Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Years
In the afternoon of March, the warm sunlight fell on Su Xiaomu's body through the gaps in the dense branches and leaves, and the spots of light warmed her fair cheeks to be rosier than when she was just admitted to the hospital.

She was wearing a houndstooth long coat and sitting on a bench in the garden of the hospital. She was fascinated by a few children playing on the lawn not far away. They looked about the same age as Xiao Yao. Enjoy the innocent and happy childhood age.

But Xiaoyao was different, even if she tried her best, she still couldn't take the place of a father, and he even took care of herself in turn.

He called from school in the morning, first told her briefly about what happened at school these days, then asked her worriedly if she had any symptoms, and told her to remember to carry the spray with her and not to go to crowded places , to eat and take medicine on time, how can this be said by a nine-year-old child?
Her son was so precocious that she felt distressed. On the day she woke up in the hospital, she thought, if one day she was gone, what would she do if her son was alone?She suddenly felt a little sad, because she selfishly let him grow up in an environment without father's love.

"Snap", like the sound of something falling on the ground, Su Xiaomu looked down subconsciously - it was a financial magazine, her eyelashes trembled slightly, she couldn't help but bent down to pick it up, and put it on the long hair behind her. The hair draws a beautiful arc with the movement.

The style of the magazine is simple and neat. The cover character is a close-up photo of a tall and straight man. His profile is handsome and deep, his expression is his usual indifference and indifference. The bewitching black body gives people a sense of mystery that cannot be ignored.She knew very early on that he was like a bottomless vortex, once he sank into it, he would be unable to extricate himself for the rest of his life.

Teacher Fang's pottery class ended for no reason at that time, and it has been half a year since I saw him again.

It was very late that day, and there was heavy fog at night. Although the brakes were timely, the dazzling Aston Martin still scared her to the ground after finishing her tutoring.She didn't react for a while, she sat for a while before she came back to her senses, packed up the materials and books scattered around her and put them under her armpits, and tried to stand up with one hand, but she couldn't do it after trying several times. My ankle hurts like hell and I can't even push.

Soon someone helped her up: "Are you okay?"

As if smelling the familiar yet unfamiliar smell of cologne, she looked up, her eyes burning with astonishment, is it him?

The outline of his side face under the dizzy yellow streetlight was very clear. She tried her best to restrain her emotions, and said with a forced smile: "It's okay, I'm fine." I guess he has no impression of her, this is her second time Being in such close contact with him, his breath made her heart skip a few beats.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and took a step back to keep a distance from her. She lost her support, and the weight of her body aggravated the pain in her ankle, making her whole body crumbling.As expected, he hooked his lips: "I'll take you to the hospital." The young voice was unusually calm, accompanied by the faint smell of red wine, it was extremely charming.

She smiled shyly: "It's not serious enough to go to the hospital, maybe it's twisted, I just go back and rub some medicinal wine myself."

He didn't answer, he went to open the car door, his eyes turned from her feet and back to her face: "Get in the car." Those eyes were unfathomable, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking, but there was a kind of The power over people makes people only obey what they want.

Under his staring eyes, she could only get in the car obediently. The sports car with excellent performance was speeding in the foggy night. It was too quiet in the car, and she was a little uneasy, so she couldn't help observing him quietly from the rear-view mirror. His thick black hair was well-styled, his nose was high and straight, his shirt collar was slightly open, and he was wearing a double-breasted black suit. He was as elegant a gentleman as if he had just come out of a certain banquet.

He seemed to be aware of her scrutiny, and turned his head slightly to one side in her direction. She immediately turned her face out of the car window, silently counting the street lights one after another, curling the corners of her mouth helplessly, secretly laughing at herself as an idiot.

And he never said a word.

They arrived at the hospital very quickly, there was no need to register or wait for a doctor, and there was a chief orthopedic doctor seeing her at such a late hour. She couldn't help but think of the rumors among the students in the pottery class that he had a deep background.

The doctor preliminarily judged that it was a sprained tendon and bone, but to be on the safe side, he suggested that she take a film, and finally confirmed that the bone was not injured.

When she came out, she saw him standing in front of the window sill in the corridor of the department thinking, his tall and slender back matched the cold moonlight, she didn't interrupt his thoughts, and stood for a while leaning on the door frame.

He didn't come back to his senses until the phone rang. Seeing her standing firmly in front of him, surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up and raised his hand to answer the phone: "Huh? We're here? You go directly to the third floor .” After hanging up the phone, he said to her, “My assistant will be here soon, and he will take you home.”

She nodded: "Okay, thank you." Then she tried her best to ignore the inexplicable loss in her heart.

"Mr. Jing." His assistant, Wang Hao, hurried over, and his forehead was sweating in the winter.

He said calmly, "You take care of the rest." When he passed her, he paused, his eyes fell on her satchel, and he asked her slightly hesitantly, "You also learn pottery?"

"Well, I've learned a little bit." Su Xiaomu looked calm on his face, but there was a little excitement in his heart, thinking that he remembered himself.

"The pendant is very special." After saying this, he left first.

She clenched her fist slightly, her cold fingers curled stiffly. The ceramic pendant was given to her by Teacher Fang as a souvenir when the class was over. Later, she realized that it was the work of Teacher Fang's daughter.

With the boss' password, the assistant Wang Hao insisted on taking her home, and politely handed her a business card, saying that if there was any problem, she could call him to solve it.

She never made that call.

Later, when her asthma relapsed and she went to the hospital again, she accidentally saw his car parked at the gate of the inpatient department. Che, I don't know what the girl said to him, he nodded slightly, with a faint smile on his face.

She lost her mind for a moment. It turned out that such an indifferent person would smile so softly, and even the coldest day would be warmed by it.

"Thank you for your help." The silver bell-like voice made Su Xiaomu instantly withdraw from her memory, but the sudden burst of sprouting was still lingering in her heart.

"You're welcome." She handed the magazine over, only to realize that the girl in front of her was sitting in a wheelchair, missing a leg, and her left trouser leg was empty.

With a quiet smile on her face, she politely thanked her after taking the magazine.

Not long after, a tall boy came running from the lawn behind, sweating thinly on his forehead, and complained with a frown: "Why are you running around again? It's really easy for me to find." His expression was very disapproving, and the words contained But extremely gentle.

"Staying in the ward is suffocating to death. If you don't come to accompany me, can't I come out to get some air? That's right, look, this man is so handsome." The girl pointed at the magazine on her lap The cover said with a smile.

Pushing the wheelchair, the boy yelled unconvinced: "Hmph, am I as handsome as you?"

"'s no wonder! She's so stylish!" The girl stuck out her tongue mischievously.

Their voices became farther and farther away, but the warm back kept Su Xiaomu's sight locked.The most rare thing in this world is that no matter what happens, people who love each other can stay together until the end of the world, and they can meet each other in the vast sea of ​​people, how lucky they are.

Su Xiaomu stayed in the hospital for more than a week before being discharged. On the day she was discharged from the hospital, Ling Zi strangely asked for leave to pick her up.

Ling Ziqi helped her complete the formalities. When she opened the door and came in, she was packing the last things. He saw her stuffing a magazine into her luggage.

When Su Xiaomu turned his head, he had returned to his usual idle expression, leaning against the door, hooking his finger on the car key and teasing: "A 24-year-old friend like me is so busy, how can you repay him? Miss Su? "

Su Xiaomu raised her chin slightly, looked directly at him with bright eyes, and said generously: "Then how do you want me to repay you? Just open your mouth."

"How about a promise with your body?" Ling Ziqi looked at her with a smile.

Su Xiaomu looked away calmly, walked over with his luggage bag and held his hand intimately, and smiled at Yan Yan: "Don't tell me, how wronged you are to accept an old mistress, I still invite you to dinner Let's eat, don't you like to eat French food? I know there is a restaurant that tastes very good..."

"You want to eat it yourself, don't say it so grandiosely." Ling Ziqi took her luggage angrily and amusedly, and let her drag him to the door. Everyone cleared a circle, and he couldn't help but squeeze back hard.

Su Xiaomu was startled, and lowered his head, despising himself for pretending to be ignorant.

Not long after I left the hospital, I encountered a traffic jam.

After chatting with Ling Ziqi for a while, Su Xiaomu couldn't help but turn on the music radio station. The DJ's magnetic and dull bass dispelled the boredom of waiting. The car didn't even move, and the show had come to an end. It was a slightly sad love song.

Accompanied by the music, the host slowly read the conclusion: "Xu Zhimo said that a person should forget himself for someone at least once in his life, not asking for results, not asking for peers, not asking for what he once had, or even I don't ask you to love me, I just ask to meet you in my most beautiful years..."

(End of this chapter)

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