live on the computer

Chapter 311 Textbook Attack

Chapter 311 Textbook Attack

The mother galaxy of Sailor civilization, Sailor palace.

"What did you say? All six inheritance fleets were intercepted by the enemy? They have all been martyred?" King Snoll stared at Prince Star with wide eyes.

"Yes, it seems that the enemy has infiltrated the network and obtained the plan of our inheritance fleet, what should we do now?

Fortunately, among the six fleets, the flagships carrying the core database and gene bank, as well as the scientists, all died heroically and did not fall into the hands of the enemy. Otherwise, the Seiler civilization would no longer have any secrets in front of the enemy. "Prince Steele said.

"How many battleships do we have now?" King Snower asked.

"There are only about 102 million warships, and they are currently divided into seven parts, which are respectively prepared to correspond to the enemy's six attack fleets and one as a reserve force.

Now all the shipbuilding factories have fully entered into wartime production, but it has not been long, and the new warship has not yet been completed. It is really unexpected that the Fengshen Empire's attack is so sharp.

Today, the six enemy fleets have all approached the core defense line. As for all secondary galaxies outside the core defense line, as well as a large number of resource galaxies, they have been occupied by the Fengshen Empire. "Prince Stahl said with some anxiety.

"We can no longer deploy warships as the inheritance fleet. In this way, we will collect a batch of private exploration spaceships, secretly prepare 20 ships, and mix among those private spaceships that fled on their own, trying to escape from this star field.

I don't believe that the Fengshen Empire can completely seal off a 50-light-year spherical star field. As long as a legacy spaceship escapes, it can also restore a large population with the core gene pool.

Coupled with our scientific and technological achievements in the brain domain, a group of new great scientists will surely be born.A new Seiler civilization is bound to re-emerge in the universe. "King Snow said thoughtfully.

Stahl nodded and said: "Your Majesty, I think it's pointless to simply assign those great scientists to different escape ships, and it doesn't make sense for them to stay now.

At present, it is only a matter of time before the enemy breaks through our core defense line.If it weren't for wise men working together to operate anti-intelligence programs, our important networks would have fallen, and in that case, there would be no need to fight this battle. "

"You have a good idea. You can let the big scientists evacuate together. Also... I was thinking about a question, you said... can we make peace with the enemy?" King Snow hesitated, but still said what was in his mind .

"Peace talks?" Star shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, at this time, I'm afraid the enemy will not agree at all? Or the enemy will let us surrender unconditionally."

"Now we still have millions of warships and the core defense line, and we still have enough strength to fight the opponent, so it is a peace negotiation. If we lose all of these, then we really have to surrender.

Otherwise, hundreds of billions of Sailors would be massacred by them, just like we destroyed Westminster civilization and other civilizations.Perhaps this is what God foretold, opening the forbidden area will be punished. "King Snow said sadly.

"Your Majesty, although oracles have been passed down for thousands of years, they are all religious beliefs in the ignorant period. We have now entered the mid-level five civilization. With our technological level, it is difficult for alien intelligent races in such an era. It can also be called God.

Perhaps, our ancestors had encountered such a high-level alien civilization, and thus left behind such legends.

Your Majesty, do you really want to negotiate peace with the Fengshen Empire?I think this kind of peace with the tip of the knife on the chest, no matter if you don’t want it, the Kingdom of Seiler must not bow to the enemy! "Prince Stahl said resolutely.

"Okay, let's not talk about the peace talks. Hurry up and arrange the evacuation of the new inheritance spacecraft. Since the enemy is approaching the core defense line, the big battle is about to begin. I hope that our fierce resistance can attract the enemy's forces and let their The encirclement forms a bigger gap, so one of the inheritance spaceships can always escape." King Snower ended the conversation.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
The core defense line of Seiler civilization is actually an irregular sphere. Relying on these six galaxies, a group of dwarf planets and even planets have been transformed, and huge planetary engines have been installed to move these planets out of some galaxies. , filling into the Kuiper Belt of galaxies in the line of defense.

Because the six major galaxies are basically distributed about 50 light-years away from the capital galaxy, this core defense line with a radius of 50 light-years is formed.

In fact, except for the six major galaxies, corresponding constructions have been carried out in the entire galaxies about 50 light years away, and the Kuiper belt or terrestrial planets of these galaxies are equipped with a large number of new giant cannons.

This kind of giant cannon was developed by the great scientists of the Seiler civilization, who had made important progress in the basic matter particles on the basis of assimilating the scientific knowledge of the Westminster civilization.

Possessing this elementary particle theory, as well as obtaining and using it in a real way, is the cornerstone of Sailor civilization becoming a fifth-level mid-stage civilization.

At the moment, 5 light-years away from the Botha galaxy of the Seiler civilization, a huge fleet is docking at the mobile spaceport, and the patrolling warships around are constantly flowing, which seems extremely busy.

The Kuiper belt of the Botha galaxy and multiple points deviated from the ecliptic plane are arranged with dwarf planets moved from other galaxies. This kind of planet is smaller than a planet and larger than an asteroid, and has enough mass and gravity to ensure that the dwarf planet on it Able to build cannon projects.

After precise calculations by the intellectual brain of the Seiler civilization, driven by planetary engines, these dwarf planets came from afar and were precisely positioned on the outskirts of the Botha galaxy, forming a new three-dimensional defense system with the original Kuiper belt fortifications.

Make sure that no matter from which direction the enemy attacks the Botha galaxy, they cannot bypass these defensive points.

And on these dwarf planets that exist as key points, the shooting range and range of the cannon can ensure that the enemy cannot pass through.

Similarly, the cosmic space outside this line of defense has been cleaned up many times by the Sailor civilization repeatedly using the quantum ripple cannon to ensure that there is no substance within the attack range of the cannon, so as not to affect its attack power.

On the flagship of the Dao Shen, Wang Dingnan stood in the command hall of the flagship, looking at the enemy's defense system shown in the star map, thinking without saying a word.

When a large fleet was formed, after Li Chunfeng appointed a commander at the level of the large fleet, he gave the commander a privilege to name the flagship by himself.

The flagships of the large fleet are all the new Fengshen class. Zhang Wenhao named his flagship "Sword God" without hesitation.

Who would have thought that Wang Dingnan would use "Sword God" as the flagship name after confirming it on the spot, which made Zhang Wenhao very depressed.However, since then, the commander of the Grand Fleet has to use a certain god to name the flagship.

"Old Sun, you said that the Celer civilization is building this core line of defense. What kind of cannon is it equipped with? No. [-] intelligence invaded their network, but failed to obtain this information." Wang Dingnan turned to Sun Jiaming and said.

"Based on my guess, it's either a negative matter cannon or an improved version of the antimatter cannon. In terms of basic material weapons, these two are more powerful.

As for space weapons, with the level of space technology of Sailor civilization, it is impossible to have them.As for dimensional weapons, I don't think they understand the principle of our dimensional shields, and they probably don't have the technology in this regard. "Sun Jiaming analyzed.

Wang Dingnan nodded and said: "In other words, the study of negative matter by Seiler civilization is similar to ours, and they have also developed negative matter cannons.

Fortunately, the negative matter cannon also cannot threaten the warships protected by the dimensional shield, so the core defense line of Seiler civilization will be like paper in front of us.

In fact, I wonder why the General Staff finally adopted the second plan in the second stage, instead of directly attacking the home galaxy of the Seiler Civilization by Huanglong. "

Sun Jiaming couldn't help laughing, and said: "The meaning of the General Staff is actually very simple. The imperial army hasn't fought for 50 years. It's rare to have a civilization that is only a little worse than ours as a training target. If you finish the job and call it a day, how can you let it go?" Commanders at all levels have been trained?"

"Well, that's really the case. Look at the formation. Six large fleets attack concentrically, and the other six medium-sized fleets perform patrol and blockade missions throughout the star field. There is also a large fleet as a backup force. It has indeed mobilized the entire empire's military strength." Wang Dingnan nodded in agreement.

"So don't think about it, let's conduct a textbook-style offensive and defensive battle in a proper manner, and then we can quickly take down the Botha galaxy.

When our six armies broke through the core line of defense of the Celer people and wiped out their millions of warships, it is estimated that the Celer people might also surrender. "Sun Jiaming said.

"Okay, according to the tutorial, first adopt the super-light speed navigation method to confuse the defenders, and then switch to the space jump method to launch a sudden attack. Let the squadron below pay attention, just don't capsize in the gutter." Wang Dingnan said immediately.

As the two issued their orders, the entire Fengshen Empire's second largest fleet began to move.

Countless warships continuously flew out of the spaceport, arranged in an attack formation in the void, and then formed a squadron and began to move towards the Botha galaxy.

"They dispatched?"

Solda, Commander of Botha Galaxy Defense Fleet, asked.

"Yes, it has already been dispatched, and it is traveling towards our galaxy at a superluminal speed. If it maintains 100 times the speed of light, it will arrive at the star field in front of the defense line in about 18 days."

The wise Urs looked at the observation data given by the brain and replied.

"Saving at super-light speed? Order the first-level alert of the fleet to deal with their space jumps at any time! All negative matter cannons are fully charged."

Solda directly issued instructions to the intelligent brain. There are two inhabited planets in the Botha galaxy with a population of over ten billion. Now, huge negative matter cannons are deployed on the planets as a planetary defense system.

However, Solda, as the fleet commander, still prefers to stay on the flagship.

As a non-royal fleet commander, capable of commanding a fleet of more than 10 warships and an important galaxy defense system, Solda can be regarded as No.1 in recent decades.

The main reason lies in his adventurous spirit. He still holds the record of leading the exploration fleet to explore the farthest distance.

It was also at that time that the exploration of the ruins more than 800 light-years away was unsuccessful, and a new route was chosen on the way back, and it happened to hit the human beings on Earth. The only pity was that most of them escaped and destroyed the space device, otherwise If so, Solda's contribution will be even greater.

However, it was the capture of this intelligent race that made great progress in brain technology. For example, quantum cannonballs were developed after that.

"Commander, didn't you intend to pre-emptively attack the fleet they arrived at first? Why did you give up now?" asked Urs the wise in wonder.

Solda glanced back at Urs, and said, "The intelligence from the military shows that the enemy can freely jump through spaces, but we can't.

So there is no need to preemptively strike, because in the face of this kind of space technology, preemptive strike does not make much sense, and naturally it cannot restrain people.

Moreover, the enemy just stays beyond our maximum jump distance, which shows that they understand the performance of our space jump equipment and must have a countermeasure.

Now, we can only hope that the negative matter cannons on the defense line can break through their strange protective measures.By the way, have you wise men still not deduced what kind of technology this is? "

Urs shook his head and said, "Just based on some short videos, it is impossible to deduce what it is. Judging from the phenomenon, it seems that the battleship is not in this space, maybe it is some kind of space device."

Solda looked at the super-light trajectory of the Fengshen Empire fleet approaching on the monitoring screen, and sighed: "There are times when we are helpless."

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(End of this chapter)

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