live on the computer

Chapter 312 Solda who fled in a hurry

Chapter 312 Solda who fled in a hurry
At this moment, a change occurred on the screen, the super-light trajectory of the Fengshen Empire fleet was suddenly interrupted, and a huge fleet appeared.

Almost the next second, the fleet disappeared.

"The entire fleet is on alert, the enemy has launched a space jump!" Solda issued an alert order to the fleet's brain.

At present, Solda has deployed all his fleet within the overall defense line of the Kuiper Belt, and has not dispersed, but maintains a complete attack formation, ready to reinforce the broken defense line at any time.

"Didi, found the enemy fleet! Appeared in ten downward viewing positions outside the defense line, each with about 1000 warships and a distance of [-] million kilometers!" Zhinao suddenly issued a prompt, reporting the location of the Fengshen fleet.

"The negative matter cannon locks on to the target and fires immediately!" Solda issued an order.

At the same time, he stared nervously at the ten projection screens, each corresponding to a corresponding battlefield.

The negative matter cannon's attack is silent, without any external appearance, and its speed is faster than the speed of light. Basically, it should hit when fired.

However, the illusory figures of the ten fleets of the Fengshen Empire did not change at all, and the negative matter cannons were unable to shake the protection of the battleships of the Fengshen Empire!
No, there was a change. The warships of the Fengshen Empire launched an attack. Their formation was hemispherical, and the target they surrounded was a dwarf planet on the defense line.

Solda has been paying attention to whether the negative matter cannon can effectively attack the warships of the Fengshen Empire, but he has not noticed that there are three dwarf planets serving as defense nodes on the line connecting the warships of the Fengshen Empire and this dwarf planet.

"Quantum ripple! It's so sudden! Why did it appear next to the dwarf planet?" Solda looked at the picture displayed on the screen and exclaimed.

The ten pictures are almost the same, the dwarf planet in front of the Fengshen Empire fleet is instantly annihilated by the quantum ripple that appears close at hand, and its spread is not far away.

Just when Solda thought the opponent's round of attack was over, the brain issued a series of warnings.

"Didi, the defense system has collapsed, and all the dwarf planets with negative matter cannons deployed on our defense line have disappeared!"

"Didi, all the fortified asteroids on our defense line have also disappeared!"

"Didi, the enemy fleet has disappeared again!"


A series of voices made Solda hardly have time to react.

Instinctively, Solda shouted suddenly: "The whole fleet jumps a light-year in space immediately!"

Almost at this moment, the intelligence brain issued a warning sound again.

"Didi, the enemy fleet has appeared at 2000 million kilometers away, and it has become a large fleet!"

Solda saw quantum ripples appear on the screen again, this time spreading from a distance of 10 kilometers from the fleet.

"The negative matter cannon of the planetary defense system, fire at the enemy fleet immediately!"

Then, there was no result, because Solda's fleet had space-jumped and disappeared into the void.

"Hey, you actually left the planet and ran away?" Wang Dingnan was very surprised.

The large fleet of the Sailors hovered between the two inhabited planets in the galaxy in an attack formation. Wang Dingnan thought that the opponent was preparing to use this mobile force to support the defense line at any time.

So after breaking through the line of defense in an instant, he jumped directly to its vicinity, preparing to quickly destroy the opponent, but he didn't expect the opponent to perform a space jump at the same time.

"The space detector immediately detects its space jump position, and the 25th-30th fleet immediately pursues it according to the coordinate position!"

"Hey, there are negative matter cannons on the two inhabited planets. Order the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th fleets to clean up all the long-range defense systems on the planets, including the negative matter cannons."

At this time, in the position of the asteroid belt 1 million kilometers behind the large fleet of the Fengshen Empire, a large area of ​​asteroids and meteorites suddenly disappeared.

Obviously it is the negative matter cannon on the planet, its tachyon torrent passes through the illusory figure of the Fengshen Empire fleet, neutralizes the positive matter all the way, and finally hits here, thus neutralizing a large area of ​​asteroids.

At this moment, the commanders of the ground defense systems on the two planets are all stunned, and their negative matter cannons have no effect on the enemy's warships.

No wonder Commander Solda's fleet ran away, so what should we do?
Soon they didn't have to think about it, the warships of the Fengshen Empire quickly locked on the defense system on the planet's surface, and antimatter bombs exploded and roared precisely in these places almost soon.

While the huge explosion destroyed these facilities, it also destroyed everything in the surrounding hundreds of kilometers.

Antimatter bombs are more powerful than nuclear weapons when they explode on the surface of a planet with an atmosphere, but they are much cleaner than nuclear weapons. Except for multiple pits, they explode without any pollutants. They are definitely the most environmentally friendly special bombs for targeted clearance.

With the cleaning operations of the four fleets in the galaxy, the war ended quickly and the Botha galaxy changed hands.

At this time, the large fleet led by Solda was facing a fleet of the Fengshen Empire, which was half the number, and it was 4 light-years away from the Botha galaxy.

Solda went through two space jumps. Although the other warships in the fleet could make another space jump, Solda didn't order again, because after two space jumps, he was still accurately tracked by the opponent.

Obviously, the space technology of the Fengshen Empire is indeed very advanced. This is definitely a sixth-level civilization, or at least a quasi-level-[-] civilization.

It is almost impossible to escape the pursuit of the sixth-level civilization fleet with space technology, at least Solda can't think of a way to escape now.

Since you can't escape, then fight!
As a soldier, if you can't even run away, you have to die in battle.As for surrendering, that's not what a soldier should do, or what Solda thinks a soldier should do.

"The entire fleet, launch a quantum cannonball attack. After shooting the quantum cannonballs, hit the antimatter cannonballs. My fleet will fight to the death!"

After Solda issued the order for the final decisive battle, the entire fleet immediately launched an attack on the fleet of the Fengshen Empire 1000 million kilometers away in an attack formation.

Countless quantum ripple shells were shot out, and when they approached a certain range, they exploded suddenly, and quantum ripples immediately appeared, spreading towards the fleet of the Fengshen Empire.

The fleet of the Fengshen Empire was still in a virtual state as always, so it didn't care about these quantum ripple shells.

Seeing the Seiler fleet attack, the Fengshen Empire fleet no longer kept it, and also launched quantum ripples.

Seeing that the fleets around his fleet had begun to be annihilated by quantum ripples, Solda suddenly had a heartbeat and gave an order to his brain.

"The flagship is ready for the space jump, first make the flight action of retreating backwards, and then jump 3 seconds before the quantum ripple spreads to the flagship."

In Solda's view, the Fengshen Empire's ability to accurately locate its space jump must have something to do with space energy, but quantum ripples can annihilate all matter. The overflowing space energy is cleared, so that the opponent cannot locate and find himself?

At the same time, Quantum Ripple is an annihilation attack, and there will be no explosion or the like. The flagship space jumps away, similar to the situation of being annihilated, and suddenly disappears.

In this case, if the other party did not monitor carefully, maybe he would have escaped.

The most important thing is that if you can escape, you will escape, if you cannot escape, you will die, of course it is worth taking a gamble.

It was too late, and then it was too late, the quantum ripples spread over, and Solda's flagship also made a space jump, and the large area of ​​Sailor civilization warships in the void was instantly annihilated by the quantum ripples.

There was nothing left in the void, it was empty, as if Sailor's fleet had never existed before.

The Fleet of the Fengshen Empire waited until the spread of the quantum ripples was over, carried out corresponding detection and inspection, and after confirming that there were no leftover items, it immediately carried out a space jump and returned to the Botha galaxy.

In a cosmic void 3 light years away from the battlefield, a flagship battleship of the Sailor civilization flashed out.

Immediately afterwards, it disappeared again, and soon after another 3 light-years away, the flagship appeared again, and then made another 3 light-year space jump.

In the blink of an eye, the flagship was 9 light-years away from the battlefield just now, and 13 light-years away from the Botha Galaxy.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you are really wise. We seem to have escaped the enemy's detection. Where should we go now? Should we go to the nearby Desean galaxy, or return directly to the capital galaxy?"

As a wise man, Urs couldn't help admiring Solda's clever idea and unexpectedly escaping the detection of the Fengshen Empire.

"No, we can no longer go back to the Kingdom of Seiler. The kingdom is no match for the Fengshen Empire. I feel that they are just using us for military training, otherwise they can destroy us in a shorter time." Solda said.

As a brave man who has explored the universe for many years, Solda has fully understood the plan of the Fengshen Empire. If he returns to the central star field of the kingdom at this time, it will be tantamount to throwing himself into a trap.

Now, I can only take this flagship and escape alone. Although the population of the flagship is insufficient and there is no corresponding gene pool prepared, escape is the top priority now.

This position is still very dangerous now, and it is necessary to escape from the 200 light-year star field of the Seiler Kingdom. At that time, it is estimated that it is unlikely to encounter the interception of the Fengshen Empire.

Solda called up the star map, observed it carefully, and then issued an escape route to Zhinao.

In addition to the need for three consecutive space jumps at the beginning, this route will then go through conventional navigation, sneak through a meteorite area, and then cross a complex galaxy area, and then you can use superluminal navigation to continue away.

The most dangerous part of this route is the beginning, because according to the current battlefield situation, this area should be the area with the most patrol fleets of the Fengshen Empire.

If during the space jump, you accidentally encounter the fleet of the Fengshen Empire again, you probably won't be able to escape.

If you pass through this voyage safely, and pass through the complex galaxy region with a square radius of 30 light years, you will actually reach the edge of the star field controlled by the Kingdom of Seiler, and you can travel away quickly at superluminal speed.

Solda looked at the projection screen nervously, and gave instructions to the brain.

"The first space jump!"

The flagship completed the space jump, and the brain did not have any warning sounds. It seems that there is no patrol fleet of the Fengshen Empire in this area.

Come on.

"The second space jump!"

There was still no problem, just when Solda ordered another space jump.

"Didi, the space jump energy reserve is insufficient. If you jump, unpredictable things may happen. Do you want to continue the space jump?"

The brain suddenly issued a warning of insufficient energy.

Solda was a little dazed for a moment, and only then did he realize that his flagship had jumped 7 times in a row, of which 6 were the largest distance jumps.

Although the flagship's energy equipment is sufficient after all, so the number of space jumps is more than that of ordinary warships, but it is not unlimited.

I was a little optimistic when I just calculated, what should I do now?
"Intelligent brain, calculate how far this part of energy can jump in space?"

"Commander, you can make a space jump of 1.5 light years!"

"Okay, make a space jump of 1.5 light years immediately!" Solda gave the order.

In the next second, the flagship disappeared into the void again.

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(End of this chapter)

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