live on the computer

Chapter 304 Core Defense Line

Chapter 304 Core Defense Line
The Celer galaxy, the parent galaxy of the Celer civilization, is a galaxy with seven planets.Astronomers in the Earth era named it the Octaquite galaxy.

The Celer star is the third star in the galaxy. This is a large planet twice the size of the Earth, and the entire ocean covers two-thirds of the planet.

Seen from space, the entire planet emits a brilliant blue light of life, which is the light of life of carbon-based organisms.

The Seiler Kingdom has experienced 2 years of development. In the last 500 years, technology has developed rapidly as if it had an accelerator. It has rapidly entered space and grown into a fifth-level mid-term civilization.

There are 110 billion people living in the entire Celer planet, and it has always been the most prosperous and affluent planet of the Celer civilization.

The palace of the Sailor Kingdom has a long history. Although it has entered the middle stage of the fifth level, many parts of the palace still maintain the original appearance of history.

"Your Majesty, you have just received multiple warnings that multiple galaxies have been attacked by unknown attacks in the remote frontier areas of the empire, and the population has all disappeared!"

"What?! The population has disappeared? Hurry up, ring the alarm bell immediately, I want to hold a meeting of ministers!"



In the bell tower of the royal palace of the Sailor Kingdom, the bronze bell that has been passed down for thousands of years rang.

This is an ancient tradition of the Seiler Kingdom. When the country encounters an emergency, the warning bell will ring, and it will ring nineteen times in total.

After the warning bell rang, the royal officials, wise men, and great scientists of the kingdom, who were in the capital, would rush to the round table conference hall in the palace within half an hour to discuss how to deal with the emergency.

The last time such a meeting was held more than 60 years ago, King Snower convened these people. At that time, the theme of the meeting was to discuss how the kingdom should deal with the major event of the stagnation of technological development.

The round table conference hall is a 360-degree spherical hall, surrounded by a high platform in the center, forming a circle of stepped seats, and the speaker speaks on the central platform.

At this moment, King Snow was standing on the central high platform, looking around at the group of elders and ministers, the wise men of the kingdom, and great scientists in various fields who had already been seated. The fear in his heart before was gone.

With these people in the kingdom, why fear the unknown enemy?
For more than a hundred years, the kingdom's exploration fleet has spanned almost thousands of light-years, controlled the core territory with a diameter of 200 light-years, and captured a total of 9 intelligent races. Almost none of them can reach the fifth-level civilization. The strongest Westminster civilization is just one foot into it.

Today, it is also wiped out by the kingdom's fleet.Following the corpse of the Westminster civilization, the kingdom's long-stalled technological development has made great progress in the past 20 years.

Obviously, war has a catalytic effect on the development of science and technology, and if one becomes the victor of the war, the benefits obtained are countless.

Although the science and technology level of the Westminster civilization is not as good as that of the Kingdom, and it has not even fully stepped into the fifth-level civilization, but there are many technological fields that make up for the lack of the Kingdom.

Moreover, some common research fields also have different perspectives and ideas from scientists in the kingdom, which has brought many wonderful ideas to the scientists in the kingdom.

This still has not obtained the core database of Westminster civilization, otherwise the benefits will be even greater.

It is these benefits that have laid the foundation for the rapid development of the kingdom in the past 20 years. Of course, brain technology is still improving, which also helps the development of the kingdom.

Among other things, in the past 20 years, more than ten great scientists have been born in the kingdom. This number is almost equivalent to the sum of the kingdom's past hundred years.

Thinking of this, Snow became a little worried about the great scientist Gallup who was going to the remote Hero galaxy. The unknown enemy attacked all remote galaxies. I wonder if the escort fleet sent before has arrived?Can Gallop be protected?

While Snoll was worried, a voice sounded.

"His Majesty the King, what kind of event is it that calls us here today and needs to be discussed?"

Snoll glanced over and found that it was the leader of the kingdom's wise men, the great wise man Solfis.

Immediately replied: "Sorfis wise man, I gathered you again today because the kingdom is being invaded by an unknown enemy.

So far, 15 remote galaxies have been discovered to be attacked by unknown enemies, all the guards in the galaxies have been wiped out, and all the population has been taken away. "

King Snoll's words immediately stirred up thousands of waves, and the people in the round table conference hall started to discuss. Obviously, they couldn't believe that the incomparably powerful Seiler civilization had also been attacked on its core territory.

"Why can't the enemy be found?"

"This is simply a disgrace to Sailor's civilization!"

"We have always robbed others, but this time we were robbed by an unknown enemy?"

"If you want to bypass some galaxies without being discovered by our fleet, it seems that the enemy should have space technology, at least able to perform space jumps."

"Possess space technology? Will it be higher than the technological level of our Seiler civilization?"

"Probably not!" Amidst the discussion, the discussion among the scientists became more and more interesting, and Hammer, the leader of the scientists, also joined the discussion.

"We also have space jumping equipment, but it does not mean that we have mastered space technology, and our research in recent years has shown that if space technology can be developed to the middle stage, then its civilization level will be at least level six.

If a level [-] civilization wants to attack the Seiler civilization, it will not use this kind of sneak attack tactics at all. They can easily destroy us. "

At this time, when he said these words, everyone immediately felt at ease.

As long as it is not a sixth-level civilization, then the Seiler civilization dares to fight against it. If there is a chance to defeat it, it is likely that the Seiler civilization will win the opportunity to step into the sixth-level civilization.

"Yes, if the other party is a sixth-level civilization, how can it be so sneaky? And it is still attacking our remote galaxy."

"So, how do we find them? Or how do we prevent their attacks?"

"Well, the territory of our civilization is too vast, and it is impossible for the fleet to fortify everywhere."

"How can we complain that our territory is too large? The fleet can always conduct a minimum cruise, right? As long as the cruise is strengthened, no trace of the enemy can be found."

"It's not that simple. Now that the galaxies are far apart, how does the fleet cruise? With our space jump technology, it is difficult to jump 5 times in a row. Even if it is 5 times, the maximum is only 3 light-years each time, and 5 times is only 15 times." Light-years, and many of our galaxies are farther apart than that."

"Then combine space jumping with faster-than-light travel, wouldn't it be enough?"


Seeing that everyone was falling into discussions and quarrels again, King Snow couldn't help shaking his head. Just now he thought these people were trustworthy and could rely on them to meet the challenges of unknown enemies, but the noisy appearance now is simply It's like pouring cold water on your head.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

The wise man Solfis shouted softly, and seeing everyone gradually quiet down, he continued: "Everyone, I am here to discuss this matter today. If you have any ideas, please raise your hands and speak. Don't discuss it below. Now that the enemy is at hand, Please do your best for the country.

Now, please tell me, His Majesty the King, is there any further enemy information? "

King Snoll nodded slightly, agreed with Solfis's words, then pointed to a person in the front row, and said: "Prince Star Star represents the military, and will explain the situation of the unknown enemy in detail, and the general's preliminary Let’s talk about the plan and discuss it with everyone.”

The person standing in the front row was none other than the military general, Prince Star. He was 1.49 meters tall, with a rounder face and darker gray skin than most Sailors.His eyes were smaller, but had a very fierce twinkle in them.

Prince Stahl stepped up to the high platform quickly, facing everyone present, and said: "According to the information obtained by the military, the invaded galaxies discovered so far are all remote galaxies, and their locations are all over the kingdom.

Therefore, the first thing that can be confirmed is that the opponent has a certain space technology, and is more advanced than our space jump!

Among the 15 invaded galaxies, there were only two galaxies stationed by warships, and no more than 100 warships. These warships were completely wiped out, without any wreckage at all.

Therefore, the second thing that can be confirmed is that the other party has the quantum annihilation bomb technology.

Judging from the traces of the opponent's attack on the planet's surface, the opponent's land combat power is extremely powerful, and they should be intelligent robot soldiers.At the same time, the other party was very interested in the large computers on the planet, and all of them were dismantled by the other party, which obviously cracked our intellectual brain defense system.

Therefore, the third thing that can be confirmed is that the other party also dares to boldly apply computer intelligence, and its technology is more advanced than ours.

The above is what the military can infer and confirm based on the current situation.

In addition, we have previously received an emergency message from Prince Steele, mentioning that he was suddenly attacked by an unknown civilization fleet, and the other party also appeared suddenly by space jumping. Obviously, what he encountered was the enemy who attacked our galaxy this time.

It's a pity that Prince Steele didn't have time to send back the image information. Obviously, the time from the beginning to the end of the attack was too short, which shows the strength of the opponent's attack.

With the combat power of our fleet, it is very difficult to destroy a fleet of 3 warships in such a short period of time. Only by launching a large number of quantum annihilation shells regardless of cost can a large-scale quantum annihilation be formed. Ripple, thus wiping out a fleet of this size.

Therefore, the military believes that this enemy is very powerful.As for why they attacked the kingdom's remote galaxy, it is temporarily impossible to guess their intentions.

But we can take this opportunity to evacuate the population of all remote galaxies as soon as possible, shrink them, and build a core defense line at a position 100 light-years around the mother galaxy of the kingdom. Sphere star field. "

Prince Stahl shared the general's analysis and the corresponding core defense plan in one breath, then looked at everyone, and finally said: "Please think carefully, especially the wise men, to see if there are any omissions in the core defense plan. "

"May I ask Prince Star, does this plan of yours mean that the kingdom has given up half of its territory? This is too timid and timid. The soldiers of the kingdom should defend every inch of the kingdom's territory."

"Yeah, before this cannon was fired, half of the galaxy was abandoned and shrunk to a diameter of 100 light-years. If you are so afraid of the enemy, if the core defense line cannot be defended, wouldn't the strategic depth of 50 light-years allow the enemy to easily hit it? The capital galaxy?"

"This core defense plan is too childish, I can't accept it."

"That's right, why did you give up so many galaxies and let them go?"

"You know, the opponent can jump in space. What if the opponent jumps over this line of defense?"

"Yes, for a galaxy with a radius of 50 light-years, how to build this line of defense? There are still many loopholes."

"No, 50 light-years away, it seems that something has been under construction in recent years. I heard that many planets have been moved, but it's a big deal."

"Could it be that this line of defense has already started construction?"


 Thank you all book friends for actively voting for the monthly vote, which has reached the standard of [-] plus updates, and the first update will be added today.Hope you continue to vote for this book!
(End of this chapter)

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