live on the computer

Chapter 302 Rescue Across 1000 Light Years

Chapter 302 Rescue Across 1000 Light Years

"Kane, have you saved enough ore?"

"No, there's still 200 kilograms left. The gray men raised by these dogs... mothers... want us to hand over 10 tons of ore every day. Can't you give us better tools? Are you already enough?"

"Well, I've had enough. If there's more, I'll give it to you. If you don't go out, after a while, you won't be given food. That's going to be troublesome."

"Chen, thank you!"

"Oh, you're welcome, we are all fellow earthlings, and it's time to help each other at this time. Let's go."

The sound of the rumbling machine sounded, and a mine cart loaded with countless ores drove out of a mine hole and drove straight to the stockyard not far away, where a metal gate stood, behind the mine cart.

"Didi, a total of 10.1 tons." A synthesized voice came from the door.

At the gate, there are also some fully armed robots. These robots are not humanoid, they are all quadrupeds, about 1.5 meters in length, and nearly 2 meters in height. At least four laser cannons are installed on the torso above the quadrupeds. Regardless of the front and back, there are obvious camera devices on all sides to ensure that there are no dead spots.

In addition, the robot has six retractable tentacles, which are usually retracted in the torso. When something needs to be grabbed, it will be shot out instantly, and the longest can grab objects about 5 meters away from it.

Next to these robots, there are rows of open boxes, each containing food packages.

After each mine cart passed, the metal gate measured the amount of ore, and if it reached the standard, the robot would grab one or several servings of food from the box with its tentacles and hand it to the crowd waiting on the side.

Those who do not meet the standard will not be given food, and those who cannot get food will often collapse and faint, because without food, it means that they have no strength to carry out the next day's work.

In the end, there is almost no other way out except starvation.

Of course, this was before Chen came to this mine. After Chen came here, with his enthusiasm and hard work, he helped many people who failed to meet the standards and lost their food qualifications.

Prestige was built up little by little, Chen united everyone, helped each other, and no one was starved to death since then.

Chen Hua is of Chinese descent. When he first came here, he was discriminated against by some white people here, but soon his strong personal combat ability, as well as his enthusiasm and devotion to people won everyone's respect.

Chen Hua squinted his eyes, and while receiving the food, he observed the robots, and raised his eyes to look at the mine.

This is an ilmenite mine, and the Celer people drove some surviving earthlings here to work as miners, doing what robots did.

For the Sailors, these aliens have almost no role other than being experimental products, but the research of brain technology seems to be endless, so the Sailors did not kill all the captured races. It's like being raised in captivity.

It's just that it's not for nothing, but for these races to do something in exchange for basic survival supplies.

Not far from this mine is an extremely simple stone house that can shelter humans from wind and rain.

Humans on Earth are unfortunate and fortunate, because the living conditions of Sailors and Earth humans are basically the same, so where Sailors can breathe and live freely, so can Earth humans.

In this way, the human beings on Earth were placed on some planets transformed by the Sailors, instead of going to planets with worse conditions like other races.

On a planet under those conditions, because you have to wear a spacesuit to work, if you accidentally break the spacesuit, it may be fatal directly.

There was a plague in the mine where Chen Hua used to work, but he was extremely strong, or some kind of genetic mutation might have occurred. In short, he survived the plague and survived.Fortunately, it was not taken as an experiment, but was sent to this mine.

As the second generation of earth humans born in the Celeron star field, Chen Hua's parents and relatives have long been tortured to death by such miserable days.

Therefore, Chen Hua has a natural hatred for the Sailors, but he never shows it, because it doesn't make any sense.

Now that Chen Hua has established his prestige here, he organized people to use that crude mining tool to transform some melee weapons.

Chen Hua really wanted to resist, or wanted to escape, because a group of gray men came to this mine a week ago, and they took blood from all the earthlings in the mine, and then left .

Chen Hua felt threatened. In his memory, he remembered several times. After the gray man drew blood, people were taken away one after another and never came back.

The point is that the people who are taken away are all strong and strong, and unfortunately, I am such a person.

Chen Hua had observed a long time ago that there are 7233 Earth humans in the entire mine, and there are 1200 robot guards arranged by the Sailors, 500 of which are distributed in the mine, and 700 are patrolling the periphery of the mine.

This is all information obtained through self-made telescope observations. This mine is located in a desert, and there are no animals or plants in the surrounding hundreds of miles.

Therefore, if it wasn't for the blood draw incident, Chen Hua didn't plan to escape so early, because there was basically no food outside, and escaping would be death.

It's just that since it is possible to be used as an experimental product, it is better to die outside than to be tortured to death.

Chen Hua is going to finish his food, and after a short rest, he will start to move when he has the most strength. Among the 7233 people, there are also some old and weak ones. If they take a long time after eating food, these people may not be able to run away. How far away, there will be no physical strength.

Moreover, since the food is distributed once a day, this means that the food that people receive will still have surplus after eating a meal, which is a precious resource after escaping from birth.

The crowd was divided into several groups, and they quickly ate the food exchanged for their labor, wanting to quickly recover their exhausted physical strength.

The Sailors don't skimp on food. Basically, adults eat a little more than a catty of food. This is a kind of plant fruit that is similar to rice, but the grains are as big as eggs. It tastes very good.

As long as there are about 7 or so, it will be a pound after cooking.As for water, the Seilers provided drinking water and did not impose restrictions.

In fact, after the Celer people studied the human beings on earth, they added some elements necessary for human beings to the drinking water supplied to human beings, so that human beings would not be infected with certain diseases due to the lack of certain elements.

After all, these experimental species may make some breakthrough in brain technology at some point, and it is still necessary to maintain the approximate population size.

After Chen Hua finished his meal, he returned to the stone house where he lived, and quickly assembled the melee weapon that he had prepared long ago. This is a shovel-like weapon modified on the basis of a semi-automatic digging tool for digging ore. The sharp knife edge is enough to cause damage to the powerful armored body of the robot.

Chen Hua put the shovel on his back belt, covered it with his outer clothes, and then walked out of the stone house again. At this moment, other people had already hidden the modified weapons on their bodies, and approached the scattered robots in the mine in groups of several people. .

Just when Chen Hua and the others were about to launch an attack, the originally quiet robot suddenly moved and made a sound.

"Everyone put down their weapons immediately, and those who don't put down their weapons within five seconds will be wiped out!"

At this time, people are still more than ten meters away from these robots, and the robots are all on alert, and the laser muzzles on their bodies have all been aimed at the nearby crowd.

At the same time, their tentacles have also stretched out, ready to grab these approaching humans.

"One, two..." The robot's speaker was counting the time.

People looked at each other in despair. Obviously, the attempt to riot had been exposed. After surrendering at this time, I am afraid that there is no way out.

When the robot counted to four, Chen Hua roared angrily, skimmed a distance of about ten meters at an unbelievable speed, and the sharp spatula had already slashed at the connection between the robot's head and body like lightning.

With a bang, the robot's head was cut off by Chen Hua in an instant.

However, the headless robot still reacted quickly, firing laser cannons in four directions at the same time, four lasers flashed, hitting two people and two robots in an instant!
It turns out that there is only observation equipment on the head of the robot. Although the intelligent brain is not in the head, but in the body, without the observation system, the robot can only shoot blindly. Therefore, the laser that is fired instantly knocks the two robots next to it immediately. destroy.

There were also two lasers that hit the two earthlings rushing over, and the two fell to the ground instantly, and one of them may have been hit to the vitals and died.

The other person was moaning loudly, one of his left legs had already been cut off by the laser, the instant high temperature scorched his flesh and blood, but instead blocked the blood vessels, preventing him from bleeding to death.

At this time, countless people rushed towards the robot, and the robot immediately opened fire, and groups of people fell under the vertical and horizontal lasers.

In just one minute, Chen Hua had already destroyed another robot, and was anxiously dismantling the laser cannon on the robot to see if it could be used, but there was no corresponding energy connection, and the laser cannon was just a piece of scrap iron at the moment. heap.

Seeing so many people dying under the laser weapon, Chen Hua's eyes turned red. He dropped the useless laser cannon and rushed towards a robot wielding the shovel weapon.

At this time, people were not afraid. They knew that charging against the laser cannon meant death. However, this method of death may be more heroic than being an experimental product.

At least, this is their own choice, rather than being dissected and slaughtered by the Sailors as unintelligent creatures.

Before Chen Hua rushed to the robot, a black shadow passed by. Chen Hua felt a heavy blow to his body, flew out and fell to the ground, and was hit by the robot's tentacles.

Chen Hua felt like his whole body was falling apart, unable to get up anymore, looking up at the sky, at this moment, he was so small.

Suddenly, Chen Hua felt as if he saw a lot of black spots zooming in the air, the speed was very fast, and many huge black shadows had enveloped the mine in the blink of an eye.

Countless red energy bombs poured on the peripheral robots, and some thick lasers instantly and precisely hit the robots in the mine.

Chen Hua felt that time seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed that less than a few tens of seconds had passed.

His pupils have reflected dozens of disc-shaped aircraft, which are very huge.

"Oh my God! It's the flying saucer of the Fengshen Empire!" From a distance, an old voice sounded. Chen Hua vaguely remembered that it was the voice of old Messi.

"We're saved!" the old man Messi was still shouting.

Another huge shadow shrouded, and not long after, a voice rang in Chen Hua's ear, "Brother, are you okay?"

Then there seemed to be an instrument sweeping over it, and Chen Hua couldn't help being a little terrified. When the Sailors inspected humans, there was a similar process.

Before Chen Hua continued to think about it, the enthusiastic voice just now continued: "You are fine, but there are a few minor fractures, and they will recover soon."

Soon some humanoid robots quickly moved Chen Hua onto the stretcher, and quickly ran towards a huge landing ship.

Chen Hua struggled to raise his head, and saw a tall figure in a cool armor-style spacesuit running towards the other injured, and all the robots in the mine that had been rampant before had been destroyed.

At this moment, Chen Hua knew that he was really saved.

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(End of this chapter)

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