live on the computer

Chapter 306 Attack!attack!

Chapter 306 Attack!attack!
Wu Yumeng and the other ladies couldn't help but exclaimed, and Deng Linger asked suspiciously: "Is it too exaggerated to execute 200 million people? I'm afraid we will let it die if there are not many people?"

Zhang Wenhao sneered, and said: "So this evil animal should thank its own great invention. As long as the brain and heart are intact, it will not die. It can also keep the experimental subject awake all the time. Maybe it will survive if it costs more than 200 million dollars."

Seeing the terrified expressions of the ladies, Li Chunfeng waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's stop talking about this matter. Zhuang Yun, tell me about the attack plan for the second stage. Today we have invited these great scientists. See if they have any doubts about the revised plans of the General Staff."

Zhuang Yun nodded and said: "Everyone knows that the Seiler civilization is a mid-level civilization, and our Fengshen Empire is currently only a high-level civilization.

But thanks to the efforts of the head of state and all the great scientists, we have the attack and defense capabilities of a sixth-level civilization.

Judging from the infiltration operations in the previous stage, we have attacked 121 galaxies, among which the closest to the parent galaxy of the Seiler civilization is also 145 light-years away, and only 15 galaxies have planets suitable for the Sailor devils to live in, and the rest Both are mining galaxies.

From it, we rescued five intelligent races, including the compatriots on Earth, and the total number of other races is more than 5 million people, because the environment they face is even worse.

It can be seen how harsh Sailor devils treat intelligent creatures. You must know that these mining jobs are based on the mid-level five technological level of Sailor devils, and it is a country that uses a lot of strong artificial intelligence. Robots can fully bear all the heavy physical strength and harsh environments. Work.

But they still use the labor of these intelligent races to do these things, and they continue to conduct inhumane experiments on living bodies, which shows that they are not worthy of being called intelligent races.This kind of behavior is even more hateful than the gold swallowing beast.

In view of the actions of Sailor Devils, our military has made major adjustments to the second phase of operations. We have decided to use all weapons of mass destruction to deal a devastating blow to all military forces and planetary defenses of Sailor Devils.

Therefore, the possibility of obtaining the scientific and technological information of these Sailor devils in the previous plan has been greatly reduced, or even impossible to obtain. "

"Well, it's a pity. After all, Sailor devils are also the first intelligent creatures of the fifth-level civilization we have encountered. At the same time, their living environment is almost the same as ours. When they deal a devastating blow to their planetary defenses, only I'm afraid those living planets will also be destroyed, which is a pity." Professor Justin said first.

"It's really a pity. We have only transformed a few inhabited planets in the past few decades." Sun Jianyong also echoed.

Alex also said: "I don't think it's a big problem not to be able to obtain the scientific and technological materials of Sailor devils. These technologies can always be realized if you spend more time researching them. It's a sin for these crazy Sailor devils to stay one more day. "

"Hey, Alex, do you believe in Buddhism?" Fenghuang couldn't help asking when he heard the word "crime".

"Oh, that's not true. I've been researching whether belief is a certain kind of particle recently, and I happened to study several religions." Alex shook his head and said.

Angel raised his hand suddenly, Li Chunfeng saw it and said: "Angel, if you want to express your opinion, just say it directly, there is no need to raise your hand. There are not many people in our meeting."

This is the second time for Angel to participate in a meeting of this level, and his expression was a little shy. After hearing Li Chunfeng's words, he said: "I have studied the supercomputers of Sailor devils before I came here. Their computers are different from ours. A photonic computer, and seems to be on the way to a light computer.

This time the military has collected a lot of computers of various types, large and small, which are worthy of our study and reference.

Of course, what I want to talk about is not this, but when we researched computers with strong artificial intelligence, with the help of the No. [-] intelligence, we cracked them. Weapons and equipment that match its fifth-level mid-stage civilization.

What I want to say is that the military's war plan does not need to consider whether it can obtain any scientific and technological data, but how to reduce its own casualties and kill the enemy as much as possible.

Let's talk about everything after winning. "

After hearing this, Li Chunfeng couldn't help applauding: "Angel said it well! Although our technological strength and combat capabilities are stronger than our opponents, we should not underestimate a fifth-level mid-stage civilization with ten thousand years of development experience.

Zhuang Yun warned commanders at all levels that when fighting the enemy, those who can use the strongest weapons to solve the battle cleanly do not need to hide. "

"Chief of Staff Zhuang, if your military really wants to seize some scientific and technological information from the enemy, then after you find the enemy's technology center or research center or other facilities, you can use the dimensional teleportation method to teleport the intelligent robot soldiers there. After entering its internal network, I believe that the corresponding data database can be obtained." The great scientist Yan Shuteng said suddenly.

Zhang Wenhao couldn't help shouting: "Dr. Yan is really powerful. Your dimensional teleportation technology is definitely the best magic weapon for special operations. Zhuang Yun, we have to plan carefully, maybe we can get a big deal."

The great scientist Qian Minhua also started from his own professional field, and said: "If the military attacks the opponent's galaxy defense line or planet, it should also be wary of the opponent's negative matter cannon. After all, this thing should be completely mastered by the middle stage of a fifth-level civilization. of.

I just don’t know if the opponent can be miniaturized, but it shouldn’t be that easy. We can only put it on the new emperor class at the smallest one. This is said to be the flagship class warship of the Seiler civilization. "

"Old money, don't worry, although the tachyon shield has not been researched, but on a battleship protected by multiple shields such as space folding shields and dimension shields, your negative matter cannon does not have super power, and it is within 1000 million kilometers At close range, it is impossible to break through the shield of our battleship.

Unless there are black silk thread weapons like the Kunpeng battleship, our warship is safe. "Dr. Watson said with a smile.

Zhong Han said proudly: "It's a pity that only warships above the New Emperor class can install and use space distortion shields, otherwise, no matter whether it is negative matter cannon, ultimate annihilation, or gamma ray burst, it is almost impossible to harm our ship. Battleship."

But just after Zhong Han finished speaking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Yan Shuteng, and quickly added: "Of course, there is no way to block Xiao Yan's dimension attack missile."

Li Chunfeng saw that everyone was more relaxed, so he said: "Okay, since everyone has nothing to add, then we will look at the performance of Wen Hao and Zhuang Yun, your military.

This is the first time the empire has launched a war against a fifth-level civilization. I hope you will show the might of the empire! "

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Selvan star field, Dunka galaxy.

It is 42 light-years away from the Rosen Galaxy, one of the seven major galaxies in the kingdom, and 97 light-years away from the capital, Seiler Galaxy.

If it wasn't for the rich mineral resources and a living planet, this place wouldn't be very lively.

A large number of Celerians live here, making the Dunka Galaxy the leader of the secondary galaxy in the Celer civilization.

However, on this day, the entire Dunka galaxy fell into the hectic migration of the Great Migration.

"When did the kingdom become so timid? An enemy that has never been seen before will abandon half of the country. We have lived here for 100 years. It is a pity to give up like this."

"Yeah, doesn't the kingdom have millions of warships? Why can't you even defend your own country?"

"Stop complaining, let's withdraw as soon as possible, the deadline is coming soon, if you don't leave, the kingdom will abandon it."


Countless Sailors flocked to the huge landing ship. On the entire planet, the landing ships rose and fell one after another. In the space not far from the planet, a large fleet was moored in the huge space port. The total number of battleships reached 1. Ten thousand ships.

Near the satellites of other terrestrial planets and gaseous planets in this galaxy, there are warships moored in those space ports. They are waiting for the transport ship to complete the transfer of immigrants, and then escort the transport fleet back to the Lawson galaxy.

At this moment, the Seiler Fleet in the Donka galaxy is in a state of full battle. Not only are there three fleets of 1000 warships cruising in the galaxy, but there is also a fleet of 2000 warships cruising near the Kuiper belt.

For the evacuation of the entire Donka galaxy, the military sent a fleet of 2 warships to protect it.

In the past week, more and more information was sent back to the kingdom's home planet. The number of remote galaxies attacked by unknown enemies has reached 121, with a loss of 8000 to 5 million people and [-] other intelligent species.

The biggest problem is that among the 3000 warships damaged in the battle, none of them could send out an attack signal except for a frigate sent to protect the great scientist Galup who had sent an attack message.

This strengthened the kingdom's determination to shrink within the core defense line. Fortunately, the seven major galaxies including the capital galaxy are all within a radius of 50 light years.

Otherwise, just the migration work will not be completed in a year.Except for the six major galaxies of the capital galaxy, each of them has more than one inhabited planet, and the population is more than [-] billion. The workload of such a large-scale migration will be astonishing.

Secondary galaxies like the Donka galaxy have a population of about 20 billion, and are still undergoing migration work, and there are 26 such secondary galaxies outside the core defense line.

The problem facing Prince Star now is that the enemy has never shown up, but at this moment, he has to disperse nearly half of the warships to protect these people who are migrating.

In case the enemy came to attack at this time, should I save him or not?Going to rescue is worried that the enemy will have a trap, and not saving will mean a loss in vain.

However, this question did not embarrass Prince Star for too long.

10 astronomical units outside the Donka Galaxy, a fleet of ten thousand warships is quietly sailing in the void at low speed, the main engine keeps running at a low speed, and the fleet is quietly approaching the Donka Galaxy in an attack formation.

All the battleships are in a state of smoke and mist. Obviously, this is the mode in which the dimension shield is turned on. In fact, not only the dimension shield is turned on, but also the dimension shielding device is turned on, making the situation here completely undetectable.

Seen from the outside, this piece of void is empty, clean without even a single meteorite.

"Confirm the situation in the galaxy. There are a total of 2 enemy warships, and the distribution is..."

The intelligent brain quickly reported the situation in the galaxy, which was the information obtained by several scout ships entering the galaxy before.

"Brother Chengyu, have you thought about how to fight?" Staff officer Zhang Ningyuan asked.

"After all, it is a secondary galaxy. It is really prosperous enough, and the enemy fleet is also scattered enough. There are a total of 10 divisions in the galaxy, so we will also be divided into 10 parts, each with two squadrons. Quantum ripple strike.

Our flagship will go to the space port of the living planet to deal with the [-] warships.Immediately after destroying the battleship, clear all potential defensive fire on the planet. " Li Chengyu frowned.

"In this case, information shielding may not be able to be achieved. One of the other planets and five satellites may have a hyperspace communication device on them." Zhang Ningyuan worried.

"The war has already begun, there is no need to cover it up, let us show up, let the Seiler devil know the prestige of the Fengshen Empire." Li Chengyu waved his hand and said.

"Okay, Brain, mark all the targets and calculate the best space jump attack position. The whole fleet assigns combat targets, and the task is assigned to the commander of the squadron." Zhang Ningyuan immediately communicated with the fleet Brain about the corresponding attack plan.

Only 15 minutes later, Zhang Ningyuan came to report: "Brother Chengyu, the fleet has accelerated and everything is ready."

Li Chengyu looked at the ten red dots marked as attack targets on the star map, and ordered:

"The whole fleet jumps immediately and launches an attack!"

 Today's second update, thank you book friends for your subscription and rewards!Continue to ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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