live on the computer

Chapter 313 Solda's End

Chapter 313 Solda's End
About half an hour after Solda's flagship disappeared, a fleet suddenly appeared in the void, and the shape of the battleship was exactly the fleet of the Fengshen Empire.

This is a fleet of [-] warships, and the flagship is a new emperor-class battleship "Ming Chengzu".

At this time, Major General Zhuo Yuan was looking at the star map in the command room of "Ming Chengzu". This star field belongs to the patrol area in charge of the 88th Fleet.

At present, the fleet is not patrolling in a decentralized manner like other fleets, but is constantly spreading "Pathfinder 8" to build a detection network.

In Zhuo Yuan's opinion, the current war is going on, and it is not ruled out that the enemy will escape in an organized way. If they disperse now, if they meet, there is a possibility of capsizing in the gutter.

After all, ants kill elephants more often, not to mention the Celer fleet who are desperately fleeing for their lives, the possibility of jumping over the wall in a hurry is still very high.

At this time, Zhuo Yuan looked at a faint red dot in the detection network, and couldn't help being a little surprised. This red dot meant that there was space energy detected by the nearby "Pathfinder 8".

How can there be space energy overflowing in this position?And the energy level seems to be very low, it doesn't look like a fleet, so is it a private exploration spaceship of the Sailors?

However, the Seiler's private exploration spacecraft should not have the ability to jump in space, so did it just complete the super-light flight and come out of the curvature space, so the space energy overflowed?
"Forget it, don't think about it, just go and have a look?" Zhuo Yuan was thinking.

A voice sounded, "Zhuo Yuan, have you seen anything? This patrol is really boring! Look at other fleets attacking the Sailor Kingdom, but we are actually patrolling.

I don't know what the headquarters thinks. This kind of patrolling and arresting civilian fugitive spaceships can be done by a few squadrons. Why do we have so many fleets dispatched?

It is absolutely possible to organize us into the 8th fleet. It is best to use our Commander Chen as the commander of the large fleet, that would be perfect. "

Zhuo Yuan couldn't help but smile a little, and said, "Brother Chen Qi, don't think too much, our patrol mission is very important, letting go of a spaceship of the Sailors means setting up a hiding place. enemies, who knows when they will rise again.

Well, here you go, the detection network seems to have found something. "As he spoke, he told Chen Qi what he had just discovered.

Speaking of which, their pair of partners is also a bit strange, Chen Qi is obviously twice as old as Zhuo Yuan, but his personality is very out of character, on the contrary he seems younger than Zhuo Yuan, and he still refuses to let Zhuo Yuan call him "Chen Chief of Staff", said that it was too natural, in the end Zhuo Yuan had no choice but to call him Big Brother.

After Chen Qi heard it, he immediately shouted: "Then what are you waiting for, let's send two squadrons to space jump over there to have a look, why didn't you say 'Pathfinder 8' took any relevant video?"

Zhuo Yuan smiled wryly and said: "Look carefully, the nearest 'Pathfinder 8' is 2 light-years away, if it weren't for the space energy detector, it would not be found at all."

Chen Qi said: "It's good to find out, how about it, two squadrons are enough?"

"Well, let's go to the 832 and 833 squadrons." Zhuo Yuan nodded.

Following the order, the large fleet quickly split into two squadrons, then combined into a standard formation, and then jumped towards that coordinate space.

At this time, the Solda flagship, which had just appeared there not long ago, was sailing in the direction of a meteorite area at full speed at a speed close to half of the speed of light in a conventional way, and soon entered the meteorite area.

Just after the flagship Solda entered the meteorite area, a fleet appeared at the place where the flagship Solda had just jumped over.

The detection system immediately discovered that a Sailor flagship was sailing in the meteorite area 1000 million kilometers away, and the fleet immediately reported to the top while chasing the battleship at full speed.

The normal speed of the warships of the Fengshen Empire is two-thirds of the speed of light, which is faster than that of the Sailors.

Solda's flagship also spotted the Fengshen Empire's fleet almost at the same time, and Solda's heart suddenly became cold.

Then he gritted his teeth and ordered: "Intelligent brain, immediately enter superluminal voyage!"

"Didi, the battleship is in the meteorite area, traveling faster than the speed of light has certain unfathomable dangers, are you sure to enter?"

"It doesn't matter, sail faster than the speed of light immediately!"

Solda's flagship is like a stray dog, recklessly entering the state of superluminal flight, and countless meteorites are smashed or knocked into the air by the curved space, making the curved space extremely unstable.

At this time, if there is a problem in the curved space, the warship in it will be broken or cut in an instant when the curvature space collapses.

"Hehe, this battleship is desperate!" The commander of the 832 Squadron smiled, and the command fleet suddenly jumped to the place where Solda's hyperspace flight trajectory must pass, and there was already out of the meteorite area.

The entire meteorite area is 3 light-years in size. The 832 Squadron jumped over it, and the 833 Squadron followed closely behind. However, they did not venture into superluminal speed. Instead, they opened the dimensional shield to let the battleship blur and advance at full speed.

All the meteorites can't touch the battleship. The fleet passes through the meteorite area at high speed. Although it is not as fast as the enemy ship's super-light speed, it only needs to follow. Anyway, the 832 squadron is waiting in front.

At this time, the image of the Solda flagship has been sent back to the command room of the 88th Fleet. Seeing the size of this flagship, Zhuo Yu was a little surprised. The battleship is gone.

Why did it appear here, and it is still in a state of fleeing alone. Is it a new inheritance battleship of the Seiler civilization, which adopts a single-ship model this time?
Thinking in my heart, I have immediately reported the information here to the headquarters.

Dunka Galaxy, Fengshen Empire Frontline Headquarters, New War God Command Hall.

"Hey, Zhuo Yuan's fleet has discovered a flagship battleship of the Sailors, and they are fleeing alone, and are currently tracking them." Zhuang Yun couldn't help reading out the latest information when he saw the latest report.

"Oh, you arranged that kid Zhuo Yuan to go on patrol?" Zhang Wenhao also leaned over to take a look.

Zhuang Yun was watching, and suddenly his expression changed, and he said: "The No. [-] intelligence just did a comparison and analysis. The flagship of the Sailors should be the ship of Solda, the commander of the Botha galaxy. It is strange. The battle report just reported by Dingnan , Didn’t it mean that Solda’s fleet was completely wiped out?”

"Is this Solda the guy who captured the humans on Earth mentioned in Prince Steele's confession?" Zhang Wenhao asked.

Zhuang Yun nodded and said, "That's right, it was him! How did his flagship escape from the attack of the Dingnan Fleet?"

"Wang Dingnan actually had such a loophole this time. A flagship as big as Solda can let it escape from under his nose? Inform him to send back the video data of the battlefield as soon as possible, so that No. [-] intelligence can analyze it carefully to prevent similar things from happening. .” Zhang Wenhao said.

"Yes, I will contact Dingnan right away. Fortunately, Zhuo Yuan found out, so he can think of a way to try to capture Solda alive." Zhuang Yun said.

"Haha, it's a good time to test this kid and see if he, the 'little Zhuge', can capture Solda alive." Zhang Wenhao said cheerfully.

"Zhuo Yuan, the flagship of the Sailors, unexpectedly escaped from the admiral of the Botha galaxy, and the commander is actually the most important war criminal.

Now we are in a difficult situation, the headquarters actually asked us to find a way to capture Solda alive! "Chen Qi projected the message from the headquarters for Zhuo Yuan to see.

Zhuo Yuan turned around from before the star map projection, quickly glanced at the information in the projection, and then said: "This Solda is so cunning that he can slip away from the admiral's eyes. We must also be careful .

Space detection instruments must be turned on [-]/[-]. As long as he escapes through space jumps, it will be difficult to escape our observation range. "

"Zhuo Yuan, this is not a problem, the problem is how to capture it alive? As long as the other party comes to a battleship and blows itself up, we won't be able to catch it alive." Chen Qi said anxiously.

"Well, this is indeed a problem. Let me think about it." Zhuo Yuan was thinking while watching the pictures sent back by the 832 and 833 squadrons.

Suddenly, the scene of the 833 Squadron passing through the dense meteorite belt in a blurred state displayed on the screen made his heart move.

"Brother Chen Qi, I thought of a way to use the method of dimension teleportation to send intelligent robot fighters into the interior of the battleship.

Then, on the one hand, they can occupy the important facilities in the battleship, and on the other hand, they can access the internal network of the battleship, so that the No. [-] intelligence can control their battleship intelligence brain, so that Solda becomes a turtle in the urn. "Zhuo Yuanxu said.

Chen Qi looked at Zhuo Yuan with bright eyes, and said: "I regret it! I should have more children, then I will definitely have a daughter, and I can introduce it to you now, and then I can be your father-in-law.

what a pity!pity!What a good son-in-law, no chance. "

Zhuo Yuan heard a black line, and said quickly: "Big brother, report to the headquarters quickly, we need the support of Smart No. [-]!"

Chen Qi informed Zhinao to report to the headquarters, and ordered the 832 and 833 squadrons to arrange a group of intelligent robot fighters to be on standby at any time. When Solda's warship found a meteorite belt, it would be forced to return to normal from the hyperspace flight.

After all, dimensional teleportation cannot be carried out on warships traveling faster than the speed of light in the curvature space.

Once Solda exits the curvature space, he will immediately start the dimension teleportation to ensure that the entire battleship is controlled in the shortest possible time, avoiding the situation where the opponent jumps over the wall and explodes the warship.

Zhuo Yuan is still making calculations to see if there are loopholes in this plan.At this time, Zhuo Yuan saw Solda rushing wildly, and he was secretly glad that with the 832 warships of the 833 and 1002 squadrons, he did not scare Solda into despair and directly blew up the warship.

So Zhuo Yuan didn't dare to lead the rest of the fleet to rush there now, lest Solda see tens of thousands of warships surrounding it and explode himself.

Solda had already collapsed a bit at this time. He really didn't expect that after running for a long time, there would be a fleet of thousands of warships here.

But now my battleship has no space jumping energy, with the space jumping ability of the Fengshen Empire battleship, I'm afraid I can't escape.

"Urs, it seems we can't escape." Solda sighed.

Urs said sadly: "Your Excellency, Commander, this is not your fault. Our technological level is indeed inferior to that of the Fengshen Empire. I support any decision you make."

"Intellect, exit the FTL state! Prepare to surrender!" Solda ordered.

Urs couldn't help but looked at Solda in surprise, this order surprised him a bit.

"Zhinao, prepare for the self-destruction of the battleship. Once the landing ship sent by the other party approaches, it will explode immediately. At any rate, we must drag a landing ship to die together." Solda did not care about Urs' gaze, and continued to order Zhinao .

At this moment, the battleship had just flown out of the meteorite belt, and it emerged from the void in an instant. At the same time, Solda had already seen from the projection screen of the observation system that a fleet of about 1000 ships was approaching 500 million kilometers ahead, and A fleet of the same size is constantly catching up.

"There is indeed no way to escape." Solda sighed again.

"Didi, the enemy has sent a message asking us to surrender!" The brain prompt sounded.

"Agree to surrender, please send someone to accept the surrender, we will immediately turn off the main engine and open the entrance and exit of the battleship." Solda said.

A landing ship flew out from one of the battleships at the front and flew towards Solda's flagship.

"Intellect, prepare for the self-destruction program!" Solda said, staring at the landing ship flying on the screen.

"Didi, there are enemies invading the battleship!"

"Damn it! How did they come in? Zhinao, start the self-destruct program immediately!" Solda was shocked and ordered immediately.

"The self-explosion program is started, the countdown is 30 seconds!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, thank you for taking care of me all the time!" After Urs finished speaking, he slowly closed his small eyes.

"Unfortunately, I can no longer continue to explore the universe with you!" Solda said with emotion.

Time passed by second by second.

Urs opened his eyes and asked in surprise: "Your Excellency, the time for self-destruct should have passed long ago. Why didn't the battleship self-destruct?"

Solda's gray face became even more ashen, and he walked towards a podium where there was a laser pistol that he treasured.

With a bang, the hatch of the command room was opened. Solda looked back and saw a group of tall robots rushing in. Before he could react, he was knocked down to the ground.

Urs was also knocked down, unable to move at all.

Solda noticed that the appearance of these robots seemed to be somewhat similar to that of a certain intelligent race he had encountered.

 Today's second update, thank you book friends for your subscription and rewards!Please recommend tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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