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Chapter 307 Seizing the Dunka Galaxy

Chapter 307 Seizing the Dunka Galaxy
The Dunka galaxy, where the habitable planets and five gaseous galaxy satellites are located, a large number of landing ships are constantly going back and forth between the surface of the planet and the large transport ships in the space port.

Dinot, who came to the Dunka galaxy to take charge of the escort mission, looked at the retreat scene displayed on the projection screen, and felt a little depressed for no reason.

Not to mention that the civilians thought the mass evacuation was inconceivable, even Sailor's soldiers couldn't believe it. If it weren't for the strict military law, the generals and soldiers in the army would probably make troubles.

In the past hundreds of years, Sailor's soldiers have never lost a battle, and have never encountered a decent opponent. Even the Westminster civilization, which has almost reached the fifth level of civilization, was wiped out in front of the kingdom's army.

However, just a sneaky unknown enemy who dared not show up frightened the Kingdom of Seiler and abandoned half of the country. How could these unruly soldiers be convinced?
Therefore, the fleet of the Seiler civilization is holding their breath now, and they want to wait for the enemy to reappear, and teach them a good lesson, letting them know that the Seiler soldiers are not easy to mess with.

"Didi, enemy attack alert!" The fleet's intelligence brain suddenly issued a reminder, which instantly awakened Dinot from his thoughts.

"What's going on? Show me the situation on the battlefield!" Dinot shouted at the projection screen.

The screen flickered and a picture appeared.

A fleet is 1000 million kilometers away from the space port, with a total of only 1003 warships in a hemispherical formation, three of which are equivalent to the large warships of the kingdom.

These are not important, the most important thing is that Dinot saw the quantum ripple, and it is spreading, and it will swallow the entire spaceport, including his fleet, in at most 10 seconds.

"What a precise space jump, what a terrifying quantum ripple attack!" Dinot's thought flashed in his heart.

Suddenly he smiled. Fortunately, according to the requirements of the military department, he left instructions for the brain. Once attacked by the enemy, the brain will send the last-minute video data from the fleet detection system back to the headquarters. For long-term images, it is resigned to fate.

With the arrival of quantum ripples, starting from some spaceships and warships on the outermost periphery of the spaceport, they quickly disappeared into the void.

In a blink of an eye, the huge and busy space port 2000 kilometers away from the planet, as well as the warships, spaceships, landing ships, etc. inside and outside the port, all disappeared without a trace.

The quantum ripples continued to extend, devouring the edge of the planet's atmosphere.

Today, the traditional Quantum Ripple Cannon of the Fengshen Empire has been improved, and can precisely control the Quantum Ripple within hundreds of kilometers of the attacked target.

However, even so, the edge of the planet's atmosphere in this direction was annihilated.

Although this is the exosphere of the atmosphere, the air is already extremely thin, but there are still gas molecules annihilated by the quantum ripples, and a complete vacuum zone appears in the high sky instantly.

Then, some low-altitude air began to fill in, but this process was very slow under the influence of the planet's gravity.

On the surface of the entire planet, the Celer people on this side didn't even notice the great changes in space because it was daytime.

However, the landing craft that had just flown into the air on the ground found out that Dang even quickly landed on the ground. In a panic, several landing craft almost collided. Fortunately, the intelligence brain played a role.

At the same time, stern alarms resounded across the surface of the entire planet.The Celer people have established a basic planetary defense system on these secondary planets.

At this moment, these defense systems have started to operate, and the powerful ultra-long-range anti-matter cannons have begun to lock on the enemy warships in space and are ready to fire.

However, in the next second, countless antimatter shells burst into these defense systems, destroying them instantly.

This is the dimensional missile launched by the Fengshen Empire fleet, which precisely attacks the inside of the defense system, causing the antimatter warhead to explode and destroy the facility from the inside.

Soldiers of the Fengshen Empire have long been proficient in using this new type of weapon in many military exercises in the virtual world. Although dimension missiles are not the most powerful weapon in space warship battles, they are the best when dealing with planetary defenses. weapons of precision destruction.

For the capture of a planet, it is completely possible to eliminate the resistance force at a fixed point, and minimize the damage to the planet by powerful weapons in the interstellar war.

At this time, 1003 warships have quickly spread all over the world, destroying all ground defense systems that could threaten space warships.

Occasionally, a few long-range antimatter cannons of the Sailors fired shells, but under the protection of multiple shields such as the dimensional shield, these antimatter shells at most set off fireworks in space.

After cleaning up the planetary defense system, a large number of "Gust 4" flying saucers have landed in the air on the surface of the planet, continuing to clean up potential threatening targets.

A large number of Celer people saw the alien aircraft occupying the sky of the planet overwhelmingly, and immediately knew that it was only a matter of time before the planet was occupied.

In such a short period of time, the whole world has changed. This unknown race has easily occupied this planet, and the Sailors are in a panic all day long.

Many Sailors began to run to the place where the military was located, in an attempt to obtain the military's asylum, or obtain weapons to fight.

However, what happened next made the Sailors completely desperate.

Countless landing ships landed, and a large number of intelligent robots quickly wiped out the resisting Sailor soldiers, and took control of all military facilities and equipment, as well as those communication centers and data centers.

The Sailors have no advantage other than their large numbers.With the physique of the Sailors, hand-to-hand combat is just a joke. The Sailors have always used their brains.

Some of the upper-level Celerians were extremely frightened, because they knew that the Celerians had conducted experiments on alien intelligent races, and they were very afraid that they would end up in the same end, and some people chose to commit suicide because of this.

Most ordinary people, even though they have heard such rumors, only treat them as jokes.It's just that they also worry about being slaves, doing hard labor like other captured races.

Apparently, the upper echelons of the Sailors didn't publicize the live experiment. After all, a high-level civilization also cares about face, and there are some things that can't be said.

As a fifth-level civilization, the people are also very knowledgeable. When "Gust 4" filled the sky and intelligent robots began to appear on the streets, ordinary Sailors knew that everything was over and Dunka was occupied by an unknown civilization. It is already an indisputable fact.

There were some arrogant Sailors who tried to call on everyone to rebel, but no one followed. Everyone knew that it was an idiotic act to resist the military power of a civilization above level five with bare hands. The Sailors have always They are all smart, and they will certainly not do stupid things to kill themselves.

However, the Sailors would not do anything to welcome aliens. They just watched with cold eyes to see what kind of intelligent race this unknown civilization was.

"Report to the headquarters that the 109th Fleet has completed the task of capturing the Dunka galaxy!"

Just when Li Chengyu's fleet occupied the Dunka galaxy, a huge fleet was sailing in an unknown star field at super-light speed.

This is the task force that Seiler civilization withdrew from the home galaxy of Westminster civilization. The entire fleet has a total of 10 warships, and there are more than 1 transport and supply ships.

In this fleet, the largest battleship is a giant triangular arrow-shaped battleship with a length of 60 kilometers, a width of 40 kilometers, and a height of 30 kilometers. This is the flagship warship of the Seiler civilization. The entire Seiler civilization has a total of 30 such flagships. .

In the command room of this battleship, Prince Siyar was frowning and looking at the information projected in front of him. It was just sent by the Kingdom's military department before, and the previous unknown civilization invaded the empire.

Prince Siyar is still feeling a little dreamy. Why overnight, the mighty Sailor civilization was turned upside down by an unknown enemy?

Not only did his task force have to withdraw to the mainland, but even the local star field had to give up half of it directly, and retreated to the core defense line.

Is this unknown civilization so powerful?
"Sage Vander, what do you think of this unknown enemy?" Prince Siyar asked with a hoarse voice.

A man with a height of 1.42 meters and a handsome appearance among the Sailors shook his big head and said, "Your Excellency, haven't you seen all the information sent by the military department? There is a military department on it." I don’t have to use my own analysis and the analysis of great wise men.”

Prince Siyar glanced at Van der lightly, and said with some displeasure: "Wisdom Van der, I am asking for your opinion. As the wise man of the fleet, this is your duty."

Van der couldn't help laughing, and said: "Well, since the prince mentioned my duty, then I will fulfill the duty of a wise man."

Fandre called up the star map, marked a point, then marked the 121 remote galaxies where the Seiler civilization was attacked, and then marked the home galaxy of the Westminster civilization.

Then he pointed to the star map and said: "The first one to encounter an unknown enemy was the fleet of Prince Steele who was in charge of hunting down the Westminster civilization. It was wiped out by the enemy in a short time.

Therefore, my judgment is that this unknown enemy was attracted by the fleeing fleet of Westminster civilization, but even if no Westminster people lure them here today, it is estimated that they will meet us in a few years.

But now, with the information provided to them by the people of Westminster, they have a great advantage.As a result, the kingdom is now passive.

The strategy of the great wise men to shrink the defense cannot be said to be wrong, but in my opinion, it is too conservative.

In fact, we can send a fleet to explore and attack in this direction, perhaps this unknown enemy is there. "

Vander pointed to the perimeter of where Steele's fleet disappeared, and drew a circle 20 light-years away.

Prince Siyar stared at Van der with narrowed eyes, and said: "What you said makes sense, but you forgot one thing, Steele's fleet has chased and lost the escaped giant ship of Westminster civilization for almost five years. up.

With this time, it is impossible for the giant ship of the Westminster civilization to escape only 20 light years away. Is your circle a little too small? "

Van der shook his head and said: "I didn't say that the unknown civilization is in this circle, but that warships of unknown civilizations should be encountered in this area, and there should be possible supply points for unknown civilizations in this circle.

I don't believe that attacking a level 20 civilization would require no supply points at all.Even with space jump technology, [-] light years should be the limit.

Our space jump is a maximum of 3 light-years at a time. If they are more advanced than us, even if they are more than 6 times more, they will not exceed 20 light-years.

As long as we find their supply points, we will naturally be able to know the location of their civilization, so we will not be so passive in the war. "

Prince Siyar said indifferently: "Are you trying to convince me to take the task force and launch an exploratory attack there?"

Fandre smiled and said: "No, if you don't force me to express my opinion, I won't say it. Because, I know, Your Excellency the Prince will not violate the king's order."

 Today's first update, thank you for your subscription and rewards!Li Chengyu begs all book friends to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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