Chapter 31
Chapter 28 Heart disease
in the hotel.

When the door was pushed open a little, Jing Yan hesitated in his footsteps, he was silent and silent, and finally walked in.

Not long after the day was bright, the beige tassel floor-to-ceiling curtains were half-opened, letting in the morning light. On the double bed, Qin Zhen fell asleep on her side with a soft pillow in her arms. Wang Hao asked someone to remove her make-up and change her clothes. At that time, she looked very fragile and pale, with tears on her palm-sized face.He didn't expect that when he saw her a few years later, he would turn into this embarrassing appearance.


Jing Yan's eyes froze, remembering the last time they met in Los Angeles, she said to him: "Brother Jing Yan, you really don't have to worry about me, he treats me very well and loves me very much, I am very happy, and I don't want to He misunderstood us, in the future, let's meet less." And he has always been proud, and he will not do more stupid things to pester, since she said she is very happy, then he will let go completely, and then really treat her affairs from now on Don't ask.

But, is this the so-called "happiness" in her mouth?
Hearing the sound of walking outside, he looked at the time, and before he knew it, it was almost nine o'clock.He asked Wang Hao to make an appointment with Dr. Lu, believing that his expertise could explain something to him.

Nine thirty.

On the table was the information about Qin Zhen that Wang Hao had checked overnight, and Jing Yan never let go of his clenched hand, but listened carefully to Dr. Even the sunlight in the room couldn't warm him up.

"You mean, her abnormal behavior is a sign of mental illness?" Jing Yan was startled after asking.

Dr. Lu's answer was very conservative: "Psychopathy is just a very general term. Ms. Qin and I have only had a preliminary contact, so we can't jump to conclusions. Now, according to the data and performance characteristics, she seems to have received a certain amount of mental stimulation or emotion. Frustration, or living under certain pressure for a long time, the possibility of suffering from hysteria, mania or depression is very high. In my judgment, Ms. Qin's previous personality should not be so hysterical?" He used a lot An "or" to indicate the uncertainty and necessary rigor in medicine.

Jing Yan nodded, and buckled her curved knuckles on the table a few times, as if she was thinking, the former Zhenzhen would not be like this. She was very cheerful and confident since she was a child, and she seldom even cried. I got up and said with a smile, I am very brave, I am not afraid of pain, and I treat people with kindness and enthusiasm.

"Stimuli such as conflicts in life, work, or marriage may be the triggers. The general symptoms include extreme paranoia, mania, hysteria, etc., or the complete opposite inferiority complex, suspicious, shy, and dependent. I can't generalize them. You can't simply substitute it into Ms. Qin's situation, but you have to be mentally prepared for it." Dr. Lu continued.

Now Jing Yan's brows were tightened, and his voice was very deep: "If the diagnosis is confirmed, how should it be treated?"

Dr. Lu took a sip of tea before explaining: "Different patients have different treatments for different conditions, nothing more than drug therapy, physical therapy and psychological therapy, depending on the patient's applicable conditions, like Ms. Qin's The situation should not be serious, but in order to avoid getting worse, I suggest to do a follow-up evaluation first, and then make the next step."

"I see." Jing Yan eased his expression slightly, and said after thinking about it, "I need to get in touch with her family first before making any plans. Thank you for your hard work this time."

Dr. Lu smiled: "You're welcome, I'm worried that I won't have a chance to thank you for your donation to improve our research equipment."

The corners of Jing Yan's mouth curled slightly, and he stood up to shake hands with him: "You are the one who is being polite, but you are just trying your best."

After seeing off Dr. Lu, Wang Hao knocked on the door and walked into the reception room. He saw Jing Yan standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back. Without any words or actions, he was so cold that he seemed to be the king of his own country and looked down on the world. After following him for so long, I still can't get used to his loneliness.

Holding the magazine in his hand, Wang Hao took a step forward without hesitation and said, "Boss, this is a magazine that has just been arranged. Please take a look at it." The exclusive report was also short and concise. Simply put, it was announcing that he was married without any photos or embellishments.

Jing Yan only remembered this after taking the magazine, and was stunned for a moment. How can I say that he should be by Xiaomu's side today, but...he glanced through it, threw the book aside irritably, waved his hand and said: "Just make sure you check it out. Don't let the reporters write random posts. You know my habits. Also, remember to arrange for someone to pick you up at night and come directly to the hotel."

"Yes." Wang Hao nodded. He has always been smart, so he naturally understood that the boss meant not to let the media pay too much attention to Su Xiaomu, Xiao Yao, and... this Miss Qin who suddenly appeared.

After Su Xiaomu sent her son to school, she came back and sat in the living room, staring at the phone all morning. Just when she was about to be disappointed, the phone finally rang. She turned down the volume of the TV and answered carefully: " Hey?"

A very soft and gentle voice was transmitted along the electric current to Jing Yan. He pursed his lips and said, "It's me, have you had breakfast yet?"

Su Xiaomu looked at the wall clock subconsciously. It turned out that it was already eleven o'clock. She didn't feel hungry at all, but she still said: "My Mr. Jing, what time is it now? Of course I have eaten, you think I will wait for you what?"

"Are you angry? I promised to accompany you today, but now it looks like I'm going to renege on my promise." Jing Yan's voice was deep, full of apology.

That day he asked her if she had any gift she wanted, and she said no, just a small wish. He didn't work on the second day of the wedding banquet and gave her the time of the day.

Thinking of the arrangement she had planned for a long time, Su Xiaomu smiled wryly, and tried to keep her tone relaxed: "I'm not angry, you have serious things to do, just make up for it later. By the way, will you come back for dinner tonight?" ? I just learned a new dish on the food channel, and I will make it for you to try."

In fact, she was in no mood to learn to cook new dishes, she didn't even know what was broadcast on TV, she was just looking for an excuse to test his whereabouts.

There was a long silence over there, before I heard him say to himself: "Her mother is going to Beijing tonight, and I guess I won't be able to come back until very late."

"Then you're out of luck, I'll live a two-person world with my son." She laughed, crumpled up the note with the itinerary carefully written on it, and threw it in the direction of the trash can, "Okay, go get busy Come on, if you need my help with anything."

She didn't say anything more, and hung up the phone in a hurry.Since last night, she has been telling herself to understand him every second, but why does the word "understand" seem to weigh a thousand pounds?Was she too insecure, or did he not give her enough sense of security?
Jing Yan listened to the busy tone of "beep" in his ear, and his eyes were so deep that it seemed that there was an invisible sea, making it hard to see clearly.

Until a soft call: "Brother Jing Yan?"

His thoughts were quickly interrupted.

He turned his head back naturally, Qin Zhen loosened his hair, leaned against the door with bare feet and looked at him, with sleepy eyes still in his eyes, as if he didn't know where he was now.

"Zhenzhen." He stood up with gentle eyes.

Encouraged by his eyes, Qin Zhen walked up to him subconsciously.

Jing Yan opened his mouth, only to realize that he hadn't seen her for many years, and under such circumstances, he didn't know what to say to her at all. After talking with Dr. Lu, he knew that he should be cautious when speaking to her, so as not to irritate her.So he paused for a long time before asking her in a more acceptable way: "Zhenzhen, why did you return to China so suddenly? And... do you know your situation?"

Hearing this, Qin Zhen's face, which was not rosy, turned even paler. He bit his lip and said, "I don't know, I can't control myself at all. Brother Jing Yan, I'm seriously ill here, right?" She said Compare the position of your heart.

What she said made Jing Yan heave a sigh of relief. It would be really bad if she didn't realize what was wrong with her at all.

He patted her on the shoulder to comfort her: "Don't scare yourself, I will help you hire the best doctor, and nothing will happen."

"It's useless. No matter how capable the doctor is, he can't let me go back to the past." Qin Zhen suddenly fell powerlessly and sat on the sofa, nana said: "Ayu is remarried, and even you are married, so I am the only one left. one person."

She buried herself in her knees and wept bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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