-behaved, and smart he was, all the pain and suffering she had experienced would disappear in an instant.

She sat beside her son's bed with soft eyes.

Xiao Yao slept soundly because of playing all day long, remembering that he proudly said to her when he came back: "Mom, actually surfing is not difficult, right? I can do very well, even better, even Daisy can do it well." Say I'm great!" At that time, he smiled so brightly and proudly, this is the strength of a father, he set an example to let his son learn how to face difficulties, this will be a very important lesson in his growth.And as a mother, she can do anything for his happiness.

The father and son look alike even when they are sleeping, they have the same handsome facial features, whether they are smiling or licking their lips, they look so good-looking.

Suddenly, I heard my son chanting sweetly in his dream: "Mom..."

Su Xiaomu smiled, and wanted to touch his son's head. When she moved her fingertips, she realized that her hands were already a little stiff from the ice. She was afraid of waking him up, so she tucked a thin blanket for him. She didn't expect to hear him again the next second. Shouted: "Dad." There was still a satisfied smile on the corner of the slightly hooked mouth.

She slowly closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Forget it, it doesn't matter if it's worthless or heartbroken to death. For the sake of her son, she has to grit her teeth and endure whatever she can't bear. No matter how hard the past ten years are, she will survive. ?Now it's just that he doesn't love her, that's all.

Seeing that her son was sleeping soundly, she quietly closed the door. It seemed that this so-called "honeymoon" had somewhat fogged her mind, and she had to do something to wake herself up from this illusory dream.

The night in the Maldives is a purely natural night. Looking around, it is a vast expanse of darkness, which blends with the invisible ocean, making it look deep and distant.

Su Xiaomu walked barefoot to the open-air private swimming pool, just took off her coat and jumped in. The icy blue water soaked into every nerve of her body, and no matter how drunk she was, she should wake up.

I don’t know who said it, crying in the sea, the tears will follow the sea, no matter how many tears you shed, no one will know—it’s indeed a good way.

She has always been strong, she doesn't want to cry, and she doesn't want Jing Yan to see her cry and see her weakness.

Jing Yan slept very restlessly. When he woke up, his head still hurt and his throat was as dry as a desert. He subconsciously looked towards the bed, only a slight dimple remained, and she was not there.Although unconscious, he knew that she was always taking care of him.Hearing the sound of water coming from outside the house, he put on a morning coat and followed the sound, only to find that she was hiding in the swimming pool and holding her breath, her thin figure reflected in the swaying water waves, motionless.

The lines on his face suddenly turned serious, and he yelled coldly: "What are you doing? Come up quickly!" While speaking, he was already walking down the steps of the swimming pool. The water in the pool was so cold that even he felt chills array.

Su Xiaomu was startled by his voice, and floated up from the water with a splash, and asked while brushing away the drops of water from his face, "Ahem, why are you up? Ahem, ahem..." She got up too violently Choking on the water, she kept coughing, seeing that he was about to get into the water, she quickly stopped her and said, "Don't come down!"

Jing Yan didn't seem to hear it, and kept walking in her direction, his face was as black as basalt, cold and hard, and the black silk clothes floating on the water were like dark wings, making his aura even more domineering.Seeing her not cherishing his body like this, he was inexplicably annoyed, and said coldly: "Come here." These two cold words are like a king giving orders, and no one can refuse.

Su Xiaomu didn't speak, and suddenly felt a little funny. The conversation between the two of them was always so paradoxical. Whenever they subconsciously avoided each other's questions.He is used to dominating, and she is not someone who is easily tamed, so she is always like a staggered gear, which can't bite no matter what.

Her mind was still wandering, but Jing Yan had already swam up to her. He was born tall, and the water in the pool barely reached his waist. As soon as he took her hand, he dragged her to the shore, while she was as stubborn as the child. As if desperately trying to break free.He pursed his lips, and simply picked her up, walked up the steps steadily, and put her on the chair on the shore.

I didn't feel much in the water, but Su Xiaomu felt cold as soon as he came up, and sneezed when his nose itched.Suddenly, there was an extra coat on her shoulders. She raised her eyes and looked at him. His eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at herself quietly. Only then did she realize that her curves were exposed by her wet clothes, so she had to tighten the skirts, embarrassed. look away.

He had no intention of leaving, and frowned and said, "The swimming pool here does not have a constant temperature system, and the temperature of the water varies greatly between day and night. You know your physical condition yourself, so don't do this again." He suddenly remembered rushing to her house that day, Seeing her lying sickly and lifeless on the bed, her brows frowned even tighter.

Su Xiaomu lowered her head so that people could not see her expression clearly, but heard her say in a distant tone: "You also said, I know my physical condition best, I have been practicing breath-holding, your concern is superfluous. "What the hell is such lukewarm tenderness towards her?
Jing Yan suddenly had a feeling that she seemed to have returned to the way she was when they first met again, pointing her strong thorns at him like a hedgehog.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked solemnly, "I don't understand, what happened?"

Su Xiaomu stood up abruptly, plucked up the courage to look into his eyes, and smiled ironically at the corner of her mouth: "I don't understand either. We are just a fake marriage. Why do you care about me so seriously? Jing Yan, don't tell me , you fell in love with me?" In order to avoid him seeing something, she roguely turned him into an army, even though she had completely lost this game of chess from the very beginning.

Jing Yan can choose to love her or not to love her, but she cannot choose not to love him.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Seeing him frowning, Su Xiaomu smiled even brighter, waved her hands and said casually: "Hey, don't be nervous, I won't pretend to be affectionate and think that you are in love with me, it's just a harmless joke. By the way, You are not in good health, rest early, I am going to bed too, I have to get up early tomorrow to accompany Xiao Yao to the club, good night."

She also knows that there is a kind of pain that can be hidden in a smile so that he cannot detect it.

Jing Yan looked at her leaving back thoughtfully, there seemed to be something wrong with her tonight.

In fact, he himself was very wrong, he would actually have such a dream, in the dream Zhenzhen cried a lot, seemed to be very uncomfortable, and kept asking him for help, but he couldn't hold her hand no matter what.

Zhenzhen grew up with him, and the feeling of being acquainted with each other as childhood sweethearts cannot be described in words.It's just that the education he received since he was a child made him used to hide his feelings for her. When they were adults, he seriously proposed the idea of ​​being with her, thinking that she was the same as himself, but unexpectedly she said that she didn't like him. Then he went to study in the United States without saying a word.It was later learned that her mother did not agree with them being together, otherwise the relationship between mother and daughter would be severed.

He didn't want to mention the complicated relationship of the previous generation, and he didn't think it was an obstacle between them until Zhenzhen returned to China with her fiancé.At first, he thought it was Zhenzhen's way of avoiding him. He was young and energetic at that time, and impulsively pulled a girl to respond.

The day before Zhenzhen got married, she asked him out.

She said with some regret: "Brother Jing Yan, I used to like you. But at that time, my mother refused to allow me to be with you. I had a fight with her and had to go to the United States. Later, my mother Follow me, Uncle Jing also chased after me, I feel even more ashamed to see you."

He narrowed his eyes and whispered in a low voice: "You know I don't mind."

"But I don't mind." She paused and said, "At that time, I went there alone. I didn't know the place well at first, and I was cheated a few times. It was him, he helped me, and he was always by my side , he is very nice and patient..." She had a faint happy smile as she spoke.

That man has a romantic factor that he doesn't have. The romantic date and the romantic proposal made Zhenzhen very happy, but he felt unreliable. This feeling has nothing to do with love.

He looked at her and asked, "Zhenzhen, do you love him?"

"Love? It should be. In short, I want to be with him. If I don't love him, how can I have such an idea? Isn't that a drag? And sometimes I think about it, maybe the relationship between me and you is more like a brother and sister Well, we grew up together after all. Brother Jing Yan, you are very important to me, I, I want to get your blessing, sincerely."

He was silent for a long time, did not respond to her directly, but said lightly: "He must treat you well, otherwise..."

She smiled and nodded like a cat: "He will definitely! Huh, okay, it's so much easier to say it all."

Sibling affection?No, he knew it wasn't.

But there is one thing Zhenzhen said is right, don't procrastinate if you don't love someone.So after he saw his "girlfriend" again, he proposed to break up with her. The fake is always fake.The girl looked calm, but it took him a long time to adapt to life without her, and then gradually forgot.It's just that he didn't expect that one day, that girl would reappear in front of him in such a way, which caught him off guard.

At the end of the dream, Zhenzhen appeared on the edge of the cliff with her.

Zhenzhen was still crying, but she kept looking at herself with a smile.

He could only save one person, and he saved Zhenzhen without hesitation.

But he fell into the cliff with her.

(End of this chapter)

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