live on the computer

Chapter 305 Inheritance Fleet

Chapter 305 Inheritance Fleet
As the first person asked Prince Star, the others couldn't help discussing that this core line of defense plan was a bit too ridiculous.

However, some scientists seemed to have thought of something, and they couldn't help discussing it.For a while, the entire conference hall was once again immersed in noisy voices.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" King Snow shouted suddenly.

When the conference hall fell silent, Snower motioned for Prince Star to answer the first person's question.

Prince Stahl glanced fiercely at the places where there was a lot of noise just now, and then said: "About the core defense line plan, it is not just this time, but a construction plan that started 10 years ago. 10 years, now it has begun to take shape.

This core line of defense plan relies on our latest scientific research progress, and this line of defense is equipped with the latest ultimate defense weapon researched by our kingdom.

It is with this weapon that we can build this line of defense. I believe that as long as it is not a sixth-level civilization, it will not be able to resist the attack of this weapon.

Then when the enemy's attack fails, it's time for us to fight back.I think big scientists should know this best. "

At this moment, Hammer stood up, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, Prince Stahl is right, we did develop the latest weapons that can be used for defense ten years ago.

The Kingdom's military started this defense project ten years ago. Although it has not been completed yet, the main part is ready for use.

For a decade now, we've been focusing on how to miniaturize the weapon so that it can be mounted on a warship as an offensive weapon. "

The wise man Solfis got up and said, "May I ask Hammer, is this weapon more powerful than the quantum annihilation bomb?"

Hammer replied: "These are two different ways of annihilating matter. The important thing is that the attack speed of this weapon exceeds the spread speed of the destructive quantum ripple. It is faster than the speed of light, which means that the enemy has no time to dodge.

In war, the attacker's greatest advantage in dealing with fortification defenses lies in the mobility of the attacker. The attacker can avoid the attack from the defender, while the defender can only passively bear the attack from the attacker.

So even if the two sides are evenly matched, the final result is that the attacker wins.Unless, the strength of the defending party exceeds that of the attacking party, or the attack distance of a certain defensive weapon exceeds that of the attacking party, or the attack speed makes it too late for the attacking party to dodge.

And this kind of weapon just achieved this effect. Under its attack, no attacking warship can dodge, but can only bear it.

According to our research, there is no technology above the sixth-level civilization, so it cannot withstand the attack of this weapon. "

"Understood. You think that from the analysis of the situation we have so far, this unknown enemy has not reached the sixth level of civilization, so use this defensive method to attract the enemy to attack and consume their vital strength before launching a counterattack. However, I think There is one biggest loophole in this plan!" said the wise man Solfis.

Hammer asked suspiciously: "What loophole?"

"Even if the opponent has not reached the sixth-level civilization, it does not mean that the opponent does not have offensive or defensive weapons equivalent to the sixth-level civilization.

Besides, if we can research this kind of weapon, wouldn't this unknown civilization not be able to research it?Wouldn't it be even more terrifying if they had been miniaturized?
Don't forget that the information we have shows that unknown civilizations are more advanced than us in space technology and computer technology.

Therefore, I judge that this unknown civilization is a civilization more advanced than our kingdom, and for some unknown reason, launched a tentative sexual harassment attack on us. "

The words of the great wise man Solfis made everyone present think.

Obviously, several technologies displayed by the unknown civilization are ahead of the Seiler civilization, and it can indeed be judged that the other side will also be ahead of its own as a whole.

In this way, it is indeed a bit rash to put all the chips for the victory of civilization on the newly developed new weapons.

King Snoll saw that there was a bit of silence, so he asked: "Great wise man, do you have any good plan to deal with this unknown civilization?"

Solphis frowned, and said: "When we are at a disadvantage, it is difficult to come up with a good solution. We can only deal with it in a few ways, and try our best to ensure the inheritance of Sailor's civilization.

First of all, we must find a way to make the enemy show up.That is to say, it is necessary to discover the attacking methods of the opponent's fleet and warships, so as to understand the enemy's information.

This requires mobilizing a group of fleets to strengthen patrols of some remote galaxies, and at the same time, prepare for sending information. Once the enemy is found, the first priority is to send back the image information of the opponent.

Second, continue to prepare the core line of defense plan. It is best to build a defense system for this new weapon as soon as possible on the inhabited planets of the seven major galaxies including the capital galaxy.This part is planned as the second phase.

At the same time, it is necessary to bring back the fleet of the Westminster galaxy to enrich the current defense force, fully transfer the kingdom to wartime, and start the wartime production plan for warships.

Third, arrange the inheritance fleet and prepare to set sail. "

"What?! It is necessary to arrange for the inheritance fleet to set sail? Will the situation reach that level of collapse?"

"We haven't seen the enemy yet, are we going to flee?"

"Is the great wise man too cautious? At least wait for the enemy to appear before arranging for the inheritance fleet to set sail?"


Everyone agrees with Solfius's previous two points, but the last point suddenly made everyone unacceptable, and the discussion sounded again.

King Snoll stopped everyone again, and then asked Solfis: "Great wise man, can you explain the third point?"

Solphis nodded, and said: "We all know that the greatest guarantee for the survival and inheritance of interstellar civilizations in the universe is to have an inheritance fleet that can abscond at any time.

When a civilization faces any catastrophe, as long as the inheritance fleet successfully escapes, then this civilization will still survive in the universe, otherwise it will be completely destroyed.

Before the Westminster civilization was wiped out by us, if they had arranged for the inheritance fleet to flee earlier, we might not have been able to track them down, so no one knows whether the Westminster civilization will make a comeback one day.

Now there is a gap between our Seiler civilization and this unknown civilization. In case of defeat, as long as our inheritance fleet finds a suitable galaxy, it can develop rapidly, and there is a possibility of coming back for revenge in the future.

With the opponent's leading space technology, if we don't arrange for the inheritance fleet to evacuate now, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape the opponent's pursuit at that time.

Please think about it, Steele's fleet not only failed to escape, but even did not have enough time to transmit the opponent's video data. What kind of powerful blocking and hunting capabilities is this?You must know that Steele's flagship has more continuous space jumping capabilities. "

Prince Stahl got up and said: "What the wise man said is true. Before that, I was surprised that Steele didn't have time to send the other party's video data, probably because he didn't have this preparation.

But there were more than 3 warships, not even a single warship escaped, and even when they escaped, there was no time to transmit video information, which was a bit palpitating.

Although our Seiler civilization is powerful, we can't be careless, so I agree with the wise man's suggestion to immediately start the evacuation of the inheritance fleet. "

Hammer also expressed his opinion: "I also agree. If we win this war, then we can also bring the legacy fleet back through special hyperspace communication."

For a while, after thinking about Solfis' analysis, everyone agreed.

King Snow immediately announced: "Very well, the matter of the evacuation of the inheritance fleet is settled. Prince Ledak will be in charge and set off as soon as possible according to the plan formulated by the kingdom long ago.

Next, I don’t think you have any objection to the first two suggestions of the wise men. Then please ask the wise men to assist the military to complete the corresponding detailed plan as soon as possible. At the same time, please ask the great scientists to speed up the research on the planetary defense system. The Kingdom will speed up this process. In terms of construction, of course, the manufacture of warships.

I will then address the nation declaring a state of war. "

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
When the leadership of Sailor civilization held an emergency meeting to discuss, in the distant Fengshen Star Chang'an City, the imperial capital of the Fengshen Empire, a metropolis with a population of nearly [-] million people.

In the meeting room of the Head of State, the expanded meeting of the Council of Elders is being held.

In addition to the elders, the participants included Zhuang Yun, chief of staff, and eleven great scientists of the empire. In the past 50 years, the empire has added three new great scientists.

One is Qian Minhua, a scientist who came from behind in the field of basic matter and was the first to discover tachyons, and developed a tachyon detector and a negative matter cannon.

One is Sun Jianyong, a scientist in the field of space technology, who has researched the principle of the space transmission device, thereby increasing the space transmission distance of the original device from a maximum of 650 light years to 1500 light years.At the same time, a super large space transmission device that can transmit 3000 light years has also been developed.

One is Yan Shuteng, a scientist in the field of dimension science and technology. Inspired by the hidden application of dimension shields for reconnaissance ships, he has developed a dimension teleportation application. By constructing a temporary high-dimensional space, warships or objects can be placed in a high-dimensional state. Teleport a certain distance down.

This kind of teleportation is different from space teleportation, it can even ignore the space shield and teleport to the interior of a certain building or object.

As a result, a brand-new attack weapon has been developed, which can send bombs through dimensions to the target and explode at fixed points.

This weapon was named Dimension Attack Missile by Li Chunfeng, and its effective attack range is 5000 million kilometers.

Such a killer is already comparable to ultimate killers such as ultimate annihilation, negative matter cannon, and gamma ray burst.

Because if the warhead of this dimension missile is equipped with the above-mentioned ultimate killer generators, it is really invincible within the effective range, which requires further research.

Even the Fengshen Empire itself has no corresponding means of protection.For this reason, this technology and weapon is listed as the biggest taboo weapon by the Fengshen Empire, and it is not equipped on a large scale, but is only equipped on the new Fengshen-class battleships and planetary battle stars.

"Everyone, it is very clear that the Earth compatriots captured by the Seiler civilization are part of the personnel of the Europa fleet. There are more than 2000 million people in total. After more than 20 years of being killed by the Seiler devils, now there are only about 200 million left.

They were concentrated in the Hero galaxy by the Sailor devils, and they were kept in captivity as a race that continued to supply the Sailor devils' experiments. For this reason, the Sailor devils established a special experimental center there.

This time, he also happened to capture the great scientist Gallop who was in charge of this kind of brain research by Sailor Devil.

The first phase of the infiltration and rescue combat mission has been successfully completed, and we will start the second phase of the combat mission of exterminating the Seiler devil civilization. "

Li Chunfeng briefly explained the current situation.

Zhang Wenhao said coldly: "Führer, that guy Gallup, our punishment team has already made a decision to let him accept the punishment of Ling Chi's death. Of course, the more than 200 million tortured compatriots on earth will personally execute the execution!"

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(End of this chapter)

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