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Chapter 301 Ringing the Death Knell of Seiler Civilization

Chapter 301 Ringing the Death Knell of Seiler Civilization

"Great victory! The Empire's 1st Medium Fleet wiped out the Sailor civilization pursuit fleet!"

"The cruel Sailor civilization has been sounded by the empire!"

"Prince Steele was captured alive!"

"The Seiler civilization must pay with blood!"

"Launch an all-out attack on Sailor civilization!"

"The Empire must be the guardian of peace in the galaxy!"


Countless new media news, in the most traditional paper media, the most fashionable virtual world simulated live broadcast, the most popular street 3D projection advertisements and other forms, spread the news of the war between the empire and the Sailor civilization to all corners of the empire.

The video of humans on Earth as living subjects aroused the hatred of all the citizens of the Fengshen Empire, and the bloody scenes filled the citizens of the Fengshen Empire with righteous indignation.

When the public's anger accumulated to a certain level, the news of the victory of the Empire's 1st Medium Fleet in the first battle was sent back, which immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the citizens.

At this time, Li Chunfeng delivered a national speech, declaring war on the Sailor civilization, with the ultimate goal of destroying the Sailor civilization.

The empire has entered into a state of war in an all-round way, and the Fengshen Empire, which has developed rapidly for 50 years, immediately began to operate a huge war machine.

With the interrogation of the captives of the Seiler civilization, a large amount of information about the interior of the Seiler civilization has continuously entered the database of the empire.

Li Chunfeng was listening to the report from Zhuang Yun of the General Staff.

"Before the Sailor civilization entered the fifth-level civilization, its development was very balanced and fast, but after entering the fifth-level civilization, it came to a standstill for some reason. It stands to reason that the Sailor people are smarter, and it shouldn't be like this.

However, neither the research on elementary particles nor the research on space technology has made any progress.

Their kings convened a corresponding meeting to discuss this, thinking that there was some problem with their brains, so they started research on brain technology.

This is the beginning of their cruel in vivo experiments on intelligent creatures. This kind of experiment and research has allowed them to obtain corresponding scientific and technological progress.

Exactly 30 years ago, after they obtained the space jumping device from the remains of high-level civilization, they also made a little progress in space technology.

As a result, Sailor civilization entered the middle stage of the fifth-level civilization in one fell swoop. "

Hearing this, Zhang Wenhao couldn't help interjecting and asked, "How did they encounter humans on Earth?"

Zhuang Yun said: "Fortunately, the flagship of the fleet was captured this time, among them, Prince Steele and Irene Wise Men, both of whom have relatively high status in Seiler civilization, so they know many secrets.

With the help of the police department's experts in seducing confessions, we have obtained information on the core situation of Seiler's civilization.

Twenty-eight years ago, their exploration fleet discovered humans on Earth in a galaxy 28 light-years away from their parent galaxy.

According to our neutron star positioning system, that galaxy is 700 light-years away from the solar system and belongs to the galaxy in the direction of Aquarius.

Based on this calculation, these humans on Earth most likely came from Europa's fleet, because when they evacuated, Europa's fleet chose the direction of Aquarius, because the Gliese galaxy is there, and they pinned their hopes on the previously observed Gliese galaxy. Planets are suitable for human survival.

Just, how could Europa's fleet appear 700 light-years away?The stargate technology we gave them should not be able to travel such a long distance. "

Zhang Wenhao shook his head at this time and said: "Old Zhuang, you forget that we were more than 1000 light-years away from the solar system, and there was no technology that could reach it.

So in the universe, any strange things may happen. Maybe Europa's fleet opened the stargate later, and then there was an accident, and it went to a place 700 light-years away. "

Li Chunfeng also agreed: "There is such a possibility. Judging from the space theory we are currently studying, space forces often have some phenomena similar to tides. If you happen to encounter this tide during space travel, it is very likely Unpredictable results will occur.

In the case of good luck, it appears in a very distant place; in the case of bad luck, it disappears in the turbulent flow of space.

Do you guys still remember?The "Huo Qubing" exploration fleet we once sent, as well as the 003rd intelligent fleet, all disappeared without a trace after the space transition, so it is possible that they encountered this kind of space tide. "

Zhuang Yun nodded and continued: "The Seiler Civilization did not capture all of the Europa Fleet. During the battle, the Europa Fleet opened the star gate, and more than half of the warships escaped through the star gate.

The rest of the warships fought desperately to block, and finally managed to close the star gate and destroy the star gate device, so where that part of the fleet is going now, I don't know.

There are more than 2000 million human beings on the earth that the Seiler civilization finally captured. After 28 years, it is not known how many people survived.

Prince Steele can have this memory because the commander of the exploration fleet was his good friend Solda. He showed him the video at that time and regretted not blocking this group of people, not only were they escaped Most of them also destroyed the stargate facilities, resulting in the inability to obtain stargate technology. "

A stern look appeared in Li Chunfeng's eyes, and he said, "This Solda must be listed as an important war criminal, and he should be captured alive as much as possible.

In addition, we also strive to obtain the information and materials of all the Sailors who participated in this operation, and they must be regarded as war criminals.There are also those researchers who conduct experiments, and none of them can be let go. "

"Yes, I think these people can also have a taste of being experimental products. This should be the biggest punishment they deserve." Zhang Wenhao said from the side.

"Okay, let me report to the two of you about the location and strength of the Seiler civilization. The Seiler galaxy, the parent galaxy of the Seiler civilization, is 121 light-years away from the S1000 galaxy, and 1300 light-years away from our Fengshen galaxy. It is probably located in Whale seat direction.

It should be the Octaquite galaxy marked by the era of the earth.The Celer civilization actually controls a spherical star field with a diameter of about 200 light-years, but its exploration range has been as far as 800 light-years away.

Its fleet has a total of more than 120 million warships, and the main force of the fleet is mainly lieutenant-class warships.If it is caught in a long-term battle, its production capacity can reach the level of an annual output of 30 lieutenant-class warships.

The deployment of its fleet is as follows: 10 warships are deployed within 40 light-years around the parent galaxy, and the remaining 10 warships are scattered and deployed from 200 light-years to 80 light-years.

Among them, the Bota galaxy, the Hesco galaxy, the Desia galaxy, the Ikrypton galaxy, the Lawson galaxy, and the Erti galaxy are the six important galaxies, and 10 warships are deployed respectively.The remaining 20 warships are deployed in numerous other systems.

However, the Seiler civilization has deployed 10 warships to station in the home galaxy of the Westminster civilization, apparently preparing to digest the life galaxy 300 light-years away from them, thus directly expanding the territory by 300 light-years.

The closest heavily populated galaxy to the home galaxy of the Westminster civilization is the Rosen Galaxy, 310 light-years away, and this Rosen Galaxy is 121 light-years away from our S800 galaxy. "

"It seems that the Seiler civilization is a giant. Facing such an interstellar civilization, has your general staff formulated an attack plan?" Li Chunfeng asked.

Zhang Wenhao smiled and said: "Wang Dingnan's annihilation battle this time was very beautiful, and he also saw that the Sailor civilization is not our opponent, so the easiest way is to go straight to Huanglong!"

"You're thinking a bit more simply, but it's still a plan. Let's listen to Zhuang Yun first." Li Chunfeng looked at Zhuang Yun.

Zhuang Yun asked Zhinao to project the star field map of the Sailor civilization, which had marked the deployment of the Sailor civilization's troops, and then said: "The head of state, after learning about the situation of the Sailor civilization, the General Staff has made a decision. There are two options.

The first one, similar to what Lao Zhang just proposed, is also a plan to go straight to Huanglong.The main force of the fleet used the space gate to launch a sudden attack on its parent galaxy. In the process of taking down its parent galaxy in one fell swoop, it wiped out 40 warships in its defenders, and at the same time sent reinforcements to the enemy fleet returning for reinforcements.

The advantage of this plan is that if you capture the thief first, you can capture the king first, and you can wipe out the heads of the Seiler civilization.The downside is that once the other galaxies of the Seiler civilization know that they cannot resist, they will flee, and it will be more difficult for us to hunt them down.

The second is to use multi-point simultaneous attacks to destroy the defense forces of eight important galaxies in one fell swoop, take down these eight important cities including the capital galaxy, and divide the remaining galaxies to capture them.

The good thing is that Seiler civilization will not have any major resistance forces.The disadvantage is that some remnants of Sailor's civilization will still be lost.

In short, it is difficult to completely wipe out its civilization in interstellar warfare. "

"Oh, the Sailor civilization's attack on the Westminster civilization completed the annihilation battle in just 2 years. Although a fleet escaped, it was because they wanted the mysterious high-level civilization creations that the Westminster civilization treasured. Why can't we be clean and tidy? destroy them?" Zhang Wenhao asked a little strangely.

Zhuang Yun explained: "The Seiler civilization was able to wipe out the Westminster civilization, mainly because of the extinction tactics they adopted, that is, using the strongest means to directly carry out various destructive strikes.

Unless the people of Westminster surrender themselves, the Seiler civilization will use the ultimate weapon quantum ripple shells to completely destroy any resistance force including the planet.

Both of our plans are ways to ensure that the galaxy will not be severely damaged. The most important point is that we still don't know whether there are still humans on Earth and where they are imprisoned.That's why we played more carefully. "

Li Chunfeng agreed: "That's right, the safety of the human beings on Earth is what we have to consider. After all, the Sailors captured more than 2000 million Earth's population. Apart from being used for live experiments, there should be some survivors.

Just judging from the brutal way Seiler civilization treats other civilized races, it is very likely that they are doing hard work in remote mining galaxies.

Therefore, your two plans are not suitable for the time being. We need to complete the rescue mission of the earth humans first, and then eliminate the Seiler civilization.

You can start with the remote galaxies on the outskirts first, adopt the infiltration combat mode, and try to find the surviving humans on Earth first, and then rescue them.

Once the rescue mission is completed, we don't need to be polite when we face the Seiler civilization. We can use any means!There is only one goal, to wipe out Sailor civilization cleanly and thoroughly! "

"Understood, with the principles determined by the head of state, our general staff will come up with a new combat plan against the Seiler civilization in the shortest possible time." Zhuang Yun assured.

"Although we have an absolute advantage, we have to be careful. After all, Prince Steele and the others have left their home galaxy for 20 years, and a lot of information may be outdated.

During this period of time, it is not ruled out that the technology of Seiler civilization has made some major progress, thus creating weapons that threaten us.Therefore, when infiltrating the combat stage, it is just a good time to collect the latest information on the Seiler civilization.

In addition, Prince Steele and the others have previously sent some information about us back to the home planet. The Seiler civilization will definitely strengthen its vigilance, so the plan for infiltration operations must be meticulous, and we must prevent our army from falling into the enemy's trap and causing losses. "

Li Chunfeng once again asked Zhuang Yun to be cautious, not to treat the Sailor civilization as nothing just because they easily defeated the Sailor civilization's hunting fleet.

 Today's second update, thank you all new and old book friends for subscribing and rewarding!The suffering human beings on the earth are waiting for the rescue of your recommended tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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