regardless of costs

Chapter 53 Color Blindness

Chapter 53 Color Blindness (2)
Chapter 44 Color Blindness (2)
Su Xiaomu shook his head and sighed: "It's too late, Jing Yan, don't you understand? It's too late, if you told me that before, I'm afraid I'd be ecstatic, but now I just think it's a godsend It’s a big joke, your step and mine are always inconsistent, they are so completely out of step.” Before Jing Yan could speak, she brought up the old story again, “I still say the same thing, let’s separate.”

Jing Yan pursed her lips and said, "You also know that I won't agree."

"Jing Yan, don't force me!" Su Xiaomu looked at him with wide eyes and shouted hoarsely.

"You're tired, lie down and rest for a while, I'll get someone to bring you something to eat, or millet porridge, right?" Jing Yan walked out of the door without listening to her answer, in fact, only he himself knew, he He ran away in despair, just because he was afraid that if he heard any words of separation from her again, it would scratch his heart violently.

As soon as Jing Yan came out, he received a call from Wang Hao, and he went to the balcony on the side of the corridor to answer it.

"Boss, we have communicated with the media and agreed to invest more in advertising. The paper media should be able to suppress it for the time being." Wang Hao paused.

"Temporary?" Jing Yan frowned, and said coldly, "I don't want it temporarily, I want to completely eliminate the impact of this matter, and you guys should come up with a plan immediately."

Wang Hao hesitated for a moment: "The not impossible. We can disclose the good news of the Charity Charity Fund you planned earlier to the media in advance..."

It was a foundation established by Jing Yan in the name of Su Xiaomu a month ago. He took 10% of the profits from Jing's shares held by him every year for the operation of the foundation. This foundation aims to help poor single mothers and For asthmatic patients, it is still in the preparation stage.In fact, every businessman will more or less do some charity to promote his positive image, but a well-directed charity like Jingyan is quite different.According to Wang Hao's guess, his boss originally wanted to wait until the foundation was ready to tell Su Xiaomu and give her a surprise.Because the opening meeting was scheduled for Su Xiaomu's birthday, this matter has not been announced except for the company's top management.

Jing Yan didn't think about it for long, and quickly ordered: "Then it's decided."

"I understand. As for the Internet, because of the massive amount of information, ordinary netizens just pursue novelty, and they will gradually forget when more and bigger news appear. After all, you are not public figures. And we also intend to control the spread of news. , so the matter should subside soon." At first, they were only panicked because this matter involved the boss's personal affairs, and when they calmed down, they found that it was not very different from dealing with previous crises, only the target was different. , so this time we need to be more careful and meticulous.

"You told Chen Rui that if it is handled well this time, the public relations department will give a bonus at the end of the year."

Wang Hao smiled wryly on the phone. The dividends are not so easy to get. If it is not handled well, he will not even be able to keep his job. The person has been found, it should be..." He didn't dare to say the name.

"Qin Zhen?" Jing Yan answered for him, "Go on."

Although Wang Hao was a little surprised by the boss's tone, he was really relieved, and said in a nutshell: "The technical department found a place based on the IP address of the person who posted the photo. It is the hometown of the reporter who posted the photo last time. As far as we know, he The stock market was down and I owed a lot of debts. I haven’t found a job since I went back to my hometown, but recently I paid off the debts all at once. We used some methods and found out that he quietly returned to Beijing two weeks ago, and the place where he stayed was Miss Qin In the hotel where they are, a waiter confirmed that they have met before. How do to deal with it?"

Jing Yan clenched his fists and sneered: "He wants to use this kind of shameful thing to slander his reputation to turn over? If you think lightly, then repay him in his own way, and I will teach you how to do it? As for the United States , I have my own plan."

He hung up the phone, and the nanny aunt also brought millet porridge and some appetizers. He sent the aunt away and took it to the ward himself.

The bursts of laughter from inside stopped him. He folded his fingers and held the handle of the incubator, and looked in through the small window at the door. Xiao Mu sat upright leaning on the pillow, with a faint smile on his face. It's not like the numbness and indifference when facing him just now.

Xiao Yao stood by the bed, holding a bowl in one hand, and blowing on a spoon filled with porridge in the other hand, and then brought it to Su Xiaomu, pretending to be a little adult and saying "ah".Seeing his son's well-behaved appearance, Su Xiaomu's smile deepened, and he obediently opened his mouth to take a bite.Xiao Yao nimbly fed another mouthful. Even though Su Xiaomu had no appetite, she couldn't bear to refuse her son's kindness.

It was still Ling Ziqi who was careful, patted Xiao Yao's head and said, "Okay, your mother just woke up, so she can't eat that much."

"Mom?" Xiao Yao bit her lip after hearing this, the way she wanted to cry or not really made her heart ache.

Su Xiaomu tried her best to smile: "I'm much better now, I'm not as weak as you think, I'll be fine in two days."

Xiaoyao's eyes were red, she took off her shoes, climbed onto the bed and hugged her: "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely protect you in the future!"

"Okay! I'm waiting!" Su Xiaomu choked up her throat and couldn't help but kissed him on the forehead.

Ling Ziqi pulled Xiaoyao and said to Su Xiaomu: "You should rest, we will come to see you later."

"Well, don't worry, I'm fine." Su Xiaomu replied simply.

Their harmonious appearance directly hurt Jing Yan's heart.

When Ling Ziqi pulled Xiao Yao out, he didn't expect to meet Jing Yan, and he was stunned for a while.Jing Yan nodded to him, and thanked him in a detached tone: "Thank you for taking care of Xiaomu, you still have work, Xiaoyao should go back with me."

He stretched out his hand and wanted to pull Xiaoyao to his side, but Xiaoyao shrank behind Ling Ziqi and stuck out half of his head: "I won't go back with you, mom said, I can stay with Uncle Ling for two days."

"Xiao Yao!" Jing Yan lowered his face in displeasure, and his voice was low and scary.

"What's so fierce? You're not here every time something happens to Mom, and you always make her feel uncomfortable. I hate you..." Xiao Yao whispered dissatisfied.

"How do you talk?" Ling Ziqi knocked him on the head, then raised his eyes to look at Jing Yan, and said seriously: "I've been resting for the past two days, so let him follow me first, the child has a temper, and after a few days, he will lose his temper." All right."

Jing Yan looked back at him, his eyes were very complicated, whether it was appreciation, jealousy or something else, he couldn't figure it out, he glanced at his son again, and finally compromised: "Then I will trouble you." Then he said to Xiaoyao, "Be sensible, you know?"

Xiao Yao remained silent for a while, with a stern face, until Ling Ziqi pulled him, as if his father's role had been reversed, and he reluctantly said, "I see."

Jing Yan, who was familiar with their interaction, naturally looked into his eyes, a look of sadness slipped through his eyes, he just stiffened his back, and didn't say anything more.

Jing Yan returned to the company and dealt with some urgent issues. He held a video conference with Mr. Smith in the United States due to jet lag, and finalized the details of further cooperation. It was already midnight when he rushed to the hospital, and he could not remember the last time he rested. what time is it.

He suddenly remembered what Su Xiaomu said to him a long time ago: "I don't even know why you keep yourself so busy. Compared with most people, your money is more than enough. If you have time, why don't you do something for yourself?" Interesting thing..."

"Business is what I'm interested in..." he had answered her then.

She snorted dissatisfiedly: "Is there nothing more attractive than work in your heart?"

Thinking about it now, she was actually blaming herself for not spending more time with her and her son, right?He will change it later.

It's just that before he approached the ward, he heard a bang sound from a distance, his eyebrows frowned, and his footsteps quickened. He turned the doorknob and looked inside. The chill is blocked outside the door.

Su Xiaomu also froze all of a sudden, her fingers were still stained with the ointment for removing blood stasis, the bottle of ointment fell to the ground, and half of her open hospital gown was taken off, revealing most of her back, with deep and shallow bruises on the white It is especially obvious on the skin, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as shocking.

Before she could react, he had already walked behind her. She was startled, and hurriedly tried to pull back her clothes to cover up her embarrassment, but he blocked her hand: "I'll help you apply the medicine."

It was very difficult for Su Xiaomu to say: "I... No, just ask the nurse to wipe it for me."

"Xiao Mu, we are husband and wife." Jing Yan reminded dissatisfiedly.

They have done all the intimate things, how could they become like this?

Su Xiaomu stopped talking, and let him take off her clothes, pick up the bottle again and apply the medicine for her.With her back facing him, the heating was turned on in the room, she didn't feel cold, but when his fingertips slid towards those bruises, she still trembled involuntarily.

He stopped his movements and asked softly, "Is it still painful? I'll take it lightly."

Su Xiaomu shook her head, bit her lip and felt him rubbing those scars round and round. The cold ointment was surprisingly hot under his touch. Apart from the pain, it was also a little itchy. She felt her face was also a little hot, so she couldn't help but say : "Okay, it's almost there."

Suddenly, he hugged her tightly from behind, so tight that there was no gap between them, she could even feel his heartbeat, she struggled hard, but did not break free.He just buried her neck, his burning breath lingered in her ears, and begged softly: "Don't move, just let me hold you for a while, just for a while..."

Since the Cold War, how long has it been since he hugged her?She always rejects people thousands of miles away, he can't find a way to get close to her, and what he thinks is right is wrong in front of her, so they can only miss it again and again.

Now her attitude of no sadness or joy makes him not know what to do. He would rather she scold him and beat him, or complain or act like a baby, or cry or laugh, instead of a numb and indifferent expression. He was always careful to suppress his emotions, not even as casual as he was with Ling Ziqi.

He doesn't want her to love him so humblely, they should be equal.

But even though he has the ability to travel across the world, he feels deeply powerless at this moment.

He admitted that he was jealous of Ling Ziqi, and he was going crazy with jealousy.

"Xiaomu, let's start over." This time he will learn how to love her and be a good husband.

It's a pity that the determined Su Xiaomu didn't intend to give him another chance, so he stiffened and replied decisively: "No."

Jing Yanban turned her face to him, stared at her and asked, "Why?"

Su Xiaomu couldn't help stretching out her hand, and traced his clear outline with her fingers, with a deep reluctance in her expression, but in the next second, she pushed him away mercilessly, and closed her skirt: "Jing Yan, the past ten years Years ago, I was like a color-blind patient, stubbornly thinking that what I saw was the only color in the world. Now God has given me a chance to cure this disease. I really want to try it and see a difference I want to see a brand new self, do you understand? I really want to start over, but not with you."

(End of this chapter)

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